The Penance

I don’t know when we decided that today was going to be the day that the penance would happen. We both had discussed it but not when. We both had made choices, some of them ill-advised, choices which have had consequences. Choices which we have paid for, both of us, love wasn’t meant to happen, but it did. We both should be paying, and in a way were, but Jattersea was the sub, and she would be the one paid for the choices we made.

We were walking around Camden, a lazy Sunday afternoon, somewhere between there and the train back to the flat, it was decided. Today would be the day, it seemed natural somehow. By the time we had started walking back from the station, the decision had been made.

I watched her as she walked by myself, her hand in mine. The day was cold, I watched her in her own little world, her breath fogging in the cold London afternoon air. I squeezed her hand, breaking her from her thought process, she smiled at me but said nothing.

We walkd in silence.

When we opened the door to the flat, it was cold inside, she doesn’t like the cold, I put my hand on the radiator, it’s freezing to the touch. I go to turn the heating on, Wordlessly, Jattersea take off her clothes, the house rules are simple, once she enters, off come the clothes, on with the collar. She doesn’t need reminding.

I come back into the hall way to see her standing there.

“Not that collar Sweetie” I tell her, she has on her slim everyday collar, but she’s going to get punished. I point to the punishment collar, thick and wide, tough black leather, that digs into her skin and forces her chin up at all times.

“Sorry Sir” she says as undoes her normal collar. I bend down and open the trunk at the door, pulling out her lean. I tell her “Inspection Sweetie” before I have stood up.

I turn around and there she is, my love. Looking straight ahead, her hands on her cunt, spreading them open. I don’t know if it is the cold, or the penance ahead, but she is covered in goosebumps, I watch her nipples harden under my gaze. I attach the lean to her collar and allow it to dangle.

She smiles and giggles at me, that smile and giggle she does to hide that she’s uncomfortable. The facade she wears for everyone, including myself. I reach up and stroke her chin, pushing a lock of her hair from her face to behind her ear. I catch a tear from the corner of her eye, as I stare at her.

I kiss her on her lips, just a peck.

“I love you Sweetie” I assume her, she looks at me.

“I love you Master”

“Good Girl” I tell her. I leave her standing there, while I go get what is required. It will be a caning, this isn’t a funishment, this isn’t like a spanking where the pain builds over time. No, this is a penance, a price needs to be paid, a toll extracted, that means a caning. It will be brutal from first strike to last, it will start brutal and end perniciously.

She doesn’t deserve it really, but she thinks she does, and it would be cruel for me to deny her. I am harsh, I have been known to be sadistic, but I am not cruel. She will pay her penance.

I pick up my two canes, one is old, something I found in a junk shop years ago, a simply Victorian like cane, the other a leather wrapped affairs.

I walk back into the room, Jattersea hasn’t moved. I hold both of them up.

“What one Sweetie?” I ask her.

She points to the Victorian one, I never doubted it, she was always about the old school. Another reminder of her being an old soul at heart.

I held the cane out between my hands, she takes it up in her teeth. I pick up the leash as she drops down onto all fours. I lead her to the bedroom, and pat on the bed. She makes her way onto it. Normally I would have her hands tied on her back but today, she will need the balance.

“Elbows on the bed Sweetie” I tell her as I take the cane from her teeth.

“Yes Master” she replies as she settles in. No gag this time, not for this, I grab the leather bit from the side table and place it in her mouth.

I see her breathing, like a rabbit that’s been cornered by a dog, quick breaths, rattling her rib cage. Her buttocks going tense and loose.

“5 Strokes Sweetie, that’s all. 5 Strokes and it will all be settled. Be Brave my darling” I tell her, running the cane over the small of her back, watching the muscles twininge as the cane touches them.

“Yes Master, I love you” She answers, already her voice is far way, she is preparing, already beginning to fall into subspace.

The tension in the air is electrifying. I watch her breathing, I watch as the spittle begins to form around her mouth. She stretches herself, tension, waiting, increasingly desperate for something, anything to happen.I don’t say anything or do anything, I am staring at her ass and cunt. She can’t see me without bending her head. I haven’t told her that she can’t, but she doesn’t anyway. Worried I will punish her for it.

I finally rest the cane squarely against her buttocks. The cold touch makes her jump. I chuckle, you go red with embarrassment. I can see that her mouth isn’t the only place which is drooling.

The swish then the crack.

It happens so quickly.

Almost like it didn’t happen at all, a blink and the cane is back, seemingly haven’t moved at all.

But it’s effects, They’re immediately.The tortured sound springs from your throat, barely being muffled by the gag. Her whole body jumps into the air, Jattersea’s legs stiffen and close shut, she’s now lying on the bed, crying, emrithing, the angry red line forms squarely on her ass.

That fire that spreads, radiates outward from the wound.The welt increasingly gets redder as she keeps emrithing. She’s crying at this point. Her world collapses into the pain in her ass, and the fire in cunt. The sweet forms instantly on her body despite the cold. The sounds she makes feel like her soul has been ripped from her body.

