The Path Taken, The Path Unknown

Freyja’s was a private club for well to do individuals to meet and organize certain types of arrangements that benefited their needs and desires. Whether it was alcohol, or sex, or even various other unmentionedables, the rules were a loose policy of do not involve anyone unwilling to be involved, or act in a manner to attract the attention of the authorities. Proper attitude was required, an element of class was expected, but the intent of each individual there was of no debate. The club offered a place for the affluent to find sex of their liking and most importantly to masse their gyms outside of public eye.

It had been an aphrodisiate Friday evening at Freyja’s, the three gentleman confused over Scotch and cigars as they arrogantly bragged about successful hunting stories of game and women. The youngest was pleasantly successful bachelor Whom had been more focused upon his cigar and keeping the crystal glass in front of him well filled with fresh ice and the soul warming single malt. As the older pair boasted and made arrogant fools of themselves, the younger had found himself rather bored. He had hoped to find something for the evening or perhaps longer, and yet outside of a cocktail waitress eagerly working her evening away bound tightly by a non-disclosure agreement and showing no interest in the goings on of the establishment, this evening had been a boorish bus.

He had looked around the room on a few occasions before joining his aged cronies and found nothing but three other boots occupied for the evening. There was the professional dominatrix torturing another computer geek out of money, the adventurous married couples trying to seduce what was probably their baby-sitter, and a lonely man sitting alone feverishly chattering away upon his laptop. The younger gentleman figured he must certainly have a deadline do in the morning, and this was obviously the only place in the area to get that sort of work done. As he disinterestedly scannedyet again the room he was hit upon the shoulder by his crony, perhaps, friend, maybe just acquaintance.

“Why don’t go take a run out that cheap looking waitress!” He eagerly shouted all too loud.

He looked upon her, give her a polite “I’m sorry” nod as the liquor boiled over within him.

“You two are so full of it,” he aggressively proclaimed, “You come in here pounding your chest about this and that and yet have the same lackluster stories each and every time.”

The two older gentlemen were taken back at such an outlandish refuting of their achievements. However, he had two solid feet upon granite in which to stand. A very successful individual in life who accomplished well in his eagerness and abilities. He had a lot to show and was far much younger than most of his persuasion.

“Well well well!” proclaimed the supposed slapping older gentleman. It appears, that he just may in fact be the only individual in here this evening whom is not completely full of shit! The youngest of the three made a disabled expression as he took a big drag from his cigar followed by a finishing gulp of his Scotch.

“Here, proclaimed the other, “have some more your highness!” “Say given that you are so much better than each of us, prove your might, my Lordship.”

“Say,” the other quickly added in agreement, “that is a wonderful idea, perhaps you can show us how it is truly done.” “I have $50,000 that says you cannot find some gutter tramp and turn her into something truly remarkable.”

“I second that!” shouted the other “$100,000 to you if you can find a nothing woman, and teach her to be the perfect acuprement for such a highly accomplished person as yourself.”

“Seriously? That is the best the two of you can come up with? 50 shades of Grey meets My Fair Lady?”

The younger gentleman was quite amused at their silly proposition, and the money was quite exclusive and he did enjoy a good project. If nothing else, the whole challenge seemedas much of fun as anything else.

“Fine meet back here at 9:00 PM tomorrow evening, we will discuss rules and iron out the details and at that time I will decide if I choose to accept such an undertaking.” And with that the younger gentleman arose, motioned to the bartender his evening was done and began to put on his coat.

At 8:40 PM, the younger gentleman arrived at Freyja’s at took a table After seeing the older two had not arrived. The waitress promptly served him and began to thank him for the previous evening when he abruptly interrupted her requesting the day’s newspaper. She quickly responded with “Of course your Highness,” and stepped away.

His mind raced as he pondered what he truly desired to do with the task at hand, and now it was clouded by the snarky comment of the waitress. He began to Fall deep into thought as this time she interrupted him.

“Your paper your Highness.” She strictly proclaimed as she coyly toyed with him.

