This is the 4th installment of an ongoing story about Michele a and Tim. For sure, it is a disturbing relationship and is in no way intended to describe something healthy or ideal. Emotional sadism is central to it all. If this bothers you, this is not the story for you and I suggest you venture elsewhere.
What makes the story interesting to me is what takes place in the minds of the characters. Without words and ideas and the feelings that go with them, it’s all just mechanics and honestly, that’s not so interesting to me. Simple, pure fucking is a great thing to do. I don’t need to read about it. Perhaps when I was verrrrrrrry young, that alone would have intrigued me. Now…yawn. This is a dark, emotional journey. I hope you enjoy it.
The following preface is cut and pasted from installment II. For a more comprehensive understanding of their world, you can venture back to the first installment. Read it or skip it.
This story takes place in a very male dominantsociety, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Our hero, Michele, is enchanted by the discovery of her own sexual super power. Poor, lucky Tim, on the other hand comes to realize that he falls under Michels’s spell, he does not measure up to social expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.
Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this saga.
The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out.
A more complete preface can be found at the beginning of the first installment and if you did not read it, it could be helpful to do so. Here are some of the contextual parameters of the fictional world the story takes place within.
* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.
* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.
* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living withtheir family of origin until they turn 200 years old.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.
* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume “blockers” which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.
* Often young people will begin to “date” around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surprisingly stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.
* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.
All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.
It is customary for those below the ageof 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.
Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered highly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.
They were well into the springg and Michele felt a little anxious, a little behind. She did not like realizing she’d not kept ahead of things. Money was an issue she suddenly wanted to address. Tim had not accepted her vision of a future for him quite as she’d hoped. Of course he acquired, because anything else would have ended painfully for him. She was disabled.
Dear Diary,
OK, so if doers do, I’d better start doing. Right now I’m a big do-not. I have what I want so now I have to start dealing. School is about learning and planning for the future so that is how I am going to use it. I have a lot to work to do on moving into the kind of future I want to have with Tim so I better get clear on how to get to that kind of future…
“I want a career that makes Really good money. I’m considering medicine, law and investment banking.”
“So how can I help?” replied Ms. Krista, brightly. Thank you, thought Krista Lucas, Michele’s assigned guidance councilor. Kristawas more often dealing with drugs, bullying, eating disorders and girl after girl with low self esteem. And ALWAYS apathy. It seemed under-schoolers only cared about their peers and NOTHING else.
Together the two discussed various career paths, levels of commitment and the subsequent financial rewards. The more the two talked, the more impressed Krista was by this young, optimistic and pragmatic woman who’d come to her. She was so mature and focused and she found that she actually enjoyed Michele’s company.
As their conversation progressed, Michele revealed that her boyfriend was having some difficulties with their respective roles and Michele’s expectations of him. She told Krista that she’d recently explained to her boyfriend that he’d not be attending school, at any level, and would instead be more of a ‘househusband’ and therefore it fell to Michele to be the bread winner.
Prior to this last disclosure, Krista was surprised and super impressed with Michele as she found Michele’s outlook totally refreshing. Yet Krista was also amused and almost saved to realize once more that she was not dealing with a 120 something year old peer, but instead a 120 something under-school girl after all; although she did have to throw the girl a bone for wanting her boy in the barefoot and pregnant role.
At least her heart’s in the right place.
Krista was used to speaking with girls this age who where chomping at the bit to discover romance. They watched romantic movies where everything worked out great in this way. They studied older girls who were venturing into the world of dating. Naturally they looked up to 200+ women and wanted to be them. They were all convinced their lives would be more interesting with a boy in it.
Many confident that they wanted to try going off their Blockers. This was crazy and she always talked them out of it.
Girls were so clueless about men, it really was silly. In spite of the novel andcool idealizing of the househusband, pie in the sky romance was a joke at this point in a young person’s life.
That’s a little deviant.
It was more than deviant.
Krista felt her nipples harden with the consideration.
In an unwittingly, though very gently patronizing tone, Krista said, “Now Michele, let’s not go worrying about things that are decades and decades away. So much can change in that time.” She smiled at Michele as though the proffered context would cause Michele to see how silly she was being.
Michele had really been enjoying her conversation with Ms. Lucas and now this: the look, the smile, the tone, it all spoke of her low opinion of Michele. One thing Michele would not ever be trivialized.
“Actually, he’s right up against echelon 19. He’ll be going in next month.” she said in that totally serious dead pan way of Michele’s.
As Krista saw it, things had gone from great, to bad, to worse all in the course of a minute.
God damn it! She’s dating an eche 18 boy! More like getting played by some low life asshole!
Krista was completely incensed.
