Please read the “Perfect Man” before reading this. This story is a continuation of that story.
It had been a week since Justin had seen Sandra. He talked to her on the phone everyday, but she had refused to see him until another week had passed. When he would ask to see her she would always remind him of what she had told him the last time they saw each other.
“I said I would see you in two weeks. Didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did. I’m sorry.” Responded Justin.
“It’s okay, I understand. I know you are excited to see me, but we have rules to stick too remember?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Okay good. Now, you have your list of chores, so why don’t you got started on them.”
The first few days After his last encounter with Sandra, Justin constantly reflected upon the events that unfolded within the last few weeks. In the span of three weeks he had been locked in a chatity device, used for Sandra’s own pleasure, denied orgasm, and milked againt his will. On top of all that, Sandra would give him a list of chores to do in the morning, which included picking up and doing her laundry, folding her clothes, grocery shopping, etc…. She expected that all of his assigned chores be finished by the end of each day. His life had changed dramatically in only a three week span. Justin felt a mix of emotions. He felt angry, and sad, but a part of him felt excited and content at the same time. He was deeply confused with the whole situation, but still, he couldn’t wait to see her. After the full two weeks had elapsed, Justin went to go see Sandra like he was instructed. Nervously he rang the bell and waited. After a few minutes she opened the door.
“Hello Sandra.” Greeted Justin
“Hey Justin, come on in. I have been waiting for you.”
“Have a seat on the couch.” She instructed
Justin took a seat on the couch and Sandra sat directly next to him. Just being in her presence was making his dick stiffen, which was causing him pain because of the chatity device. Sandra saw Justin shifting around on the couch, and she immediately knew what was happening.
“What’s the matter? Do I make you uncomfortable?” she laughed.
“Is your cock trying to get hard?”
“Yes, it is.” Justin replied
“Hahahah, I figured that. It’s been two weeks now since you have been locked up.”
“How’s that going for you?” she questioned
“It’s hard. I used to masturbate almost everyday, and now I can’t. Sometimes I feel like I am going to lose my mind.”
“I know. It’s going to take getting used to, but just look at the difference already. You used to waste all of that time jerking-off, and looking at porn, but now you are using your time more wisely and getting more done. Just look at all of the chores you are able to get done now. Not only that, but I can definitely see a change in your attitude too, and it’s only been a few weeks.”
“Anything else?” she questioned
“I feel sad and content at the same time? It’s really weird.”
Sandra smiled, “It’s not weird at all Justin. What you are feeling is perfectly normal.”
“It is?”
“Yes, you see, you feel sad because this is a new experience for you, and your mind is still trying to hold on to your old way of life, but don’t worry you will adjust. It is like quitting an old bad habit like smoking. One part of your mind is telling you to have a cigarette, and the other is telling you that you shouldn’t, but after a while you choose the right path and you feel content. The same goes for the situation you are in now. You feel some sadness because one part of your life is ending, and you feel content because you are starting to realize that you are now on the correct path.”
“What is the correct path?” questioned Justin
“The correct path for you is to serve.”
“What do you mean serve?”
“To serve me.” Explained Sandra
“That content and feeling of satisfaction you feel is because you have been serving me, both sexually and in chores. See Justin, a real man serves his woman, and her needs come before his at all times. Somewhere along the line men have forgotten this, and they treat their women like shit. They expect them to do the laundry, watch the kids, etc…and on top of all that, they expect their women to have sex with them whenever they demand it.”
“More and more women are taking a stand and they are showing their men the correct path in a happy relationship. Once they realize their place, they are much happier too.”
“Do you understand Justin?”
“Hmm…… yeah, kind of.”
“Women are superior too men. A man’s main job in life is to be used by his woman for her pleasure.”
“I know you are still a little confused, but don’t worry, soon you will realize your true path in life. That’s the reason for the chatity device. It will ensure that you will listen and follow the correct path, because when a woman controls a man’s cock, she has total control of him. See how attentive you have been since you have had it on and are not able to have an orgasm without my permission?
“Yea, I have no choice.” Responded Justin
“Exactly, without it, you would just jerk-off like you always do, and you wouldn’t be attentive to anyone but yourself. Think of it as a training device. I’m going to show you how to be a real man.”
“Would you like that?” she questioned as she began to lick his neck
“Ye….ah. I would.” Justin responded as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the waves of pleasure going through his body.
