This is the 28th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
Michele just letthings be. She went back to school and to her big, exciting life as a celebration, academic social icon and fiancé to an amazing man and it was a truly great life to go back to.
Krista and Becky went out and got that U-Haul, metaphorically speaking. Becky only needed a few boxes for her clothes. She moved in with Krista, which is to say she kept moving. They were together almost always. Krista spent much of her time in southern California working away with Michele and kept Becky by her side.
Though more often in the south, they did come home often and Krista allowed Becky and Tim to spend time with one another, though intimacy between the two was forbidden by Krista. Krista was very much the controlling hand that Becky lived for. Though she missed intimacy with Tim, she loved the control Krista exerted over her even more. Besides, Becky thought that in time, Krista might allow Becky to be with her brother…or her sister. It would just take a while.
Tim remained at homewith Donna.
Tim loved his mother dearly and at times, desperately. Though it was not on the same level it was with Michele, he came to be in love with Donna as well.
The two worked diligently on their relationship and as a consequence, Tim truly and completely accepted that Donna was his actual mother. Her messaging on this was nearly constant. Intellectually he knew otherwise but that mattered not at all to the boy Donna was and would always be his Mommy and he loved her with all his heart.
Yet he was depressed. He wondered if he’d ever get over Michele. He felt listless.
Fortunately for him, Donna was every bit the task master as her daughter and saw to it that Tim remained busy. Though the house was too large to clean himself, he was required to report to Gretchen, the full time housekeeper, Monday through Friday. Gretchen was the overseer to four housekeepers in total of which Tim was one.
He kept part time hours, but was required to answer to Gretchen two to three hours a day, five days a week. He retained his houseboy status the moment he awoke until dinner. If nobody was able to cover the dinner shift, it fell to him. Of course he had plenty of time to himself in the between hours if his commitments were met and Donna was not around. Gretchen arrived at nine every morning and assigned him work for his shift.
Though a recent German immigrant who spoke broken English, she knew well Tim’s unusual status in the house. The whole staff knew. She took her time to get comfortable with the unusual situation, but in time, relaxed into her own role and enjoyed giving voice to her naturally dominant and overbearing tendencies.
Though the same age, she loved that she could be hard and condescending to an Poreschean man. It felt both liberating and natural to be herself with no need to self reflect and bite her tongue as would otherwise be expected of a young lady in any other situation.
Gretchen imagined that some in her new community looked down on her because she was an outsider who had yet to master the language. She was a very proud, young woman and the indignity graduated on her.
The Lanza home came to represent more than just employment, it encouraged self discovery. Tim helped to somehow balance out the indignity she felt as an outsider.
She retired her position and delighted in lording over the boy even if for only a few hours a day. She was a dominant girl who, without great consideration, idealized and was drawn to, dominant men. Yet as she grew to enjoy her position over Tim, she began to fantasize about using him sexually. Clearly she was sexualizing her sense of workplace power over him and imagined using him as bosses have used underlings since time immemorial.
Gretchen was influenced in full by western culture and could Not help but associate the attractive, house maid with sex toy. This perception of her own place, while imagining some others would see her in this light, was part of what wont on her about her position as immigrant maid. Yet the outstanding pay coupled with her position over Tim made it all a great job for the young lady.
In any other home, she’d see Tim as her boss, one of her bosses or at least boss adjacent. In her first short stint as a maid in her new country, she worked for a man who’s live-in girlfriend treated Gretchen as though she were Gretchen’s boss. The woman was extremely condescending and Gretchen had to muster all her German resolve to hold it all inside. Now she got to lord over the boss’s boyfriend and she found it invigorating.
Donna was a keen observer and saw the way Gretchen worked with Tim. Not only did Donna approve of Gretchen’s superior attitude with her boy, she liked it. Donna began to subtly encourage it.
At first she did so by commanding Tim in front of Gretchen. This was not really done to encourage the new maid, it was a natural expression of their relationship. People in the home weregoing to see it. Yet as Donna witnessed how Gretchen always gravitated towards her interactions with Tim, she began to put on a little show. Donna was getting off on the exhibition of her power over Tim.
Donna was not interested in inculcating the young house overseer and thus did not fabricate situations to show off in front of the serious, young German woman. Yet neither did she hide anything from Gretchen. In time Gretchen came to see Tim berated by the Lady of the house as well as berated, smacked, intimately handled with cares and squeezes to the crotch and bottom that was more in line with a traditionally sexist, male dominated relationship, but in reverse.
