This is the 20th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
Michele had just started spanking Tim when he heard the front door of the house open and he knew Donna was home.
It was at this point in the past that Michele turned on some music and lowered her voice. She enjoyed scolding and lecturing Tim throughout a spanking but did not want her mother to hear.
This time, and to Tim’s chagrin, she didn’t put on any music and if anything, raised her voice. The drama of the spanking was enough, but now with no music to mask the sounds of the spanking and the scolding, he knew Donna would hear everything!
His pulse raced away with his panic.
And she would hear his voice too as he was always required to answer questions and make agreements throughout a spanking even if it was simply to verbally reaffirm that Michele was Tim’s “Better,” “Teacher”, “Superior,” “Babysitter” or to underscore what a naughty boy he was. And that was not to mention his whimpers and begging.
Tim’s heartbeat nearly doubled at the realization that Donna was hearing allof it and who in her position would not listen carefully to all of it!
Michele was thoughtful about what she was doing and allowed for the stillness, the quiet. Between dialog and spanking, she allowed several seconds for them both to enjoy the absolute quiet in the house. She wanted Tim to understand that there was not so much as a single chirping cricket to distract curious ears.
When it was over, Tim could Not look Donna in the eye for a full day. Later, Tim wondered if Donna had changed. She seemed to be looking at him differently.
At first he was not sure what it was because he’d never seen it on Donna before but then he realized it was the same look on Michele’s face he’d seen hundreds of times: Donna looked very self satisfied, bordering on smug.
It reminded him of the time she spoke of his masturbation problem.
The little exhibition did nothing to sit Donna’s appetite for what was happening.
Previously when she came home whileMichele spanked Tim, Michele cranked up some music and Donna only heard little bits of what was happening. She usually went to another wing of their spacious home or went to her own room and closed the door not wanting to hear more, not wanting to add to her own lust for spanking Tim.
This time she poured herself a drink, sat down, smiled to herself and enjoyed every minute of the radio drama. It was beautiful.
A week later Michele found fault with Tim’s attitude and told him he’d be spanked that evening before dinner. Tim was confused and he was pretty sure he’d been polite and deferential and if anything, sweet.
He was awake with nervous anticipation all afternoon, but was relieved that when they arrived home because Donna was there. Though part of him wanted to get it over with, Another part was relieved that it would be put off for another day. By then, Michele would be less irritated with him.
“Oh, hi Mom.”
“Hello, darling.”
After pleasantries, she got down to business, “If you will excuse me, Mom, I have to deal with something.”
Turning to Tim, “Alright now young man, why don’t we deal with your little problem.”
Tim’s heart stopped. She could not possibly mean…
She’s not going to… No, she couldn’t, not with her own mother here. Not in front of Donna! Why is she doing this?
Tim tried to make sense out of it but couldn’t.
Donna studied it all like a scientist. She so appreciated her daughter’s demeanor, from her posture to her tone of voice.
In the lead up to an actual punishment spanking, Michele always affected her no nonsense, adult discilarian aspect. She was the cool, superior, authoritarian and it inspired absolute fear in her boy as he Instantly regressed before her.
Her ability to speak down to Tim was so expert as to seem utterly natural. Michele was beautiful and perfect.
In contrast, Tim was clearly awake in confusion, anxiety and fear.
He’s adorable.
She knew she wanted to cause him this sort of anxiety so that she could then sooth and love the boy.
My boy, my son.
“Let’s see if we can remember the rule about looking at other women. This is one of my very first rules. How does that go again?”
“I’m…I’m not, not allowed to. But Michele…” Then it dawned on him: what was he going to say? You can’t do this with your mother here! Far more preposterous than what she was proposing.
“Yes! Good! And why are you not allowed to?”
“Because you say so.” He looked at her with the most pleading distress on his face. “Michele, please, don’t! Not now!” Even as he said it, he knew it was too late. He was falling.
Both women enjoyed his struggle.
It was at this point that Donna realized her daughter was putting on a demonstration for her education. This was the pace and the pleasure. This was the language and the mood. The tension of it all was exhaust and she realized her unusually pronounced nipples were even harder than usual. She settled in for the lesson and the simple joy of it all.
“‘Michele?’” asked in the most arched tone.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Michele,” he corrected.
“Is somebody trying to put on his big-boy pants?” she asked warmly. Her tone was that of a kindergarten teacher speaking in the most encouraging manner to one of her little-ones.
