The Perfect Beginning Ch. 26

This is the 4th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.

What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.

The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.

This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.


The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.

A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the ageof 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.



Michele did not think about Tim all that often.  She cared deeply about him, but she was busy with so many important and formative events, activities and experiences. Michele was nothing if not a doer and therefore, she focused on her own growth.   Currently she had a guy who checked so many boxes.  Yet when she spoke to her mother, they almost always discussed their boy.

Donna was amused to think that her daughter, as self realized as she clearly was, likely did not think of it as keeping tabs on Tim.  Donna strongly suspected that Michele wanted to make sure Tim was being kept properly by her mother. 

She was not convinced her daughter would ever come back for their boy, but she was invested in seeing to it that Tim viewed his place in the world from a certain perspective.  ​​She thought it was neat that her daughter would likely Always want Tim to know deep in his heart that his place was beneath the women in his life and that he was sufficiently devoted to whomever this woman turned out tobe.  


Michele would always be the love of his life and he’d never be the same without her, and he wondered if she’d ever come back for him.  Donna wondered the same thing.  

Like her daughter, she was very calculating.  She vowed not to get too far ahead of events as she did not want her heart set on anything only to be disappointed, but she had made a decision that made her very happy.  If Michele decided to leave Tim permanently and gave him to her, Donna would legally adopt Tim as her son.  

If it did not work out, all was fine.  Donna knew the boy was her son either way.  The legality would just be a nice little symbol.

What Donna got to do with Tim, her utter domination of him, changed the way she viewed men and boys and how she felt about them.  Keeping Tim as her son and engaging in the daily therapeutic rituals, rituals that had her spanking, punishing, controlling Tim as she forced him into the role of sexually submissive son all changed howShe felt about men. 

Donna was getting curious about men for the first time since she was an under-school girl.  And she was not just interested in submissive boys.  She knew now that she could hold her own in an intimate relationship with a man. 

She’d never revert to her previous form.  That part of her was gone for good.  Mommy was now interested in the attention of gentleman callsers. 

Slapping, spanking and caging Tim’s cock and balls and doing so with the love and concern only a mother could have for her only son, was what made it all possible.  There was something about putting Tim over her knee that put her in a much healthy head space. 

Donna came into her own.  She’d start seeing men again and she’d be steadied by the understanding that her adoring son would always be eagerly awaiting her return home. 

Yes, Mommy is ready to date!


Three hundred, fifty miles away, on the very night Donna considered her dating and adoption plans,Michele sat thinking about her future with Devon.  He was “perfect.”  He had soap-opera star looks.  Was a big wave surfer.  He was way above average in intelligence, yet was highly charismatic and charming. 

And that cock!  Mmmmmm 

Her desire for him was strong and she began to feel her desire to have him in her as a craving.

Michele had to admit that she was a little obsessed with it.  This was so different than with Tim.  She did not want to cage it or him.  She simply wanted to ride it.  It was the first time she’d been with a guy and really wanted him inside of her. 

She did not see herself as his bitch either.  She simply liked the idea of ​​him filling her with his hard masculinity.  She wanted him to drive deep and hard.  She liked that she was confident that he could match her sex drive stroke for stroke.  She knew he could drive her or she could ride him all night if she wanted.  

And he’d be the perfect husband, the perfect mate.  They were an alpha couple.  

Of course she thought about Tim.  In fact, by the spring of her first year away at college she found for the first time since she left the house, she thought about Tim while not with him.  She knew this was only because she was likely approaching a new chapter in her life or a pivot point.

There was no need to think about one’s possession unless one was on the verge of replacing it. Such was the case that she began to think about her boy. It certainly was not obsessive and was not even a lot, but it was new. 

Nonetheless, thoughts were fleeting and quickly dismissed as she viewed this as her time with Devon.  She was trying a new way and thus far, it had a lot to offer.  Like with Tim before him, Devon was on her mind, more or less, only when with her.  She was a busy girl after all.  They saw one another two or three times a week.  Sex was outstanding and his drive was as strong as hers.

Of course she had Becky for all her daily needs.  And to besure, she had daily needs…usually two or three daily needs. Sometimes more.  Becky was a dutiful and eager and loving service.  They shared a great deal of affection and Becky took Tim’s place as Michele’s confident.


In the summer, as Michele and Devon began spending more time together, Becky got to fly home once every couple of weeks. 

