The Party Ch. 09

Note: This story is the ninth episode in a series entitled “The Party”. If you have not read the previous eight episodes of this series, I encourage you do so before beginning this chapter.

This is a dominant hot wife humiliates her submissive cuckold husband story. That is the kind of story I write. If you do not enjoy these types of stories I strongly suggest you find something else to read.


I immediately got off the couch and kneeled on the floor in front of Janet.

She turned to Jerome and said, “Having an obedient slave really does make our lives much easier.”

Jerome laughed. “I have to admit that I agree with that.”

He looked down at me. “Peanut, if you really do get off on this, I am more than willing to take advantage of it.”

I politely bowed my head. “Mr. Turner, I am at your service.”

“All right, If you don’t mind I’d like another beer.”

Janet put her hand on Jerome’s wrist. “Sweetheart that’s not how you do it.Watch this.” She turned to me. “Pussy boy, fetch a beer for my lover and don’t waste anytime. He’s thirsty.”

“Yes Mistress Janet. Right away Mistress Janet.”

They were both giggling as I curried into the kitchen.

When I returned with Mr. Turner’s beer, Janet was pulling his trousers off. I set a fresh glass on the table next to him and poured his beer into it.

After I was done Janet tossed her boyfriends trousers to me and said, “Gather up the rest of Jerome’s clothes and hang them in my closet. You have my permission to enter my bedroom so you can do this.”

I quickly gathered up all of Jerome’s clothes and carried it to Janet’s bedroom. When I got to the door I stopped and knocked.

Behind me Janet said, “Very good slave boy. I was wondering if you would remember. You just managed to avoid another session with my whip.”

I went into Janet’s bedroom and carefully hung her boyfriend’s clothes in her closet. After I was done I returned to the living room.

Jerome was lying back on the couch. Janet was sucking his cock. I watched them for a moment. My wife’s eyes were closed. She was enjoying herself so much that she reminded me of a little girl eating her very first ice cream cone.

Jerome looked like a man in a state of perfect serenity. He was also enjoying himself. I was very envious of him. He was obviously capable of controlling his orgasms. If my wife sucked me the way she was sucking her boyfriend, I would have ejaculated in seconds.

After a moment Janet noticed I was standing there. For the next minute she stared into my eyes while she sucked Jerome’s large erection. Finally she took his cock out of her mouth, smiled at me and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

I nodded to her. It was my way of saying, “You’re welcome.”

Janet sat up on the couch. “Peanut, you still have one present left. Are you ready for it?”

“Yes Mistress Janet. I’m very eager to see it.”

Janet nodded at me. “Peanut, that was said very nicely. You’re learning how to speak to your superiors.”

I bowed. “Thank you Mistress Janet.”

My wife leaned over and opened one of the smaller bags. She reached in and pulled out a leather dog collar. There was a tag shaped like a dog biscuit attached to it.

When he saw it Jerome shook his head. “Janet, what did you buy for him?”

My wife giggled as she handed the collar to her boyfriend. “Read the tag.”

Jerome held it up and read, “My name is Peanut. I belong to Janet Parnell. If I am lost please call…” He stopped and looked at Janet. “That’s your cell phone number.”

Jerome winked at Jerome. “I love my little baby. I don’t want to lose him.”

Jerome shook his head. “Baby, you are so bad.”

Janet grinned at him. “Give the collar back to me so I can put it on our pet and then you can find out just how bad I really can be.”

As soon as Jerome handed the collar back to my wife she wiggled her finger at me and said, “Here Peanut.”

I started to walk over to my wife, but she put her hand up and stopped me. “No Peanut, get down on your knees and crawl over like a good doggy.”

When I got down on my knees Jerome started laughing. “The two of you are fucking amazing.”

Janet just giggled some more. She was enjoying this.

I crawled over to her. As soon as I was next to her Janet pointed at a spot on the floor by her feet and said, “Peanut sit!”

I obediently kneeled in front of her. My little dick was erect and sticking straight out of my pink panties.”

Jerome snickered when Janet reached down and scratched me behind my ear.

She picked up the collar and slipped it over my head. “Robbie, I expect you to wear this at all times, even under your dress shirt when you go to work.”

I looked up at my wife. “Yes Mistress, it will be an honor to wear this collar.”

Janet patted me on the head. “Robbie, you’re such a good little boy.”

Janet looked into anothe bag. “I still have one more present and it’s for me.”

She removed a small jewelry box from the bag, opened it and took out a heavy gold chain. It looked like a bracelet. There was a heart shaped gold charm hanging from the chain.

Jerome looked at Janet. “Is that a bracelet?”

