Jasmine stood over me and slowly covered her breasts with her teddy. Then, she reached down below the tub and flipped a switch which caused wheels to descend next to the bear claws on the tub. A hydroulic pump was underneath, and she gave the foot petal a few steps with her heels and the tub lifted effortlessly. She then reached down into the front of her thong and withdraw a peripheral the color of eggplant. She sprinkled it into the tub, and I tensed.
“Oh don’t worry, darling, “she said. “This is a dissolving. In a few minutes that jello will be pure liquid and you can get out of there, although I’m not sure you would want to after that double entendre orgasm you had.” She then walked to the back of the tub and began pushing it, and she aimed the tub out the door. I was still encased in the jello and my arms were restrained with the nylon ropes. As we exited the room, we came onto a vast open space. It appeared we were on the 5th or 6th floor of an internal apartment structure, with an open central rotunda. The ceiling of the rotunda stretched up to the night sky, and I stared up as she wheeled me around the open corridors. Spaced every 3 feet was a naked woman, and there was such a variety of appearances, but all were attractive. Small and large breasts, muscle legs and soft legs, and asses that were repaired and asses that were firm. I felt like I was on display, being rolled around like some sort of trophy. But I looked closer, and I saw they all stood with their arms at their sides and stared off into space. All of them had black studied collars, and they didn’t seem to pay any attention to me.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked. She didn’t respond for quite some time, then finally gave a two word answer.
“The pool.”
We got to an elevator and it took us up several levels. There we exited, and I noticed the jello was more like a clear ointment consistency and I could move my legs. My balls still ached and I couldn’t even remotely close my legs as the girl of my balls prevented it, but I was glad for at least some movement. When we entered the pool area, the lights were dim, and they had a purple hue to them. There were a few women in the shallow end of the pool, and it looked like they were having a water gun fight. But as we approached, I saw there were no water guns, only milk filled breasts being fired at each other. Four or five women in the pool cupped and cared their own massive tits and shot milk at each other, squealing when it got in their face.
We came to the hot tub area, where another group of about six women were sitting in it, all completely naked. They had full wine glasses in their hands, and they slowly turned to see what excitement Jasmine was about to start. Some of them sat up or leaned over the edge, and each of them had hanging, pendulous breasts. They looked mesmerizing, I wanted to reach out and touch them. One brunette, for fun I think, half stood out of the hot tub and had one arm under both of her tits. She then sized up the distance from where they were to the top edge of the hot tub. Once satisfied, she instantly removed her arm and let her tits drop and hit the deck. Swack! Water danced off of them and sprayed a quick mist into the air, and a few women giggled.
Jasmine stopped my tub just outside the hot tub, and told me to get out. I stood, but my legs felt like warm spaghetti so I needed to Steady myself with my arms on the edge of the tub. One of her naked assistants came over and carted it away, leaving me standing there unable to cover myself or my engorged sac. Looking down, it was easily the size of a basketball, and without the buoyancy of the water, it felt just as heavy as one too. I looked to the wall of the pool and there were chains and restrains bolted into it. Jasmine, keen as ever to my gaze, gave me some words of reassurance.
“Those won’t be for you, but you’ll get to enjoy their utility,” she playedfully said.
It was steamy inthe pool area, and I couldn’t see completely to the other end of the pool. But I saw a group of women approaching through the fog. As they got closer, I saw a woman in the center who was restrained at each arm by the firm grip of one of Jasmine’s subordinates. Low and behold, it was my wife. Her boobs were still enormous, and with each step on the moist tile they swwayed as if testing her skin’s ability to contain them. Her tits hung a little further than I remembered, now the bottom swell of each breast was in line with her belly button. The women who were handling her all had bountiful breasts, probably D cups for all of them if not larger. But they paled in comparison to my wife’s udders. She looked tired, but when she saw Jasmine and I, her eyes awoke and she started scanning the room.
Jasmine spoke, loud enough for all to hear, including the gallery watching from the hot tub. “We are going to play a club favorite, ‘Flux capacitor race.’ But first we need to cleanse our femaleContestant. We know Phil here is clean, since he soaked in anti septic jello for the last 24 hours. Ladies, please commence.”
Jasmine then disappeared and one of her accommodations stood next to me for security.