“Thank you,” heresponded looking over as his eyes gazed upon her cleavage, “I appreciate it. There will be nothing else for now.”

He began to read the paper as she walked away. Some time had passed before he was interrupted again, his mind lost adrift in a column. The two gentlemen sat down and began to speak.

“Well someone is quite eager for this,” one proclaimed.

“But I wonder is it for the money or the pussy!?” Noteed the other

“You two are ten minutes late, do you seriously want to do this dance?” The younger gentleman inquired.

“I’m game!” claimed the first.

“What good is money if you cannot torque others with it?” asked the other.

“Fine, but I get to choose who, how the game is played, and I want the funds hidden in a trust with a holdings group of my choosing managing it.

“Fine.” They both commented simply.

The one began to speak, “But since you prefer to control your women, she must be someone new to your desired lifestyle, cannotplay the game willingly, will require some before and after documentation, and must be shown off here in six months at the New Year’s Ball.”

“Sure, but I have the right to tap out if she is not psychologically able to handle such an affair without penalty.” The younger gentleman felt he could play this game and win, yet he knew he would not be able to risk too much either.

“There shall be a $10,000 penalty for withdrawal, and $25,000 for failure to produce her at New Year’s” the other spoke.

“Very well.”

Each Shook hands and went along.

When he awoke the next morning, he was amiss to where to begin. Online? He thought, perhaps if nothing else than in a weeks’ time he could circle back to there. As he arrived at the gym, his mind was still struggling to Formulate a game plan. He wanted to find someone pleasant, but also not ruin a decent person. The idea of ​​playing the game and being chivalrous was not lost upon him, in fact it rather amused him. He laughedaloud as he grabbed a towel.

“Something funny?” The woman folding towels and setting them upon the counter looked at him rather seriously.

He was taken back at losing his composition if only momentarily. “My apologies,” he quickly offered, I have my mind focused on a work thing. “Whew, that was a good recovery” he thought to himself.

“Well you look like someone with much to Offer,” She said, “I hope you come out on top.”

He smiled and walked out upon the gym floor. He began his warm up walk and his mind began to poor him. It quickly ran over his thoughts with distractions. Distractions of loosely curled dark hair, soft olive skin, small perky breasts, a little bicycle tire in an otherwise well-fitting little shirt. As he ran, stretched, weight trained, and finished with his cool down, he could not get the towel girl out of his mind. This woman was someone he’d seen many of times, never finding her attractive or even intellectually stimulating enough to speak with. She was poorly read, poorly cultured, and smelled of cheap perfumed beauty products, she was…….perfect. His thoughts quickly began to roll and fight in his mind, had she given him an opening? What did he not know of her that he potentially should?

Paula finished with the current load of towels and began to ready herself to patrol the gym grabbing used and discarded towels. When she had reached the stretching Area, she saw him wiping his face down, it was the younger gentleman wiping the sweat from his face as finished his workout. Her timing was impeccable, she smiled at him, desiring to know so much more of him. He gave himself one last stretch of his neck and shoulders and gazed back upon her and smiled back. Her heart raced, she grew quite warm, and she was infatuated with him and had been for some time.

When he approached her and asked her to have dinner with him that evening, she was clearly at a loss of all of her faculties. She simply replied: “anything thatyou want!” As she quickly accepted his invitation.

“Anything I want?” he quickly asked in response?

Her face turned bright red and she darted from the scene. He tried to quietly chase after her but could not keep up. He finished, and scribbled a note for her to leave at the front desk.

It simply read:


“Anything I want” sounds perfect! I will pick you up at 7pm, wear something sexy for going out. You may text me your address as to where I shall pick you up!



She read over it several times, her blood boiling in excitement. This was far too much, she began to message him earnestly before stopping to wonder why someone like him would want anything to do with her. She began to psych herself out, she quickly confirmed her concerns with a friend who asked to see the note, then her phone.

