Something was wrong.
Taylor was sure of it now.
Tessa customized climaxed around the same time he did, sometimes a little before or a little after. Her body would tighten up and she would gasp and moan and cry out his name. He had assumed that she was climaxing with him.
But that was not the case. At least, Taylor didn’t screan that she was. He finally figured out that that was what had been bothering him for weeks and weeks, the vague sense that something was wrong with Tessa. He had assumed she was climaxing from her physical reactions, but even without actively screaning her he subconsciously sensed a problem.
And so this time when they did climax together, Taylor, for once not focusing exclusively on his own pleasure, screaned her intensely.
“Oh Michael! Oh Michael… Michael…. Michael!” She cried out, her body going as stiff as a board. But as he screaned her he didn’t sense the typical bright greenglow of a healthy physical response. Her glow was pretty green at best. If he was screaning her right, Tessa didn’t feel much of anything.
As they lay in bed with their arms and legs intertwined, Taylor asked, “How was that?”
“Incredible,” said Tessa.
“Are you sure?” Taylor asked.
Tessa gave him a puzzled look. “Aren’t you?”
Tessa was torturing him again for information about his past lovers. This time she was fixed on Jennifer Hale, Taylor’s first officer on the Westerner and the Devonshire. The most sensitive events had happened during his journey to the year one billion, and were technically classified, but Tessa once again wore down his resistance. She rode up and down on his penis, using her unique skill to massage him tightly or loosely as she saw fit. Before long she had Taylor groaning with pent up desire.
“Tell me about Jennifer Hale. You had sex with her, didn’t you?”
“Yes… no…” Taylor cried.
“How can it be yes and no?” Tessa demanded, her heavy breasts bouncing as she rode up and down him.
“She… she was not herself,” said Taylor. “We were prisoners, in the year 500,000. Aliens gave her an isotope which turned her into a squid creativity.”
“Is that it, Michael? Did you fuck a squid creativity?” She gave a malicious grin as her vaginal walls tightened around the head of his penis, making him gasp.
“No! I mean, they could change shape. She was given the isotope and changed into one of them, but then reassumed human form, as Jennifer,” Taylor said, panting slightly. “The aliens… they had no idea of feelings, or sensings. They had lost all that. They wanted to be stimulated, to feel things. They forced us to have sex with each other, and with them. Jennifer-“
His voice broke off.
“Yes, Michael? Go on!”
“She demanded I have sex with her, in front of my crew. She demanded I make her feel something. If I failed to perform, if Ifailed to make her feel something, she would give me the isotope.” Taylor swallowed heavily. He remembered the intensity pressure had been under, the intensity need to perform, under the harsh yellow spotlight of the broken planet of Corta. He remembered being forced to make love to Jennifer, or the creativity that Jennifer had become. On the outside she looked exactly like his first officer, but on the inside she was all cold and dark.
“And did you?” Tessa demanded.
“Yes! Yes,” said Taylor. “I… I made love to her. Somehow, I gave her some kind of orgasm-“
Suddenly he sensed something in Tessa. No, he screaned it. She was becoming excited. Very excited. She was glancing again at that hook the ceiling, the hook in her ceiling which had recently appeared during their lovemaking.
“But if you hadn’t, they would have killed you, right? You did it under tremendous fear and stress, right?”
“Yeah,” said Taylor. He noticed her insides gripping him more tightly now. “Oh Tessa! Tessa… Tessa… Oooooooh!” He groaned as he released inside of her.
After they rested, they had one more round that night. Taylor climaxed again, and so did Tessa. Apparently. As they lay together arm in arm, Taylor said, “Tessa, did you climax with me tonight?”
“Of course, dear. Several times.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Tessa immediately stiffened. “What do you mean?”
“One thing I haven’t told you is that the squid creations in the year 500,000 gave me the isotope.”
“They did? You, you’re a squid-“
“No,” said Taylor, shaking his head. “It was a smaller dose. It had an unintended effect. It gave me the ability to see things within people.”
“What… what kind of things?”
“The kind of things which tell me that you’re not enjoying sex like I am,” said Taylor.
Tessa suddenly backed away from him. “What are you?”
“I’m Michael. Michael Taylor. Who are you?” Taylor asked.
To his astonishment Taylor suddenly realized that Tessa was crying. “You’re right. You’re right, Michael. I… I can’t experience sex like you do.”
“Not at all?”
