The Perfect Sex Robot Ch. 06

Sex robot M3 – Evening of day 3.

I got home and opened my dresser to find it empty. I had forgotten momentarily that Genie, my controller, had locked my normal clothes in a remote operated footlocker.

I went to the footlocker and it was still locked. I unplugged it but it did not release so I plugged it back in. The digital lock could only be opened by her, over the internet… I heard Genies voice from my computer:

“M3, you did a nice job cleaning all that stuff for me. I have Lectures tomorrow and tutorials the rest of the week. You will be given a week long assignment and you will be making regular Journal entries…. Um… Now, take off that lab coat.”

I took off the coat and let it drop to the floor. The front half of my body covered in red and black marker pen like a crazy Yakuza tattoo.

The black writing on my dick was now too scrunched up to read. I looked down to read my chest but struggled to make any of it out.

“Head up! Pick up that lab coat and fold it neighborly into the locker.”

I bent down to pick up the coat and got a whistle from Genie. She was watching through the webcams dotted around my ground floor flat.

Genie didn’t say anything for a few moments but I could hear rustling sounds of subtle rhythmic movement through the yahoo messenger connection. The new hook up to the stereo was bringing background sounds through I never got before.

Genies voice a little deeper and breathy:

“I found your profile at Collarme so I want you to post your journal there as well as send it to me. I have an ad for you at slavefarm and I will be giving interested parties your collarme details. (Hmm, hah mm mm mm mm)..

…If you feel you can’t continue for any reason please send me a text. I lost the last test subject During a public session and would hate to lose you too…”

I felt like I should say something comfortable. Even though I was being blackmailed into her fantasy toy, even though I was standing naked covered in marker pen for solely her and her friends’ …or clients?… amusement, a captive in my own flat, I felt like I should be reassuring her some how I wanted to please her, no like I needed to.

I nodded in agreement. The act of nodding felt a little like bowing. I felt the domination deeply, I felt the shade, I tried to hide it… I couldn’t speak… I was getting aroused. Not speaking just felt like deeper submission. My mind was in a spin.

After another short pause and a satisfied little exhaust into the mic. Genie went on:

“I really was torn about renting you out, but the looks on your face when I humiliate you in public are just too delicious. When we reach your limit, send me a text and I will release you…”

A look of hope must have shown on my marker-covered face before I heard:

” …after I post all your pictures and ID on my blog and your videos on Youtube, well, with a little comical music and editing of course. Maybe you’ll goviral (he-he-he).”

Walking back down the hall to my desk as I listened to her over the yahoo connection. A soft hum and a rhythmic kind of squeak, like someone swinging on an old chair… The sounds got louder. On some level I must have known what it was before I was consciousness of it.

My erection grow.

I heard a surprised gasp as I got to the desk, now fully erect and then the muted click of the mic off button.

My computer monitor came to life and on the desktop picture of me being branded on the balls was now replaced with me with naked in profile on a steel table with an erection inside a pigs mouth from earlier.

Genie giggled to herself as she watched my reaction over yahoo. Her voice soft and deep like she was leaning closer to the mic.

“Ow, you look so sad, and, hmm… it’s good to see you can get it up without my prostate electronede… take a step back and turn slowly all the way around.”

I compiled, looking more disheartened I guess, my erection waggling as I took small steps turning a 360.

“Honey, don’t feel bad, you are really doing well as my sex robot. I know! Do some star jumps, exercise is good for depression.” Her voice smiling, almost geneuine. I jumped and my dick flailed wildly; slapping my thigh and belly button each jump in and out.

“Now hands on knees, keep jumping legs in and out.”

A few more jumps before:

“Now turn and jump… slowly.”

After I turned through another 360:

“OK, nice work, and still with a very healthy little erection… I will miss you next week. Look down at your cock and read out the writing.”

I looked down but the writing was on the side, I grabbed hold to turn it round and Genie barked:

“Stop that, I said read, not play with it!”

I leaned over sideways and read: ‘Meat puppet’… and on the other side, ‘Pussy boy’ and three smudged signatures.

