The Perfect Beginning

A Perfect Beginning

By Kimberly Davis

Copyright: Kimberly Davis 2021

This story is the first installment of a femdom book. While highly sexual in nature, there is no overt sex in this portion of the story. There is some sexual imagery but no real sex. This is a psychological exploration of a femdom seduction and romance between young people who are discovering just who they are in a relationship. Though there is no sex, it is deeply perverse.

In the beginning, I wanted to get into the emotional end of it all. Mechanical sex is boring to me. Remember when sex was new? Remember the excitement? I wanted to get into that.

There will be a great deal of sex in the coming installations which are basically already written.

The story has been formatted to meet the publishing requirement of our host and I am hopeful the necessary kinks have been worked out. Please end the requestite qualification or preface below as it is a bit long winded.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

While this is not a science fiction story, it takes place on another planet in a parallel universe. It greatly resembles our own with some critical differences. People live, on average, to the age of 2,000 years. Up until about 18 years of age, they biologically mature much as we do here on Earth. An 18+ year old is considered a legal adult. A very small percentage of non-conformists strike out to live independently.

However, in almost all cases, those between 18 and 200 years continue to live at home. While they might have some of the freedoms of a common teenager here on Earth, like their counterparts, they are dependent upon their parents and they are most commonly referred to as “child,” “children,” “boys” or “girls.” The “If you live under my roof, you will live by my rules,” ethos is very much a part of the culture. Until the age of 200, they are kept in a state of arrested emotional development

At 18 years of age, peopleenter into what they call “stasis.” Stasis lasts until an individual reach approximately the age of 1,200. While in stasis, they do not age biologically at all and look exactly as they did when they turned 18 years of age. Further, they remain capable of procreating.

Post stasis, they can no longer procreate but they continue to look about as they did at 18 years. At about 1,900 years, they begin to slowly show signs of physical aging. Yet, right up until they pass away, their bodies remain highly functioning and at passing, they would look to us like a very physically fit 40 year old.

At about the age of 12 years, children are given “blockers” which they consume regularly. Blockers eliminate all sex drive. Some quietly stop consuming blockers around the age of 160 or 170 years when they often begin dating.

Age is revered on this world. Youth beauty is not a phenomenon in this reality simply because a person who was 1,900 years old would likely look exactly as youngas an 18 year old. Age is revealed by clothes and colored collars or bracelets. Everybody looks up to the elderly.

It is a relatively more male dominated society. Some gains for women have been made but things are not precisely equal.

Unlike here on Earth, these people can do simple math and have figured out that while they occur a finite space (planet is the same size as Earth,) their long life spans, with nearly a 1,000 year of potential procreativity per couple would cause them to over populate their planet, use up all natural resources and cause mass extinction. Consequently, while people are considered legal adults at 18 years of age, they are strongly discouraged from having sex until the age of 200 years (hence the blockers,) and no couple has more than 2 children.

Individuals approaching 200 years were generally granted progressively more freedom by their parents. In most cases, at the age of 200 years, young people are encouraged to move out of their parent’s homes, provided with a comprehensive sex education and encouraged to live what we would think of as a normal adult life.

It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children’s clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children’s clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

160 years is a line of demarking signing different social expectations. Those over 160 years are over-kids and afforded more freedom. Under kids are aged below 160 and are treated as younger children.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered extensively taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violence of said code subjects one to complete ostractization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.

A Perfect Beginning


Michele Lanza was a good Girl.  She was one hundred twenty three years old and lived with her mother in a small two bedroom home.  Her parents divided and Michele’s mother worked long hours getting her business off the ground.  Donna, Michele’s mother owned a boutique, women’s fitness club, often worked fifteen hour days and taught several strength and fitness classes in that time.  

