In the morning Dale required a quick blow job before he let me go. At about 5:50, I bolted out of the cab of his truck like a bat out of hell, laptop under my arm, and raced to my parents’ car to drive home.
When spring semester started and we were back at TU, I resumed my hellish existence as Tyler’s (and Shelly’s) complete and total slave – or, “good friend” and “cooperative roommate”, as he preferred to call it. The first night back, Tyler said he was pleased enough with my “cooperation” (read, complete and total obedience, and submission to unspeakable humiliations) that he would allow me to release my three weeks’ worth of pent-up cum. It ended up dripping off, and drying on, my face that night as I lay in bed.
He said he met with Kelly Smeltzer to discuss our progress, and gave her a very good report on me. He told me she was happy to hear about all we were doing and said Tyler was doing a fine job maintaining our “friendship”.
I said, “Yeah, but… I mean…I’m sure you didn’t tell her EVERYTHING that’s going on.”
“What do you mean? Sure I did.”
“No, you couldn’t have told her EVERYTHING. What about Dale?”
“Yeah, I told her about him.”
“What?? What did you tell her?”
“Everything. I told her about your night in Dale’s truck, and how we skyped with him and all that. Sure.”
I was speechless for several minutes. I tried to process how this was possible. Was he really claiming he told Ms. Smeltzer about making me go to a seedy porn shop, “pick up” an old, fat trucker, and spend the night with him in his cab while he, Tyler, and Shelly all abused me? And Tyler is saying Ms. Smeltzer APPROVED of this, and thought it was an appropriate part of making me an agreeable and cooperative roommate?? There’s just no way. As an employee of the university – as the Director of Resident Life, even! – there’s no way she could condone what, first of all, amounted to slavery, and secondly, resulted in (what I considered) RAPE of one of the students whose welfare she was supposed to be guarding! No… way.
My first thought was to try and slip away from Tyler long enough to have another one-on-one meeting with Kelly Smeltzer. But I knew if I went to her office alone, the first thing she would ask me is whether Tyler knew I was there. She herself had approved of the rule (in fact, she had even independently thought of it) that I had to inform Tyler of my whereabouts at all times. I was overwhelmed by the sense of helplessness that came from knowing that she was the ONLY person in any position to help me in my prediction, yet she was also Tyler’s greatest ally. Up until now, I thought that was only because she didn’t know the full extent of Tyler’s pervasive control over me. I thought if she knew ALL the details of what was going on, she would put a stop to the madness immediately. But now, Tyler was claiming that she really DID know all of it. And according to him, she approved!
I just had to find out if that was true. But I realized the only way I could talk to Ms. Smeltzer was if Tyler was present, too. There was just no way around it. So I asked Tyler, “Um… do you think… we could go and meet with Ms. Smeltzer… um… both of us together?”
“How come?”
“Well… um… I haven’t seen her in a few months, but you have… um… I guess I’d Just like to hear it from her that, uh… that she’s pleased with everything… and … um, I’d like to ask her if there’s anything else she thinks I should do… or could do… you know.”
Tyler shrugged. “Sounds good to me. I’ll call her. She said I could call her anytime. She gave me her cell phone number.”
She did? I thought. Then I heard Tyler says, “Kelly? It’s Tyler. Hey. Good, good. You think Davey and I could come in to talk to you some time soon? You have any time today? OK. Yeah, that’d be good. Neither one of us has class then. OK. OK, I will. Thanks. Yep, we’ll see you then.”
He called her Kelly? Whe did he get on a first-name basis with Ms. Smeltzer? And why did she give him her cell phone number?
When we met her in her office, she locked the door behind us. She allowed Tyler to sit, but made me stand and drop my pants and underwear. She also cuffed my hands behind my back. As soon as she sat down behind her desk, where Tyler couldn’t see her but I could, she loosened her skirt and put a hand down in her panties. She told me Tyler had told her all about winter break, and how he and Shelly had skyped with me, how they made me suck a dildo, and fuck myself with it, while they fucked, how Tyler took the chatity tube key with him to Kennesburg, and how, since I couldn’t drive to where they were, I had to go the entire break without any relief for my pent-up balls. She said Tyler had told her about the night at the truck stop, with Dale, and how Dale enjoyed himself with me in his sleeper cab, while skyping with Shelly and Tyler.