Genie didn’t comment just saying:

“Now take a shower, later, I want to see a lotof bubbles. You might have to use a brush to remove that ink.”

Genie paused as she waited for me to walk to the shower. As I washed she called out instructions for me to wash here or there and bend and pose. She got me to switch off the water before lathering my whole body up.

I could clearly here her voice from my stereo all the way through my small apartment. I wondered who else could here and it gave me a little thrill and a sick feeling at the same time.

Some more lathering and then no instructions for a few minutes. I was getting cold and leaned out to look towards the computer desk to hear Genie cum loudly over the Yahoo connection.

I got very aroused and stepped out of the shower with a massive soapy hard on to hear:

“Get the Gen 3 Human control harness and put it on!” Genie’s words fast cracking through a long and vocal orgasm.

I fumbled with the harness but got it on, getting the cock ring on over my erection was a struggle.

“Upload your journal to collarme, but only half a day at a time, I want you to attract some readers with a bit of suspension.” A calmer and more controlled command from my invisible controller.

Naked soapy and strapped into an electron control harness, cockring, shock collar and but plug electronede I edited my notes and posted them to collarme journal page. Wet and shivering a little I lost wood very quickly.

I was typing away when I feel a shock and fall off the chair. My arms and legs bent and stiff.

Genie said, “Just a minute… sorry, wrong button.” I was locked up on the floor shaking from the electric current and Genie calmly said:

“What does it feel like?”

I said: “Burning and crushing.”

Genie said: “Can you speak?”

I said louder, “Like b-burning and crushing on my legs and arms!”

Genie said, “Ow, your mic. One moment, there, now what did you say?” I could see her move my mouse via the remote desktop.

I answered again a little more panicked “It’s burning and crushing” a moment later I felt the harness shut off and I got back on the chair. I felt a bit hurt. I mean I feel like that was just cruel and not sexy or anything. It really hurt.

As soon as I sat down my arms clnched tight again and the burning returned. Genie said nothing as I sat pulling ageized faces in front of the monitor like a tortured praying mantis. I feel the current in the harness shut off and Genie said,

“Hmm, I must have mislabeled that control. I will have M2 look at that later. M3 Put a towel on and go out the front for a moment.”

I did and when I got to the garden area in front of the web cam in the window I felt the harness kick again. This time my legs collapsed, completely jelly. I fell to the ground and broke my fall with my arms. Once on the ground my arms were paralyzed as well. My towel falling open and scratchy grass sticking to my body.

After about five or ten minutes on the ground I saw a car drive past very slowly. It passed again and parked across the street. I tried to call out but got a painful shock from the anti bark collar stopping any sound from coming out.

A large woman stood at the path looking at me on the ground. She took out her phone and sent a text. My legs shot out straight and I was face down on the ground with electricity running down my legs. The woman walked over to me and took my towel. I was now naked wet and wriggling out the front of my place unable to get up.

Who was she? A neighbor who had overheard my controller? A prude texting the police? Just a random driver passing by? I wanted to speak but really didn’t want that anti bark collar going off again or attract any one else to my prediction. I felt deep shadow.

The woman received a text, walked closer and throw the towel over my head. She stood on my balls with the tip of her pointy shoes, I tried to scream but only air sound came out. The woman left and as she drove off I was freed from the electrubber current immobilizing my limbs. I went back in the house and started getting dressed.

I fell to the ground again. Genie released the electricity from her terminal and said, “Ow, …that –was- fun. How are your balls? Don’t answer. That lady has agreed to take care of you this week. Now lets practice asking for permission.”

I started to speak and the collar cut out the sound with another painful shock.

Genie explained: “Now-now M3, to speak you must ask permission. Crawl over here and ask.”

I crawled to the computer and started to type and feel my arms fall away as the current took away my motor control.

Genie trailed, ” Ha-ha! That’s better, but I want to see you write me a note asking for permission… with that pen in your mouth.”

I did and Genie said, “Good M3, very good, permission to speak…


If I where you I’d wear a high collar tomorrow to work to hide that harness. Pack an over night bag, tomorrow you are the houseboy for Ms Rose.

To be continued…


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