Michele spent many hours alone and learned to grow up fast.  A smart girl, she was forced to be independent, possessed a conservative disposition and understanding that her best interest was served through observation and cAlculation instead of reckless or impulsive action.  That said, she was not a frightened shadow of a girl and was a very capable self advocate.  At 123, Michele often behaved and projected as 160 year old.  

Michele admitted achievement and realized it was the result of embracing challenge.  She admired athletes, those who’d achieved business success and anybody who’d beaten the odds.  People who were goal oriented, did not shy away from challenge and were willing to work for their success, inspired Michele to likewise embrace personal challenges and set goals for herself.  

She was very proud of her mother who’d carved out a budding business success of her own with her fitness club.  Although her grandparents helped with the financing, many had done less when handed much more.  Donna, Michele’s mother, had been left by Michele’s father with nothing but a baby and she’d managed to raise Michele and create a growing business.  

Michele’s confidence was a product of meeting the goals she’d set for herself.  She actually liked challenging herself to become more, to become better.  Michele knew what kind of girl she was: she was a doer.

One day, “calamity” landed on her…or next to her.  Her best friend Tanya got caught with some weed.  In the ensuring “investigation,” her translation was shared with peripheral friends and families.  Michele was sadly caught, clean handed.  Although she’d done nothing wrong, her mother became vigilant in a way that she’d not been, up until then. 

Donna simply could not be around for Michele the way she’d like.   Due to financial necessities, her time at home, guiding her daughter had been grossly and sadly compromised.  Until this latest incident, Donna was comfortable only from her understanding of Michele as an unusually responsible and mature young lady.  Yet as a responsible mother, she wanted to protect her daughter and keep her on the right path.  She announced that Michele would have a babysitter seizeral nights a week when her mother was regularly out late.  

Michele was mortified and she fumed about the injury of it all.  Some of Michele’s friends already did babysit younger children! 

Okay, Tanya was smoking a little pot, so what!  It’s not like she was going crazy!

And more importantly, Michele was clean.  

A babysitter!?! Seriously? 

She simply could not get over her indignity as in her mind, she was far too old for a babysitter. 

Hell, I should be babysitting! 

Yet it had all been arranged.  Her mother’s acquaints’s son, Tim, an over-school boy, would be looking after her.  The two mos agreed it would be a perfect arrangement.  

Tim lived within a mile of Michele. Although Michele had always had a crush on Tim, at 180 something, he was far too old to ever seriously consider “in that way.” Michele had only ever had a crush on one boy and it was Tim.

The years difference at that juncture in their lives put Tim as far away from a romantic relationship as she was to the man on the moon.  Besides, she would not be dating for another 40 years of so. He was now, essentially a man in Michele’s eyes while Michele’s status as a “girl” was beyond evidence despite her mature disposition.  Although she liked Tim and he always treated her well, she knew he viewed her as a girl and she resented it. 

Emotionally, she was much older than Her age, and wanted to be taken more seriously, but such was life.  To compound her irritation, he was now her “babysitter.”  Perhaps in all her life, Michele had not ever been so angry.  And of all people, the guy she’d always had a crush on but could never have, the guy who saw her as still just a little girl, was now her babysitter!  It was not his fault of course, but that was no consolation to Michele who was furious.

Their first afternoon together was pretty chilly and did not exactly warm up as evening arrived.  The two did their homework in silence and spoke very little.  It was OK with Tim as he was consumed with his own emotional issues, but he did wonder what was going on with Michele.  She did not seem herself.


Tim was a in the top echelon in over-school, and had been popular and respected by his peers. His one character defect was his cocky attitude.  Up until the day before his first night babysitting Michele, he dated Tiffany Wells, a 162 year old who was considered one of the prettiest girl in school.  Tiffany was ready to move on and Tim was completely emotionally devastated.  

His cocky attitude was really just a social defense, subconsciously designed to mask his fragile ego.  And it all came crumbling down like a house of cards.  He’d actually had a little panic attack the next day at lunch when he saw her with another much younger boy. 


