The Perfect Male

I saw the way my wife Leslie and her friend Sara flirted with each other. I knew she found me very attractive, but I didn’t want her to be limited. So, I decided to tell my wife that I would be willing to take on a cuckold role so she could take Sara as her partner. Leslie found this incredibly romantic that I would make this gesture for her and quickly accepted. Leslie and Sara had Some rules though. I could no longer sleep in the bedroom with Leslie and I would have to be kept in chatity for safety reasons with two women in the house and they would let me out of chatity when I needed to make love to Leslie. This seemed reasonable, so I agreed.

Time went by and Sara and Leslie seemed to be enjoying their love making together, but every time I reminded them that I had to be released from my chatity to make love to Leslie they dismissed it. I grew increasingly more sexually starved and became obsessed with getting released. One night when Sara and Leslie were getting ready for the night out I had a little accident. Leslie called me to come downstairs to give her a hug goodbye. I said I was getting dressed and asked where my laundry was after I got out of the shower, but she insisted I come down immediately so I dried off with a towel and came downstairs naked. Leslie and Sara looked so sexy in their dresses. Leslie gave me a hug and Sara said she wanted one too. So, I gave Sara a hug, but somehow I must have brushed up against her a little too much when I wasn’t trying to and I made a big mess on her dress. It wasn’t just pre-cum but lots of cum and Sara had to change her dress. Leslie was also furious because she was my wife and I had just came all over Sara! They both said that I had cheated on the chatity rule and on my wife by cumming, even though it was an accident, not to mention it was a ruined orgasm, which I told them. They said the dress was ruined too, which was kind of funny.

Sara said I needed more control and she had just the thing. AChastity gel which could be applied to my penis to prevent any more of these accidents. It would have to be applied every day for protection. So, Sara applied the gel and now my glans is protected from any stimulation when I’m giving hugs or anything else.

Eventually I was in chatity so long because every time I asked I was denied. So, I proposed an alternative. I would never be allowed out of the chatity, but in return I could do chores to gain points. When I got enough points my reward is that I get to eat out Leslie’s pussy! I thought that was a better deal than what I had now. Sara and Leslie both loved the idea and agreed immediately.

Sara and Leslie Talk While Out Together

“I told you his chatity fetish would take care itself. We couldn’t have possible done all of This unless he wanted it” Sara slyly said to Leslie with a light kiss on the lips over dinner.

“I told you not to kiss me in public.” Leslie whispered.

“Oh, stop being so up tight. Youlove it.” Sara teased back as she grazed her leg under the table.

“Are you excited about next weekend” Sara asked Leslie with a big smile.

“I don’t know, it seems a little bit much. And I’m not sure Tom can take it. He has already gone so far.” Leslie said with some tension.

“Nonsense. This is an important step for him. He loves serving you and it is his reward. The next logical step is to make him into a sex toy and show him off in public.” Sara said matter of factually.

“Is that what we are doing” Leslie said with some astonishment.

“Well, basically” Sara said without emotion.

“I got everything we will need to go to the fetish expo. I got a collar for him with a label on it I think is appropriate, and a hood with the eyes closed so we can lead him around totally vulnerable by a leash. And, of course his arms will be bound behind him.” Sara said with a laugh.

“I would like to see that” Leslie said with a bit of a smile.

“See, I knew youwanted to have fun!” Leslie said with tone of joy.

“And, we will have gorgeous latex suits” Sara added.

“It’s too bad Tom won’t be seeing them.” Leslie quipped back.

Sara and Leslie giggled together like teenage girls and clanked their glasses together.

=Next Friday Night=

Sara and I (Leslie) had been up in their bedroom all afternoon getting ready for something. Tom didn’t have time to ask us what we were doing and it was really none of his business. He was focused on doing chores and quite content to make sure he got everything right so he could earn time with me later.

“Tom we have a surprise for you” Leslie said with glee. “We are going to a fetish ball tonight and we are bringing you with us!” she added.

He was shocked. “A fetish ball, tonight?” Tom said

“And we have a bunch of gear for you to wear” Sara blurted out with a bag in her hands.

Tom asked about all the gear we wanted him to wear and he thought it seemed pretty intense, but figured this was something I wanted to do and and I could tell he wanted to stay on my good side so he’d have some “quality time” together with me later. So, he didn’t object.