When that was accepted by Gretchen with no apparent disappoint, Donna took it as silent consent. Donna slapped Tim one day and instantly looked over at Gretchen to see the well veiled but not quite totally hidden pleasure and excitement on the young lady’s face.
And he referred to Donna as Mother or Mommy.Tim was clearly not the Madam’s son.
Initially, it was jarring and mildly off-putting. The young woman recognized the dynamic in that her very own sister referred to her husband as Daddy and it drove Gretchen mad when she witnessed her older sister being this way, regarding her husband. Not only was it wrong for a grown woman to debase herself this way, but it was grossly perverse.
Yet this was different and she wanted to make peace with it because she liked and needed her job. Soon it did not both her in the least and was accepted as just part of family life in the Lanza home. It was extensively perverse, but even her feelings about that began to change. Before long, she actually liked it.
Mother and son entered through the front door as Gretchen was dusting. “How many times must I tell You to never walk in front of me as we make our way in public?”
Donna had mentioned it in the car ride home but Tim thought the conversation was over. When he spotted Gretchen his stomach sank.
Oh no.
“I’m sorry, Mother. I’ll be good.”
“Sorry, yes, but not sorry enough. I’d like you to be a bit more sorry.”
“Yes, Mother. I’m sor…”
“Go get Mother’s hairbrush and bring it here.”
“Madam?” interjected Gretchen after Tim had left the room.”
“Remain here please, Gretchen. You are part of the family now so there is no reason to keep you from this. You are about to see how the Lanza women keep their boys.”
Returning, he stood passively with hairbrush in hand as Donna placed the straight back chair before the mirror. “Now, young man,” she beckoned.
Though much taller than the athletic, young woman, he always feel three four feet tall when in dutch with his mother.
“You are a naughty and undisciplined young man.” She sat and he stepped between her thighs as expected. She was so imperious and so pretty and he loved his mother dearly. “It’s time for your punishment, young man.” Mother gently tugged onhis Dolphin shorts but they seemed caught on something. Certainly, Donna was putting on a show.
Then Gretchen saw that they were caught on the head of his erection.
Mein Herr!
She held her breath.
Donna, “What on earth?…” She slide her fingers in from the side, beneath the waistband bringing them together right at the head of his hard cock and popped the elastic up, over and down the Front of his erection. Down came his tight shorts and there he stood with a throbbing erection.
There he stood in his panties.
Donna heard a sudden intake of breath and looked over to admire the expression of riveted shock on the housekeeper’s face. Eyes at half mast, Donna shared a superior and barely there closed mouth smile with Gretchen. This was a special moment for the women.
This was for Donna What it had always been for Michele. Donna was flexing and it felt wonderfully good.
Turning to Timmy, “You are a naughty boy!” She flicked the head of his erection with her fingernail as hard as she could. It stung Timmy, but he knew to remain still least he upset his Mother.
As frightened as he was, he was over the moon, in love with his mother and thought she was so amazingly beautiful. “Yes, Mother. I’m sorry.”
“Yes, well we are getting down to that aren’t we? We will get to just how sorry you are, I promise. Over my knee,” she said as she patted her tigh. And over he went.
With her hand, Spank, Spank, Spank “You are an uppity, little boy and you will be punished.
Spank, Spank, Spank, Spank, Spank
Though she spanked hard, the hand spanks felt wonderful to the boy and he was nearly out of breath with desire.
Spank, Spank, Spank, Spank
“In this home, we will have discipline.” She took up her hairbrush.
Gretchen saw the boy was winning just a bit.
Donna was as calm and cool as could be. “When Mother says it is to be done a certificaten way, how should it be done?”
“The way you say, Mommy!”
His distress was now clear. The expression on his face was unmissable; the spanking hurt dearly.
“I don’t want to have to keep doing this for you, but you seem to have no control of yourself.”
“Ow, Mommy! Please, please, I’m sorry! I’ll be good!”
“Yes, you will be good. We will see to that won’t we?”
“Yes, yes, Mommy! Ow, ow, ow, it hurts!”
“Yes, yes it does. That’s good,” she encouraged.
“Why is that good? Why is it good that your naughty, little bottom burns?”
“Be…because I need to learn, Mommy!”
Gretchen watched in a semi state of shock. She’d seen plenty of spankings and had been on the receiving end of several. Beyond reliving the pain and proven humiliation or the early life ordeal, she did not dwell on it. She reoriented herself in her study of Donna.