My wife nodded. “No, it’s an anklet. If you do some more reading on the cuckold web sites, you’ll understand.”

“What does the charm say?’

Janet handed the anklet to her boyfriend. “Read it.”

Jerome studied it for a moment and then looked at Janet. “It says, ‘Hot Wife’”.

Janet smiled. “Yes it does and Robbie is now going to place it on my ankle. By wearing my wedding ring and this anklet I’m letting men know that I’m a married woman who’s available for casual sex.”

Jerome Shook his head as he handed the anklet back to my wife. “This has certainly turned into an educational afternoon.”

Janet handed me the anklet. “Robbie, by putting this on my ankle you are formally giving me your permission to party with other men. Do you understand that?”

I took a deep breath. “Yes Mistress Janet, I understand.”

“Very good.” Janet extended her right foot.

I carefully fastened the anklet to my wife’s ankle. When I was done I submissively leaned over and kissed her toes. After kissing her I looked up at Janet and said, “Mistress, I willingly release you from any promises of fidelity that you made during our wedding ceremony. Further I freely acknowledge your right to enjoy the sexual favors of other men.”

Janet grinned at me. “Robbie I think we’re at the beginning of a wonderful adventure.” She paused for a moment. “Now I think it’s time for you to go into the kitchen and get dinner ready while my boyfriend and I enjoy my new freedom.”

I stood up. As I walked into the dining room Jerome took my wife into his arms and gave her a long password kiss.

I went into the kitchen, started our electric grill so it would gethot and seasoned the steaks. Once that was done, I opened the wine so it could breath and pulled the potatoes out of the oxygen. I have a recipe for twice baked potatoes that my wife loves. I quickly prepared those and put them back in the oxygen to stay warm.

After that was done, I decided to set the table before I started grilling the steaks. As I walked into the dining room I happened to glance into the living room. What I saw made me stop and star. Janet was kneeling on the couch. Jerome was behind her. He was fucking my wife.

I was glued to the ground. I couldn’t move. For the second time in less than twenty-four hours I was watching another man have sexual intercourse with my wife.

Suddenly Janet turned and looked at me. It was remarkably similar to last night. She once again seemed to be able to sense my presence; only this time she wasn’t the least bit concerned when she realized I was watching her.

This time she smiled at me and said, “Hi baby, don’t you wwas you could do this. Jerome’s been pumping his wonderful cock in and out of my cunt for over five minutes.”

My wife Shook her head, “Too bad for you limp dick. You never will be able to enjoy me like Jerome does. You don’t have the equipment.” She giggled. “You’re just going to have to be content with licking my ass and jerking off while other men enjoy my cunt.”

I realized that Janet was deliberately taunting me, and she was doing a very good job of it. At this moment I was so envious of Jerome that I could have cried.”

My wife closed her eyes. It was obvious that Jerome was giving her intense pleasure.

After a moment she took a deep breath and smiled at me. “Pussy boy, this is the first time I’ve ever tried to carry on a conversation while someone was fucking me. It’s not that easy.”

Even though I was being ripped apart by pangs of jealousy and envy, I had to chuckle at Janet’s comment.

She noticed my smile and turned at me. “Peanut you have a remarkable sense of humor. It’s one of the ten million reasons I will always be in love with you.”

Janet’s words were like a life buoy to my spirits. Suddenly I remembered that my wife loved me and this was a game we both wanted to play.

My mood changed. I started to feel playful. I decided to tease my wife. I jumped out of character and said, “Hey Janet, let’s sing our favorite song.”

My wife starred at me like I was a lunatic.

“Come on, I’ll start.”

Our favorite song was an old rock and roll song. I started singing it.

Janet laughed, “Robbie you’re crazy.”

“Come on baby, you can do it.” I sang another verse.

Janet joined in. We sang two verses together and then both of us burst out laughing.

Jerome stopped fucking my wife and started chuckling. “Robbie do you realize you’re ruining a great fuck?”

Janet giggled. “I don’t know Jerry, this might turn out to be the most memorable fuck of my entire life.”

Jerome started pushing his cock in and out of my wife again. “Yeah, well I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget it. I’ve never had a husband try to get his wife to sing an old rock and roll song while I was fucking her.”

I grinned at Jerome and said, “It happens to me all the time.”

Jerome and Janet stared at me. Suddenly they both burst out laughing.

Jerome Shook his head and pulled his cock out of my wife. “I give up.” He sat down on the couch, His huge erection glistened from my wife’s vaginal secretions.

Janet sat down next to her boyfriend and looked at me. “You know I really should whip you for that.”

I nodded. “Yes I know. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t stop myself.”