Tyler had told her how he and Shelly had had the best sex they’d ever had over winter break, because my participation in their sex life made Shelly especially hot, how it was obvious that Shelly came like a waterfall watching, and listening, as Dale beat me with his belt. Ms. Smeltzer said she was thrilled that I was applying myself so well to Tyler and Shelly’s “sex lessons”, and that, truth to tell, all the stories Tyler told her made her “soooo wet” as well. And that included the story of how Dale had pissed into my mouth.
She was making no attempt to hide from Tyler the fact that she was fingering herself behind her desk. “Oh, my,” Tyler said. “Kelly, are you playing with yourself back there? Hahaha.”
She grinned widely and proudly admitted, “Yes, I am.”
“Well… ha … as long as you’re doing that, and as long as Davey’s right there, maybe you’d just rather have his tongue down there to help you out. I can’t think of a better way for him to show his thanks for all you’ve done for us.”
“You know,I think you’re right. That WOULD be a very appropriate way for him to show his gratitude… and *respect*, too, I might add. Davey, you hear your roomie. Get down here on your knees and lick my pussy.”
I looked at Kelly Smeltzer incredulously. “Ms. Smeltzer… you can’t be serious.”
She glared at me. “Look in my eyes, Davey. Tell me I’m not serious. And then feel my hand slap the shit out of your face.”
I did look in her eyes for a brief instant. And it was terrifying. She WAS serious. Deadly serious. But how could she do this?? Even if there was no university rule about sexual contact between employees and students, there CERTAINLY had to be a rule against slapping a student, which she was threatening, or FORCING sexual contact.
But it was beyond obvious that any such rules were not going to stop Kelly Smeltzer, so I dropped to my knees, scooted forward, and lowered my face towards her crotch. At the same time, she slipped her panties down just past her hips,and raised her legs to indicate I should duck my head under her panties. Once I did, she lowered her thighs and trapped my head between her panties and pussy, and grabbed my head in her hands, and I started licking. Tyler asked if he could watch, and Ms. Smeltzer said, “Of course.” So he moved his chair over to where I’d been standing.
After she came on my face, she told me to stay on my knees While she put herself back together. Tyler was sitting right behind me in a chair, and Ms. Smeltzer sat in front of me, so I felt sandwiched between them. Ms. Smeltzer said, “Davey… I understand this meeting was your idea. So, I want you to tell me, honestly, why you were so anxious to come in here and have a meeting with me.”
“Um… well… it’s just that… um… ahem… OK, you’ve said you approve of Tyler’s, um… sex lessons… and… all the rules I have to follow. Um… but… I thought the point of it all was to learn how to get along in college, and, uh… get along with aroommate, and everything. Um… so… do you think… maybe… some time soon, I could… um, like… graduate? From this training? You know? Um… maybe not have to wear this thing [I competed towards the chatity tube]… I can get along with my roommate without this thing on, and … I don’t need to, uh… you know, have all these rules.”
“You know, this sounds a lot like complaining to me. Complaining and whining. Haven’t we made it clear you’re not allowed to complain about anything, Davey? Doesn’t this sound like complaining to you, Tyler?”
“Yeah, kinda does,” Tyler agreed, and he told. “I don’t know if Davey will ever learn not to complain, Kelly. God knows we’ve tried, but… you know how he is.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m not trying to complain. I’ve tried really hard to do everything I’m supposed to. I’ve followed all the rules. It’s just…”
“Uh oh,” said Ms. Smeltzer, “here comes more complaining.”
“I can’t help it, Ms. Smeltzer. It’s all justtoo much! I mean… I’m… I’m not GAY! And … I’ve had to … to suck… um… you know, suck penises, and … take penises in my … my butt… um… and… and I mean, drinking a man’s pee?? I don’t see how you can condone that. I mean, you … your job… is… you know, to look out for TU students, and-“
“You don’t think I’m looking out for you, Davey?”
I whimpered. “Ms. Smeltzer… I don’t wanna have to do gay things… and… and also, has Tyler told you he makes me wipe his butt after he poops, and then I have to lick his butt and … put my tongue in it?? I mean…”
“Oh my god, Davey… Are you tattooing on your roommate? You know… you keep claiming to be Tyler’s friend, but … honest to God, Davey, from DAY ONE, you’ve been nothing but a little squealer. You’re STILL betraying your friend, after all this time, just like you did the first time you came in here to meet with me.
“Tyler, you know what? Gimme that chatity tube key. I think it’s time I held onto that key. I bought that thing anyway, so I’m takein’ it back. Gimme the key, Tyler. That’s why I told you to bring it today, ’cause I thought this just might happen.” Tyler pulled the key from his pocket and handed it to Kelly Smeltzer.