There was something that was at first almost eerie about her demeanor. Her words and actions spoke to her displeasure, but everything about her physical being communicated something quite at odds with her disappointment of her boy. While her posture was stunningly erect, she seemed so casual and relaxed. It was clear to Gretchen that there was a great deal of comfort for Donna that was inherent to the ritual she orchestrated.
Between spanks and during their brief exchanges, she’d pet, or rub his bottom or lower back. It was so languid and Gretchen know she was soothing the boy as much as she was soothing herself. The spanking soothed the woman too and that could not be more obvious. Her eyes fluctuated between half-mast and wide open whenever she smiled her approval. The woman was in her element. This as so clearly her domain and this was just one way she maintained it all. It was lovely.
The boy’s distress was clear, but was made abundantly so when he began crying.
Gretchen had never seen a man cry before and briefly returned to her state of shock. As she responded to the Lady’s questions, he could not help but blubber while doing so.
And then the young lady took a deep breath herself. She almost felt as though she’d been holding her breath Throughout what had begun as milkly traumatizing experience. She breathed deeply into her acceptance of all this with a sense that all of it was good and right. She was further shocked to discover that like her boss, there was something soothing in all this for her too.
With him bent over his mother’s knee and one of her legs drawn over the backs of his legs, the spanking, the calm, continue and independent scolding and lecturing, his crying and overt distress, all of it was strangely pleasant to Gretchen. And it all came back to Donna. She was the Lady of the house. She was taking what she desired while giving this boy what he clearly needed.
All of his obsequious posturing, behavior that had only annoyed Gretchen previously, now seemed wholly appropriate. The incestuous, Mother/son relationship that she judged, which milkly repulsed her, no longer offended. She was pleasantly shocked to discover that she was intrigued by it. Gretchen approved. The Mother/son relationship now made perfect sense.
He is little boy. She is Mutter.
There was very much a place in this world for Mother’s to guid their sons. As she savored his anguish, as she appreciated Donna’s relaxed mastery and calm composition, she realized she enjoyed all of it. With this admission, she experienced a profound sense of arousal.
If nothing else, Gretchen was herself, a composed and self distributed young woman. As she watched the spanking, a hint of a smile showed itself against her otherwise focused features.
Watching she thought to herself that if she did not find a suitabledominant equal, perhaps there was another way.
I could be Mutter.
Going further, she realized that even if she did not assume the role of his mother, she liked the idea of a relationship in which she could communicate and guide a man…a boy really… the way Donna was guiding, helping and loving her boy. The idea of having a boy was now hot.
Not as hot as his bottom.
Her just barely visible smile blessomed by a fraction of a million.
After several minutes of spanking, lecturing and crying, Donna stood the boy before her. Tears streamed down his distraught face while his penis stood at rigid attention.
Gretchen was shocked to discover just how much more aroused this made her. Had Donna looked up just then, she’d have seen that for just an instant, Gretchen’s composure cracked and a look of wide eyed wonder spread out like a warm sunrise across the landscape of her perfect German features before she could recompose herself.
“Step out.”
He stepped out of the shorts and panties pooled at his feet. Fully aroused but with a bright red bottom, he stood frightened and emotionally broken before his Mother. “Wait for me in my bed and I’ll let you thank Mommy. I’ll let you thank me for your spanking.”
Donna’s expectation was beyond audacious and that’s when the full magnitude of all this dawned on Gretchen. There was a beautiful, even perfect reciprocity in all this.
She had to tell herself to breath.
As the boy hurried out of the room, Donna collected his shorts and stood. She turned to Gretchen and the self satisfaction on Donna’s face said it all, it was everything.
“So,” she briefly paused and took a breath, “how are we with all of this? Was that too much?”
Most who were experiencing the storm of wonder and arousal that Gretchen was just then feeling, would have stuttered some sort of nonsensical refugeer. “No, Ma’am.” Speaking slowly as she was catching her breath and speaking a second language, “It was good. I like it.”
“Very well,” Donna smiled her pleasure. “If you have any questions or just want to discuss it,” she paused to lock eyes, “just come to me and we will talk about it. I’d enjoy that. Right now I have an appointment in the bedroom. Out in a bit.”
In time, Gretchen came to happen upon the Madam of the House using Tim Sexually. She remained shocked at her own emotional turn around over the entirety of the perversion that she used to judge, especially as she began to fantasize about using the boy in the same way her employer used him. Constantly she imagined taking him into a closet and forcing him to his knees, or perhaps bending him over her own.
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