The four women surrounding my wife immediately brought her over to the chains on the wall. When my wife saw these, she started to thrash but the women were ready for this and held fast. The upper Restraints looked like a very large leather bra with huge openings for her tits. They wrapped this around her chest, with a long chain attached securely to the back. Her engaged tits were thrust through the openings of the leather harness. The lower bolts were at ankle level and only had about 3 links, so she was maybe a few inches from the wall with each foot. The woman in the back then pushed her forward, and with the added slack to the “bra” restraint, my wife tipped forward and abruptly stopped at 45 degrees. She was completely helpless. Although her arms and hands weren’t secured, she had nothing to grab and no leverage, so she had to lean forward.
The tallest woman of the group (who also had the most rounded ass) retrieved two buckets from the corner and brought them over. They were sudsy, and all four women reached in and grabbed wash rags and started washing my wife. Her body quickly became covered in thick, white foam, and the women enjoyed lingering on her breasts and massaging them heavily. The tall woman then went behind my wife and positioned herself directly behind her ass. She then reached around my wife with her hand and started washing her pussy. She went in circles, then up and down, while having her other hand on my wife’s hip for balance. My wife’s eyes were closed, and she was pursing her lips like she was exhaling smoke. At that moment Jasmine returned, now wearing a bikini thong bottom and completely topless on top. She had tassels on her nipples, and they sweepled in rhythm with her steps.
“That soapy goodness is somethingg I came up with,” Jasmine boasted. “It makes all the nerves tingle and become hypersensitive. Even light touch will become erotic to her.” After a few more minutes of watching my wife get washed thoroughly, Jasmine shouted for them to spray her off. One went and got a hose and opened it up. The force was significant, and my wife turned away from it as it quickly washed away the suds. She then aimed it at her pussy, and held it there. Unable to bend her knees or protect her area, my wife started bucking at the restraints but it was useless. In seconds she was orgasming, which seemed to please the woman with the hose, who then turned it off.
“Bring her to me,” Jasmine commanded. My wife was then released and brought over to us. This was the closest I had seen my wife in what felt like ages, and I was nearly gawking at her Swollen mammary glands and the thick veins that now cruss-crossed them. She was also gawking, but at my ball sac, how it hung to nearly my knees. I looked down at the tile floor and saw that all the tiles were a light blue except for two: these were black. We were then told to sit on our black square, with our feet out in front of us but spread apart. This made my lower body in the shape of a “V”, with the top of the V being my feet and the bottom of the V being my balls.
My wife assumed a similar position, and when she did our feet touched. We were facing each other with legs spread, and I had a clear view of her pussy. It was glistening and her lips were open, revealing delicate pink folders. My sac lay heavily on the tile floor, and I was glad not only for the spread eagle nature of my legs so my sac had room, but also for the floor so my heavy sac could rest on something. Our ankles were then secured to steel eyes in the floor, and our hands were secured to these same eyes, so we had to lean forward slightly. There was some play with these, so I could move several inches forward and back. But even so, I noticed that when I lookeddown, I was staring right at my cock and fluid filled balls. My wife’s tits were now touching the tile in front of her, just enough so that the nipple and areola were in complete contact with the tile.
“For those who don’t know how this works, and that would probably include our contentants, this game is quite simple. I am going to insert a tube down Phil’s cock, which some call ‘sounding.’ At the other end of this tube it splits into two tubes. Each of these tubes is going to go into each of our contestant’s mouths. I will then make Phil cum uncontrollable. There are probes in the tubes which will measure how much cum is being consumed by each person. The person who eats the most cum wins, its that simple. To get him to orgasm and cum, I will hold a vibrator to his balls. With the chemical solution in his sac, this will only take a minute.
“To make it more interesting, we are going to introduce some anal motivation. Also, because Phil is at a slight disadvantage as he will likely be distracted by cuming and also trying to eat it, we will even the playing field by introducing a distraction for wifey.”
She then reached down and lifted each of my wife’s hanging boobs like she was lifting a massive water balloon. She placed a large sheet of sandpaper right under my wife’s udders. This was firmly secured to the floor with duct tape on the edges. Jasmine then produced a remote control and clicked a button. I felt the tiles under my ass move, and then something started to rise up to my back door. Jasmine looked at me, winked, then hit another button. Slowly, I felt a dildo enter me. Being restrained at all four extremes, I wiggled slightly but couldn’t do anything about it. I felt it enter further, and I wasn’t sure how much I could take. I looked at my wife and she had a contorted look on her face, as her dildo entered her simulateneously. Then it stopped and stayed in position on both of us. I feel my muscles relax and the tightness ease slightly.