“Ms. Smeltzer, I just don’t see how you can condone all this,” I continued to… well, complain… in their minds, anyway. “I mean… that man RAPED me in his truck.”
“Hahaha. Oh my god, what a little drama queen. Raped you?? Bullshit, Davey. Did you, or did you not, drive yourself to that porn shop?”
“Well, yeah… I did. But I had no choice!”
“Of course you had a choice. You know what, Davey, shut up! Shut the fuck up, right now. If you open your mouth and say one more word, you know what’s gonna happen?” With that, she held up the key to my chatity tube and displayed it in front of my eyes. “*I* have this key now, and if you say another word, you won’t see it again for a month. You wanna go a month without cumming? Don’t speak! But answer. You wanna go a month without cumming?”
I shook my head.
“Didn’t think so.” At that, she leaned back in her chair, and crossed her legs. I watched one high-heeled foot bounce up and down in front of my face, as I was still in my kneeing position before her. She let several moments pass, and, I suppose satisfied that I had remained silent, she spoke: “You wanna Know something, Davey?” She leaned forward and bent her head towards mine. “I don’t like you,” she said, and leaned back to her reclined position. “I didn’t like you from the minute I first saw you. You’re a while, complaining, spineless little weasel. A little bookworm nerd who came to college thinking everything would be just the way your little tight ass wants it, all the time. So when you said you wanted another roommate, you know what I said to myself? I said, If this little pussy wants something, then I’m gonna make sure he DOESN’T get it. That first meeting we had, if I could’ve gotten away with it then, you know what I would’ve done?”
I just stared, wearing a very worried expression … once again rather terrified of Kelly Smeltzer.
“This,” she said, and quickly leaned forward to put one hand over my mouth while she grabbed my nose with the other, and twisted hard. I yelped into her hand, and tears came to my eyes immediately. “Shhhh,” she said. “Don’t you dare make a fuckin’ sound, Davey, ’cause if you do, you’ll never see the key to that chatity tube again. I might have done this, too,” and with that, she grabbed a handful of hair from the top of my head, and yanked my head around a few times. I whimpered involuntarily, but quietly, and just looked at her with shocked, terrified eyes.
“But now,” she said, “since I have that tube on you, and hold the key right here, I can do anything I want. And I will. And you will take it, whatever it is. Because if you try and cause any kind of trouble for me, if you try and squeal on me to the university, likeyou squeal on Tyler… like I said… you will never… EVER… see this key again.
“You’re right, Davey. In my position here at TU, I shouldn’t condone what Tyler is doing with you. And to you. But … just as a person, as an ordinary woman… I DO. I … LOVE it! The university wouldn’t approve, but the university is never gonna find out about it, are they? I had no idea you’d end up being basically a total slave to your roommate. But once I found out that DID happen… ohhh my GOD! It has made me SOOOO hot! I love hearing about your tight ass getting fucked. It’s just what a little pussy like you deserves. The more you suffer, Davey, the more humiliation you’re subjected to… the better my orgasms are when I’m at home at night. I … LOVE … the way they are treating you. And I’m gonna make sure it only gets worse for you.
“Tyler. I haven’t seen Davey sucking your cock yet. Do you feel like a blowjob? How about if Davey starts, and I finish?”
“Sure!” Tyler said.
“Hahaha. You sure, now? I don’t want to get in trouble with Shelly. I’m sure I will meet her some day.”
“You know what, maybe we better not this time. Let’s wait until I’ve met Shelly, and … we’ll just see. Today, we’ll just let Davey do the whole job.”
And so the unthinkable happened. The Trentstown University Director of Resident Life made a student perform oral sex, against his will, on another student, right in her office! The first student in question submitted to the wishes of that Director of Resident Life, in helpless awareness that he’d been fully betrayed by one of the people his parents were paying to protect his well-being. That student also knew, by dint of the metal locking device imprisoning his penis, that he had no recourse, nowhere to turn, no ONE to turn TO, and no way out of his humiliating prediction.
Over the rest of the spring semester, all I could do was accept my fate as a total slave, ultimately to Ms. Kelly Smeltzer. She held the key to my dick tube and had appointed Tyler as my … guardian, you might say. I was in his custody, on her behalf, and he had her complete blessing to totally rule my life… which of course, he had already been doing. Tyler still talked of “friendship” and “being a good roommate” and “being cooperative” and all that, but I knew, and Kelly Smeltzer certainly knew, that those pretenses were Complete bullshit. The point of all the control he and Shelly wilded over me was simply to keep me as a humble, humiliated, tormented, degraded little slave, for Tyler’s convenience and gratification, for Shelly’s twisted fascination, and for Kelly Smeltzer’s ears, and pussy juices.