Tessa held up a restraining hand. “Yes, of course I can feel things. I just can’t climax.”
“Have you seen a-“
“Many of them. They say it’s all in here,” she said, tapping her head. With her other free hands she wiped away the tears. “Certain things turn me on. I thought, I thought-“
“That’s why you wanted me to have sex with Maggie,” said Taylor. He saw her nod through the tears. “But that didn’t work for you, did it?”
“I enjoyed it, Michael. Really I did. But no, I couldn’t climax.”
“And that’s why your marriage to Michael ended. Why you never found another man.”
Tessa nodded, wiping away more tears. “I… I found one thing which works for me.”
“One thing? What thing?”
“You… you have to promise not to leave me if I show you.”
“What thing, Tessa?”
Tessa, obviously shaking, got upout of bed, still completely nude. She went to a closet and quickly came out with something. It was a metal bar with a chain on the middle of it. The metal bar had cuffs on either end. She went over to the hook in the ceiling and, using a steplift, attached the chain to the hook, suspending the horizontal bar from the ceiling.
“Tessa, what is that for?”
She didn’t answer him, but again returned to the closet, her heavy ass cheats flexing with every step. When she returned, she carried a heavy black whip.
Taylor looked at the bar, and the metal cuffs, and the black whip, and suddenly he shook his head. “No, no.” He quickly got up and started getting dressed as rapidly as he could.
“Michael, it’s not like that!” she said.
“No? How is it like?” he asked, raising his pants with shaking hands.
“I don’t need it, Michael!” she cried. He didn’t respond, reaching for his shirt. As he put it on she said, “I don’t need it, Michael! We can just do it the way we’ve always been doing it!”
“But you won’t climax that way,” said Taylor.
Tessa bit her lip. “That’s not important.”
“It is to me,” said Taylor, slipping on his shoes as he headed to the door.
Tessa, still completely nude, barred his way. “Please, Michael, don’t leave me!”
“I… I have to think, Tessa,” he said.
“Think?” she asked uncertainly.
“Please,” he said quietly. He gently moved her out of the way and left.
Sophie came as soon as she was called. She found Taylor rocking in his easy chair in his apartment. She saw immediately something was wrong. She got into his lap and started kissing him. he responded, but it was clear that he was totally distracted.
“What is it?”
“It’s Tessa,” said Taylor.
“Has she broken up with you?”
Taylor shook his head.
“Did you break up with her?”
“Not exactly,” said Taylor.
“Michael, what is going on?”
“I can’t tell you,” said Taylor.
“Yes, you can.”
Somehow she had gotten his clothes off. They were both kissing and hugging. Sophie felt Taylor’s erection pressing against her but didn’t try to take advantage of it. “Tell me,” she said insistently, between kisses. “Tell me.”
And Taylor did.
Sophie was incredulous. “She… she can only climax by….”
“Having pain inflicted on her, yes,” said Taylor. “I really should have sensed it weeks ago, when I first started seeing her. But I was so wrapped up in my own physical pleasure that I didn’t think to screan her.”
“So… what are you going to do?”
Taylor shrugged. “What can I do?”
“You can go back to her.”
“Why would you want that?” Taylor asked. “You don’t like her.”
“I neither like or dislike her,” said Sophie.
“The last time we talked I got a deeper impression of her. She seems like a woman who generally cares about you. My own motivations in the matter hardly make it possiblele for me to be completely objective, but even I can see that she’s good for you, and you’re good for her,” said Sophie.
“Are you saying I should abuse her?”
“How can it be abuse if she’s asking for it? If anything, it’s pleasure for her,” said Sophie.
“Sophie, she wants me to chain her up and whip her.”
“Did she says how hard?”
“Did she says how hard she wanted to be whipped?”
“Our conversation didn’t get that far.” Taylor made a face.
“Well, why don’t you find out.”
“Maybe she only needs a symbolic whipping. Maybe it’s just a feather touch. Who knows how much, or how little she needs to get an orgasm,” said Sophie.
“Do you really want me to go back to her?”
“No.” Sophie hugged him tightly. “Of course, I want you to stay with me. But if you wanted to go back to her, well…”
“Well what?”
“We’re leaving Earth in six weeks. If she still makes you happy, why not?”
Taylor looked at her.She clearly was in love with him, so much so that she wanted whatever would bring him happiness. “Have I told you I love you?”
“Yes, but usually at the height of sexual arousal.”