“That’s a gooooooooood boy” She encouraged
“Now, let’s go in the bedroom.”
She led Justin into the bedroom by his hand and pushed him on the bed. She began to take her clothes off while Justin watched.
“Take off your shirt.” She commanded
Justin quickly removed his shirt, and she climbed on top of his chest.
“Now, put your hands above your head and don’t move them.” She instructed
Justin immediately obeyed her orders. Sandra slide back a little and spread her legs eagle while sitting on Justin’s chest. She used her hands and spread apart the lips of her delicious pussy. Sandra was shaken bald, so Justin could see every inch of her already wet pussy.
“Like what you see?” she questioned
“Oh, its so beautiful.” He said as he watched the dim light of the room glistening off of her wet, creamy pussy.
“I know it is, and you are going to learn to worship it Justin.”
Sandra began to tease and play with her pussy while Justin watched. She began by rubbing her clip, so more creamy juice would leak from her pussy. Justin watched as more and more pussy juice collected at the entrance of Sandra’s pussy. Slowly, she reached down and rubbed some of this pussy juice all over the rest of her pussy, and used it as a lubricant as she massed her clip. Justin’s cock ached painfully, as it struggled to expand beyond its confines. Justin began to shift around in the bed as his cock became more and more uncomfortable.
“Try and control it.” Sandra commanded.
“You have to learn to fight and control that urge until it is time. My pleasure comes first remember?”
Sandra continued to rub her clip. She could feel her orgasm building as she increased the pressure and intensity.
“I’m cumming!” she screamed as her body stuttered in orgasm.
“Oh……That felt so fucking good!” she said as she tried to catch her breath.
“I think I need another one.”
Sandra straddled Justin’s face.
“Lick my pussy.” She commanded
“Lick up all of my pussy juice.”
Justin began to lap away at Sandra’s pussy. She was so wet, that he had to initially swallow several times, because of all the pussy juice he was lapping up.
“Thaaaaaaat’s it! Lick it good!” she moaned
“Get your tongue in deep!’
“Tell me how good it tastes?”
“Oh….it tastes so good!” he said in-between breaths.
She rod Justin’s face for a good forty minutes, forcing him to bring her to three different orgasms. Finally, satisfied and tired, she collapsed on the bed next to him. After catching her breath, she leaned over and caressed the side of his face.
“That was amazing.”
“You did a good job!” She prayed
“Thank you.” Replied Justin “Don’t you feel good knowing that You brought me pleasure? Questioned Sandra
“Yes, actually I do.” Responded Justin
“I know you do.” Said Sandra with a smile
“And In time you will realize it more and more.”
“Now, I see we still have some work to do before you learn to control your cock huh?”
“I saw you shifting around on the bed when your cock was trying to get out of its cage, but don’t worry, we will work on that. What we need to do now is drain your balls again.”
Justin got an excited look on his face.
Sandra smiled, “Not the way that you are thinking.”
Justin’s smile began to fade as heearned what she was referring too.
“I know you don’t like this too much, but it is necessary. We are still at the beginning stages of your training and we have made progress. An orgasm now would ruin all of that hard work, and if we don’t drain your balls you might have a wet dream and ruin everything. Do you understand?”
“I won’t have a wet dream. I promise.” Justin pleased, trying to Talk his way out of another prostate milking.
Sandra laughed, realizing what Justin was trying to do.
“Now Justin, you know that you have no control over something like that. It’s your bodies natural way of releasing the cum stored in your balls when you haven’t had an orgasm in an extended period of time.”
Realizing that he wasn’t going to be able to get out of this, he stopped trying to talk his way out of it.
“I understand.” He replied
“I know you do.” Sandra said as she caressed the side of his face.
“Now take off your pants for me.”
Justin did as he was told, and Sandra went and gathered the necessary items. She returned with a bucket of ice, a tube of lubrication, and a set of hand cuffs.
“This is only your second time getting a milking Justin, so just to be safe I am going to handcuff you again. Plus, I need to take off your chatty when we are done, so that I can clean you. I don’t want you to try and touch yourself. One day we won’t need these, but for now we do.”
She handcuffed his hands to the headboard again, and proceeded to squirt some lube on her fingers and onto Justin’s asshole.
