The Perfect Beginning Ch. 15

This is the 15th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.

What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.

The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.

This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.


The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.

A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.


Since they began having sex,Their play rape evolved as well.  Michele generally preferred Tim to be gentle fluid so sometimes he was a boy and sometimes a girl and sometimes it was not clear to either of them. 

Yet the thing Michele liked about a good, hot rape was some resistance, a bit of fight.  She enjoyed getting more aggressive and feeling the predatory instinct aroused her extensively.  She enjoyed raping Tim hard. 

She loved when he tried to get away and “fight” her off.  It was exciting to them both. In this context, resistance simply means there was some invigorating, light wrestling with plenty of slapping mixed in. She’d corner and manhandle Tim while he tried to fend her off and get away.

She thrilled at his frightened and feeble resistance. If he managed (or if she allowed him) to get away, she’d pursuit, seize and subdue him all the while sexually terrorizing him.

These sessions were often prolonged, extraordinarily password and highly pleasurable to each. Tim never felt more attracted to, nor more in love with Michele than after a good raping.

Yet on occasion, Michele found herself gravitating towards a different sort of rap, one that Krista suggested during the session in which she spanked Tim. The emotional effects of a “gentler” rape, a rape in which the victim is “hurt just a little” absolutely fascinated Michele. 

Though Michele LOVED the physical resistance, it was the psychological conquest that drew her into a relationship with her sweet boy from the beginning.  

Although possessive of Tim, she was sexually aroused when she watched her dear friend Missy Thompson psychologically work over her poor girl, Kimberly.  She loved the idea, as it was explained by Krista, that her girl could be raped in such a way as to allow the rapist a more carefree, light-hearted, fun and joyful experience as the enemy. 

That did not mean there was no fear or resistance.  A rape was a rape, after all; Kimmy would be awake with fear, shameand arousal.  In this case, the victim knew or came to know quickly, that physical resistance was fruitless and if anything, served to excite her rapist.  Tim was a black belt in karate, but Kimberly was outmatched by a kitten.  With this realization, the rapist controlled her victim with fear.

Regardless of her mood, whether she raped her boy hard or enjoyed a more leisure, gentle rape, Michele knew to Keep it special and fun means she could not initiate these scenes too often.  At their tender young ages, they both enjoyed nearly boundless sexual energy, yet to keep this fresh, she did not rape her boy more than once a week. 

Additionally, a good rap took time and quite a lot of energy went into the theatrics of it all.  Typically, it was a once every two to three week delicacy yet one that might go on for two or three hours.

Michele had different ways to prepare and signal her sweet boy as to how to behave and react depending on her mood.


He was almost done with his nightly routine and could not wait to “present” to Michele.  Though he took pleasure in his chores, it got more difficult to focus on them as he got closer to finishing. 

In the first place, it was a formal opportunity to please Michele.  And often it was followed by some sort of intimacy.  He just wanted to be with Michele!  Yet he had to remain focused least, in his haste, he makes a mistake which would surely earn Michele’s displeasure.  

He spied himself in the mirror and smiled to himself with embarrassment.  He tried to console himself with the fact that nobody knew.  Well, except for Donna and Becky, nobody knew what he wore at night time.  

Michele was well aware of the sense of vulnerability that girls felt while just trying to dress cute.  She wanted Tim to appreciate how girls felt in this way and wanted the pleasure of knowing he was familiar with this specific kind of disappoint. 

Since there was little in the way of revealing clothess for men, she had to make do. It really was not an attempt to dress him as a girl, but she came to appreciate the added tribulations he experienced when he was dressed in revealing, feminine fashion.

Every afternoon, when he was in for the day, he was to put on his evening clothes, his “uniform.”  He wore Dolphin shorts and spaghetti stick or thin strap t-shirt.  The shorts were almost tight, and they were very brief. Had he wound boxes, they’d have streamed down below the leg openings or without underwear, he’d have hung out in the front.  They were super short, shorts, cut right up to his crotch.  Since they were of a slinky, stretch nylon material they only got really tight when he sat down, at which point Missy got in a tight little bind…which Tim secretly liked. 

The spaghetti stick Ts were obviously women’s wear and all of them were cropped at or just above the waist line. Since she kept him thin, toned and totally hairless, she enjoyed seeing so much of her boy, her property, on display. 

She wanted him to feel both vulnerable and objective.  ​​And he did.  Of course Michele did many things to help him feel totally objective and he came to enjoy it. 

However, like with most clothes, he became used to have his body on display.  The only times it caused him anxiety was when guests visited or when Michele raped him, at which point he Felt like a piece of sex candy being offered up to the playground bully.  