To Tim, it was very scary. “No, Miss. I’m sorry.” It was at this point that his posture broke as did his tone. They both saw it. He’d wanted to fight or at least negotiate. It was too distressing to deal with a punishment while Donna was present.
Then, as had happened countless times before, he realized that to protest would only make it all so much worse. Plaintively, he became a little boy. He looked to the ground in defeat as his penis pulsed and struggled in its little panty prison.
“Are you allowed to wear big-boy pants? Would I allow my little boy topretend he was a big boy?”
“No, Miss. I’m sorry.”
“Well then, you must be a man. Is that it, are you a man?”
“No, no! No, Ms. Michele. I’m not a man. I’m not,” he implored.
“Then what are you?”
“I’m…I’m a boy, Ms. Michele. I’m a little boy,” he said looking down in shame. “I’m your little boy.”
Oh my god!
Donna was instantly flooded with arousal.
“Good. Why else?”
“I’m sorry Ma’am…I’ve forgotten the question. Would you kindly repeat it?”
In the wake of such failures, he’d learned how to negotiate the situation by employing a formal language, posture and tone that was apologetic and extremely deferential. In this way, his failures might keep him from a slap down.
And with his failure, Michele was now on edge, ready to slap the beautiful face of her loving, yet very imperfect boy, several times.
“Why else are you not allowed to look at women?” asked slowly, suggesting he were an idiot who was having difficulty following a normal conversation. It was totally unfair. Both knew that though it were a simple conversation, it was anything but normal.
“Because it…it is rude. And it makes women think I’m a creep. So you’ve told me I can’t.”
“Yes, exactly. So that brings us up to what happened in the store.”
This is so fucking unfair! How could she…I didn’t do anything! I hardly glanced at her.
“Go ahead, tell us what you did.”
“I looked at her,” he said dejectedly. “But I didn’t mean to…”
In fact, he’d little more than glanced at the woman. As Tim saw it, he had to at least see other people if for no other reason than to avoid walking into them.
“What color hair did she have?”
“Shorts or skirt?”
Really short, tight shorts actually. Oh my god, I’m so guilty!
“Well, there you go. That’s why you’re getting a spanking.
“I do hope you enjoy it because it’s what you asked for. Itseems Mr. Big-Boy wanted a little bit of my attention today. Deep down, somebody wanted a spanking.”
Michele knew she was being totally unfair. She knew all Tim did was glance at this woman as he only glanced at all women. He was not checking her out. Yet two things were working against him in that particular moment. The woman was objectively prettier than Michele and Michele was in a mood. Considering she was in a mood, there was a very good chance she’d have found some other reason to go off on Tim.
And she felt not the least bit guilty. This is what Tim signed up for. This is just what they shared that kept them emotionally attached and this is just the thing that kept Tim’s eyes exclusively on Michele’s ass. She knew just how much her boy needed this and she was more than intimate with the satisfaction it provided her. She loved working out her moods on her loving, obedient boy.
Oh, I think Mr. Big-Boy does need a spanking.
MicheleThought the troubled look on Tim’s face priceless. Tim was very likely struggling with the unfairness of it all, but she did not care. He was scared and hard. Michele was going to enjoy this.
“Ask for your spanking,” said Michele in a happy, little-girl, sing-song voice.
She makes him ask for it! Oh, wonderful! Perfect.
Trying his best to pretend Donna was not there and while looking to the floor in shame, “Ms. Michele, will you please spank my bottom for me? I’ve been a naughty bottom and need your loving correction. Please give me a spanking so I can be better. I just want to be your good, little boy again. Would you please show me your love and kindness by spanking my naughty bottom? Please? Pretty please?”
Oh my god, and she started all this when she was in her one twentyties!
It was all so surreal to Donna. For some time, she’d known more or less what was going on with her daughter and Tim but still it did not seem possible.
Really, she’sStill just a girl and look what she can do! Look what she did to him. My God, she made him into this.
Donna’s world was upside down and her open mouth disbelief showed it all.
Mother and daughter shared the moment with a smile and a tacit exchange:
Oh, I very much see!
Michele told him, “Go to my room this instant and prepare the spanking chair, little man.”
Turning to her mother, “See you in a little bit.”
As he walked away he heard Donna all but singing, “Looks like someone’s been a naughty boy!” Any sort of participation was a thrill.
When Michele arrived in the room they went through the entire ritual and although the door was closed, the house was otherwise dead silent. He knew Donna was listening to it all.
The two women were of course savoring every bit of it.
And then it happened again. Tim knew things were permanently changing when for a second time Michele berated him and engaged him in a pre-spanking talking to, right in front of Donna and it was all his fault.
