Since I always had to get Tyler’s permission for every little thing I did, I asked him, one day in April, if I could call one of the factories in Bellewood to ask about summer work. His reply shocked me. He said, “No, you’re not gonna be in Bellewood this summer, Davey, you’re comin’ home to Keenesburg with me.”
“What? No. No, I… I can’t do that, no… um…”
“Of course you can, Davey.”
“No, no… I need to work for the summer.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes. I do. I need to save money.”
“For what?”
“For… well… I don’t know, I just do.”
“Nah. You’re coin’ home with me this summer. You don’t need to have a summer job.”
“You mean… the *whole* summer? In Keenesburg?”
“Yeah. That’s where *I’ll* be the whole summer. So that’s where you’ll be.”
“But… but… I, uh… I don’t think my parents will *let* me spend the whole summer away. I mean…”
“They don’t have a say. You’re an adult, Davey, you don’t have to do what they want.”
“Well… OK… um… as an adult… who can do what I want… um… I wanna work for the summer in Bellewood.”
“Ha! Well, I didn’t say you could do what YOU want. I said you don’t have to do what THEY want.”
“But… I have to do what YOU want.”
“Well, I mean… yeah, unless you wanna go the whole summer without cumming. You won’t have the key to your dick tube, obviously.”
“Well, I’m sure I could come to Keenesburg some weekend. Maybe even two or three times this summer. I’m sure my parents would be OK with me taking a trip to visit my roommate. By the way, Ms. Smeltzer IS gonna give you the key, for the summer… right?”
“Uh, ya know what, we haven’t talked about that. Lemme call her and see.”
He dialed Kelly Smeltzer’s cell phone. “Hey, Kelly. Good. Hey, Davey’s kinda while about wanting-… haha, yeah. Well… you know how he is. He was talking about going home to Bellewood to work this summer, and I told him, no, you’re comin’ home with me for the summer. He was wondering if I’m gonna have the key to his tube. OK. Dude, she wants to talk to you.”
He handed me the phone. With great trepidation, I took it, and said, “Hello?”
“Hello, little pussy,” she said, flatly, and with no small measure of hostility. “So you thought you were gonna go home and have a summer job, huh?”
“Listen carefully. You will do what Tyler says. Period. And you will not argue, and you will not complain. And you will not try to change his mind. You will go home with him this summer. Because he says so. And you will always do what Tyler says, and what Shelly says, and what I say, and what Dale says… and what anybody else says who any of us put in authority over you.”
Sternly, and emphymically, she continued, “You… are… a slave. A little pussyboy plaything for the amusement and pleasure of people who are better than you. Your job is to say ‘yes, sir’ and ‘yes, ma’am’, and do everything you’re told without any talking back, or arguing, or complaining. THAT is your job. You know what’s NOT your job?”
I thought the question was rhetorical, so I responded with silence, terrified to speak out of turn.
“I asked you a question, slave.”
“I’m sorry. Uh… no… um, what’s… not my job?”
“To ask questions like, Where’s the key to my Chastity device? Who has it? When will I get to cum? If Tyler says you’ll spend the summer with him, you just go. You go to Keenesburg, and do as you’re told when you’re there. Period. That’s all you do. You don’t ask questions.
“Now… not that I have to tell you this, but… what the hell, I feel like it… *I* will have the key to your chatity device, all summer long. And I, of course, have work to do here, and have to be here in Trentstown… you know, where I live. But, if you’re lucky we might see each other this summer, maybe even more than once. I *will* be taking vacation time this summer, there’s always the possibiliity that Tyler and Shelly will want to come here some time, and if they do, they can stay with me. Obviously they’re likely to bring you along. And then there’s always Dale, who might be able to transport you here, or me there. But THAT… is OUR business. Not yours.
“So listen carefully, you little pussified worm. You’re nothing more than a SLAVE. You don’t get to make plans. You don’t get to make decisions. You don’t get to ask questions. You just do as you’re told. And since you’re such an ugly little slave, who doesn’t even appreciate the fact that Tyler and I HAVE let you cum on occasion, I’m making a new rule: You never ask questions about your chatity key… who has it, when will they use it, when will you get to cum, etc.
“Now here’s something else: Your punishment for trying to make your own plans, and for asking about your chatity key, is you don’t get to cum for the rest of April. Which means when the semester is over in a month, you go to Keenesburg with Tyler, and you’ll have no idea if you’ll ever get to cum this summer, or not. And if you DARE to complain, and if you DON’T go home with Tyler this summer, then not only will you go the whole summer without cumming, but you won’t see that key for all of fall semester, either. Now says ‘Yes, Ms. Smeltzer’ and put Tyler back on the phone, you little shithead.”
