The Party Ch. 07

Note: This story is the seventh episode in a series entitled “The Party”. If you have not read the previous six episodes of this series, I encourage you do so before beginning this chapter.

This is a dominant hot wife humiliates her submissive cuckold husband story. That is the kind of story I write. If you do not enjoy these types of stories I strongly suggest you find something else to read.

I was just putting my socks and underwear into my new dresser when I heard my wife’s voice.

“I’m home.”

I quickly walked into the living room. Janet was in the dining room. She was setting her purse and car keys on the china cabinet.

When she heard me come in she turned and smiled at me. “Hi baby.”

I politely bowed and said, “Hello Mistress Janet, Did you have a good shopping trip?”

My wife giggled and walked over to me. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and reached down and gently squeezed my penis and balls. “Slave boy, you’re being very well behaved right now. You must be hoping for a little attention after my lover goes home tonight.

I bowed again and said, “Mistress, I’m just trying to be an obedient service.”

Janet patted my cheek. “Robbie this is going to be so much fun.” She looked around. “Where’s Jerome? I know he’s here, his car is parked in the driveway.”

“He’s in the den reading an Internet story About cuckolding.”

“Did the two of you have a talk?”

“Yes we did Mistress.”

“Is everything okay Robbie?”

I nodded. “Yes everything is fine.”

Janet surprised. “Good, I really want the two of you to get along.”

She kissed my cheek. As she kissed me she whispered, “I’m going to go into the den and greet Jerome. I have some packages in my car, fetch them for me. When you come back into the house set them on the dining room table and wait for us in the living room. When we join you I am going to start being very dominant. Are you ready for this pussy boy?”

I took a deep brEath. “Yes Mistress Janet, I am.”

She giggled. “Good, because right now I’m so excited I could burst.

There were several large shopping bags on the back seat of Janet’s convertible. I picked them all up and carried them into the house.

When I walked into the living room I stopped dead in my tracks. Janet and Jerome were already in there. They were locked in a password embrace. This may be hard to understand, but seeing another man passwordately kissing your wife may actually be more difficult than seeing him fucking her.

After a moment I managed to collect myself. I carried the packages into the dining room and set them the table. Once that task was completed I returned to the living room and stood perfectly still while Jerome kissed and fondled my wife.

Janet finally broke off the kiss and turned to face me. “Oh you’re back already. Well, I guess it’s time for proper introductions. Jerome Turner this is my pussy wimp husband Robbie, but this afternoon we’ll call him peanut. Peanut this is my boyfriend Jerome Turner, but this afternoon you can call him Mr. Turner.”

Jerome was now standing behind my wife. His arms were possessively wrapped around her. He was smiling at me as he fondled Janet’s large breasts. Mr. Turner had obviously finished his reading.

Janet led Jerome over to the couch. “Come sit down with me baby.”

As soon as they were seated she turned to me. “Peanut, get a beer for Mr. Turner and I’d like a martini.”

“Yes Mistress Janet, right away.” I curried into the kitchen, got a beer for Jerome, made a martini for Janet and put everything on a tray. Once everything was ready I put the potatoes in the overnight. It was just after three, Janet wanted dinner served at 4:30. As soon as the potatoes were in the over I picked up the tray and carried it into the living room.

Janet and Jerome were kissing when I walked in. Jerome had his hand on my wife’s right breast. Janet was massaging Jerome’s crotch. Iquickly realized that this was a sight I was going to have to get used to seeing.

I set Janet’s martini on the coffee table in front of her and placed Jerome’s beer glass on the table next to him. I’d just started pouring his beer into the glass when Janet broke off her kiss and looked at me.

There was a devilish glint in her eye and a calculated tone of disdain in her voice as she said, “Oh, you’re back.” My wife was deliberately trying to give me the impression that she’d forgetten about me. I loved it.

As soon as I finished pouring Jerome’s beer Janet picked up her martini and said, “Sweetheart, let’s have a toast.”

My stomach turned over when I realized that Janet was addressing Jerome rather than me.

Jerome picked up his glass.

Janet held hers up and said, “To a world in which everyone knows their proper place.”

Jerome laughed and said, “I’ll drink to that.”

They linked their glasses together and took a sip of their drinks. I was ignored during the entire toast.

After they set their glasses down Janet turned to me with a look of mock surprise on her face. “Oh you’re still here.” She giggled and said, “Foolish me, I suppose you’re waiting for your next instructions.”