Michele was reading an interesting article given to her by Krista dealing with operating conditioning, when Tim presented himself. 

At home he was not always required to refer to Michele as Ms. Michele, but he enjoyed doing so when they had a more structured or formal interaction and presenting was a formality they enjoyed every night.  He stood before her with heels and toes touching, perfect posture all while clapping his hands behind his back.  He stood waiting for her to address him. 

When she finished her page, she looked up with an inquisitive, closed mouth, half smile with raised eyesbrows.  This means she expected him to report.  She enjoyed his pose as it spoke of obedient servitude.  Simply put, he looked like a house service and at the moment, that’s what he was.

“I’ve finished my duties, Ms.  Is there anything more I can do to please you?”

As he stood before her waiting for Her response, she enjoyed watching him erect beneath his very short, kind of tight, shimmery, synthetic shorts.  She loved that domestic servitude was a sexual activity for her boy.  

She smiled joyfully and he all but swooned before her.  

“I think I’ll spend the evening with Kimberly.  Why don’t you be a good girl and go put on one of your cheerleader outfits.”

As the words registered he began to transform.  He might have been in a little girl’s outfit, but it was in dress only.  As he cleaned the house, though he might have been a domestic service, he was all boy.  Suddenly he felt his inner little girl emerging.  When the time was right, he LOVED being Kimberly…rather, she loved being Kimberly.

“And Kimberly, I expect you to be a good, good girl.  Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Ms.”

Being a “good, good girl” means that she was to be a proper girl who did not have sex.  Kimberly knew Michele means to rape her. Though no less aroused, Kimberly suddenly experienced that familiar sense of anxiety that always accompanied a raping. 

As she inspected herself in the mirror, she hoped desperately that Michele would think she was pretty.  She wore pig-tails and beneath her favorite cheerleader outfit she wore a pair of rhumba panties.  Kimberly was so excited and nervous for her big date, she almost forgot her lip-gloss.

When Kimberly returned to the living room, she discovered that Michele had gone and slipped on her stretch cotton, sweatpants comfies with the teeny tiny Tinker-Bell t-shirt.  

Kimberly stood before Michele, hands clasped behind her back, one leg slightly bent in front of the other in a unique feminine pose while feeling shy, diminutive and very excited. 

Kimberly was absolutely in love with Michele and this always caused her anxiety.  Kimberly was a pretty, popular cheeseleader in echelon 17 while Michele was an echelon thirdteen “school girl.”   It was bad enough that she was a lesbian, but made so Much worse by Michele’s age.  If anybody found out… 

“Sit down.”

Kimberly sat primly with feet together and hands in her lap.  Michele could be a teeny bit bossy but that was OK.

Turning to the older girl, Michele smiled and played with one of Kimberly’s pig tails. Gently, she pulled on her hair causing the older girl to lean into her at which point she landed a gentle kiss on her ear. 

Kimberly felt a tingle run the length of her spine.  She loved her young love’s assertiveness. Michele turned her girl’s face towards her and kissed her gently.

It took all of Kimberly’s willpower not to whimper at the softest, brief of kisses.  She kept her hands in her lap as was expected of a good girl.  It was maddening to be so in love with this young girl and finally get to experience this forbidden love and to not come completely undone by it all. 

She wanted to bathe in her love’s kisses and dance with joy, yet she was expected to remain in control of herself.  She preferred not to think of it as yielding to Michele’s control. 

Well, maybe just a little bit. 

That she is so head strong is one of the things I most admire about Michele.

So it’s OK if she’s just a tiny bit controlling.  Oh my God, I’m so in love with her.  She’s perfect!

It was Kimberly’s first ever kiss and she was so glad it was with a girl and not just with any girl, but the girl of her dreams.  Finally she was with the perfect girl and she knew they’d be together forever!  They were two girls in love.

And love is forever.

Michele kissed her again and this time gently used her tongue to explore Kimberly’s eager mouth.  Michele licked Kimberly’s lips and the older girl could no longer hold back her soft whimpers.

For the first ten minutes or so, it was very, very gentle.  They were buttery soft kisses and Kimmy just adored how Michele licked Kimmy’s lips with just the tip of Michele’s tongue.  So delicate…so pretty. 

Eventually, Michele began to explore Kimberly’s mouth in earnest and Kimberly was a little taken aback by how blatantly sexual it was.  Michele began to gently fuck Kimberly’s mouth with her tongue and for her part, Kimberly was shocked to discover how much she enjoyed it.  She began to very gently suck on Michele’s tongue even though she knew it was wrong.

She knew it was a naughty-girl thing to do.