The deal was simple, they’d meet at 3:30 at Michele’s house and do homework.  They’d make dinner, eat and then hang out until Donna came home, usuallyly before eleven, three to four days a week.  Donna was not paying him very much, but he did not care.  He just wanted to disappear as it was and thought it would be nice to have a little money at the end of the week.  

The second day together Michele began only slightly less frosty.  When he asked her what was going on, she all but dismissed his pleasure.  As they pulled their books from their backpacks, she realized she was not exactly being fair and knew she could not continue this way with Tim forever.  Reluctantly she asked Tim how he was.  

“Not very well, actually.  Tiffany broke up with me.”

Michele whirled around, “Really? Oh my god, that’s terrible,” she said with the most gleeful expression on her face.  “What happened?”  Suddenly the Afternoon took a turn for the best. 

Please, please, let this be juicy!  

The look of jubilation on Michele’s face was not lost on Tim who was actually a very sensitive guy, made even more so by his heartache.  Sadly, Tim was dying to talk to someone about this and he had nobody.  He needed counsel desperately.  For god’s sake, he’d had two minor panic attacks in successful days.  So he shared with Michele, who would become his new confident.  

What came out immediately was that, at least by the end, Tiffany did not treat Tim very well.  Anyone who even looked at Tiffany knew she was a bitch who used her looks as though it put her in some sort of privileged class.  Who was Michele kidding:

…it does put her in a higher class. 

Yet, Tim was popular and older than Tiffany so Michele had always assumed that though Tiffany was a bitch to the rest of the world, she was a good girlfriend to Tim.  After all, they’d been together for over two years and everybody looked up to older boys. 

For an instant and just above the level of subconsciousness, Michele wondered if bitchiness was a quality Tim was drawn to. It was quickly dismissed as it did not make much sense.

Michele was enthralled by Tim’s description of his relationship with Tiffany.  Tiffany came in a pretty little package, but she could be kinda mean and controlling.  When Tim revealed something that showed just how hard Tiffany was on him, Michele retired it and asked for more and more details. Without premeditation, he cast Tiff as the villain; he needed composition desperately.  

She always let her words reflect sympathy for Tim, yet her tone, her body language and facial expression revealed a sort of enraptured thrill and unadulterated joy; his pain was her pleasure.  And Michele made it clear that she was “…here for you, just know that…” and really, really wanted to listen and help him however she could.  

“In fact, it’s good for you to tell me the hard parts cause it helps you get over it sooner.  I read that in Cozmo.  Plus, I did some therapy once and it was really good for me.” 

Tim was so relieved to be able to talk with someone and knew his decision to open upto Michele was the right one to make.  She’d gone to therapy herself so she knew about this stuff, she got how it all worked.

And she began to understand a little about how Tim worked. He seemed to need her empathy but if she validated any notion that Tiffany was a bitch, Tim defended his ex girlfriend. He’d try to explain that she was not really as bad as she seemed. She knew that on some level, he hoped she’d come back to him.

She did not know why, but a part of her liked this realization. She went back and forth a couple of times gently suggesting Tiff was not very nice and then laughing about how means she sometimes was. She did this in a mindful, calculated way and enjoyed his emotional reactions.

“Well, actually…she really wasn’t that bad…”

Tim was disturbed to discover that something about the way Michele spoke to him, her confidence and assertion, made him feel funny…and it seemed familiar…and if honest, it was comforting in a very strange and unexplainable way.  He could not understand it. 

He was so grateful that Michele indulged him and she said all the right things.  At times, he was almost shocked at how mature she was.  Yet she seemed to be almost laughing at him, she almost seemed to be getting off on his situation, his pain.  It was almost humiliating. 

Perhaps as strange was that he found himself suddenly a little attracted to Michele.  There was such a twinkle in her eyes and she seemed to sparkle with each of his painful revelations.  Though only vaguely aware of it, he was drawn to her. 