Every week or two, if I was “good”, Tyler and I would go to Ms. Smeltzer’s office, where she would cuff me to a chair, gag me, and unlock my chatity tube. With a disposable rubber glove on her hand, she would stroke my dick into a cup and then un-gag me and make me drink my cum. Then she’d re-attach the chatity device and lock it, and send us on our way.
In March, we heard from Dale, who said he’d be passing through Trentstown on a Wednesday night, and then he’d pass through again, going the other way, on Saturday. When Ms. Smeltzer found out about that (via her regular cell phone chats with Tyler), she sprang into action, to arrange the following hellish scenario which almost made me piss my pants hearing about it. She was going to pick up me and Tyler from campus, in her car, at 7:00 Wednesday night. She would then drive to the truck stop where Dale planned to leave his truck, meeting him at 7:30. The four of us would then drive to Ms. Smeltzer’s house. We’d get there around 7:45. Shelly had to work at Maggie’s Restaurant in Kennesburg until 9ish, so she would connect with us by skype whenever she got home (to the house where she and Tyler’s mother lived).
The entire evening would be spent abusing me. Of course Dale would make me lick his sweaty balls and asshole,and suck his dick. At some point he would likely spank me with his belt. Tyler would also have me licking any part of his body he desired: feet, balls, armpits, ass, whatever. Ms. Smeltzer would have plenty of handcuffs, rope, and duct tape on hand. She also had whips and paddles, she said, and of course she would join in. I would be drinking piss (Tyler had started making me drinking his since we’d gotten back to campus): Dale’s, Tyler’s, and hers. Or they might put me in the tub and pee all over me, or they might piss on me in her back yard, or in her tile-floor kitchen.
But this wasn’t the worst of the whole plan. Ms. Smeltzer e-mailed all my professors and told them that due to a family emergency, I would miss all of my Thursday and Friday classes. She asked them, on my behalf, to Excuse me and allow me to make up any missed work. Where would I actually be Thursday and Friday? On the road with Dale, tied up in his sleeper cab during the day, and serving him completely, any way he wanted, at night. And sleeping Thursday and Friday night with my neck between his legs and my face in his ass.
When Dale passed back through Trentstown Saturday, he would stop at the truck stop and deliver me back to Kelly Smeltzer, who would be there waiting.
The actual ordeal was even worse than I imagined. I was collared and leashed the whole time, and not only did I have to drink piss right from the sources, I had to lick it off the kitchen tile and suck it from the ground outside. And when Dale took a shit, Ms. Smeltzer pushed my head into his hairy, fat ass and make me lick him clean without him even wiping first. I had already licked faith brown streaks from his ass a few months before, but this time it was thick, brown smears of poop. Ack! I almost voted, but that Just made Ms. Smeltzer wants to be even more cruel. “Don’t you dare puke! You’re lucky I didn’t let him shit right into your mouth. This isn’t the last time you’re gonna taste poop, you little pussy.Better get used to the taste.”
Later that night, Ms. Smeltzer herself had to poop, and she made me lick her ass clean also. Before she flushed, she put on a plastic glove and reached into the toilet to take a little piece of her poop out. She dropped it right on the bathroom floor, then grabbed me by the hair of my head with her ungloved hand. She pushed my face down. “Eat that!” she hissed.
“No… Ms. Smeltzer, please… pllleeeease!” I started crying.
“Eat it! Get your mouth down there. Eat my shit, come on!”
I blubbered and sobbed as I opened my mouth and wrapped it around the little turd. It was only about the size of a gumball, but still… I tried not to think about the taste or the feel as I took it into my mouth. I thought it would be best If I tried to swallow it hard and fast, and get it over with. As soon as it slide down my throat, though, I started cought and gagging. I felt like I had an immediate fever, and I lurched forward, towards the toilet,where the smell of the water, and the remaining poop, put my gag impulse over the edge. I voted into the toilet with a loud “rrraaaaulllgggh!”
Ms. Smeltzer responded with a riding crop that she quickly grabbed from the living room. She came back in the bathroom and brought it down on my ass and back, over and over, berating me for my incultitude, and for not swallowing her “delicious poop”. If that happened again, she said, I’d better puke on the floor, and I’d be licking that up when I was done.
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