This is the 4th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
This story takes place in a very male dominant society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the ageof 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
Over the following years, theymet as infrequently as once a week and occasionally, though not usually as often as four times a week. The rate of meeting was based on Michele’s domestic/personal needs as well as the “break throughs” that Michele and Krista saw them making with Tim in his therapy.
“You are a unique and very, very special person! You have within you a boy and a girl. You are Both Tim and Kimberly and that is wonderful!”
He stood naked on the coffee table with his hands claped behind him and his legs slightly spread.
Between each single utterance, Krista brought the wooden ruler down hard on his erection. Her left hand rested on his lower stomach at the base of his erection, used to bend his cock at the root such that it was perpendicular to his lean, hard body. She smiled gleefully with each swing of the ruler and relished the sharp smack as it infused terror into his mind and pain intothe boy’s hard penis.
He cried out and begged but it went on and Krista drank in his fear, pain and submission with wide eyed relish! She loved what she was doing and was confident she could actually cum from striking his cock.
If I can just make him cry!
She’d give him a rest and allowed him to go flaccid, and then she’d change her manner utterly. She’d allows the boy to put on His panties once more and become Kimberly. Kimberly was treated to nothing but sweet kindness.
“Darling girl, what ever is the matter? You seem so upset. Here, come with Ms. Krista to the couch. Come here pretty girl.”
With Kimmy in just her panties, the two snuggled on the couch. While gently brushing Kimmy’s body with fingertips, Krista gave her the most slow and gentle kisses. They were loving and “chaste” tongueless kisses intended to sooth the traumatized girl and considered a normal aspect of Kimmy’s therapy.
Instantly, Kimberly would become aroused and it was encourselves. As though calming her seven year old daughter, “Yes, good girl. It’s okay, Kimmy-girl. You are very, very loved and you will always be taken care of.”
Krista would oh so gently rub her over her little, sissy rhumba panties and her erection was acceptable…as long as the panties were on. “Look at you,” she encouraged. “What a good girl!” The gentle kisses were so moist and were fed to Kimmy between each sentence. Krista’s words were so loving and encouraging and her tone so hypntic, it made Kimmy want to be the best little girl in the world.
Nothing felt better than being a good girl.
Suddenly Krista pulled down Kimberly’s panties and “discovered” Tim once more. “Oh no you don’t! How dare you…” Back on the table, “Naughty…Naughty…Bad…Boy!” And it continued. And the tears did come. And so did Krista!
“It’s almost nothing really; little more than vitamins,” said Krista as she poured the contents of the small pass into a glass of water. “If I’d wanted to, I could have slipped it into your water and you would have never known, but there is no need. All it does is take just the slightest edge off. It will simply relax you so that you can concentrate on what we are doing and get the most out of it.”
What Krista gave Tim was a new and powerful designer drug called Psyzine. Psyzine was engineered and produced by a small team of lady chefs, physiologists and neuroscientists at UCBS who were immediately under Felicity Drake, the university president and member of The Ladies.
The entire project was kept in house, top secret and fully owned by Felicity and her sister Millicent. Their only client was the Porschean government who paid handsomely for access to the drug they used to turn Certain foreign nationals to their way of thinking.
It was particularly effective with interrogations and with long term use, turning civilians into spies. There were a shocking number of foreign dignitaries under its influence all of whom were brain washed into representing Porschean interest abroad.
Felicity and Millicent were especially eager to see just how the drug could be used to reprogram Tim. The possibilities were most intriguing to the Scion Sisters or the SS, as they were referred to in elite circles.
Psyzine worked to make those on it both highly suggestible and extensively, sexually aroused. The direct effects of the drug would be gone in less than ninety minutes after it was administratored and he’d have little or no consciousness memory of what transpired while under its influence.
What made the drug so potential was that although he’d not remember his time under its influence, he could be extensively affected while in its grip and its full spectrum, mental effects were long lasting and if reenforced, became permanent.
The chefs called it Hypnotica-9 because with the right amount of therapy, suggestion, guidance or hypnosis, call it what you will, one could fundamentally reorder another’s instinct or nature. It produced a “cloud nine” sensing and there were nine scientists who were instrumental in its development.
Krista smiled warmly as he swallowed it down. “Just relax honey, we’ll begin in about ten minutes. Consider it a nice break from your house work.”
The truth was that she’d been slipping it into his water from the Beginning but she did not want to continue in this way. Risk of being caught by him could damage his trust in her. She realized it would be best to be up front out it.
“Kimmy, honey, I want to go back to your childhood. Let’s go back to when you were very, very young and your Aunt Claudia began touching you. Do you remember that, sweetie?”