She’s just a girl!

Michele LOVED it up and she was discovering a voracious appetite for what Tim was serving. 


She had no idea that boys could be treated this way.  All evidence taught her that it was the girl who often put up with shit from a guy who was always too willing to drift off to some other girl if his girl did not care to indulge him anymore. 

Many of her ideals came directly from her mother’s description of her own failed relationship, after all.  This was different, Tim was painting a picture in which he was the less secure and more emotionally dependent of the two in the relationship.

And with a girl so much younger than him!  

Without mindful consideration, she viewed intimate relationships as informally hierarchical. Usually one person had at least a little advantage and she assumed it was almost always the guy. Had she ever thought clearly on the subject, she’d have bet that age, especially for young people, gave one the advantage. She’d only ever seen young kids look up to older kids.

It just seemed obvious to her that an older boy would control it all.

Michele deemed this a good or at least preferable disposition for a boy. Sometimes Tiffany did not treat him well and he put up with it.  She was way younger than him but much stronger, stronger where it really mattered!  Muscles, machismo or even age were no match for herbrains, body and bitchy allure.  This was eye opening

And really cool.  Like, super, way, really cool!  

In fact, it was this perspective that made boys accessible to Michele.  Up until now, Michele saw guys as a bit emotionally and even physically dangerous and therefore, steered clear of them.  Besides, her mother would not allow her to have a boyfriend.

While she resented all the dating age protocols, a part of her liked that it kept boys away. She liked that her girl clothes kept the wolfes at bay.

She found Tim’s situation, naturally intriguing and attractive.  ​​For the first time, Michele saw an opening into the world of romance and boys. 

I could live in that world.

She felt a sense of relief and pleasure. She saw a way forward into adult relations or at least a relationship like the upper echelon kids.

At one point, he described a little tissuey fit he experienced when he saw Tiffany with a younger guy.  This switched on a little light inHer head that she’d have to follow up on later.  Also, she viewed his emotional reaction, his volatile, vulnerability, dependence and fragility as girl like. 

It’s how weak girls respond!  So strange. 

Her notions of gender stereotypes were proving limited. 

Boys can be this way too! 

Michele was a little taken aback by her own reaction.  She was a nice girl and she liked Tim, so why did she enjoy this so much?  She was shocked to discover that she kind of empathized with Tiffany.  If a girl could be this way with her boyfriend, why wouldn’t she be?  In fact, she thought Tiffany kind of blew it, she could have gone so much further with it. 

How far could it go?

To Michele, it seemed like Tiff had all the fun.  He almost looked Like he was going to cry, and strangely, the idea appealed to her. It was a funny consideration and quickly dismissed as over-boys did not cry.

And then she did it, she crossed the line and there was no way to take itback.  After telling Michele yet another little thing that made Tiffany a bitch, a smiling Michele naturally combined humor and contempt when she said, “You are so weak. Why you’re just a little crybaby.” It was intended as a fun, little poke, yet as it came out of her mouth, she knew she’d gone way too far with her fun.

Tim went silent and and you could have heard a pin drop. 

Michele surprised herself, carried away by the excitement she felt at Tim’s pain.  Her skin was tight and her nipples hardened.  One hand went to her mouth, her eyes went wide and she stared at him waiting for his response, his rebuke, his anger, certain she’d gone too far and broken the spell. 

And had Tim looked up, he would have seen the self doubt on Michele’s face.  Yet Tim could not meet her stare.  

Though never even nearly so sharp and hard hitting, he’d endured the occasional belittling comment from Tiff. “I…I guess so,” he responded meekly.  

And the moment passed.  And the precedent had been set.  And Michele’s doubt vanished forever, but she was flush with adrenaline, her eye browsers raised in surprise and her smile broadened.  Michele smiled with relief and joy.  She smiled with her whole face.  She smiled with her soul.  She felt real happiness for the first time since the Tanya bust. 


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