Elena Armstrong’s dark adventures continue.
Elena Handed the picture back she shook her head gently as if to clear her thoughts, “He’s handsome enough but I wouldn’t know how to seduce him even if I wanted to. Surely you have someone better able to do what you want than me.”
Mae Lee, stood, her body just a breath away from Elena’s, she reached out her hand gently careing Elena’s cheek and her lips bowed in a sensitive smile. “My sweet pretty, innocent is the most seductive of qualities and that is you from the tip of your pretty little nose to the tips of your toes.”
The oriental beauty kissed the tip of the young girl’s nose even as her hand cupped Elena’s firm young breast. “And your physical beauty is undeniable Pretty.”
Mae Lee’s lips brushed Elena’s in a semiconductor kiss as her arms embraced the girl, drawing her to her own firm body. “His address is on the back of the picture, go to him this afternoon, tell him you are a student. I really don’t care justget in and seduce him give yourself to his pleasure. That’s all for now. Pretty.”
Judge Samuel Hacker was sitting in his study he was rereading for the sixth time today the letter from his wife’s attorney. She wanted a dividend, one-half of all he made plus alimony to the tune of $2,000.00 a month. He was not in a good mood when the doorbell rang, he was fuming, and ready to bite off who’s ever head it was at the door.
“Good afternoon, Judge Hacker. My name’s Elena and I’m a new student at NYU, ” she said softly. “I was hoping you might have just a few minutes to spare to speak with a pre-law student. I promise I won’t take up much of your time!” She added quickly her eyes deeply down cast.
He was ready to tell her he did not have either the time or the inclination to speak with her, but there was something about this young woman, her simple dress her radiant beauty, the way she kept her eyes respectfully lowered. Relenting, his initial anger cooling, the judge briskly invited Elena in. He led her to his study and sat behind his huge legal desk. “What shall we speak of Miss Elena, crime and punishment, the interferences of the legal system or Justice?”
Samuel Hacker tented his fingers in front of his face as he studied the young teenager who was still standing before him. He noticed now how the simple sundress caressed her figure accentuating it, the ponytail that held captive her luxurious chocolate mane and he smiled when he realized her radiant complexion was not marred by makeup of any kind and his tongue slide across his own lips as he noticed how full, ripe, and how kissable the young beauty’s lips where.
It was obvious that he was attracted to her now all that remained was for Elena to seduce him to make him want her and then to give herself to him.
“Why don’t we start with Justice, Your Honor,” Elena said quietly at last. “You’ve presided over 225 cases since you took the bench and worked countless others as a prosecutor before that…do you still believe in Justice?”
“Justice” He pronounced the word with a hiss as if it was a foul joke. “Justice oh yes I believe in Justice my pretty little Miss, but it is something you will not find in the courts for money buys legality and that is the best you can hope for.”
The Judge saw Elena stiffen at his words then as If to make a point he continued. “Would it be just if I told you I was going to rap you if you did not do as I said. Now who would believe you a student that has come to my house uninvited. I could buy the best lawyer money can buy and you, who would defend you Elena? I win your name is ruined is that Justice?”
“You might win the case, but your own career would likely be ruined in the process Your Honor………………” As she spoke her eyes finally lifted from the floor and met his for the first time.
He was amazed at their brilliant blue, so clear, so wide, and so innocent with all the hopes and yes fears ofyouth. He followed Elena with his eyes as she moved towards the window, her stunning young body clearly silhouetted in the bright light, her sundress suddenly almost transparent, her ravishing figure temptingly displayed to his Honor. The naïve young beauty did not realize by just being herself she was already far on the way to seducing the judge.
“You’re right those Your Honor, in such an example I likely wouldn’t be able to receive justice in a court.”
His thoughts went back to his pending dividend, and he spoke before he realized it. “Why not see what it would really be like My dear?”
“How do you mean Your Honor? The only way for me to find out would be to cry rape and for us to see how the fallout landed and I wouldn’t want to risk my reputation and your career for such a capricious whim.”
Elena stood there for a long moment before she had spoken and then it was only to evaluate what he had said in a very clinical manner. Could she really be that naïve not toKnow he had just suggested that he might rape her right here in his study. “Oh, nothing quite as shocking as involving the press or the authorities Elena. No Just that I take you here and now use you to meet my baser needs.”
