The Party Game

I knelt beside the tub and waited for my Mistress’s command. She laid back in the soapy water, surrounded by a cloud of steam, her long black hair flowing out around her. “Washcloth, maid,” she said, and I immediately handed her a blood red cloth. As she washed her legs she looked at me with a grin. “Are you ready for the party tonight?” she asked.

“Oh, yes Mistress. Everything is as you asked,” I replied. It was hard not to look at her beautiful form in the tub, but I kept my eyes on the wet tiles of the floor as she expected. It was hot in the bathroom, and the maid’s dress I wore wasn’t making it any cooler. My Mistress liked me to be dressed properly at all times, even when it was just she and I at home, so I wore the traditional French maid’s outfit: short black skirt, three layers of taffeta petticoats, garter belt and nylons, wispy white lace panties and a pair of three inch black leather pumps. A should-length red wig and full, sluttish make-up completed my uniform.I could see the white petticoats peeking from beneath the hem of my skirt, and I knew that every time I bent over anyone who cared to look could see the ruffles that covered my rear.

“I’ve got some new clothes for you. My brother and his friends have a very…fun game that we’re going to play, but they asked that you dress a certain way. That is alright with you, isn’t it?” my Mistress asked, her voice daring me to disagree.

“Of course, Mistress. Whatever you and your guests desire.”

“Good.” She stood up, water cascading off her body as she stepped out of the tub and onto the mat. I stayed on my knees, knowing what came next. She snapped her fingers and said “Dry me, slave.”

I leaned forward and ran my tongue over her wet skin, her taste mingling with the soap as I dried her off. When I licked her cherry red nipples she moaned, and when my tongue crossed her pussy she told and pressed my head closer.

“Linger a bit there, slave. Make sure I’m completely dry.”

I did as she asked, exploring her depths and greedily sucking the juices she spilled. After a few minutes her breath started to come in short gasps and she grinded her hips against my face, riding me to an orgasm. When she was done Mistress patted me on the head and said “Very good. But we’ve wasted enough time in here; come, help me get dressed and then we’ll get you dressed.”

Mistress lie back on her four-poster bed and told me what she wanted to wear that night. She had told me earlier in the week that her brother and two friends were coming over for a dinner party; I was to serve and follow any commands they gave. What they had planned I didn’t know, but if previous parties were any example I could expect to end the night bathed in cum and sweat after a long night of being the party favor.

“I want the Short black dress tonight, slave, with the black lace teddy and heels.” She stretched her legs out and smiled. “I think I’ll go without stockings tonight.” I gotMistress her clothes and helped her into them. “Now my heels, slave. The black ones.”

I brought them to her bedside and slipped them onto her feet, kissing each toe in turn.

“Very good, slave,” she said, rising. “Now for your clothes.” She walked to her closet and pulled out three bags. “Put these on, the white bag first. Let’s see how you look.”

The first bag contained a white lace bra and panties and white thigh high stockings. I slipped out of my uniform and lingerie and got into the new clothes. My Breast forms gave me decent cleavage, and my thin form looked girlish even in male clothes. The panties’ cool silk caressed my ass and balls, and it took all my willpower to keep an erection from stretching the lacy material. The stockings felt wonderful on my legs, and I made one turn that left my Mistress giggling.

“You’re the first model I’ve seen with a hard-on,” she laughed. “Get on the rest.”

Next came a plain white blouse and a short, pleated plaid skirt that barely covered my behind. “Just like a naughty little girl,” Mistress said as I stepped into the skirt. “I’m sure that before tonight is over you’ll do something to earn a spanking on that cute little ass.”

In the bag with the blouse and skirt was a pair of black and white saddle shoes and a long blonde wig. I put these on and sat on the bed while Mistress drew my hair into a ponytail. “The make-up you have on is fine. I want you to look like a slut tonight,” she said. “I’ll handle the last bag.”

She opened the last and smallest bag and pulled out a collar, handscuffs and a thin silver chain and lock. She snapped the collar around my neck and fed the chain through the lean attachment; then the handscuffs went on my wrists and the chain was locked to them. As the lock clicked home the doorbell rang.

“That will be our guests. Go let them in, and don’t forget to greet them as I’ve instructed!” She pushed me off the bed and gave me a swat on the ass to speed me along. I went to the door, wondering what the night ahead held for me.

When I reached the door I did just as Mistress had told me to: I knelt and opened the door, quickly scooting out of the way and letting the guests enter. Two men and one woman came in, the men wearing nice, casual clothes and the woman wearing a long coat. Remembering my instructions I quickly kissed their shoes and then rose, saying, “Please follow me.”

“Not so fast,” one of the men said. I could tell from his face that this must be Mistress’s brother; he shared her thin features and sharp green eyes. “Turn around, slave, and let’s see you.”