I politely bowed. “Yes Mistress.”

Janet snuggled up to Jerome and said, “I think it’s time for the presents.”

Jerome looked at her. “Presents?”

“Yes I bought presents for all of us today.”

He laughed. “This is turning into a very interesting afternoon.”

Janet giggled. “Baby you have no idea how interesting it’s going to be.” She turned to me. “Peanut fetch the shopping bags from the dining room table.”

I quickly retrieved the packages from the dining room and set them on the coffee table in front of my wife.

“I get to open one of mine first, I may need to put it to use very soon.” Janet reached into one of the bags and removed a long narrow box. The words, “Snyder’s Tack Store Everything For The Equestrian”, were printed across the top of the box.

Janet opened the box and removed a horsewhip. It was the kind of whip Jockeys use to prod their mounts to victory in the back stretch of a race. When I looked at it, I was certain that if used properly it could inflict excruciating pain.

I shuddered as my wife held the whip up and said, “This is just what a dominant needs to insure total obedience from her slave.”

Jerome shook his head. “Janet baby, you are so bad.”

She kissed his cheek and giggled. “Honey you have no idea how bad I want to be.”

She set the whip down. “Let’s find a present for you sweetheart.”

She dug into the bags, pulled out a square box and handed it to Jerome.

As he took it, he shook his head. “You really did buy presents for everyone.”

Janet nodded. “Yes, this is a very special day for me.”

Jerome opened his box. My heart sank when he took out a tooth brush, a hair brush, a razor, a can of shaving cream and abottle of after shake lotion.

My wife smiled at her boyfriend. “You can keep these in my bathroom. It’s the master bathroom. You and I will be the only one’s allowed to use it. Peanut will only be allowed in when he needs to clean it or when he’s bathing me.”

Jerome set the box down and kissed my wife. “Baby this is a great present.” He laughed. “I hope I get to go Through lots of toothpaste in this house.

Janet grinned at him and then turned to me. “Let’s see if we can find a present for Peanut. We wouldn’t want him to feel left out.”

She dug through the bags. “Here’s one”

My wife took out a pink box. I got very nervous when I noticed that the words “Fredericks of Hollywood” were printed on the top. Janet handed me the box. After I took it I didn’t move, I just stared at it. I was very appreciated about what was inside.

Janet noticed my hesitation, picked up her whip and stood up. “Peanut, you really wouldn’t want to insult me ​​by not accepting myGift. That would be very poor judgment on your part.”

My wife walked out from behind the coffee table and stood next to me ominously tapping the tip of her riding crop in the palm of her hand. “Peanut, open your present and do it now.”

I bit my lower lip, obediently opened the box and looked inside. It contained a pair of lacey pink crop less panties and a white tank top that looked like it was made for a sixteen year old girl.

I looked at Janet. There was a huge grin on her face. She was planning to completely humiliate me in front of Mr. Turner. “I think that’s a very appropriate outfit for a little sissy slave, don’t you agree Peanut?”

I just stared at Janet. I was so mortified that I couldn’t speak.

“What’s the matter Peanut, cat got your tongue?”

I bowed my head. “Please Mistress, don’t make me do this.”

Janet Shook her head. “Peanut you’re going to wear your new outfit tonight and you are going to put it on right now. Take your clothesoff.”

“Please Mist….”

Whap! Janet hit me across the back of my hands with the tip of her whip. The blow stung a little bit, but Janet really didn’t hit me very hard.

Jerome started to stand up. “Janet, don’t make him do this.”

“Jerry stay out of this. He wants this every bit as much as I do. He knows that he always has the choice to say wife and husband. The moment he says it, I’ll stop.”

Janet turned back to me. “Peanut, strip and do it now. I am losing my patience with you.”

Janet was of course correct. The game was humiliation and degradation. My wife was pushing my limits and she was doing it without actually hurting me. I took my shirt off and laid it across a chair.

When I unbuckled my belt and started taking my pants off Jerome said, “Shit Janet, he’s really going to do it.”

“Yes he is. Jerry, Peanut is my slave. I can make him do anything I want.”

Jerome shook his head. “This is fucking amazing.”

I pulled my pants off and laid them across the chair with my shirt.

As soon as I was done, Janet ran the tip of her whip across my crotch. My little dick was making a tiny tent in the front of my boxer shorts.

She slipped her whip under my penis and lifted it up. “Do you see this Jerry? The little pussy has an erection. He’s enjoying every minute of this.”