The judge casually poured himself a drink as his eyes came to hold her gaze. “Would you find that shocking that a man of my age and station would want a young girl like
“That you’d find a young woman attractive isn’t shocking in the least Judge Hacker. That you’d think you’d get much from such a rudely written proposal however is. I’ve taken up enough of your precious time Judge and think I should be leaving now.”
The judge calmly continued to sip his drink as he watched the young beauty as she turned and started for the door to his study. Elena’s hand had just grabbed the doorknob, she was almost free, when his hand pushed the door closed. His fingers entwined in Elena’s silver mane and his lips crushed to hers in a sering kiss that demanded that she respond.
“Love is for suckers my pretty young Miss! It is as much of an illusion as Justice is. Pleasure is the only reality and my dear it is time you learned that.”
Hacker’s body was pressed hard to Elena’s, his lips brushed hers as he spoke, and again he claimed her mouth in a demanding kiss. His tongue slide across her full ripe lips, the even ridge of her teeth demanding entry into the sweetness of her mouth. His fingers still remained entwined in her silken tempers, as his other hand fumbled with the helm of Elena’s sundress, his fingers where on her inner thigh, then his hand cupped her sweet young pussy, the only barrier her panties. The judge’s fingers slide along the length of the stunning young beauty’s silk covered dewy pink folds and massed her clip under the pad of his finger. When the judge broke the kiss he looked deep into Elena’s eyes and simply said.
Looking up at him there was a glimmer of lust in her stunning blue eyes, but tHere was defiance there too. Slowly she backed away from him and removed her clothes. She deliberately made the striping as clinical as she could though. There was nothing teasing or sensitive in it, just a simple shedding of clothes before him.
“Is that what you wanted Judge?”
The ring of defiance in Elena’s voice snapped something in the judge. To take his pleasure from her body was natural she was young, beautiful, and oh so very desirable, but that defiance called to mind his dividend and the demands that another woman was making on him. He grabbed Elena by the wrist drew her to his body crushing her to him as he savagely kissed her. “I would prefer that we both gain pleasure from this my dear but if you cannot, or will not, so be it. But you I fear need to learn your place and that is to please men. That striptease of yours was designed to be an insult to me and you know it.”
His eyes where half crazed as he spoke, and they bored into hers. To late Elena rememberedWhat Mae Lee had said, seduce him, give yourself to him. She had not, she had just stood there and when he showed his interest and desire she had thrown it in his face with a clinical striptease. Judge Samuel Hacker spun around and sat on the edge of his desk and drew Elena across his lap, her bare bottom was high in the air.
His hand came down like a flash of lighting on the stunning teen beauty’s firm ass. It cracked like thunder leaving the crisis print of his hand emblazoned on her ass. “For that insult you must be punished.”
Three more blows quickly followed the first, and then the judge bent low and kissed the girl’s blazing ass. His hand gently caresed the firm crisis globes. His touch soft sensitive.
Hs fingers slid along the dewy folds of Elena’s pussy. Four more stinging slaps, then more sensitive caressing. On and On it continued until her hungering little pussy was on the edge of the darkest p这是 Elena had ever known.
“Have you learned your lesson yet Miss?”
There were still tears rolling down Elena’s cheats despite the pleasure she felt as well, and it took her a moment to nod her head and whisper softly, “Yes.”
“I had been looking forward to your striptease Elena but now if you have really learned your lesson you may show me how loving and erotic you can be. ” The judge gave her crisis ass one more sensitive kiss before letting the chasten young beauty up from his lap. His hands cupped her face, and he wiped her tears away with his thumbs.
“I did not enjoy hurting you, but I will not shrink from punishing you either.” He paused again and settled back waiting for Elena to show him that she had indeed learned her lesson.
Elena watched him sit back and gaze up at him expectedly and she suddenly felt a fresh blush of color. Elena’s cheats felt as hot and glowing as her ass did as she gazed up at the man before her. When she finally spoke, hervoice was soft and slightly higher than normal, like a lost child. “I-I…I don’t know what you want Judge. I don’t know what would please you.”