“Well, he thinks you just sent him your address, so I’d be ready at 6:45 since he does not seem like the type to wait or be late.”

Paula loved her and hated her for it. The day was awake as her mind fixed on what she needed to do and how soon she needed to be ready. Her friend lent her a black skirt she paired with a button down shirt. She naturally wished she had proper lingerie and shoes, but alas she could not afford them. Surely, he would understand and must have liked what he saw in seeing her at work in her club uniform.

At 6:50 he arrived at her door, she quickly opened it and shut it embarrassed by her humble apartment. He said nothing and turned to escort her to the car. They arrived at Freyja’s and entered. He ordered a bottle of wine and poured her a glass. She nervously looked about, mostly trying to avoid eye contact with him. He was so well dressed and looked incredible. She felt as if the wait staff were far more presentable than her. He asked about her, what she liked to do, where she had traveled, and so forth. However she remained somewhat closed off to him, and he knew that this environmentnt while necessary for his needs, was not making her comfortable.

He stood, grabbed her hand and the wine and took her into a side room. The room was clearly a VIP room complete with a stage and stripper poles. She gulped very hard at this sight. He sat on the love seat and quickly reassure her that she would not have to dance for him, but felt she might be more comfortable out of prying eyes. She did relax, he gave her exactly what it was that she needed, and all of a sudden he was that guy from the gym again. The guy she would do anything for. They spoke for a few hours splitting a couple bottles of wine over the time. Laughing and bonding before he circled back again. Perhaps it was the wine, perhaps it was the environment, perhaps it was the six shorts months in the back of his mind. But he asked:

“So anything huh?”

“Yes,” she quickly replied with a rose colored face. She could not keep herself together, the damn wine had loosened her too much. “Yes, anything foryou. You are the highlight of my day, the reason I have stayed with that job when I clearly need more money, you are just so fucking grogeous!”

He smiled at her, then replied; “When you say anything, I just may want everything.”

She gulped very hard, anxiously she pondered briefly in her inebriated state what that may mean, then anxiously inquired what that may mean. “Can you elaborate please?” She nervously asked.

“Of course,” he said with a pleasant smile. “I like to possess my women, to have control of them sexually speaking. How that works out can always be a little different, but you get the general idea.”

“Oh you mean 50 shades!?” She loudly proclaimed.

“Well not quite so cheesy as that, but along those lines for starters, yes.” He responded as matter of fact.

“Wow, I am shocked,” she said “I don’t know what to say other than YES!”

He pondered her immediately unexpected answer for a few moments, then calmly responded himself. “I would rathe you take a couple days to consider this or ask questions, it’s not so simple. I tend to be heavy handed when it comes to this sort of thing.”

She bit her lip, nervous and excited, she responded quickly: “I have no experience, and honestly haven’t a lot of experience with men either. But I enjoyed that movie and want to experience sex like that. So if you’re willing to teach me, I am dying to learn. I want to learn from YOU more so.”

He consider her proposal and decided to counter her offer. “I will offer this to you then; I will make arrangements at the club for you to come in here Saturday and drop off a note for me. You will state yes you want to do this, or no you do not. You will state hard limits within the note, and any necessary details that I should know of a person I am in a relationship with. I will arrive at 7:00 PM to read it, if your answer is Yes, I will expect you here and ready promptly at 7:30. You may text me if you have any questions prior.”

Paula hated the idea of ​​waiting, and began to protest before he quickly shushed her. She accepted his counter offer and was still pondering the details when she awoke to her alarm the next day. As she set the next stack of towels on the counter, she looked up to see him standing before her. Once again she was admitted with him, she wanted to ask how to greet him. What she should call him, how interact with him. He reminded her simply she could text questions, but otherwise a yes or no answer come Saturday.

Later that day a single text came across: “What is it that you want to do to me exactly?”

He pondered this for a brief moment then simply replied: “Anything! I don’t have an immediate plan, however if there is something you will not do, than you may request it as a hard limit.”