We took the black latex hood out of the bag and helped Tom into his hood first, which had no eye opening. He asked why the hood first and why no eye openings. We just hushed him and told him not to spoil the fun with so many questions. Tom also wanted to know what we would be wearing but we told him we would change into ours after helping him.

“OK, now let’s get the suit on you, Tom” I said

I pulled out of the bag a semi-transparent latex suit.

Sara and I remained stoic as we helped Tom into his suit, totally unaware that the suit did not match the black latex hood we had produced for him minutes earlier.

“OK, Tom, now we are going to put on your metal collar and arm binders so we will be able to lead you around by a leash, because you have a blindfold on and can’t see, so you will have to stay close tonight”. I explained

We remained serious as we locked Tom’s metal collar on with the big worlds “SEX TOY – PUSSY EATER” in all caps etched into the front.

“OK, Tom, you be good down here while we get ready upstairs. Tom just sat there on the couch in his semi-transparent latex suit and collar with his arms bound behind his back, totally helpless, and he said nothing in response as he sat in darkness. We let out a soft laughter as we walked up the stairs. You could clearly see his cute scrotum and chatity cage through the latex.

Sara and I got into our latex suits, which looked amazing. We were so hot and couldn’t resist a little make out session that made us both wet. It is too bad Tom wouldn’t be seeing them tonight. Maybe another night.

We came down stairs and told Tom we were ready to go now. He wanted to see our suits, but we informed him that we had to go. Tom was disappointed, but we didn’t give him any time to think about it and snapped a leash to his collar and gave him a tug and off we were.

=In Darkness=

I was led with a tug of the leash to get off the couch and I slowly followed Leslie, at least I think it was Leslie who was leading me by my collar to the car.

“Leslie is that you leading me” I asked. There was no response.

“Leslie?” I asked again. I felt the leash go lax and a hand gently press against my chest to signal me to stop. Then I heard a “shusssh” in my ear, which I could not identify.

This was kind of spooky as we drove in the car for what seemed like half an hour, but my sense of time was gone.

“About how much longer will it be until we get there? How long has it been?” I ask. I wait for second and hear no response. A minute goes by and I hear the car slow down and pull over. The front door opens and the back door opens.

“Tom, I want you to be a good sex toy tonight” Leslie said

“Sex t-” I start to say, but something is pushed into my mouth andI feel Leslie reach on my hood to secure some straps. It is some kind of gag which is now in my mouth and I can’t talk!

“Good pussy eater” Leslie said. “You don’t need that mouth open when it isn’t eating pussy” she said and I heard Sara and Leslie both laugh.

This was getting really intense now. What had I gotten myself into?

I heard the doors close and the car resumed. I think over an hour passed, but I couldn’t tell.

The car stopped and the doors opened. I felt someone attach the leash to my collar and a tug, so I got up and followed. We walked in silence for a few minutes.

I could hear music approaching and then it suddenly got loud and I could tell we stepped inside.

I could hear a woman’s voice ask for tickets and Leslie talking to the woman.

“Oh, I love him, isn’t he so cute” Said the voice that asked for the tickets.

“Yes, he is!” I heard Leslie says as I felt my ass slapped and then rubbed.

With that I feel a slight tug on my collar and I moved. I couldn’t see anything and couldn’t speak either. I wonder if Leslie would have put in this gag if I had kept quiet in the car.

“Be a good boy” I heard spoke into my ear. It was Sara. I felt a squeeze of my ass and then nothing. Maybe she caught up with Leslie.

We walked for a minute and I heard a lot of people comment on Sara and Leslie’s latex suits. People said they were drop dead sexy and all sorts of other things. I wish I could see them.

“I love your sex toy and his suit!” I heard a woman’s voice says.

“Thank You” I heard Leslie says back.

Sex toy? I couldn’t see what was going on and I couldn’t ask anything with this gag in my mouth. I felt totally vulnerable like this and my arms were still bound behind my back. All I could do was follow.

“I could use a good pussy eater!” The voice added with a laugh.

Pussy eater? Why would a stranger say that? Did they just assume I was eating Leslie’s pussy?

“Slow, we’re going up stairs” I heard Sara says from behind with some hands around my abdomen.

I slowly walked up some stairs, not sure where I was.