“Now, remember what I told you last time Justin. Breath in-and-out for me, and just try to relax okay.”
“Okay, I will try.” Replied Justin
Sandra slowly began to insert a finger into Justin’s asshole. Sandra could tell that Justin was clenching up.
“Just keep breathing in-and-out.” She instructed
Slowly she slide her finger all of the way in, and keep it in for a few seconds, so Justin could get used to the sensing again. She took a piece of ice from the bucket and began to rub Justin’s balls with it. This must have taken Justin’s mind off of the finger in his ass, because she felt him loosen up a little. She then located his prostate and began to rub it.
“You are doing great.” She prayed.
“If you keep being a good boy for me like you have been, soon you will get that orgasm that I know you have been craving.”
“I will do anything you ask me too.” Responded Justin
“That’s a good boy.”
Sandra loved milking Justin. She loved watching his facial expressions as he lost control of his own cum. The feeling of power it gave her was intensity, and she loved every minute of it. After about 10 minutes of massaging his prostate, cum started to ooze from Justin’s locked up cock. She could see the inside of the clear chatity device filling with cream. Justin started to wiggle and shift on the bed.
“Try and stay still now Justin. We are almost there.”
“Don’t try and fight it. The more you squirm the longer it’s going to take. Just relax and let it flow.”
Justin obeyed and tried his best to stay as still as possible. Sandra could tell that the milking was intense for him this time, because he knew what to expect. Last time it was a new experience for him, so he didn’t resist as much. Plus, Sandra was getting better with her technique, and she was using a little more pressure on his prostate than she did last time. She also milked him far longer than she did last time; just to be sure his balls were completely empty.
“Ohhhhhh….Look how much cum was in your balls this time!”
“Do your balls feel empty now?’ she questioned.
“Ye….ss.” stammered Justin as he fought to try and remain still on the bed.”
“Good, I think we are done now.” Sandra said as she slowly withdraw her finger from Justin’s ass.
“You did great!’ she compiled
“Now, let’s clean you up.”
Sandra proceeded to unlockJustin’s chatity device.
“I will be right back.” Said Sandra
She returned with a rag soaked in warm water, and began to clean Justin’s genitals.
“You know Justin; you have been a really good boy about all of this, and I really am proud of you.” She prayed
“I knew you would come along, but I didn’t think you would do this well.”
“Thank you!” answered Justin.
Sandra proceeded to unlock Justin’s handcuffs.
“Since you have been so obedient, I won’t use these handcuffs on you again. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds great!” Justin replied with a smile.
When Sandra was done cleaning Justin, she reattached his chatity device.
“Okay, you’re all set.”
“Thanks.” Answered Justin.
“When can I see you again?” asked Justin
“Maybe next week.” Replied Sandra
“On your way out, I left a new list of chores for you on the table, so grab it okay.”
“Okay.” Answered Justin
“Actually, I was thinking. I hope I’m not out of line in asking you this, but what about if I just move in with you?” asked Justin
“Move in?” said Sandra with a puzzled look on her face.
“Hmmmmmm……I haven’t thought about that.”
“It would be great!” said Justin excitedly
“I……don’t know.” Questioned Sandra.
“I would be able to better serve you if I lived with you.”
“This is true.” Said Sandra as she thought about the idea.
“This is still kind of new Justin. I don’t think you are ready yet to serve me fully.”
“I think I am.” Justin said as he tried to convince Sandra.
“Look, I haven’t told you this yet, but I……I…miss you when we don’t see each other. I think the not seeing you part is harder than the chatity part.”
“Awwwwww…..That’s so sweet Justin.” Replied Sandra with a smile on her face.
Sandra could not believe that Justin had fallen for her so fast. She figured that it would take at least several months for the chatity to work its magic onhim. Either that or Justin was really a true submissive, and didn’t even know it. Either way, she liked what she was hearing. To tell the truth, she was kind of falling for him too. She loved how obedient he was to her, but she wasn’t going to make this that easy, and he was still going to have to prove himself to her.
“Okay Justin, you can stay here three days a week, and if you prove yourself worthy, then you can move in full time.”
“Oh thank you! I promise I will do my best to serve you.”