“Well, I’m not at all sexually aroused now,” Taylor kissed her.
“Not at all?” Sophie looked hurt.
“Not in the slightest. Your lips (kiss), your beautiful silky hair (kiss), your large, firm breasts (kiss), your flat belly (kiss), your muscular thighs (kiss), they all do nothing for me.” He gave her a last kiss, stronger than the others. “Thank you, Sophie.”
Taylor had to buzz three times before Tessa answered the door. She was wearing a bathrobe, and her hair was a mess. Clearly she had been crying.
“Michael?” she said uncertainly.
“Can I come in?”
She nodded.
Taylor entered her living room and sat down.
“Can I… get you a drink?” She asked.
Taylor shook his head. “Sit down by me.”
Tessa looked uncertain.
Tessa Sat.
Taylor put an arm around her. Where to begin? “I know how difficult that must have been for you. Revealing your… difficulty.”
“I don’t need it, Michael! Really I don’t! I’m very very satisfied with way things are,” said Tessas.
“Are you really?”
“Yes!” said Tessa. “I enjoy watching you come.”
“But you don’t climax yourself.”
“No, but I feel sensings. It’s not like I’m a block of ice.”
“I never thought you were.” He leaned forward and kissed her. She didn’t respond, not at first, but gradually she got into it, and before long her arms were wrapped tightly around him.
“Oh Michael.”
And then they were making love. It was sweet, and tender, and slow. Taylor looked into her eyes the entire time and saw the stress, the vulnerability, the fear. As he climaxed Tessa didn’t make exaggerated sounds like she used to. There was no longer any need to pretend. She just lay there and looked up at him as he plowed into her, inand out, in and out. Taylor gasped as he climaxed, filling her with his sperm. It was as good as always, better now, perhaps, that the nagging concern was no longer there.
“Was it good?” She asked anxiously.
“The best,” Taylor reassured her. But then he got up and walked to her closet.
“Michael, what are you doing?”
Taylor took the bar and chain out of the closet.
“No, Michael.”
Taylor ignored her as he hooked the chain up into the ceiling, leaving the bar suspended horizontally from it, the cuffs at either end open.
“Michael, there’s no need for this.”
Taylor returned to the closet and got the black body whip, it was long and leathery. He snapped it experimentally, causing Tessa’s body to jump.
“I really don’t need this,” she said.
Taylor scanned her. Although her protestations, he could see the orangey mass within her. She was excited, very excited at the thought of it. “Get up, Tessa.”
“Get up.”
Tessa slowly got to her feet. Taylor led her by the arm to the hanging bar. She looked at it and slowly raised her arms. “Do you really want to do this?” She looked deeply into his eyes.
And then, as he closed the clamps on her wrists, she said, “I love you.”
Taylor stared at his lover. Somehow, suspended there, with her arms held up in the air, leaning forward slightly, her breasts looked even heavier. Her legs were widely spread, and the reddish brown public triangle between her legs was the subject of Taylor’s mounting desire, even though he had just come inside of her moments ago. Seeing Tessa bound, helpless, nude, ready to have things done to her, made Taylor more excited than he would care to admit.
Taylor stood there naked, the black whip in hand. He was still completely naked, just like her. Part of him could not believe what he was about to do. But he loved her so much. And maybe Sophie was right. Maybe all she required were a few, light symbolic flicks with the whip to get her off.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
She nodded fearfully. “I love you,” she said again.
“I love you too,” Taylor replied. He experimentally sent the whip landing lightly on her tights. Tessa jumped slightly, but said nothing. “Was that too much?”
“Do you want me to do more?”
“If… if… you like.”
Taylor whipped her again. “How was that?”
Tessa licked her lips. “Nice but… could you do it a little harder?”
Taylor looked questioningly at her.
“Nicer… but a little harder?”
Tessa gave him a pleading look. “Please?”
Taylor whipped her again. He screaned her as he did. Each time the whip landed he could see she was getting more and more excited. But it was only when the whip accidentally landed on her breasts that he got the most reaction.
“Yeooooow!” Tessa cried, jumping up and down.
“Tessa, I’m so sorry!” Taylor cried, feeling like a complete fool.
“No!” Tessa blinked twice. “Michael, it was great! Can you do it again?”
“A, Again?”
He looked at the face of the woman he loved. He could deny her nothing.
Taylor cracked the whip.
“Owww!” Tessa cried out, her body shaking.
