And so, the ladies had settled their argument. Madame was staying and I was going to serve her, if I wanted or not… Madame was clearly aware of my disappoint with this situation. She closely watched the expressions on my face while she talked to Mistress. Mistress had left the room to fetch a stepadder for elderly Madame which she needed to climb the throne on top of the stretching rack and on top of my naked, bound and tormented body. The fact that Mistress was in a separate room gave Madame the opportunity to talk extra loud when discussing various unsavory topics that one could face with growing age: callsuses, foot fungus, clavus, ingrown toenails and so on… Madame savored the fact that she successfully planted those disgusting pictures into my mind where they tortured me. Throughout their conversion she watched my face closely and fed off my rising disgust and discomfort.
“I am really not sure about this, my dear!” she suddenly shouted towards Mistress in the adjacentroom. “Things have changed, you know? I am not taking good care of my body anymore. And I was out all day running errands in this heat wearing these rotten old Ballerinas. The foul odor that awaits your slave might very well damage him forever! Let me -at least- freshen up a bit before we start…”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous!” Mistress shouted back “just a few minutes ago, he begged me for a more rich and hearty foot-aroma… if think… or at least that’s how I remember the conversation! […] No, no, no, don’t you worry, Madame! I have no doubt that you will be an absolute delicacy to him just the way you are!”
Her words hit me like a fist to stomach. “Alright, alright,…” Madame muttered. “I could certainly use an eager little beaver like this one!” Madame now changed into a whispering voice that only I could hear “You better start sucking up all the saliva that you can produce, honey,” she said while she caressed my cheek. “You will need every drop of it to soak the thick calls on the balls of my old feet. That will be necessary, I am afraid, otherwise you will hardly be able to bite them off…”
I was so grossed out that my eyes turned over into the back of my head while Madame watched. THAT was not my kind of foot fetish! All my life I was extremely turned on by a combination of two things. The one thing was moderne BDSM and the second thing was beautiful, well-shaped and pedicured female feet… At that moment things were not going into any of those directions. My body ached under the tight restraints and the severe punishments and Madame and Mistress both seemed to be determined to humiliate me far past my limits. “I know, I know” Madame interrupted my thoughts “I totally agree with you! I am also disgusted by these thick old gluts of dead skin! That is only natural. I mean, what perv would not be grossed out by that?!” her comments let my mind relax a bit. Maybe she was reasonable after all? But then she whispered in a strict and serious tone: “That is exactly why you will SWALLOW each and every bit and piece that I give you! […] I don’t care HOW HARD you will choke on it… I REFUSE to see any of it ever again!!”
My eyes turned over again in disgust and total disbelieve. I was aware that I played into Madame’s hands by openly showing my disappoint, but I could not help it. She played me like a well-tuned instrument. Satisfied with her total victory over my mind, Madame turned back to Mistress and shouted across the rooms: “My dear? Don’t you think, too, that it would really get your noble slaveboy turned on, if we let him nibble the hard skin off my crooked and sinky old toes, like a cute little suckerfish?!”
I definitely didn’t want to do that! This woman took my breath away. It felt like an elephant knelt on my chest! How would I ever get out of this situation without losing the long-earned respect of my Mistress?!
Madame’s legery old fingers slowly and sensitively slip along the inside of mytighs over my ball-sack to my stomach and further on to my nipples. “Oh Madame”, Mistress called back into the room “…I am certain that he will be deeply grateful for anything that you would like to hold under his nose or shove into his dirty mouth! He probably already breaths heavy from desire – like the old perv that he is – just from listening to us. I bet that he can hardly wait any longer!” both women chuckled to themselves on my expense.
Again, it was Madame who raised her voice while she continued to cares my chest: “Alright, my dear! Let’s be serious for a moment. I truly appreciate the gesture, but I really do think that it would be best, if YOU continue to let him worship your pretty little feet! I really do not want to force myself on the both of you…” Was she serious?! Did Madame just pull out of her own mind game? I heard in obvious relief. But that was just what Madame had waited for. Just when the tension lifted from my body and I drew a deep breath,Madame suddenly pinched my already hurting nipples with ferocious strength and extremely bellowed towards me with an almost democratic expression on her face: “… you let him gently worship your feet… … and meanwhile I WILL FUCK HIS TIGHT ASS UNTIL HE LOSES CONSCIOUSNESS!” and then continued in her regular gentle talking voice “Would that be fine with you, my dear?!
I didn’t even dare to breath after Madame’s latest outburst. I was absolutely petrified by this woman! Madame starred deep into my eyes and smiled broadly while her hands caresed my torso. She bathed in my fear and confusion. Long moments passed like this…
…until Mistress arrived and slammed the stepadder overly noisily onto the floor right in between us. That finally dissolved the tension and the two women fell into each other’s arms laughing hard. As soon as the laughter had died down, Madame turned to me, kissed me gently on the forehead and said coulddidly: “No worries, honey. I would never miss out on the spectacle to see your innocent little face choke on my smelly old toes…” I was confused. I felt saved from something very bad, but on the other hand I was condemned to do exactly that which grossed me out just a moment ago?!
A deeply confused and very audible sight escaped me… …which caused the two ladies to laugh out loud again in utter satisfaction. I frantically fidgeted with my Restraints. I was very uneasy. I wanted this humiliation to end! …but now Mistress leaned in and whispered into my ear almost inaudibly: “I really liked Madame’s latest proposal… I am a bit disappointed that she waved it so easily… do you understand, sweety?! I strongly suggest that you present yourself to Madame at your best behavior!!”
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