“Yes, Ms. Smeltzer,” I said, and then dropped my head and wept as I extended my arm, to hand Tyler back his phone.
Later, I did get Tyler’s permission to call my parents to notify them that I’d be spending the whole summer with my roommate in Keenesburg. He made me put the call on speaker, so he could listen. They were not happy, and they asked if I’d be spending Any time at all, at home in Bellewood. I suddenly realized I did not know the answer to that; it would be completely up to Tyler. So I said I did not know.
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” asked my mom. “We thought you were gonna try and work down atFeedler this summer anyway. Didn’t you call Mr. Mueller to ask him about a job?”
“Well… I don’t really need to work.”
“I thought you wanted to save up for your own car,” my dad said.
“Well… I don’t really need a car here. I guess while I’m still in college, I don’t really need one.”
“I don’t really get why you’d wanna spend the *whole* summer there,” he said. “I mean I know you said you and Tyler get along fine, but I didn’t realize you’d become such good buddies that you’d wanna hang out all summer long. Didn’t you say you have almost nothing in common? You know, he lifts weights, plays basketball, watches sports… none of the stuff you’re into. I just don’t see it. What are you gonna *do* all summer?”
I didn’t give them very satisfied answers to those kinds of questions. What could I tell them? That what I was gonna *do* all summer was lick balls, dick, ass, and feet, and be continuously raped and abused? Oh, and maybe get beaten, too? After the phone call, Tyler said, “Dude, I can’t believe after all this time, you’ve given your parents the impression that we’re not best buds. You still act like I’m not your friend sometimes, Davey. Kinda hurts my feelings. I think maybe you’ve got a belt-spanking coming to you. That’s probably the first thing we’ll have to do when we get to Keenesburg. Besides, I know Shelly will enjoy that. Christ, man, she went wild when Dale was spanking you. She fucked my brains out.”
My parents insisted on coming to Trentstown to visit me for a week before the semester ended. They got a hotel room, and took me and Tyler out for meals. Tyler said I should do my best to convince them, by the way I acted around him, that he and I were the best friends ever. Actually Tyler did most of the convincing, talking about how we did everything together: ate meals on campus together, worked on our studies together, watched sports together, talked late into the night, often with his girlfriend on the phone withus… how Shelly really liked me, too, and how Shelly and I got along well. I know my parents disappeared of the fact that Shelly lived at Tyler’s house even though they were not married. They did not say so to Tyler, but I knew that was one of the things that concerned them about me spending the summer there.
When the semester ended, Shelly and Tyler’s mom made the 8-hour drive to Trentstown while I packed up my and Tyler’s stuff. There would be four of us in the car for the ride back, and not much room, but TU would not allow us to leave anything in the dorm; the dorm rooms had to be completely vacated. Since there wouldn’t be enough room in the car to take everything, my stuff was to be stored at Ms. Smeltzer’s house for the summer. ALL my stuff. I wasn’t even taking clothes. When I needed clothes, I’d be able to wear Tyler’s, but most of the time, he said, I wouldn’t even need clothes. I thought, Holy Christ… does that mean I’ll be naked almost all the time? If so, then that means I’ll be shut up in a bedroom or something… probably tied up or cuffed. Surely I wouldn’t be wandering around the house naked, with Tyler’s mother there.
But I didn’t ask about what to expect, because even though almost a month had passed since my last conversation, on the phone, with Ms. Smeltzer, I remembered well what she told me: I was not to ask questions, but just do as I was told.
But I more or less got my answer when Shelly, and Tyler’s mother Candice, arrived at TU. They did not want to pay for a hotel room for the overnight stay, so they stayed in the dorm room with us. Before they arrived at our room door, Tyler put me on my knees in the closet, naked except for the chatity tube on my dick, butt plug in my ass, a collar and lean (items borrowed for the summer from Ms. Smeltzer), and duct tape on my mouth. I heard Shelly and Candice come in, and everyone exchanging hellos, and hugs and kisses. After a few minutes, Tyler announced that it was time for Candice to finally meet his roommate, and for Shelly to finally see him in person. He opened the closet door, grabbed my leash, and said, “Crawl on out, Davey.”
Shelly immediately said, “Wowwww. Hi, Daveyyyy. At last we meet.”
Candice registered total shock on her face. “Ohhhhh my… goodness! This is Davey?”
“Yep,” said Tyler, “This is my roomie.”
“You keep him in your closet?”
“Ha, no, not usually, I just had him waiting in here so we could have a few minutes of family time before I introduced him.”
“You keep him on a lean, though? Do you keep him naked like this?”
“He’s naked most of the time, yeah.”