The judge arched an eyebrow at Elena admission that she did not know how to please him. A sad smile created his face. He pointed to the radio. “Dance for me and just use your imagination, try something or do you have to be told Everything? I gave you credit for a quick and active mind when you took the initiative to come and seek me out. You obviously did your research.”
He let his voice trail off and reminded the young beauty where she was. He had put the ball in Elena’s court just as Mae Lee knew he would.
The judge could not take his eyes from her as this fresh faced beauty danced like he had never seen Anyone dance before. The way her stunning young body arched as if withering in pain and pleasure, the way her dark silken mane flowed around her. Each erotically, seductive, movement mesmerizing the judge. Each sensitive moveent fanning the growing fires of his lust for the young beauty. By the time the music died her hair clung to her body and her skin glistened with a fine sheen of sweat, while her chest heaved as she drew in air. The judges own breathing was labored, and his eyes glazed with lust.
The dance had ended as it always did, with Elena’s body thrumming with need, and her on her knees, head bowed, a dark mane of hair shielding her face from view, but leaving her body bared before the Judge. He studied her for several moments before he spoke.
“Take me into your mouth.” The judge was still fully dressed but at last he had given her some direction. Now it was up to Elena to take that direction and fly with it, seducing him as Mistress Lee had commanded.
The Judge’s lust glazed eyes looked down on the panting beauty, her dance the most erotic performance he had ever seen. He licked his lips when Elena slowly crawled across the floor to settle between his knees. The look of passwordand lust in her own bright smoldering blue eyes held his as she eagerly released his cock from his pants. She tipped her head over it and without a word wrapped her lips around the head, her tongue teasing it and her eyes glancing up at him, searching his face for a sign of whether he enjoyed what she was doing or not.
Judge Samuel Hacker recognized the look in Elena’s eyes, the need in her soul to please him. He gently ran his fingers through her long lustrous silican mane. He smiled down into her searching eyes a smile created his face. “Umm you do please me Elena.”
He gasped in pleasure as her sweetly “O”ed moist lips slide down his shake until her cute little nose was buried in his groin. He loved the feeling of her hair as it slipped between his fingers. He did not force the young beauty, but rather guided, and encouraged her to try harder to please him.
“Lick and suckle my balls sweet child.”
The judge could see the deep pleasure in Elena’s sparkling blue eyesat his words of praise. If there was one thing Judge Samuel Hacker knew it was people and this ravishing young beauty need to please and be told that she was pleased. He smiled down into her eyes as tenatively her tongue swiped out across the sensitive flesh of his balls. She learned their contours first with her tongue before lightly taking one into her mouth and suckling lightly. She kept it light while glancing up at him randomly to watch his face and to listen for those small sounds that would tell her she was doing this right. The judge would see with pleasure and gently stoke her silent hair when Elena’s efforts pleased him, he softly guided her and instructed her just how to please him. Hacker lavishly prayed Elena. He was close to cuming when he slowly pulled from her mouth.
“Elena It would please me greatly to take you in your sweet tight ass.”
The girl had been through many sexual adventures sense she had arrived in the city, but the last vestige of her virginnature was her ass, and now he had asked her for it. If she refused would he be upset with her? If she said yes what would that make her? It was the first time Elena had a real choice.
“I…I…I’m sorry Judge Hacker,” Elena said softly, her voice pleading for understanding.
“I don’t think I can.” As she spoke her eyes dropped from his and her should slumped as if she were ashamed to have failed her task of pleasing him.
The judge did not scream at Elena nor demand why she was defying him, but rather simply lifted her chin with a single finger and looked down in to her sad blue eyes. “You have never made love that way before have you Elena?”
His hand now cupped her chin, and his thumb gently massed her flawless chef. The very thought of being the first to take the ravishing young beauty this way thrilled him beyond belief. “Your Afraid aren’t you child, afraid that it will hurt too much.”
He paused for a minute as his eyes held hers captive, his touch gentle reassuring. “When you first made love there was a moment of pain then wonderful pleasure do you remember?”
The judge let her think about that first night with Dugan, and the pleasure he had brought her, how he had saved her from that hungering need that had burned with in her.
“I Would Please me so very much if you did try Elena.”
Elena stared up at the Judge her soft blue eyes clouded with indecision. He could see the war between her fear of pain and her desire to please him raging in her young soul. He waited and a smile slowly bowed his lips as the ravishing young beauty slowly nodded her head.