Jasmine then strode over with a cafeteria style tray. On it was a “Y” shaped tube, which was pre lubricated. She took my cock in one hand as if she was flying a helicopter. She stroked me several times and I started to get firm. Once this met her liking, with the other hand she guided the tube down my urethra. It was so foreign, like a sharp tightness. Once she was satisfied with the placement, she took each end of the tube and put one end in my mouth and the one end in my wife’s. I held it in my mouth like a straw.
“Better hold onto those, little sluts. If you drop it, you can’t exactly pick it up and that means the other person wins.” Then Jasmine took a purple vibrator off the tray, turned it on, and applied it to my sac. Instantly I felt lightning course through my sac. My cock leaves to life and rose to its full height. I felt pins and needs and I bit down on the tube. I knew I would be cuming in seconds, and my cock was twitching uncontrollably. Just then Jasmine hita button on her remote and the dildo fucking began for my wife and I. The pace wasn’t fast, but the power of the thrust was strong. Each thrust pushed me forward slightly. This wasn’t terribly difficult to handle, but then I looked at my wife. With each thrust, she was driven forward and her nipples raked over the sandpaper, and with the dildo withdrawal, her nipples slide back again. She immediately started moaning and making high pitched sounds.
Then I felt the orgasm launch. I felt the cum flowing down my shake and instantly started sucking on my tube. I saw my wife apply suction as well, and her cheeks sank in like she was sucking on a straw in a thick vanilla milk shake. The first wave met my tongue and I took it in my mouth. It was as if I just took a strong sip of soda out of straw; not just a drop entered my mouth, this was a significant dose of cum. And more was on the way.
My wife was also sucking, although she did seem to be slightly off her game by the sand paperthat was rubbing her nipples nearly raw. I kept orgasming and the cum seemed endless. It felt so amazing to have an orgasm that lasted more than 15 seconds, but I didn’t know how much more I could drink. But I knew I didn’t want to lose and succumb to whatever punishment that entailed. I think my wife was of the same mindset, as she appeared to be feverishly extracting cum from the tube. The dildo rate increased, and her tits were swinging back and forth over the sandpaper, but still she sucked. Jasmine seemed to be increasing my wife’s dildo pace more than mine, and she clicked it again. Now each thrust actually lifted my wife’s ass off the tile floor an inch, and her tits straffed nearly the entirely length of the sand paper. With each withdrawl of the dildo, my wife’s ass, dropped to the tile floor and sharp slapping sound echoed across the pool. I looked down at my sac, and it was pulsing, still ushering forth heavy loads of cum.
Finally, I felt the waves weakening, and at last I sucked on the tube and only air came. I opened my mouth and let it fall to the floor. The dildo slowed it’s pace and eventually withdraw. I looked at my wife, who now could sit up just enough to get her tits off the tile. Her nipples were raw, with dark red spots around them. I had a feeling if I dabbed a tissue to them, there would be small spots of blood. Then she looked at me and anger shot across her eyes.
“Phil, I don’t know what you did to get us into this, but you owe me big! My nipples ache, I’ve ingested more cum than I have in my entire life, and my tits are the size of large watermelons!”
“My fault?” I said, “I wasn’t the one that invi-“
“Enough!” Jasmine said, and she came over and stopped down. She reached over and squeezed my wife’s tit so hard it started lactating, and with her other hand she grabbed my bloated balls and squeezed them firmly. We both shut up. “Let’s just see who won.” She then stood and walked to an ipad she had on cafeteria tray. She held it out and up so we could all see it. She then tapped the screen as she made her verbal points.
“Starting with our cum producer, Phil here took in…… 425 millionites. That’s more than a can of soda, well done Phil. But was it enough to beat the woman who has much more experience sucking cock and taking in cum? Wife here took in…”
My wife and I both held our breath. After that tirade I really wanted to win, and hoped I had edged her out.
“405 millionliters. So close Wifey, but not enough to win. Congratulations to Phil.”
Jasmine continued. “You price is actually quite straightforward. You get to have a blowjob from your wife, but we all get to watch. As you know, that solution I gave you will allow you to get hard after an orgasm in very little time, so we will start shortly. But we’re going to go into the side room.”
We were then unshackled and led out of the pool area and into a side room, where I would get the last surprise of this entire bizarre experience.
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