I did as he asked, gasping as he grabbed my chain and dragged me close to him. He pressed his face to mine and smiled before kissing me. “Perfect. Bend over and let us see your ass.”

I quickly bent over, the skirt riding up and revealing my pantied ass to the trio. I felt hand roughly caresing my cheeks then the other man said, “What do you think?”

My Mistress’s brother chuckled. “She’ll do. Stay just like that, bitch.” I heard the rustle of clothes and from the corner of my eye I saw him throw the woman’s coat to the floor.

“What do you think, slut? Do you want to play with this little school girl?”

“If that is what you wish, Master,” I heard her say, and it hit me that this was another TV slave. No one had told me to move, so I stayed bent over, unable to get a good look at her.

“Then play,” the other man said. “It can be a preview for the game later. I want to see you kiss her ass.”

Quicker than lightning she was kneeing behind me. Her breath was hot through the thin silk of the panties, and she gave me a playful nip on one chef that made me gasp before planning a long kiss on the strip of material that covered my ass crack.

“Starting so soon?” I heard my Mistress ask. She entered the room, a flail in one hand. “We haven’t even had dinner yet and you’ve got these two sluts performing.”

She walked up to her brother and gave him a long kiss and then gave the other man the same favor. “Come. Let these two whose serve us and then they can find out just what game we’re playing tonight.”

Dinner went quickly, all three of the doms wanting to get to the main event. The other girl, who I discovered was named Angel, and I served well; I was only slapped twice, and my Mistress even let me lick some gravy from her brother’s boot. Then it was into the living room for the night’s entertainment.

The three of them sat on the couch while we stood in the center of the room. Angel’s clothes were just like mine, but her hair was short and dark with a large red lace bow atop her head. She even wore the same handcuffs, collar and chain as me. We stood, awaiting the first command, tension knotting in my stomach.

Travis, my Mistress’s brother, spoke first. “The game is very simple. James and I bet my sister that our little bitch could out do her little bitch. So, you will compete against each other in one area: obedience. The winner gets to use the loser as she wishes.” He smiled at my Mistress. “Do you care to go first, dear sister?”

“Hmmmm…according to the rules, I can only command my slave, and I know that she will obey all my commands, no matter what they are. But, to show that…” She thought for a moment. A smile broke over her face and she rose. “I’ll be right back.”

She quickly walked out of the house and returned about five minutes later, barefoot and carrying her shoes in one hand. “I didn’t want to get the floor dirty before my slave had a chance to clean my shoes. Now, I know that when you walked up you heard that awful dog next-door barking. Its owner is also very lazy about where it relieves itself, and more than once I’ve stepped in its droppings.” She lifted her shoes and showed us the dog shit that clinged to both soles, fresh and strong enough for me to smell from where I was standing. “Oooops! I guess I stepped in it again.”

She very carefully slipped the shoes on her feet and snapped her fingers. “Clean them.” I moved to go get the poison and rags when she told. “No, you stupid bitch. You misunderstand me. Clean them with your mouth. And I want a good shine on them, or dog shit is all you’ll eat for the next week!”

I paused for a second, but the emerald fire in her eyes told me not to wait too long. I knelt Before her and she raised one shoe to mouth level, the thick brown shit just and inch from my lips. “Kiss it first, whore. Then get busy.”

I quickly pressed my lips to the mess and then began to lick it off; the taste was strong and like nothing I had ever had in my mouth. Soon one shoe was clean and then it was time for the other. I repeated my task until no shit remained on either shoe, the horrible taste filling my mouth. I gagged a bit as I stepped back beside Angel and my Mistress laughed. “Don’t vomit on my rug slave,” she said, “or that will be the next thing you eat.”

Travis and James joined her laughter. “That was good,” James said. “What can we do to top it, Travis?”

Travis thought for a second and then smiled. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pants and asked “Mind if I smoke? I brought an ashtray.”

Angel was quickly on her knees before him. He lit the cigarette and blew smoke into her face. The doms chatted for a few minutes and then he told Angel to open her mouth. He tapped the ashes into her mouth as they talked, ending it by grinding the cigarette out on her tongue and making her swallow it. Done, Angel rose and joined me once again.

“I would say that’s a tie,” Mistress said. “I have an idea. Come with me.” The three of them rose and went into the kitchen where we couldn’t hear them talk. While they were gone Angel and I eyed each Other, and I could feel my cock grow hard as I looked over her long legs. She smiled shyly at me.

When the trio returned they each had a pitcher of water and my Mistress carried two tall glasses. “I do hope you girls are thirsty,” she said. “You’ve got ten minutes to finish these pitchers, one and a half each. Then we’re going to go for a ride.”

Angel and I drank as fast as we can, and just as the time ran out we finished the water. I could feel my bladder fill, and when we were done I asked Mistress if I could please use the little girl’s room. She smiled. “No, silly little slut. We’re going to take the two of you somewhere.”