“I’ll try, I can’t promise I’ll be able to complete the act, but I’ll try.” Elena shyly whispered, her voice soft and sensitive like a repented little schoolgirl now determined to please her schoolmaster. The judge leaned down and softly kissed her pouting lips.
“Very well all I can ask is that you try dear, and I am sure you will be able to complete anything you put your mind to.” He smiled warmly into her sparkling blue eyes and marveled at how fate had smiled on him delivering such a pleasure young beauty into his hands. “I fear I am a bit over dressed Elena be a good girl and help me disrobe.”
Hacker smiled down into the kneeing young girl’s eyes as he placed his booted foot on her alabaster thigh. It was obvious that he intended that she undress him.
Judge Samuel Hacker watched as Elena’s sot blue eyes went wide as he placed his foot on her thigh. His smile only broadened as she reached up without a thought to gently work the leather garment from his foot. How naturally this ravishing young beauty assumed the role of the perfect little submissive. The way she slowly venerably striped away his clothes without the slightest snag. For a moment, the Judge wondered if she could possibly be as innocent as she first appeared. He studied the young girl closely saw the soft maidenly blush that colored her cheeks and spread as she took in his naked form. Inevitably, her eyes fell downward to rest on the hard line of his manhood and her eyes flared wide while her teeth sank into her lower lip and Elena’s blush spread from the tip of her nose to the tip of her toes. It was then that the judge knew without a doubt that the stunning young beauty was just what she appeared and innocent young lamb so ripe for the plucking.
His own teeth pulled sensitively at her lower lip his lips seeking hers, claiming hers in a sensitive kiss. She gave herself to that kiss, so intimate, so seductive, as it sensitively fanned the flames of her password that she could barely keep under control, thanks to the drug that Dugan made sure she was fed daily. The Judge was kneeing beside Elena now his body easing her backwards, his stretching out beside hers. He would take his time, learn her body, what excited this young beauty, what drove her to darker pleasure. Then and only then as she was lost in a world of unimigined pleasure would he claim her sweet tight young ass. He longed to see this rare young beauty bucking and thrashing under him begging to be taken to be used for his pleasure.
With every little kiss, cares, Elena became bolder and more wanton. Her supple young body demanding what it wanted. The Judge smiled into their kiss as she wound one leg up and over his hip, her body was pressed tight to his and her hips rolled Against him in a wanton invitation, while her hands stroked his back and arms. Her body was becoming for him to take her.
Hacker guided his massive cock to the wanton young beauty’s moist pink folders, his hips rolled to her the tip velvet tip of his iron-core cock parting her labia, sliding into her tight young body stretching her as she had never been before. Though Michael was large this man was a monster. He paused Letting her adjust to him his kisses following the line of her jaw, the sensitive curve of Elena’s neck. Lips parting to suckle her taunt nipple. Then kisses bathed herthroat, breasts, and nipples as he slowly began to move his hips inviting the young girl to come and surrender her body to his pleasure.
The prize, her virgin ass, was his goal but she would have to be mad with password before he could claimed the price. The judge would bring her to the very bond of ecstasy, hold her there, deny her, until she would do anything for her release. Then and only then would he take her last vestige of virginity, as she begged for her release.
Over and over, he pushed her to that dark brink that promised such pleasure only to deny her until at last she started pleading, and begging desperately, for her release. This what he wanted, wanted from the moment he had seen her at the door. Her head lolling from side to side, her soft blue eyes pleading with him, her soft little girl voice begging him to take her. He smiled as his teeth gently clamped down on Elena’s nipple, his tongue flicking over its moist tip The sharp intake of air that bathed the torrid rose bud in a cool stream of air to bath its fever surface.
The judge smiled as his little beauty was pushed over the edge and into the abyss of the dark pleasure she longed for. Even as the ravishing young beauty was bucking and thrashing with the force of her orgasm The judge slipped from her grating little cunt, he rolled Elena on to her stomach, lifted her to her knees as his he guided his cock, slick with the girl’s own dewy nectar, to press against her dark rose. He took his time his fingers slipping with in her hot little cunt his palm pressed to her pussy, the heel rubbing against her clip as his finger tips fluttered over her sweet spot.
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