And Michele new what was coming. She was smart and she knew how her relationship looked at first glance to anyone on the outside. Hell, she’d have assumed the same thing Ms. Krista was thinking right then: 120 something girl gets talked off her blockers and gets taken advantage of by an older boy. Said girl has to spread her legs in desperate need to keep her guy from leaving her heartbroval…blah, blah, blah. In Krista’s eye’s she looked like just another Kimberly.
“Ms. Krista,” Michele interrupted the counselor as she saw Krista was about to speak of her disapproval, “let me just stop you right here. I want you to Know, I have the situation totally under control.”
In the time Krista had done this job, not once had any girl spoken to her in this way. She was being addressed by an under-school girl, who by all accounts was a 200+ year old adult. The girl had spoken to her just then as a peer might have. There was just something about her tone, body language and something Krista simply could not define, that made this girl, a woman.
Krista had lost her train of thought and struggled to come up with, “But you’re…in echelon 12 and he is approaching 200!” She sounded so lame, she wished she’d said nothing.
“I know, Ms Krista, I just told you that,” replied Michele in a calm voice and a look of controlled amusement on her face.
What the hell!
Suddenly the world seemed all out of place. To Krista, everything about the situation screamed of danger.
Yet this girl, this smart, calm and mature girl, seemed so different! The way she spoke to Krista, the Certainty, and most of all, the confidence was unmistakable and caused Krista to want to believe the girl. As little as Michele had said, Krista felt in her bones that this girl did have it “under control.”
There is somehing uncanny about this one.
Yet it was her job to follow up. She took a deep, calming breath and in a more level headed tone, “So I have to ask, what makes you think you have everything under control, as you say?”
Here is where she stammers and stutters out a line of under-school nonsense.
“Because he does everything I tell him to,” was her flat, simple reply.
Well that about sums it up.
Krista was not sure if she was thinking sarcastically or not.
“Everything?” Krista asked with equal parts doubt and belief.
Okay, even if she basically calls the shots, which in itself seems fantastic, I don’t know a single woman who can get a man to do ‘everything’, she asks. Then again, it does play into this farfetched and rather whimsical househusband expectation.
“Pretty much. Okay, there are some limits I suppose, but trust me, he does what I say. And just so you know, we are both virgins. I keep it that way. My choice,” she said proudly.”
“Still on them.”
Krista smiled with a hint of doubt still on her face, but she found she believed this girl. The last comment was so unexpected but its calculation and effect was revelatory.
She knew that would make all the difference. She knew!
The bell rang and it was time for Michele to go to class.
Dear Dumb Me,
Oh my god, I am so stupid! There I am, having a really cool talk with Ms. Lucas, one of the school coins and I told her about Tim. What the %#@* was I thinking!?!
It’s weird how conversations do that. It’s like they take little turns and after a few little turns, it’s like you are headed in a whole new direction and you are in a part of town you know not to be in. I did not really get tricked into telling her about Tim, so what was it about the situation that bothers me so much?
It was my ego. I did not want to look like a dumb girl to Ms. Krista. So disappointed in myself. I have to be way more careful.
So now what? Will she tell my mom? That’s what I’m freaking about. If she does, I have NO idea what will happen. I’m NOT giving him up. That’s not happening. NOT! HAPPENING!
And it was all because of my attitude. I could not be a girl, I HAD to be a woman. Stupid! If I’m going to make this work, there will be times when I’m going to have to remember to be a girl. I need to be more thoughtful and more careful. I hope it’s not too late…
The next day in first period, Michele received a summons to appear in Ms. Krista’s office at lunch time, and to bring her lunch.
She felt great trepidation, yet this time she was emotionally prepared. Upon her arrival, Ms. Krista apologized for sending for Michele the way she did, but she wanted to finish the conversation from the day before and hoped Michele would want to have lunch with her.
Krista had been so intrigued with Michele that she’d thought about her a lotSince their meeting and resolved to get to know Michele better.
The more she thought about their meeting, the more sure she was that Michele would in fact have “everything under control” as she had said. She found herself wanting to believe it. But what exactly did that means?
Michele was fascinating. Krista did have to admit that the idea of a househusband who did as he was told, sounded beautiful to her.
Imagine coming home to find everything neighbor and clean, dinner on the table and whatever else I want! My sweet, pretty man brings me a glass of wine in total silence and knows not to speak unless spoken to. Big imaginations.
Michele knew she could be herself, but she just had to be careful about what she said regarding Tim.
“I have to admit that I was a little intrigued by Our conversation yesterday. I hoped we might talk a bit more, but I want you to know everything we say here is off the record and totally private. I give you my solemn word thatnothing leaves this office. My lips are sealed.”
Michele surveyed it an unusual statement and that it was sincere. She was pleased but knew to remain guarded.
Within five minutes, Krista had forgotten she was speaking to a girl. Yes, she dressed as expected, wearing girl clothes and colors appropriate to her echelon. She looked, in fact, like a very pretty girl, but she was not a girl.