“Yes,” came Kimmy’s response.
“Of course you do. How could you not? It was such a formative event! It has so much to do with who you are today. And if we can be honest, one girl to another, it feel good, didn’t it?
Kimberly “remembered” just as Krista created the memory for her. Not only did Kimberly remember Aunt Claudia touching her, in that moment, she felt herself as an eighteen year old again.
“Yes,” came her breathless response. “Really, really good.”
“Aunt Claudia took you off your blockers and it felt so amazingly good. Do you remember?”
Recent, “Yes.” And again, he “remembered.”
Krista had worked with Kimberly on her early childhood persona. This helped Kimberly better understand how she’d becomes the older girl that she now was. She’d always embedded her sense of femininity. She knew who she was at her core. She was pretty, delicate and fundamentally submissive.
Unlike Tim, Kimmy was not really ashamed of her Submissive nature. As a young girl, she learned it made her valuable to the important women in her life.
When Aunt Claudia touched her, it felt amazing. Sex was exciting to Kimmy even as one so young. When Claudia taught Kimmy how topleasure a woman it became the most important thing in the young girl’s life. Pleasuring a woman was not just the most thrilling things the girl would ever do, it became her primary purpose in life. It became a sacred duty.
Claudia and then other women and girls taught Kimmy that her purpose in life was to be of service to others. For a girl like her, it was the most virtuous ambition and it was explained to her that it was almost like joining a convent.
Kimberly laid on the couch naked; she was soon to be just a tiny bit less naked. Tim’s cock was rock hard.
“Is my little Kimmy-girl comfy?”
“Yes, Ms. Krista. Thank you, I’m very comfortable.” The psyzine was in full effect.
“You have a cute little, girl body. Is Kimmy a good girl?”
“Thank you. I really want to be, Ms. Krista.”
“Excellent. You always want to be cute, don’t you Kimmy?”
“Oh yes, Ms. Krista. I really, really do,” said most earnestly.
“You know, Kimberly, the hallmark of a well turned out girl is her sense of fashion. The right clothes make all the difference. They define what kind of girl you are and even when you don’t talk, they speak of it aloud to the rest of the world. We already know you are a good girl.”
“Thank you, Ms. Krista.”
“But there is a little more to you than that, isn’t there Kimmy?”
Kimmy knew there was a whole lot more inside but was a little frightened to say as much so she looked on expectedly.
With an inviting smile, “Isn’t there a little bit of a sexy girl in there too?”
Kimmy smiled in kind and nodded in agreement.
“You’ve always been this way, little girl. Ever since you and pretty, pretty Aunt Claudia began playing Your touching games. Ever since she began touching your panties. Ever since she taught you how to pleasure a woman.
“Anyway, you’ve always wanted to be noticed. You’ve always enjoyed being watched and admired…like a pretty spring flower ora summer butterfly.”
She watched as Kimmy’s face went deep red.
“But that’s not all Kimmy. You’ve always wanted to be wanted and desired. From as far back as you can remember. You want to be sexy. You’ve always wanted to be noticed, admitted and sexually desired…by women. And you’ve always enjoyed the touching.”
“Oh yes, Ms. Krista. I do…so badly! It feels pretty.”
“That’s a girl! Yes, it feels pretty.
“Kimberly, good girls get special things. Kimmy likes girl-touching.” Sitting next to him, Krista happily handled his erection and slipped the shiny, pink Barbie mini skirt over the head of his erection and down to the base of his erection. The tight elastic constructed over his erection unintentionally serving as a cock ring. “See how pretty?”
“Yesssssssss! Oh my, it’s very pretty.” And it felt good! Kimmy loved the tight constriction.
“Yes it is pretty. Girls have so much fun. I can see that Missy loves this.”
SheThen slipped on the matching pink halter top higher on his cock.
The elastic bit into his cock wonderfully.
“Isn’t that lovely? Don’t you love the faux fur trim running along the base of the skirt and halter? It’s so pretty; it’s so little girl sexy! Don’t you feel lucky to be a girl?”
“Yessssssssssssss,” Kimmy said breathlessly.
“I thought you’d like it, pretty girl.
“You see, on the outside, you are a proper girl. But on the inside, you want to wear clothes like these that show off your little body and make women want you. Isn’t that so?”
“Oh my goodness, yes!” said with breathless urgency.
“Secretly, you are dying for them to know you’d do anything to please them.”
Just Then his cock contracted and large drop of precum formed on the head of his erection.