Tim lived for his spankies and whenever he needed some loving attention, found fun ways to provoke Ms. Michele into giving him one.
He hated spankings but he loved spankies more than anything.
Provoking Michele was, however, a dangerous game. In doing this, he ran the risk of really pissing her off and earning himself a serious smile bottom.
The rule was that he was not allowed to ask for a spanky. It was selfish and demanding. So he’d do little things and carefully gage her mood based on her reactions always hopeful he’d spy her mischievous smile, and that she’d play along.
He enjoyed being the silly-headed houseboy who needed to be taught a lesson by the lady of the house or the super, young ward (depend on Michele’s mood.) He was a coquette but he had to initiate the game with great caution.
If there was the littlest hint that she might not be receptive, he’d temperaturehimself. He had to try to put his desire for intimacy aside so as to honestly gauge Michele’s mood and response to his subtle encouragement. If the timing was right, it could be a fun way to spice up an afternoon and gave Michele an enjoyable break from her writing and studies.
He played just such a game on this afternoon having already committed several small offenses in full view of his Love. He spied the gleam in her eye and the hint of a smile. At last he paraded through the room with a basket full of folded laundry on his way to various bedrooms to do whatever houseboys do with folded laundry, when oops, right off the top, one of Michele’s panties was somehow knocked from the basket and fluttered to the floor. It happened right in front of her.
Michele was more than ready for the playful diversity. “I think I’ve had just about enough out of you, young man.”
“Please, Miss, please forgive me. I’m such a silly-head. Please, I’ll be good!” He placed the basketch on a chair.
Just then and most unexpectedly, Donna strolled right into their emergent scene. Having just picked up on Michele’s declaration, “Hello, Darling. Never mind me. I know you did not expect me home. Just car on with whatever you were doing as though I were not even here. I’ll only be a short while before heading back to the club.”
Tim was relieved to hear that Donna would soon be gone as he so wanted Michele’s love making. He wanted to suck Michele off in the worst way. Hopefully Donna would be so quick so as to not distract Michele from her playful mood.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Hello, darling.”
“I was about to deal with our houseboy.”
“So I heard.”
“You don’t mind?”
“No, not at all. As I said, just pretend I’m not here.”
“I love you, Mom…and I think I will.” She smiled at her mother and then turned her smile on her boy.
“Well now,” she said happily, “my boy is at last going to get what he’s been asking for all day long.” She beamed.
“Please.” It was a single utterance of desperation. He so desperately did not want to be further compromised in the eyes of his girlfriend’s mother. He could not bare the thought of such an intimacy revealed to Donna, of all people.
“Oh, what’s wrong? You did not plan this to take place in front of Donna, did you?” In her little girl voice, “Oh, but you Did want your spanky, right? You’ve wanted it like sooooooo bad.”
His silence provoked her a single inch in the wrong direction. “Don’t make me cross, young man,” spoken as a grave warning.
Back to being happy, playful, she was addressing a very young boy, “I bet your little bottom has been just aching for this, hasn’t it?”
“Yes,” he said in despair.
“Well Then say it, you silly-head.”
“My…my…my bottom…my bottom really, really wants it, Ms. Michele.” Just talking the powerful words stripped him of all misgivings and as ever, he fell to her. “It wants itlike, so bad.” Now he’d found his true voice, “My bottom aches for it.”
With that, his erection shot back with full force, though held in check by his Kitties. With plaintive, horny little-boy, desperation, “My little bottom is so naughty and bad. Please, please Miss. Please teach me.”
“Aches for what, little boy?”
Fully regressed now, “My bottom needs a spanky so bad.”
“That’s better, now. Tell me what you deserve.”
“I’m a naughty, naughty boy, Ms. Michele. I’ve been careless and I’ve misbehaved. My bad, little bottom needs discipline. Will you please give me a spanky so I can learn my lesson.”
Like a sexy, little boy, he rubbed both palms up and down his backside, “Ms. Michele, will you please, please make me not a naughty-bottom anymore? I want to be your good boy again. I want to be your good bottom. Can I please have a spanky so I can be your good bottom? Please make me your good boy.”
He was in touch with all his desperate, needy little boy dependence.
Donna laughed. She could not help it as what Tim said was so completely over the top. Later she felt aroused by the idea that her laughter might have further shamed Tim.
Michele turned to her mother and gave her the biggest smile.
The smile was returned in kind. Donna was so amazed by her daughter.
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