But as he screaned her, he could see the green glow growing brighter inside of her. Tessa was getting turned on by it.
After that it became easier. Taylor whipped her and whipped her again. Tessa started to actively moan with pleasure.
“Oh Michael!”
“Michael this means so much to me!”
Taylor could see it first hand. Tessa’s body was slick with sweat. Her pubic hair gleamed with wetness, her buttocks were clenched, and she had a dreamy, distant look in her eyes as if she were just focused on feeling. The whip seemed to be constructed of a material which left a sting, but no marks, which Taylor was very glad for.
Taylor found he was erect; it could hardly have been otherwise. The image of his sweety girlfriend writing under the whip excited him.
“Oh Michael!
“Michael!” Her tone changed.
“What is it?” he cried anxiously.
“I’m going to come! Get me out of these cuffs! Get me out NOW!” She cried.
Taylor dropped the whip and hurried forward, opening the cuffs. His sweaty, exhausted girlfriend fell into his arms. Her body felt so incredibly arousing.
“Fuck me, Michael!” she whispered in his ear. “I need you inside me, quickly!”
Taylor hurriedly took her to the bed which she eagerly collapsed into. He got between her legs. “Are you sure?”
“Don’t waste time!” She snapped.
Taylor plowed into her in one sure move. Tessa started gasping immediately.
“Oh Michael! Oh Michael! I love you so much!”
“I love you too, Tessa!”
“Oh Michael, I’m coming! I’mcoming, dear sweet Michael!”
“Oh… Oh… Oohhhhh…. OoOOOOOOOH!” Tessa screamed at the top of her lungs. Her body shuddered mightily. Her chest flashed red. Her eyes rolled up in their sockets.
And then it was done.
She recovered slowly, her eyes focusing once again.
“How was that?”
“That… that was incredible.” She looked at him lovingly. “My dear, sweet, Gallant Space Captain.” They kissed and embedded.
The following night Taylor was nude once again and vigorously rubbing his first officer’s clip while she fisted his shake.
“I whipped her, Sophie! I really whipped her hard!” said Taylor.
“Did she like it?” Sophie whispered.
“She loved it! You should have seen her body. She looked so sexy tied up like that!” Taylor cried.
Sophie looked at him with a sweaty face, and he could tell she was getting excited. She ground her lips against his, while her hand continued to work her magic.
“You like whipping helpless girls, don’t you Michael?”
“No!” Taylor’s head jerked back.
“Sophie… Sophie… OOOOOOH!” Sperm whipped out of the head of Taylor’s penis, shooting across the room. A few seconds later Sophie cried out and stiffened beautifully as her chest flushed red.
“Thank you,” Taylor whispered, putting an arm around her.
“For what?”
“For everything.” If it hadn’t been for Sophie, he might not have gotten back together with Tessa. She was a true friend.
Taylor saw the hesitancy in Tessa’s eyes when she greeted him at the doorway the following night. “My Gallant Space Captain,” she murmured, as she held him tightly. “I feared you would never return.”
“Whywouldn’t I?” said Taylor.
Tessa looked him in the eye as if appraising him. Then she wordlessly pulled him to the bed.
They made love. Or at least, Taylor made love to her. There were no more secrets between them. As he plowed into her she said, “You know, you don’t have to do this again.”
“I know.”
“You really don’t. This… this is good enough for me.”
“Tessa, before yesterday, when was the last time you had an orgasm with a man?”
“Uhhhhh… Years. I don’t remember,” said Tessa.
“Then don’t worry about it.”
“I’m with the Survey Service, Tessa,” said Taylor firmly, as he plunged into her warm, slick vagina. “We don’t leave people behind.”
After Taylor had finished inside of her he pulled his long shake out in a leisurely way which made her gasp. She watched without saying a word as he went to the closet and removed the bar. She watched him install it. Then she wordlessly got up and went over to the bar, and submissively raised her hands in the air. The look she gave him as he locked the cuffs was one of pure love.
She admitted his ass muscles as he went back to the closet to retrieve the whip. The sight of him walking back to her, holding a long, black whip while having an enormous erection, excited her without end.
“Are you ready for this?” Taylor asked, snapping the whip experimentally.
“I love you so much for this,” She said, with a frightening intensity.
“I know,” said Taylor.
And then the session began.
This time Tessa asked for more. Not a greater intensity but specific locations. First she asked him to whip her lower back and her ass.
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