“Oh my goodness.”
“Davey, this is my mom. You can just call her Mom. I know you can’t really kiss ’em right now, with duct tape on your mouth, but put your mouth to her feet and say hello. Pretend you’re kissin’ her feet.”
As he led me to her, and I crawled up and put my face to the tops of her shoes, she said, “Hahaha. Oh mygoodness. Kissing my feet. What a way to say hello. Does he do everything you say?”
“Yes, he does.”
“Wow. So he’s… what? Like your slave?”
“Pretty much.”
Then Shelly said, “Hey, I want my hello, too”, whereupon Tyler led me over to put my mouth to the tops of Shelly’s shoes as well.
All three sat on the futon and had me on hands and knees in front of it, sideways, so they could all put their feet up on my back, while they talked. In addition to the usual topics you would expect relatives to discuss when reuniting after a long separation, they also talked about how I would be on hand all summer long to cater to the needs of all three of them, at the house in Keenesburg. Candice learned that she and Shelly would get a three-month break from all household chores, as I would be able to “help out” by doing them all.
That night, the sleeping arrangements were as follows: Shelly in the top bun, Candice in the bottom, and Tyler on the futon.Where did I sleep? Well, prior to going to bed, Tyler and Shelly had sex; they had no qualms about doing it with Candice right there in the room. Not only did she not seem to mind, but Tyler and Shelly were eager to show off the total control they had over me, and, while one or the other continuously held onto my leash, they made me suck Tyler’s dick, lick his balls and his ass, his feet, her feet, her pussy, her asshole, whatever they wanted. They used the remote for the ball shocker to make me yelp while I was licking, as Candice sat and watched from the futon, giggling, and saying “Oh, my.”
After Tyler came in Shelly’s pussy, she had me lie down on the floor, and she squatted over my face, lowered her sloppy pussy onto it, and made me lick her to orgasm. In the process she smeared juices all over my chin, nose, and forehead. After that, Tyler had to piss, so he made me close my mouth around his dick to swallow all his urine. Candice said, “Oh my goodness! You mean thanks to Davey, you don’t even need to go to the toilet to pee?”
“Nope,” said Tyler, and Shelly said, “Oh my gahhhhhd I can’t wait to do that, too. I’ve been wanting to piss in his mouth for months.” She didn’t have to wait any longer. As soon as Tyler was done, I was put back on the floor, and Shelly sat down on my face again, this time to press her pussy into my open mouth and unleash her urine.
Candice watched in amazing fascination, and I realized that, just as had been the case with Shelly, the whole practice of using somebody as a tool and a plaything, with no regard whatsoever for his feelings, desires, or pleasure, bothered her not in the least. Earlier, as the three had discussed my chatity device, Candice had said, “So he can’t play with himself, or cum, or get any pleasure at all… and with that butt plug and ball shocker there, too, that whole area of his body just gets nothing but torque and misery, huh? So that way he can focus all his attention on you two getting pleasuresure, huh? Wow. That’s great!”
After I had swallowed Shelly’s piss, Tyler said, “How about you, Mom? You need to pee?”
“Hahaha,” she said. “Well… no, not right now, but… ha… I donno, I think I would feel really funny doing that. I’m not sure I could. I’d laugh too much, I think.”
Shelly said, “Oh, nooo, Mom, you should totally do it. I loved it! I knew you will, too.”
“Well,” Candace said, “maybe I’ll try it when we get back home.”
“Well, in the meantime,” Tyler said, “you can at least have Davey lick you clean after you pee in the toilet. In fact, he licks me clean after I poop, too. He can do that for all of us this summer.”
“After you poop? You mean… you don’t even wipe, you just… you have him-“
“Yeah, I just have him lick my ass clean. It’s SO much better than toilet paper. His tongue feels better, and does a better job.”
“Oh, my. That DOES sound nice.”
“How ya feelin’ after watching’ me and Shelly, Mom? Feelin’ kinda horny?”
“Oh, goodness. Yes. Hahaha.”
“Well, you know Davey’s tongue is available. Feel free to use him for whatever you need. That’s what he’s here for.”
“Ohhhhhh… MY. And that goes for all summer long?”
“Ohhhhhhh… myyyyyy… GOODness. That is going to be niiiiice. Can I… can I pull my slacks off right now, and-“
“Of course!”
So obviously she did just that. She pulled her slacks off, and her plain white “granny panties” off. Tyler handed her my leash, and she pulled my face into her musky, hairy pussy. She felt funny being partially nude in front of her son and his girlfriend, but Tyler and Shelly cheered her on, and I licked her to orgasm. Shelly said, “Have him put his tongue in your asshole, Mom. It feels really good.”