Once the two were completely worked up, Michele reached one of her beautifully muscled legs up and over the older girl’s lap to straddle her.  Michele rested her full weight on the oldr girl and squeezed her gently between her thighs. 

Kimberly’s eyes went wide with shock. 

No!  No!  This is too much. 

The girl was not ready for this.  “Please Michele…I should probably go.”

Finger to her lips, Michele leaned in close, “Sssssshhhhhh.”  

Kimberly almost fainted with desire as she felt Michele’s hot breath on her face.

“Silly girl, relax.” 

She was so uncertain of all that was happening, she knew she probably was being a silly girl.  It was also weird that while Michele seemed such a young girl, she was so much more advanced than the over-schooler.  Kimmy’s life was moving so fast.

“Okay, but I’m not sure…”

Michele went back to kissing her, more forced this time.

Kimberly felt the first pangs of real panic. These were not the flower soft girl kisses of first love.  And she felt one of Michele’s hands gently pinching one of her nipples. 

Her anxiety came as much from her own response as it did from Michele’s aggression. The sensing on her nipple was so overwhelmingly sexually pleasurable, she knew it would undo her sense of propriety should it continue.

Oh no, this is going way too fast! 

She tried to break off the kiss but Michele was so aggressively locked onto her mouth she couldn’t. 

I’m a good girl!

As her panic well, she turned her head sharply to the side breaking the young aggressive girl’s kiss.  “Please Michele, I’m not…  We can’t.”

Michele just seemed to ignore the older girl’s protest and went back to kissing her aggressively.  

The cheerleader’s head was aswirl.  Everything that was happening was wrong.  Obviously she was not ready for the whole sex thing and did not understand why Michele did not intuit this. 

We are in love! 

Kimmy believed that when two girls were in love and truly meant to be together, they would share the same intuition and just understand things often without words ever being spoken. 

More confusing was just how aroused Kimmy was by all this wrongness. 

But, I’m a good girl!

Kimberly tried (though not too evasively) to turn her head away once more, but the strong, young girl road her mouth with her own as she more aggressively squeezed her knees into the ribs of the older girl.

At last Michele grabbed Kimberly by her pig tails, using them like handles to keep the big girl from escape. 

Kimberly was surprised by the pain and sudden difficulty in breathing.  She felt a sense of panic welling within her but used all her girl-power to suppress it.  She felt an urgent need to stop this before it went too far.  She almost reached out and grabbed the smaller girl to pull her off but stopped herself with hands suspended in mid action. 

What if it angers Michele?

Kimberly did not want to disappoint the girl she was in love with and even though she was in love with Michele, she could be a little intimidated by the smaller, younger girl. 

Kimberly felt her aggressive, young love grind her pelvis into her lap and could hold back no longer. 

No, no, no!  It’s not supposed to be like this!  All wrong!

She reached for Michele’s shoulders to push her love away.  

Kimberly was in love and she wanted this, but she needed to go slowly.  True love, even the forbidden love of two girls was something that should happen slowly so as to be fully appreciated.  Kimberly wanted to bask in the warm, spring sun shows of first love. She wanted to wrap herself in the warm blanket of Michele’s spoken affection.  She wanted to hear about how important she was to Michele, to hear how Michele loved her as much as she loved Michele.  Kimberly wanted to prove her love for Michele as the two snuggled beneath a blanket before a warm fire on a stormy night.  Kimmy wanted the two to compose and exchange love poems to and about one another.  She wanted to feel their individual souls melt into one. 

Only then, in good time would they consume their deep, outstanding and forever love.  Eventually, when everything was set, their “touch” would be an expression of pure love.

So Kimberly mustered all her courage and pushed gently on Michele’s shoulders want more than anything to just get her love’s attention and signal her that she’d reached her limit.  Michele seemed to just ignore her and continued to fuck Kimberly’s mouth and grind her pelvis into the older girl’s lap. 

Kimberly felt her panic level spiking. 

This is too much! 

She was a strong girl and pushed at Michele a bit harder.

This is what Michele was waiting for.  This is when the excitement of anticipation turned into the excitement of right now fun!  As Kimberly felt her anxiety spike seconds before, Michele now allowed her aggression to wash through her.  It was as always, a spiritually orgasmic experience.  Her love, attention, anger, irritation and aggression infused her hot, young body with a profound sexual energy and physical power.  It was a hot rush! 

Allowing these feelings rush from her, fully expressed, put her on the edge of orgasm. 

Eyes going wide, she used one hand to come over the top of Kimberly’s wrists and swept them off her shoulders.  And then with an expression that Kimberly could only think of as a strange combination of anger, aggression and pure joy, the love of her life slapped her across the face.  


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