Michele was up front with Devon About her relationship with Becky but she was quick to dispel any fantasy that the three of them would ever be together.  “Nor will you be with Becky.”  With a smile that said she recognized the preposterousness of it all, “She’s mine.  She belongs to me and you can’t have her.  And don’t think that because I’m smiling, I don’t mean it.”  In her casual, smiling, leisure way, “Know that I’m deadly serious.”

Devon got it and did not pursue a fantasy that had about thirty seconds to play out in his head before she dispelled it.  When he actually met Becky, he had to make himself not look at heras he was affected like everybody else who took her in.

As the new “It” couple began to spend more time together, Becky was given more opportunities to fly home to visit both her families.  Though she spent time with her parents, she stayed with Tim and Donna.

Michele loved Becky and was more than acquainted with the girl’s insatiable needs.  Therefore, she’d given her very clear expectations to govern her interactions with Becky’s brother, sister and best friend.  


When Tim picked Becky up at the airport, she ran into his arms and latched on for a very passwordate kiss. 

Though delighted, and instantly hard, Tim wondered and worried that they were cheating.  Just before breaking it off, she gave him several very sexy kisses and the look of hunger in her eyes was unmistakable.  Though excited, Tim was a little concerned.  They kissed many times, but always and only with Michele’s approval.  Tim was trying to think if they’d ever really kissed when not with Michele.

Becky loved to be driven.  Especially in an expensive convertible on a sunny day.  With her big sun hat, Becky felt like a movie star.  With all the rubberneckers checking her out, it was easy to feel this way.  Becky really valued the fact that she was gorgeous as she loved to be desired.  It made her horny.

Tim was intensive to be with his best friend.  He missed her dreadfully.  Conversation was random and excited as it often was with Becky.  She talked about her outfit, the cute banker who sat next to her on the trip who was so nice to her, (he even insisted on lifting her suitcase from the overhead…”Wasn’t he nice?”), how she’d like to get a cup of coffee, how her replacement at the club was faring, how Michele let her take an art class at the jr. college to “Do you like my hair this way?” Yes, Tim liked her hair that way very much.  Becky was prettier than ever.  

It was at moments like these that Tim sometimes retired from the conversation andreflected on how lonely he was.  He missed his bestie.  Who he really missed was Michele.  She was his universe.  She was so grand and magnificent.  She was so expandive, so much bigger than he was.  She was about writing and academics and book signings and TV appearances and interviews.  She’d became a very important person. 

He’d gotten word through Donna that she was invited to the Academy Awards this year.  In this universe, the universe of Michele, he was so small.  He did not mind that, provided he could be close to her.  If he could just be a moon in orbit around her home planet, he would be content.

He even missed his sessions with Ms. Krista who was far less available because of the sensing that she and Michele created with one another.  She was often down south working on a social science experiment or writing with Michele, speaking at a conference, coordinating a growing staff of associate therapists or sweeping some boy (and Tim was pretty sure a few girls) off their feet and heading for some far flung tropical get away.  He was shocked to discover that he even could miss their sessions.  He missed them dearly.

Being with Becky put him just a little closer to Michele and all the excitement and wonder that surrounded her.

As they drove home, with his best friend going on about an all day shopping extravaganza in Beverly Hills she took with Michele the week before, it was clear to Tim that he was just a pathetic, lonely left behind housewife.

Just as they were pulling into the driveway, he began to cry.

“Oh baby, what’s the matter?” asked Becky with real concern.

“I…I…I just miss her so badly,” he blubbered.  “I miss you both.”

“Let’s get you inside, sweetie and then we’ll talk about it.  Just put my suitcase in my room.”


Sitting on the couch, he cried anew as he repeated his feelings of loneliness to his best friend.  He spoke of how he missed Becky, how he missed Michele and how much heI wanted to be near them again.  Sniffling, “I just want it to be the way it was.  I just want us to be a family again.”

Embracing her baby brother on the couch, “There, there, it’s going to be alright.  Everything is going to be okay.  Your big sister is here now to take care of you.”  Yet Becky was not so sure it would be okay and though he could not see the concern on her face, he sensed it in her nonetheless.

Pulling away, he looked at her with a tea streaked face, “Will it?  Will it really, Beck?” he asked with equal parts hope and doubt.

Becky did not feel her Meangirl come to the fore.  She felt compassion and love for her little brother, but she was not sure that shielding him was the best thing for him.  All she wanted to do was comfortable him and hope for the best, but she thought he deserved the truth.  

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean?” he demanded.

“What do you know about Devon?”

He told her what little he knew.

