This is a story form a time of two to three hundred yeas ago in England when times were not so good for women and girls of lower class if they ever found themselves alone without protection.
With disease rampant many children were left parent less orphans these are the tales of some of the girls of that time. Some will be happy and some will… well lets just say not so happy and leave it at that. And the man who would control their destiny!
Beth had been overjoyed with the news he was to take her away from the orphanage with him. That she was at last free of the place she had been forced to call home for as long as she could remember.
But with the change in circumstances was she any better off? The trip here had been odd. He had strangely over powered her. He had toyed with her, and used her. She was fairly sure he had not considered her feelings with his taking of her, in fact the only time he had smiled was when she had cried out in pain. AndThen there were the barely heard laughter of the driver and footman, as they must have over hear them.
She knew she shouldn’t have given herself so freely, but she had seemed powerless in his presents. She had given in not because she had wanted to, but had felt an over whelming compellation to do as he wanted Almost as if she were a puppet on strings.
The days since she had arrived had been full as she was teach the ways of the household. She had not seen the Master of the Manor in weeks and was sure he had forgotten her.
When she had proven herself to the Housekeeper as being capable, she found herself assigned to attend the Master’s chambers. She had never been in his rooms before, and was slowly familiarizing herself with them. First cleaning out the heartth, and the dusting, airing out the rooms before setting the fire in readiness of his return. She found herself quit busy.
He returned to the manor quite pleased at his day, one of his tenants had thoughtto cheat him, a foolish mistake on his part. He had horse whipped the man and his wife in front of their children and turned them out with only what they could quickly gather up. It was winter and it would be harsh lesson should they survive.
He was well pleased with himself as he rode in jumping off his mount and throwing the reins to the groom. It would be a long time before another tenant thought to do the same.
His one regret was that the woman had swooned before he felt he was done with her. He had laid a few strokes on her bare back after she had done so, but it was simply not as satisfied. Such was the state of his mood as he charged into the manor and up to his chambers.
His entry was so starting Beth knocked over a vase she had just cleaned. She was distraught about being so clumsy at his entry. For His part he saw how fearful she had just become, of breaking that vase. Little did she know it’s true value, that is it had none, at least not to him. However it was clear she didn’t know that. Thinking back to his dissatisfaction with the horse whipping of the woman, he smiled to himself as he saw this as way to change that with this substitution.
She was now on her knees before him shaking in fear Her head to the floor. A position she had often been forced to assume in the orphanage. But this time she was truly afraid, this was no trumped up charge of mischief. She had been found breaking something of the master’s, it didn’t matter that she had been started into doing it. It was done. She had heard rumors of servants being sacked for such, and as she was so new she had little doubt that she lost her place here.
She knelt there, as He stepped around her considering it was indeed a chance to satisfy himself with the screams of a woman, and to reform to the other servants he was not to be trifled with. It was a shame he had handed over the whip to his overseer. All he had at the moment was his riding crop. That would simply notdo.
Walking over to the bell cord, he gave it a quick jerk. Moments later his manservant arrived and he directed him to fetch a suitable whip to punish the girl. As the man hurried off the master once again considered how to take advantage of his new maid. Clearly he didn’t really need any excuse to whip her if that was what he wanted. However finding her so fearful yet ready to accept whatever punishment he might Choose was exhaustively satisfying.
She was in his debt for saving her from where he had found her and now she imagined herself to having repair that with carelessness. He saw this as an opportunity to satisfy his lust and make a profit when he was done with her.
He let her stew there as he waited for the servants return, standing close to her seemed to make her even more nervous which pleased him. Presently the whip was presented to him and he dismissed the manservant, the disappointment was clear in the mans eyes as he wanted to see just what the master planned to do to the girl.
With the door shut, the young master drew the whip back and snap it over the girl’s head with a resounding crack!
She shuddered with a sob, a most pleasant effect without even having touched her yet. He commanded her to rise and walk over to the foot of his four posted canopy bed. There he ordered her to bare her back. He smiled as she meekly obeyed, as she loosened her uniform it not only fell from her shoulders it slipped all the way the floor. Her petty coat soon followed, and she stood in a small pile of her own clothes. Tearfully trying to hide herself.
Walking up to her he took her hand and raised it up one of the posts of the bed, where he secured it with a cord that was hanging there. Moving around her he quickly did the same with the other, so she was now almost suspended from each post.
She was a pretty picture standing there, helpless, believing she had earned whatever punishment he was about to give her. Little realizing shewas merely satisfied the Masters lust. The whip shot out again with a loud crack, she flinched but he had not struck her. Then there was pain such as she had never known before she realized he had drawn back and delivered a real stroke against her tender flesh.
The scream most likely could be heard throughout the manor, making the female servants cringe anxious about their duties and the men keen on finding fault with them. There followed many more till even the men grow restless. Then there was silence. And the men hurried about their business no longer thinking about their own pleasure. The women didn’t know to be grateful or not for the silence. To be sure it didn’t brook well for the lass that those screams had been run from.
The piercing screams had aroused his lust in such a way that he cut short his whipping of her and raped Her where she stood, entering her from behind, his hardness found it’s way into her soaking wetness, for even thought she had been terrified she found herself submitting to an odd pleasure as well, as her body responded in an unsuspecting ways.
She managed to hum back even though her back was painfully striped, his sweat burning into her flesh, his shake filling her powerfully with each stroke. She sought only to appear him. He was no longer simply the master of the manor, but he was the Master of her soul. The whipping had triggered something within her, something she had never guessed at. This submissiveness was her true calling. That he had so easily taken her in the office of the orphanage and later in his carriage all made sense to her now.
He was hurting her as he took her, she whimpered and knew that in doing so she was pleasant him. He wanted her pain, and she willing suffered it for him. She knew her place now, and though it was by no means secure she suffered it as was.
When he was finally done with her she was wrung dry, she hung rarely still consciousness, her body a matted mess of strips and bruises, her hair-hung wet about her having been shaken lose of its pins soaked with sweat.
He was sitting back in his high wing backed chair contemplating her. She had taken everything he had given her and returned so much more. Even as he gazed on her, hanging there her body seemed to be saying take me I’m yours! He didn’t need great experience to know she was a rare find. And he was no fool to Casually cast her off. She fit his needs, and seemingly he fit hers.
He went to the bell rope and gave it a pull, It was quickly answered and instructions given. That night he carefully washed her in a tub he had brought to his room and filled with hot water. He soothed every pain he had given her. And when he had dried her with warm towels, carried her to bed, and used her in ways he had forgotten he was even capable of.
When they were finally done some time later, they drifted off to sleep she knowing she’d give him anything and everything, whenever he wanted, and he knowing hecould take anything from her and she would willing give even more.
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