“Sit” I heard Sara says as I felt arms guide me to a seat.

I felt some straps being secured around my chest and ankles to secure me to the chair. I couldn’t help but put out a little bit of noise in an attempt to talk, but remembered I I was now totally immobile.

“OK, ladies this is a private event for women only who registered through the product website” I heard Sara says.

“My name is Sara, and I am a product representative for (insert company name) the maker of chatity products” Sara said with a raise in her tone of excitement and a bit of a scream. The women in the audience also gave out a scream.

I could not believe what was happening. Was Leslie OK with this?

“I also want to introduce you to my partner, Leslie. We have been together for six months now and it has been amazing. Give me a kiss sweaty” I heard Sara says.

I heard a pause for a few seconds and then the women cheered again.

“Now, for the demonstration I want to show you our latest product, the permanent chatity gel!” Sara said with a drawn out tone.

I felt some rustling around my crotch like a zipper was being undone. Oh, no were they going to expose my junk? I could feel some cool air exposed on my scrotum. I was exposed in front of an audience of women wearing a chatity device!

“Leslie has provided the sex toy for this demonstration. So we should give her an applause for that.” Sara said.

The audience clapped for several seconds.

“Thank you. I’ve worked very hard on him.” I heard Leslie says.

This was beyond real.

“OK, so you can see this is our metal model Chastity device. The penis is totally secured. The front is also equipped with a micro-pore surface so you can use our new chatity gel without even removing the device. I’ll demonstrate” Sara said. The audiencewas quiet.

“Just take this little dropper and place a few drops onto the surface of the chatity plate and it will see through to the glans of the penis and it’s done!” Sara said.

I felt nothing. Though I had already had the chatity gel today.

“Any questions?” Sara asked. “Yes.” She added.

“What does the chatity gel do?” I heard a woman ask.

Sara answered “Oh, of course. The gel basically binds to the glans of the penis to prevent any stimulation of the nerves for added protection, such as unfortunate messes. We have a daily formula which is really only for research purposes. The products we sell last far longer. This bottle is the weakest formula we sell and only lasts for about six months.”

“Six months!” I thought. That isn’t a very short time. Sure, they already said I’d stay in chatity, but this was something I couldn’t remove!

“Any more questions” Sara asked the audience. “Yes” she added.

“What about sex?” an audience member askedd.

“Look, I love a man’s cock too, but in a situation like Leslie and I have where we have a cuckold which is functioning as a sex toy using his mouth I can get all the pleasure I need, and it just makes more sense to have this kind of control. It is well worth the trade-off.” Sara explained.

“Hmm, I never thought of it like that. I could have a relationship with someone else either another woman or Even a man, but I’m not sure my boyfriend would go for that.” The woman said.

“You never know until you try. And we have guides on how you can help ease him into that. You can get those free at our website. He’ll think it was his idea if you do it right.” Sara explained.

I was shocked. Was this describing what happened to me? I suggested the cuckold role after I saw Sara and Leslie together which I thought was really hot. Where did I get the idea from?

“I want you to know how proud I am of you, Tom. It was an amazing romantic gesture to allow me to have Sara asa partner. I want you to know I will always be grateful to you and make you very happy.” Leslie whispered in my ear.

The audience applauded for a good ten seconds.

“If anyone would like to come up for any personal questions we would both be glad to answer any questions you have about our experience” Sara added.

“Hi, Leslie, my name is Natalie, and I want you to know you are a huge inspiration for me!” A voice said.

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Natalie, for the both of us, and I’m sure the toy is happy to meet you too” Sara said and I heard all three laugh.

“Yes, well, I’ve been with my boyfriend for about a year now and I was just thinking that he is great and all, but to me he just seems like he would be better in a cuckold type role” She explained.

“Absolutely, trust your intuition. I think you just have to go slowly. Entice him, feed his imagination. Do you have a partner in mind?” Leslie asked.

“Well, I have this friend and we havea bit of history and I thought maybe we could make it more intimant and long term” Natalie said in a timing voice.

“That’s perfect. I’ll tell you what you should do.” Leslie said and I heard her whispering into Natalie ear and some giggling.

“That could work?” Natalie said?

“I know it can work” Leslie said.

“Thank you so, much, I think I can do this!” Natalie cheered back.