“Oops! Now that is not very lady like.” She quickly scooped up the drop with her fingertip. “Now what shall I do with this? Oh, I know.” She proceeded to gently rub it onto Kimberly’s lips. “All pretty girls should wear lip gloss.
“Bad…Bad…Missy-Girl! Between each utterance she gave Missy the softest little pat which only made her push out another drop of precum. “Oh look, some more lip gloss for Michele’s pretty girl!”
This time Kimberly pursued her lips and she saved the dreamy sensing of “Michele’s” creamy finger on her lips.
“You can be such a naughty girl!” Krista said sweetly and encouragingly as she once more “spanked” Missy. “You naughty little sex kitten.”
Her next finger-full slipped right into Kimmy’s mouth. “That’a girl, suck gently. Suck like a girl…suck like a cute, little kitten.”
“Tim, so wonderful to see you. Come right in. Did you just come from working out?”
“Thank you, Ms. Krista. It’s good to see you as well. I just came from karate.”
“Karate, really?” she made as though to be impressed. And then, “Did you wear your cute, little pink belt for all the tough karate men?”
“No, Ms. Krista.”
She laughed as his face turned criminal. “I’m just teasing. God, but what if they knew?” she said almost wildly. “Now that would be something!
“Now, be a good boy and head on into the parlor and drink your water. I’ll be in momentarily.”
“That’s a good point, Tim; why don’t we explore that a bit further, shall we?” as though she’d need his consent. “What if they did know? Do you think all these tough men would want a dojo geisha?”
“No, Ms. Krista.” He sounded terrified.
Is she going to tell them?
“Well of course not. You would disgust them, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, Ms. Krista.”
“And for good reason. You should be ashamed. Deeply ashamed. Damningly ashamed.”
Now smiling brightly, “I think it is important for us to explore these well founded and completely justified feelings of inadequacy, rejection and shame.”
Sitting across the desk from Krista, Kimmy was dressed as though she were going to church. She wore Mary-Janes, white legs, navy blue, pleated skirt, a long sleepe white blouse and wore her hair in pig tails. She was dressed the way a six year old girl might after rummaging through her closet in an attempt to look grown up.
Smiling across the expansion, “We’ve been talking a lot about value, personal worth and self esteem.
“To review, Kimmy, where does this come from? From where to we derive our self worth?”
Though sitting straight and smiling, she could not help but play with her pig-tail. It was her nervous habit she’d had since she was a young girl. “From our accomplishments … and skills, Ms.” It felt so good to know the answers.
“Good girl. Yet as we review Your accomplishments,” Krista supplied the air quotes, “it’s clear to see it as a rather short list. You dropped out of school at 14; again, for the recovered, why was that?”
“I…I was not very good at school, Ms. Krista. It was just so hard for me.”
Krista had helped Kimberly remember how hard it was to concentrate on all those complicated ideas. And with all those cute girls in the classes, Kimberly did not have a chance.
All she could remember from her classes was day after day of playing with her pig-tails while staring at other girls and just getting horny. Numbers could be just so confusing and she could never focus long enough to write a paper. She failed every test.
“Kimmy, the whole purpose of school is to show you how smart you are, to compare you to all the other students and to help you know your place in the world as a grown up. And where did it show you your place was?”
“At the bottom, Ms. Krista.”
“What chance does a girl like you have of ever having a career that pays anything above slave wages?”
“That’s right, none. There is no career for a girl like you.
“Then how do you ever expect to be seen by anyone as a woman?”
“I don’t know.” The girl felt her anxiety swelling.
“The answer is simple: you are not a woman and you never will be. You are a girl and it’s as simple as that. A girl is all you will ever be. Make the most of it. Luckily for you, there is a place in the world for a pretty, well behaved girl. You can still be of value to others.
“What do you think would happen to you if Michele left you? What would become of you if she cut off her love of you and kicked you out of her home?”
Kimmy began gently shaking, “I…I don’t… Did she says something?”
Krista was so mentally distributed and it was at times like these that she really had to remain focused. Seeing Kimberly and Tim respond to their conditioning was extensively erotic to her. She did not Both suppressing her smile as she watched Kimmy became obviously agitated. She knew Kimmy was having a difficult time breathing and focusing her attention. She could see the tears well in the girl’s eyes as she responded to the training and conditioning Krista had subjected her to.
That she could do this to a man aroused her beyond imagination. It was arousing, thrilling and fundamentally wicked. Its wickedness was her favorite part.
“No, no, it’s alright, baby-girl. But we both know don’t we? There is nothing for you and nowhere to go. Going further, what skills do you possess?”
“I’m good at cleaning and keeping a house in order … and I’m getting better,” she said encouraged. “And I can cook a little.”
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