My words shatter the moment.

“One, Assume the position”.

Her eyes shoot to me, finally she realizes now what it is that she has asked for. She realizes the task which she has so willing put in front of herself.

I wonder if she’s going to beg, I wonder if she’s going to click her fingers to say no more. I star at her face as the full extent of what we are doing blooms on her face. I look at the fears running down her cheeks, combining with the drool from the bit.

Slowly, Jattersea get back on all fours. This time her head hangs, She’s clasps your hands tight in front of her, tensioning for what is to come. Her whole body is now tense. The angry line protruding from her smooth ass. In the centre of the line is a smaller blood trail.

I rest the cane again on her ass, she sobs and groans. I let it rest there longer, watching her whole body responding to the knowledge of what is coming next.

The second strike goes across the first one at a thirty degree angle. The sound of it fills every corner of flat, fills every corner of our shared world. It feels like I haven’t marked her ass so much as her being. She jumps again, this time it’s a scream. She’s sobbing uncontrollable now, deep, soulful sobs. Any semblance of control has now been removed, she’s shaking her head. The sheen of the sweet is thick, so thick its scent fills the room.

“Up Sweetie”, it’s a simple request, she looks at me as if I had asked for your first born. But she does it none the less.

She’s shaking, every part of her is shaking, her ass in twitching. She’s calmed down slightly, but the groaning hasn’t stopped. Again I place the cane against her buttocks, this time her ass jerks instinctively. She seems resigned to what is coming.

Her head shakes, the sobs continue, but she don’t click her fingers, she doesn’t spit out the bit and say red.

The third strike is hard.

Tracing the first red line closely, she collapses again, but this time herreaction is lessened. She’s in subspace, that much is now clear, her actions mechanical. The sweat, tears and drool drip from her face.

“Good Girl, just 2 more to go Sweetie”, she looks at me with searching eyes.

This time instead of the cane, she feels my hands cares her ass. The texture of my hands must feel like sandpaper against the angry red lines. I trace them with my fingers. My one hand moves to the top of her ass, fingers start moving downwards, gently exploring.

While my other hand cups her cunt.

I feel the heat from her cunt, it’s almost as hot as the lines on her ass. Almost.

I feel her push her cunt towards my hand, despite everything we have done, or because of it. I spread her cunt with my left hand, and push 2 fingers from my other hand deep into her. I hook my fingers and starting moving my hand back and forth. I am not gentle, I can feel her wetness coat my whole hand. I warn her not to cum. She’s grunt, pushing your cunt to meet my fingers. I start to feel her cunt pushing my hand out. I know she’s close. I speed up. Then stop. And pull my hands from her.

She gasps, a gasp of exasperation. Pushing her ass against my phantom hand.

On such a push, her ass meets the cane as it comes down against it. The crack is deafening. her scream even louder than before, the bit not being able to contain it. Her legs slam shut, her body tenses so quickly it lifts her from the bed.

The shaking starts again, this time I think she’s going to bow out. I look at her waiting, her wrapping body, the ragged breathing, the half sob half groans.

I notice the patch on the bed. She’s wet herself I don’t know if she’s noticed.

“Good Girl, one more sweetie, show me what a strong girl you are”. She looks at me, well I think she is it’s hard to tell. Her eyes are half shut, tears flowing freely from them. She nods her head at me, slowly, invariably she stars to form the position. It’s hard, it’s like your body is rebelling against you. I don’t offer any help, I just watch and wait for her to complete her duty to me.

At this point her ass is dominated by the red lines, blood dribbling from where the lines have intersected. The bruising hasn’t started, but it’s obvious where it will be. I come around, reach down, raise her chin up and plant a kiss on her forehead.

“I am so proud of you” I whisper to Jattersea.

She starts sobbing again. I move around to face her ass.

The last one is lower than the rest, it doesn’t hit her ass, but goes neatly across the tops of her thighs.

She wasn’t expecting it to land there. It’s an uneven hit, and she twists as it lands, causing her to flop onto her side. I watch as the consequences of my machinations play out all over her body.

Then slowly, I come around and take the bit out, I clear the snot and tears from her face.I pick her up and hold her against me, walking her towards the shower.

I tell you what a good girl she has been, and I tell her how proud I am of her. She just looks at me and nods, She’s not capable of saying anything yet.

I lay her down in the shower and start to clean her body. I don’t use any soup, I just rinse her clean, as gently as I can. I watch her wince every time my hand glances her buttocks. I pick up the towel, place her in it as I lead her back to the bed. I place her over my lap. She Feels something cold and soothing touch her ass. I am applying ointment to her wounds.

My other hand starts to play with her cunt. She’s grasps both of her hands around my arm as I do it. She looks up at me and finally asks “Please Sir may I cum?” I look down at her face, smile and nod.


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