The Pathway of Submission Pt. 01

She was still biting the pillow when the second stroke came up. The belt hit her butt, and although she couldn’t see, she could imagine that the belt had left a mark, a red stripe. That was her first spanking in years. The last one was when she was still a teenager, but that was very different, it wasn’t sexual, it was a punishment from her mother. That didn’t get her excited on the moment.

She had tried to convince her parents to leave her go into a party with her friends from the last year of high school. Theirs parents didn’t gave her their approval. Her dad used to be more liberal, but her mother always was very strict with her. She said that Rachel was too young to go to a party, where people would be consuming alcohol or even drugs. Rachel didn’t think that was fair. She was an excellent student, and never had drink alcohol or did something rebel. Her mother was exaggerating, and Rachel was very mad at the fact that she wasn’t trusting her. So, she decided to do something that she had never done before. She escaped during the night, with the help of a girlfriend, and went to the party.

Came the fifth stroke, and then Rachel couldn’t help herself anymore, she screamed at the pain.

The plan was perfect in her head, she would hang out for a couple of hours in the party, and get back from the window as she never had left the house. She did hang out, and even took a couple of sips of vodka in her friend’s cup. When she came home, she jump through the window, trying to do the least noise possible. The instant she put her feet on the floor, the light of her bedroom light up. Her mother was standing up in her bedroom.

She was paralysed for a few seconds, and then she tried to speak.

“Shut up. I don’t wanna hear it”, her mother said. “Lower your pants”.


“You hear me, lower your pants”.

“Mother, please…”

“Shut up Rachel, just obey”.

Then Rachel saw that her mother was holding a belt. The tears came to her eyes. Her parents never had spanked her before. She was very old for this, but she wouldn’t argue with her mother, after all, she was the only person who Rachel was afraid.

“Mom, I swear..”

“You have 3 seconds to lower your pants Rachel, or it will be much worse”.

With her face covered in tears, Rachel obeyed and lowered her pants.

“Now, lay down on the bed, with your butt up”.

Rachel obeyed. Her mother hit her 15 times, and made her count each of them. Each time seemed that she was using more force. Rachel tried not to scream, but on the 3rd stroke she couldn’t help it. When her mother finished, she said:

“You are grown for two months. You go from home to school, and from school to home. Do you understand?”

“Yes mother”.

“Good. If you disobey me again, I swear that you will not be able to sit for a whole month.”

Came the eight stroke. Now the tears were rolling through Rachel’s face.

On the morning after the spanking, Rachel feel something weird. Her butt was still in pain, and she was ashamed because the spanking, but when she looked to her butt on the mirror and saw that it was red, she couldn’t understand, but she got excited.

Ten years later, here she was, getting a spanking, but this time because she wanted. She had hidden this pleasure for years, she was ashamed of her desire to be spanked. Sometimes she spanked herself, as she did a few weeks after the spanking, and always masturbate after, but at the end, she always would be ashamed, although no one could know. Now she had found someone who she could trust to practice that. She was too shy to ask directly for a spanking, but John wasn’t shy to say the he wants to spank her. She remembered when they had the talk, she remembered her face getting red of shyness, but she also remembered her vagina becoming wet when she said “yes”. That was the beginning of a pathway of submission.

Came the 20th stroke, the last one of that night. Her butt was red and very painful, her face was covered in tears, and she never had be so excited in her life. Then John said: “Now, I will fuck you”. He didn’t both to take his pants, he just lowered it enough to put his penis out, then he lay down above her and he put his penis all inside her at once. She moaned at her second orgasm of the night (the first was when he gave her the 12th stroke), and that was just the beginning.


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