They led us out to Travis’s SUV and placed us in the back seat. They told us not to speak unless we were spoken to and began to drive. After a few minutes I had to piss very badly, and I could tell by the way Angel was squirming that she had to go also. My Mistress looked back and said, “Is there a problem? Angel, speak up.”

“I have to pee, Ma’am, bad. Can we please stop?” she while, one hand holding her crotch.

“And you slave? Do you also have to pee?” Travis asked me.

“Oh, yes Sir, very badly.”

“Then you would like us to stop?” Mistress asked. As one Angel and I cried, “Yes, please!”

“That’s a good place,” James said, pointing out the window. “Let them do it there.”

They pulled into a fast food place and told us we could go use the bathroom there. Angel and I rushed out of the car but Travis’s voice held us back. “Do it in the lobby. Angel, you first, on my sister’s slave. Then you on Angel. We’ll be watching you, and if you don’t do as we say you get to walk home.” He smiled. “Well, go pee, sluts. This should be a good show.”

We looked at each other and knew that we had no choice. A walk home would mean being arrested if we were lucky. We hurried into the restaurant and looked around. There were about ten people inside, mostly young guys and girls on dates, and they all stared as we entered, chains rattling with each step. A girl behind the counter looked us up and down and said, “Can I help you?”

“Hurry,” Angel whispered through clenched teeth. I can’t hold it anymore.” She spread he legs and I knelt between them, face just an inch away from her crotch. After a second I saw it darken and then the yellow rain hit my face, bathing me in her hot, golden piss. I heard gasps from the onlookers and a few “Oh my God’s”, but I was lost in the moment, opening my mouth to drink her piss as it ran down my body to the floor. My bladder let go but I didn’t care; the sensing of wetting my panties while she pissed in my face was too delicious to pass up.

After what seemed like hours we were done and we ran out of the lobby, catcalls and insults following us. I was soaked from head to toe in Angel’s and my own piss, and her panties were now see through they were so wet. We ran to the parking lot but the SUV was gone. For a moment we panicked but then a horn honked and we saw the car across the street. We ran to it and pile into the back seat.

As we drove off my Mistress said, “You failed me slave. You couldn’t even hold your piss until you weresupposed to. You made me lose, and I am not happy. When we get home we’ll discuss punishment.”

She turned to Angel and smiled. “You, on the other hand, have won, my dear. And as your Master said, your prize is the right to use my slave as you wish. Think about it and tell us what you want when we get home.”

When we arrived at the house Angel was allowed to shower and change into one of my Mistress’s robes. I had to stay in my piss-soaked clothes, kneeing in the corner until she was finished. Angel redid her makeup after she was clean and joined the three doms to decide her reward and my punishment.

“Well, Angel? Is there anything this useless slut can do for you?” my Mistress asked.

Angel smiled. “I’ve already pissed on him, so that’s out. I could use a good rim and blow job, though.” She looked at my Mistress. “If that’s all right?”

“Of course.” Mistress walked over and kicked me in the shoulder, making me cry out. “Crawl over here and lick out the winner’s ass, bitch. And while you suck her off I think I’ll remind you that I don’t like to lose.”

I crawled across the room and Angel turned her behind to me. I lifted the robe out of the way and planted a kiss on both her cheeks, then began to run my tongue up and down her ass crack. She tasted sweet, and my cock began to harden once again. My Mistress saw this and laughed.

“If you get hard licking her ass, you’ll probably cum when you suck her big, fat cock. But first fuck her ass with your tongue. I want you to taste her shit, you pathetic sissy.”

I made my tongue into a hard little blade and darted it in and out of Angel’s ass, her taste even stronger there. She told and moaned, pushing her ass back to meet my face. After a few minutes she moved and turned around, her cock hard.

“Suck it, whore,” Travis snarled. He grabbed my hair and dragged my face to Angel’s crotch, impaling my mouth on her cock. I started to suck and lick with abandon, loving the silky feel of her cock filling my mouth and throat.

There was a whistle and Mistress’s flail cracked across my back. “Don’t you dare stop sucking that winning cock!” she said. “I’m going to whip you until Angel shoots in your mouth.”

Each time I raised and lowered my head the whip cut my back, the wet blouse offering no protection from the leather and steel straps. Angel grabbed my head and fucked my face, My nose brushing her shamen public area as I came down. I was lost in a world with only two things: her cock and Mistress’s flail. After what seemed like an eternity I felt Angel stiffen and then a load of white hot cum flooded my mouth. I swallowed it all like the greedy little cock-sucking whore I was and fell back on the floor.

I looked up to see James and Travis unzip their pants.

“Get up slave,” my Mistress said. “You’ve just started.”


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