“If you would please, at least here in private, just call me Krista. Are you comfortable if I continue to address you as Michele?”
A typical 126 year old would be confused by this engineered interaction, but Michele knew immediately what was happening.
Krista wanted to show Michele respect and on some level established equal footing for them both. Krista I wanted this to be personal and just see what might happen. The two got along swimmingly and here began a warm and ending friend.
It was clear that Krista wanted to know more about her relationship with Tim, and Michele was willing to share some, but she remained careful and guarded.
Michele and Krista began eating together two or three times a week and got to know each other quite well in a short period of time. As the friend formed, and the trust grow, Michele began to feel comfortable sharing more and more about her relationship with Tim.
“If I tell you something that’s…you Know…don’t you have to tell, or report it?”
“Yes, legally, that’s true. But I won’t. I promise. Okay, wait … if you told me your mother beat you, which I know is not the case, but if you did, yes, I’d report it. But short of you being beaten or raped, my lips are sealed and you have my word, not as your councilor but as your friend. Pinkie promise?”
The two twined pinkies, looked one another in the eye and held it for a good, silent five seconds. They were off on a new bearing.
Dear Diary,
I am sooooooo excited!
Yet I’m not going to beStupid, I promise myself.
So I visited Krista again. That’s what I call Ms. Lucas now. I call her Krista! I’m so excited, it’s hard to get this all down, but I think she really wants to know me…like as a friend. Like really.
The thing is, I like her too. What I’m really understanding, and it’s like all of a sudden, is that I really want somebody I can talk to. I mean REALLY talk to. I have nobody. I love Tanya, but I need someone who knows what I’m going through. I need to be with a woman.
OMG, just as I wrote that…I don’t mean it THAT way. I don’t think. Question Mark! She is hot though. I’m going to be smart about this. I’m hopeful but careful…
Of course Michele had told Tanya things about her relationship with Tim, but certainly not everything.
It was different with Krista. Krista was a woman, was more than comfortable with the topic, understanding discretion and there was something else, just a sort of innocent trust. She understand Michele’s situation not as a girl, but as a woman. Krista was her friend and maybe a little bit of a big sister. The two discussed all manner of topics but in the course of three weeks, Krista knew just about everything about she and Tim.
She even knew that Michele’s blocker were somehow, no longer effective. Krista was perplexed by the news as there was no case on recovered quite like it.
And Krista was amazing. She was equally enthralled with what Michele and Tim shared with one another as she was with Michele herself. Of course Tim was very interesting in his own right, but what Michele had pulled off, well Krista simply would not have believed possible.
And yes, by the sound of it, a certain degree of luck had come her young friend’s way. Had Tim Not come into her life at that exact time, in a state of emotional distress, he might not have fallen prey to Michele.
She knew the term sounded more negative than she thought applicable,but she liked it. It was fun to think of Michele as the intrepid, young huntress, who with guile, nerves of steel and force of will, crept into the jungle and captured a man. And then proceed to break and train him.
And yet that was not quite the analysis either.
There was too something wonderfully wicked about what this amazing young woman had done. Perhaps she was the perfect, little, beautiful, golden spider who had discovered an equally beautiful young man had somehow enangled himself in her web.
As the terrified man looked on, the beautiful little spider crawled all over him, happily looping strand after strand of her silken thread over him, ensnaring him beyond reasonable hope of escape. Then this perfect, pretty, little spider proceeds to euphorically sting the man, again and again. Each sting brings the spider an orgasm. Each sting hurts the man yet causes him to fall in love with the spider… and becomes enslaved by Her.
Ms. Krista smiled to herself as she knew she could conjure these fun, beautiful little vignettes all day long. The point was, Michele had a little lucky, but most of what she’d accomplished came down to the skills of the huntress: guile, insight, nerves and strength. Beauty and sex appeal did not hurt either.
LOVE her ass!
Krista’s intuition about Michele had proven dead on correct. She’d also had an inkling that she was just now acknowledging and that with Michele came a shake of sunlight through the dark clouds, a promise of something better, better for Krista.
Before long, Michele and Krista started doing things together, outside of school, as friends, as equals. Michele loved her time with Krista as it allowed her a totally different viewpoint on just about everything: values, esthetics, academia, and even a little politics.
Krista was very progressive and had a large group of women friends in academia, law, medicine and publishing who were feminists and to whomKrista wanted to introduce Michele.
These women were very close to one another and actively involved in women’s issues. The women were very password, including perceived peers, exclusive to everyone else, highly intelligent and all of them were shooting stars in their fields.
They were self described and proudly electists. Michele was a little blown away when Krista told her she thought Michele would fit in with them. Of course all these women knew about Michele and the lifestyle she’d created with Tim and were all as impressed as Krista.
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