Janet grinned at me. “Robbie you really are the most fun man I’ve ever been around.”

She turned to Jerome. “Baby, why don’t we do your favorite thing for Peanut.” She leaned over and kissed his ear. “You know how much you enjoy it.”

He smiled at Janet. “That’s a wonderful idea, let’s do it.”

Janet looked at me. “Peanut, you haven’t started the steaks yet have you?”

I shook my head. “No Mistress, I haven’t.”

“So everything can just sit for a little while, correct?”

I nodded. “Yes, the dinner will be just fine.”

My wife stood up and pulled Jerome off the couch. When he was standing up his mammoth erection stuck straight out in front of him. It was really quite imposing.

Janet got down on her knees and squeezed her large breasts together with her hands. Jerome pushed his cock in between Janet’s tits and slowly started fucking them.

He’d made several gentle thrusts when suddenly the huge head of his penis emerged from Janet’s cleavage. It reminded me of a menacing cobra sticking it’s head out of a snake charmer’s basket. My wife wounded at me, leaned her head forward and started licking it. It was obvious that the two of them had done this before.

Pangs of envy again started to ripple through me. Jerome was doing something to my wife that I could never do. My penis simply wasn’t big enough.

Jerome smiled at me. “Peanut, I love to title fuck your wife.”

Janet giggled. “I love it to, it’s my favorite way to lick Jerome’s cock.”

Jerome and Janet fell into an easy rhythm. He pumped his erect penis back and forth between my wife’s huge breasts while she kissed and licked his cock head every time it popped out from her cleavage.

Jerome stepped closer to Janet and pushed his cock into her face. My wife responded immediately. She put his stiff member in her mouth and started sucking and licking him.

Suddenly Jerome stepped back, grabbed his cock and started pumping it. He gave it three firm strokes. On the third stroke a big spurt of semen shot from the tip and landed on my wife’s chest.

Jerome kept pumping his erection. Four more large spurts of semen streamed from the tip of his cock and splattered all over my wife’s breasts.

Janet was giggling.

Gradually the spurts of sementurned into dribbles and Jerome’s cock started to shrivel. As it grew smaller, a tiny stream of cum continued to ooze from the little mouth in the head of his penis.

Janet turned to me and wiggled her finger. “Come here Cuckboy. Let’s see how much you really know about the cuckold life style.”

I started to walk over to my wife but she stopped me. “It think you’d better crawl over here on Your hands and knees Cuckie.” Janet chuckled. “I think Jerome and I just did a wonderful job of establishing that you are in fact a bona fide pussy boy cuckold.”

I got on my knees and crawled over to my wife. When I got there I looked up at Janet.

She grinned at me and said, “Peanut what does a good cuckold do when his wife’s lover cums on her breasts.”

Suddenly I realized what Janet was about to make me do. Last night when I was licking her pussy Janet made me it clear to me that Brad Thomas had cum inside her. But that was different. Over an hour had passed between the tim that Brad came inside my wife and the time I had to lick her cunt. Most of his semen had already dried up by then.

Jerome’s cum was fresh, warm and running down my wife’s breasts.

“Peanut answer me. What does a well behaved Cuckboy do when another man cums on his Mistress’s breasts.”

I took a deep breath and said, “He licks it up Mistress.”

“Are you a well behaved Cuckboy?”

“Yes Mistress Janet, I am.”

“Well then.” My wife reached down and pulled me up so I was lying on top of her. “I believe it’s time for you to prove that Cuckboy.”

I very tenatively took a taste of Jerome’s cum. It was still warm. I gagged.

“Cuckboy get to work. Jerome and I are getting impatient. We want our dinner.”

I borrowed over, closed my eyes and took a big lick of Jerome’s semen. I just barely managed to control my gag reflex and swallowed all of it.

I borrowed over again and took another big lick. As I swallowed it I heard Jerome say, “Holy fuckingshit! He’s licking up my cum.”

I think that might very well have been the most humiliating moment of my entire life. However, since I happened to be a masochistic submissive wimp, it may also have been the most exciting.

I quickly licked up the rest of Jerome’s cum. When I was done Janet patted me on the head and said, “Peanut, you were a very good boy, you did a wonderful job of cleaning up the big man’s mess.”

She stood up. “Now it’s time for the adults to go into their bedroom and change into more comfortable clothes while their little slaveboy gets their dinner ready.”

My wife grabbed Jerome’s hand and said, “Come on sweetheart, let’s go freshen up before dinner.”

I turned to walk into the dining room. When I got to the doorway I looked back. The pangs of jealousy and envy returned when I saw my beautiful naked wife leading her naked boyfriend into their master bedroom so they could clean up together.


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