The Note Saturday Evening simply read one single word. His heart raced as he read it multiple times, his body warmed in anticipation as he tried to understand the meaning of Yes!!! He collected himself and requested service in the VIP room to the side where he promptly ordered a single malt and requested she be escorted to him immediately upon her arrival. At 20 minutes past seven the door opened and the waitress offered that he had a guest as she held the door for her. She was wearing the same outfit as the previous visit.

“That will be all for us, thank you!” He quickly spoke.

As the waitress left he looked her over judgingly. He then simply asked “Yes?” She nodded in approval. You do not have any hard limits you would like to at least discussion? Or possible any issues or concerns to you may want to address?

“No,” she nervously replied.

“No Sir,” he quickly corrected her.

She bit her lip in eager excitement, her heart raced as she realized it was beginning.

“No Sir!”

“Are you certain?” He asked one final time. I don’t mind discussing concerns, its best to do so now than when things are in motion. She looked upon him longingly consderring all things involved. She decided in that moment that this is what she wanted to do, and he is who she wanted to allow to do it to her.

She responded, “No Sir, I have no limits I desire to discuss. I did some research and have also decided I do not want a safe word. I shall never have that control over you.”

He thought he fell from his chair. She had set a new bar and shook a large amount of boredom from him. He pondered that which she was offering and once again decided to take the high road he looked about. “You will have a safe word, he pointed at his feet, and it will be carpet. If you decide to never use it, then that is OK. But if things happen, and you must, that is OK too. It doesn’t mean stop forever, it means simply to take a break and discuss what’s happening.

“Yes Sir.”

“Very well my slave, now on to step two.”

Her mind raced, he was beginning to take control methodically of her, she was eager to please him and in dire need to make him happy.

“Strip, my slave.”

She without thought removed her shoes with her feet as she unbuttoned her blouse showing off a boring white bra, she unhooked the back of her skirt letting it fall. She slide her fingers down removing her underwear standing before him nervous and awkwardly naked. She so hoped he liked what he saw. He said nothing as his eyes roamed over her repeatedly. He took a drink of his Scotch

“Turn,” he said.

She slowly turned as the door opened. She tried to nervously hide behind it.

“Back in your place,” he ordered. “Lana, what do you think of her?” He asked matter of fact.

The waitress replied with a subtle look of her: “She’s cute, but in dire need of a spa day.”

She left as Paula’s mind raced as to what had just occurred. “A spa day!?” She thought to herself. He looked her over and began to make some notes in his phone. He looked back on her and asked how she was feeling.

“A little exposed,” she said with a nervous giggle.

“You may fold your clothes up and set the in the chair over there. Once you have completed that you may knee here besides me.” His instruction were clear and concise. Paula obeyed them quickly.

As she knelt beside him he taught her to place her hands over her knees, palms up, to keep her back and neck straight at all times, and most importantly to not speak unless spoken to. If she Followed the rules, she would be well cared for, however if she decided to not follow orders, she would be punished. She eagerly tried her hardest, often dying of the lack of attention she received as he quietly drank in the empty room. As Paula sat there naked and exposed she quickly recognized that her life as a slave would come with a harsh reality. She would probably have the sexual relationship she had long desired, but it would not be on her terms. Her terms were something she had given away, she was now his slave and she would be only of service to his commands and needs.

Ashe finished his last drink, he began to speak to her. “You have done a fine job here this evening doing as you are told. I’m sure it seemed a bit odd, however I am curious as to how committed you are to this. You’re training is beginning. If you are willing, accept what you are told, and make strides to amend yourself as I desire, you will earn my collar. Once you have earned my collar you will become my slave. You have not given me any limitations, so I will have to judge how to manage things based on that. I want you to be open and communicate with me about everything. We can have a lot of fun and enjoy this, or this can feel abusive. That power lies within your hands to communicate your feelings to me, and I will do my very best to read you as well. Do you understand me?”

She simply replied with a warm smile: “Yes Master.”

To Be Continued….


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