That brings us to where I slept that night: in my own bed. Or at least in the lower part of it. Tyler had me lie on my belly with my hands cuffed behind me, with cuffs on my ankles which he tied to the cuffs on my wrists so my calves were bent back over my thighs, and with my face in Tyler’s mother’s pussy. All night long.
The next day, for the entire 8-hour drive to Keenesburg, I was never out of the car. Shelly, Candice, and Tyler took turns in the back seat with me, where I lay on my belly under a blanket while one of them sat sideways on the seat, against a pillow propped up against the side. Candice wore a dress so I could get up under it to lick her pussy; Shelly had a short skirt on that day. I spent the whole time providing orgasms for all three of them, with my mouth and tongue. Shelly had a glass jar she made me use when I needed to pee, but then she made me drink it. When they stopped to eat, the three of them went into the restaurant to sit down and have their meal. I had to stay in the back seat of the car, completely covered by the blanket, and wait. I would have tried to take a little nap during that time, but Shelly took the remote for the ball shocker into the reStaurant to see if it would work from there. She texted me to ask if it did work; I replied that it did. So she used it on me about every minute or two, and I lay under the blanket, flinching and yelping, while they enjoyed lunch.
When they returned to the car, Shelly got in back with me and lay on her stomach across the back seat. She pulled down her skirt and panties. Then she asked Candice to mix the leftovers from all three of their meals, and put it all on Shelly’s bare ass. Kneeling on the floor behind the front passenger seat, I ate my lunch (forbidden to use my hands) off of Shelly’s butt. Since the blanket was not covering us, it’s possible that some truckers passing by did double-takes catching sight of that.
At the house in Kennesburg, my every waking moment was spent… well… as a total slave. Just doing what I was told. Candice and Shelly both liked cooking, so they did that, but every other household chore was my job. I did dishes, I did everyone’s laundry,I vacuumed, I swept, I picked up after all three of them, I made beds, I mowed the lawn, washed the car, everything. All I got to drink – well, besides piss – was water, which I drank from a bowl on the kitchen floor. When I wasn’t doing chores I spent plenty of time licking. Licking feet, balls, ass, pussy, licking everyone’s ass clean after they pooped, and of course drinking everyone’s pee. All three of them used the remotes to vibrate my butt plug or shock my balls whenever they feel like it. And of course, Tyler would fuck my ass when he was so inclined, or any of the three of them would fuck me with my dildo, or have me fucking myself with it.
As Tyler had promised, the first night in Keenesburg included a belt-whipping. Since he knew watching it would turn Shelly on, and she would want to fuck him, Candice was appointed to administrator it. I was placed on my hands and knees on the floor, facing Tyler and Shelly’s bed, while Shelly rested on her elbows and hung her face overthe side as Tyler fucked her from behind. This means her face was just a few inches away, and she could savor the pain on my face, and the tears Candice brought to my eyes, by beating me with a belt on my ass, my back, my thighs, and my balls. Shelly also held the remote for the ball-shocker in one hand, and regularly shocked me during the whipping. Her face was a vision of ecstasy the whole time.
The first whipping was supposedly punishment for having given my parents the impression that Tyler and I were less than “best buds”. But the subsequent beatings, which occurred several times weekly, were quite obviously just for Shelly’s pleasure and not punishment for anything. There was nothing to punish me for, because I did everything I was told immediately and without complaint. My behavior and obedience were Impeccable, but did that means I’d be sparred ball-shockings and belt-whippings? Of course not.
I almost never got several hours of uninterrupted sleep. Tyler was always home unless he and Shelly went to a movie or went out for some time alone. Candice had a regular 8 to 5 job; she would come home during the noon hour for lunch. Shelly’s hours were irregular, but she never worked before 11, and if she worked a dinner shift, she’d be home around 9 or 10. She always stayed up latest. Even if she got in bed with Tyler until he fell asleep (usually around 12 or 1), she might get back out of bed and stay up until 3 or 4. If so, she might require me to be up with her, to crawl into the kitchen and fetch her something, to be her footstool, to eat her out, etc. But then I always had to wake “Mom” up at 6:30 by coming into the room with coffee. Then I’d have to slither under her covers, get between her tighs and lick her pussy to help her wake up. Then I’d drink Her morning piss when she was ready, and crawl into the bathroom with her, to lick her pussy softly while she took her morning dump. Then of course, I’d lick her ass clean, after which I had to just kneel outside the tub while she showed, dry her off afterwards, help her get dressed, and help her make breakfast, which she would eat from a plate. But whatever she fixed, she mixed my portion all together and made a little pile right on the kitchen floor.
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