Justin moved in the next day. He stayed at Sandra’s three days a week, and waited on her hand and foot. Justin did all of the chores, including laundry, cleaning, cooking, and shopping. He even gave Sandra a nightly sponge bath. After her sponge bath, he would service her orally until she climaxed at least twice. This arrangement went on for a full month. One night after Justin had finished cooking dinner; Sandra sat him on the couch.
“You know Justin; you have been doing awonderful job.”
“Thank you!” replied Justin.
“Am I serving you properly?”
“Yes, you are.” Sandra replied
“I’m glad you are happy.” Answered Justin
“May I move in now full time?”
“The answer is yes, you can, but before we discuss that, I wanted to let you know that we have a guest coming over tomorrow night.”
“We do?”
“Yes, we do. My friend Valery is coming over for dinner, and I want you to cook her favorite dinner for her.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
“I know you can. I have left the list of things you will need on the table. It has to be ready by 8 okay?”
“Okay, I will have it ready for you guys.”
“That’s a good boy.” Replied Sandra as she gave Justin a big wet kiss.
The next day Justin began to prepare the meal that he was instructed to prepare. He prepared an appetizer of a garden salad, an entrée of veal marsala, and a freshly baked chocolate cake topped with fresh strawberries.
“Smells good.” Complimented Sandra
“Its almost 8, so Val should be here soon.”
At 7:45 the bell rang.
“Oh, she must be early.” Sandra said as she walked towards the door.
“Hey Val! Come on in.”
Val was carrying a brown bag with her.
“I will take that.” Sandra said.
“Val, this is Justin.” Sandra said as she introduced them.
Val was a decent looking girl, not very pretty and a little on the heavy side.
“Nice to meet you Justin.” Val said with a smile as they shook hands.
“Nice to meet you too.” Replied Justin
“Let’s go have a seat on the couch Val while Justin finishes up.”
“Okay.” Replied Val
“Justin, bring us some water.”
The girls sat on the couch and Justin brought them each a bottle of water. He then opened the bottles and handed it to them.
“Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes ladies.” Justin said as he headed back to the kitchen.
“Wow! I can’t believe how well trained he is.” Said Val in amazement
“I toldyou.” Replied Sandra
“I know you told me, but I didn’t believe you till now.”
“And this is all from the chatity device you were telling me about?”
“Well, I think he already had it in him, but the chatity definitely directed him to the right path.” Sandra said laughing
“Hahahah, Yeah I see that.” Responded Val
“The chatity is a wonderful thing. It gives a woman complete power over her man.”
“Wow I can’t believe it!” Val responded. Still in amazement.
“Well, believe it. I mean look, I told him to make your favorite meal and he is making it right?”
“Yeah, I see.”
“Dinners ready!” Justin announced from the kitchen.
The girls sat down at the kitchen table, and Justin served Each of them before sitting down and serving himself.
“This is delicious.” Complimented Val
“Thank you.” Responded Justin
After dinner was over, Justin cleaned up while the girls watched.
“I think I am going to try the chatity thingwith my asshole boyfriend.” Said Val
“You should!”
“It will shape him up real quick!” replied Sandra as they both began to laugh
“That’s not even the best part! The best part is coming next.” Said Sandra
“Oh yeah, I can’t wait!” replied Val
‘Did you bring what I asked?” asked Sandra
“Yes, it’s in the bag.” Replied Val “But I don’t think he is going to go for it.
“Oh he will. Trust me.”
“Justin, come here.” Ordered Sandra
“The reason why Val is here is because I was telling her how obedient and how good of a service you are, but she didn’t believe me, so I wanted her to see for herself. Tell her who you love to serve.” “I love to serve Sandra.” Justin replied without hesitation
“That’s a good boy.”
“Tonight Justin, I have a special treatment for you. You are going to serve both of us, and if you do exactly what you’re told, you can move in with me full time. Sound good?”
“Yes! Replied Justin.”
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” Sandra said as she led Justin by the hand.
“Strip Justin, and lay down on the bed.”
Val watched as Justin undressed. She was fascinated by the chatity device he was still wearing.
“Wow! That’s so cool.” She remarked
“Indeed it is.” Sandra smiled
“Can I go first?” Val questioned.
“Of course you can.”
Val undressed, and climbed on Justin’s chest.
“Sandra told me what a good pussy licker you have become, so prove her right.”
Val straddled Justin’s face and he began to lap up her pussy juices.
“How’s that taste Justin?” asked Val
“Delicious.” Commented Justin
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