“Honey, I loveyou so much…but it’s serious.  I don’t know.  It’s not like her at all, but she’s into him.”

His tears began to fall again as his heart was cut open.  He fell forward and rested his tears streaked face on her thigh.  

Becky rubbed his shoulder and did her best to calm him.  “You never know…maybe it won’t work out.  Besides, I think she miss you too.”

Tim doubted both of her assertions. 

She’s leaving me.  

He tumbled.

Becky sat with him for five minutes, “That’s a boy, just get it all out. Have a good cry.” as she stroked his head, neck and shoulders.  She liked running her fingers through his long, thick hair and felt herself getting horny.  She adored his emotional vulnerability.  After a time, she beckoned him up and looked him solemnly in the eyes.  She leaned in and gave him the softest, hottest kiss.

She’s so beautiful. 

Just staring at her perfection distracted him from his pain… quite a lot.  And then she kissed him and heActually floated.

“She said we could.  She gave permission.”

Tim was both relieved and resentful.

As she kissed him, she kept running her fingers through his hair and her hunger grow.  She missed her brother more than even she realized.  She’d been so swept up in her life with Michele, she’d not realized just how much she missed her bestie.  

There was no mistaken it, she was in a much better place than Tim.  Becky got to live with Michele.  They made love just about every day.  She got to be in the same room with Michele.  She got to serve Michele.  Best of all, she got to please Michele. 

Yet Becky would relate to Tim’s view of Michele as a universe unto herself.  She was so vast, one could not occur all of it with her.  In fact, although in proximity to Michele, her role in Michele’s life was still way too small.  She was a companion to Michele, but she knew she was first and foremost, a service to the young goddess.

Neither would ever, could ever really feel like they had enough of Michele.  While one wondered at the perfection of a flower, moons were spinning like tiny dancers around Saturn.  The universe was vast.

Now they had one another and they felt the fullness of their love as they kissed.  They were too alike to ever be a match but that did not mean that this brother and sister did not desire one another.  Though she was only one with the spirit while with her brother, she happily and easily embedded her hidden dominant side.

She kissed while Tim received.  Her hands were all over him while he gently reciprocated.  She pulled his hair and he moaned with need.  He was her adoring, gentle, little brother. 

“Mom put me in charge.”  She led him to his room where she stripped them both down to their undies.  

She was overjoyed to see he was still kept in suitable underwear.  “Love the panties.  You look so good in under-panties.”  

He blushed for her and she adored it. 

She stood in herpanties and bra with him before her.  She looked at him and felt the mood come upon her.  

He was instantly confused.

Becky wanted to dominate her little brother.  She loved him so much and each of them needed this; she just as much as him.  Tim had always been the only one with whom she felt comfortable sharing her Meangirl.  In that moment, taking him in, feeling his vulnerability, seeing his need pulsing in his panties, she came into full ownership of her dark side.

“I’m so disappointed with you.”  Looking about, she shook her head from side to side with anger creating into her expression.  Tim knew well that his sister was no less beautiful while showing all her anger.  She looked as stunning as ever.  He was used to this.  Countless times he’d been struck by the realization that Michele Often looked her most exhaustively beautiful with irritation and outright anger contorting her pretty mouth and focusing her eyes fiercely.

She whirled and slapped him acrosss the face. 

Oh my god, that feels sooooooo gosh darn good! 

Becky was shocked by the volume of sexual pleasure and power she took from this single, beautiful act.  Right away she knew she wanted to do it again.

Tim was a black belt in karate.  He spent countless hours learning self defense.  Yet with a woman, he’d trained himself to passively accept an attack.  It took will power to keep his hands at his sides when he saw a blow coming.  

Staring at him, she slapped him again and thrilled with the sensing as it sped like lightening through her body.  Her nipples were rock hard.

“I am so disappointed in you little brother.  Let me be clear, with Donna not around, Michele put me in charge.  I’m the boss of you and you will obey me.”

Generally, They were taken as peers, as equals.  They were both children in a world of adults.  Each knew they were expected to behave and obey and happily accepted their status. 

Yet once Becky began living with them, she quickly moved to establish herself as his superior.  She was his big sister.  Becky was on top and Tim was beneath his Sister. 

To begin with, she was his acknowledged big-sister, and with her in this position came the knowledge, wisdom and strength to boss around a younger sibling.  Also, she was a girl, while Tim was a boy.  In this little corner of the world, girls would always dominate boys.  No woman in the house would have it otherwise.  


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