There weren’t any more questions and we had a quiet ride back home, with my gag still in my mouth.

We got home and I was led into the house. Still my gag wasn’t removed. This was getting a bit odd. I was led up the stairs and noticed we were turning to Sara and Leslie’s bedroom not mine. I felt a light push on my shoulders and sat down on the floor. I felt my Collar clip released and then another attached. I moved a bit and felt a restraint on the lean against the wall.

“You were such a good boy tonight that I was able to persuade Sara to let you enjoy our love making sessiontonight. Of course you can’t see, but you can hear everything” Leslie said with some enthusiasm.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear all of that, and gave out a bit of a muffled voice, but it was ignored.

The sounds I heard were mostly them talking, giggling, kissing for a long while. Eventually I heard rustling in the bed, moaning and what sounded like lots of orgasms and panting. This went on for over an hour.

I was extremely frustrated to listen to all of this. Then they talked for a while about how much they cared for each other and some occasional kissing.

“Tom, are you still over there” Leslie said. The two of them giggled.

Leslie spoke “I’ve got a treatment for you…. I’m super creamy right now! Really messy with my girl drool!” the two of them giggled again.

I heard somebody get off the bed and walk over and undo my lean and guide me forward. I feel my chest press against the edge of the bed between two legs.

“Don’t let him onto the bed” I heard Sara says.

“I won’t, gosh” Leslie huffed.

I feel my gag being removed and my head guided forward. I began kissing slowly on each side of her inner thighs and continued after a minute. Leslie had instructed me not to go too fast.

“This is what makes our relationship so great, Tom” Leslie said with a groan.

“You are so much better without those nasty orgasms. They are so bad for you.” She gasped.

It was true, and I had never appreciated such a yummy treatment like this before Leslie had saved me from the curse of orgasm. Being a cuckold was the right choice.

Leslie pushed my head away from her crotch.

“Thank you Leslie, I really enjoy-” I began to say.

“Open” Leslie said.

I paused in confusion, then realized she meant to open my mouth, so I did. She inserted the gag and tied it around my hood.

“There, that is better. We are going to have to be better about setting boundaries. That mouth is for eating pussy.” Leslie said with a giggle.

My brain lit up in ecstasy. That was so fucking hot the way she just did that and put me in my place!

I felt a tug on my leash and was guided forward and bumped my head on the wall. Then I heard a metal clanging sound from behind. I tried to back up, but there was something behind me. I tried to stand up, but I was trapped inside something!

I let out a muffled yell to get their attention. I was in some kind of cage!

“Good night Leslie” Said Sara

“I love you Sara” Said leslie.

Then I heard a kissing sound and silence.

Leslie had just used me to pleasure her and then silenced me and put me in a cage before going to sleep. I was in heaven!

I woke up to the sound of the cage clanging and undoing my hood. I could see and my gag was removed.

“Such a good boy” Leslie said as she groped my crotch and gave my butt a slap. Somehow being treated like this made me feel loved.

“You better get ready for the day and get started on yourchores” Leslie said with a stern voice.

“Of course.” I responded.

I went about my chores that day thinking about how lucky I was to be a cuckold to Leslie. Without her I would never have had the discipline to abstain from orgasm or enjoy the bliss of serving her. Even doing these chores gave me so much pleasure now. I felt submissive to her with everything I did for her. The day sped by and When I finished my chores I saw Sara and Leslie out by the pool relaxing.

==Outdoors at the pool==

“You were excellent last night, Sara” Leslie said with a flirtatious tone.

“Oh, you are amazing and I love making you happy, Leslie” Sara said in a loving voice.

“This arrangement with Tom couldn’t be any better either.” Leslie added.

“Yes, About that. I noticed you were really enjoying the pleasure that Tom

was giving you last night. I have to admit it made me a bit jealous with all the attention he was getting.” Sara said

“Oh, that. It makes himhappy” Leslie retorted.

“Sure, but you like it a lot too. I feel like he is competition with me.” Sara pouted

“Don’t be jealous, Sara. He’s already in permanent chatty and his only pleasure is to eat my pussy after he does his chores.” Leslie snapped.

“Maybe you just want the attention” Leslie said.

“I just think your pussy should be off limits to Tom, even if he is orally serving you and I should have some assurance that he isn’t going to be getting any ideas” Sara explained.


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