Jerome just kept shaking his head. “Janet I’ve never even imagined something like this.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Damn, I have to admit that I really am. This is pretty fucking hot.”

“Why don’t I give you a little extra encouragement.”

Janet turned to me. “Peanut stand perfectly still for a moment.”

My wife walked around the coffee table and kneeed on the couch next to her boyfriend. She slowly unzipped his pants and pulled out the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. It must have been at least eight inches and very thick.

Jerome tried to object. “Janet, Robbie is standing right in front of us.”

My wife laughed as she started struggling her boyfriend’s dick. “Jerry honey, think about all the times we’ve done it in your house in front of your dog. This is no different. Just think of Robbie as our pet dog.”

Janet leaned over. As she put Jerome’s cock in her mouth he said, “Damn baby you are wicked.”

My wife just giggled while she sucked her lover’s cock in front of me.

After a few moments my wife took Jerome’s cock out of her mouth and sat up. She turned and looked at me. She still had her right hand wrapped around her boyfriend’s erect penis.

“Well Peanut, you’ve seen Mr. Turner’s cock; don’t you think it’s time you showed him yours?”

I bit my lower lip. My humiliation was now going to begin in earnest. I took a deep breath and slowly pulled my boxer shorts down.

Janet grinned at me. “Say goodbye to those boxer shorts sissy boy. This is the last time you’re ever going to be allowed to wear men’s underwear. From now on it’s strictly panties foryou.”

Jerome started laughing. “What?”

Janet patted his hand. “Just wait, you’ll understand in a minute.”

I pushed my boxer shorts down to my ankles and exposed my three and a half inch penis. It was sticking straight out. The fact that I was obviously aroused added to my humiliation.

Mr. Turner whistled and said, “Holy shit! I’ve never seen one that tiny on a full grown man before.”

Janet laughed. “Well he is full grown, but he’s really not a man.”

“Damn baby, my eight year old nephew’s dick is bigger than that.”

“Now do you understand why I’m going to make the little sissy wear panties for the rest of his life.”

Jerome shook his head. “This really is amazing.”

“That’s right it is, and you don’t even know the worst part yet.”

“What do you mean?”

I took a long slow breath. My face was already a deep shade of crisis, but the situation was about to get even worse.

“His pathetic little dick spins the moment I touchit.”

“You mean?”

“That’s right he not only has a tiny dick, but he also suffers from premature ejaculation.”

“Shit, now I understand why you play around like you do.”

Janet laughed. “Damn right, I’m sure as hell not going to get any satisfaction at home.”

My wife stared at me while she squeezed Jerome’s huge ejaculation. “Hey Peanut, look at my boyfriend’s big dick and then look at that little worm between your legs. Which one do you think I’d rather play with this evening?”

I stared at the floor and quietly whispered, “Mr. Turner’s Mistress Janet.”

My wife nodded. “You got that right, now put on your new slave outfit. I want you to model it for my stud.”

I pulled the lace panties out of the box. As I stepped into them and pulled them on Janet laughed and said, “Jerry honey, don’t you agree that pink is the perfect color for the little sissy.”

Jerome shook his head. “Damn baby, you really are wicked.”

Janet squeezed his cock. “From the feel of your dick, you’re not exactly having a bad time right now either.”

Jerome chuckled. “No this is a pretty fucking hot scene.” He looked at me. “Hey Peanut what else is in that bag?”

My wife leaned forward on the couch. “Peanut put on the rest of your outfit for Mr. Turner.”

I reached into the bag. It felt like my stomach did a full cartwheel when I realized what Janet had purchased to complete my outfit.

When I pulled it out of the bag Jerome sat up and said, “What the fuck?”

It was a white cotton tank top that looked like it had been designed for a plus sized 12 year old girl. The name, “Tinkerbell” was inscribed across the front in pink sequins. Underneath the name there was a drawing of the famous fairy from “Peter Pan”.

As I pulled my new shirt on I was certain that Janet must have laughed herself silly while she was purchasing it for me.

My wife looked at me. After a moment I realized she was inspecting me. Once her visual inspection was complete she wiggled her finger and said, “Peanut come over here.”

I walked over to Janet. As soon as I was standing next to her she leaned forward.

“Peanut I want to fix your little wee wee so it sticks out through the slide in the front of your panties.”

Janet slipped her fingers through the hole in the crotch. As she grabbed my little penis she looked up at me. “Peanut, if you cum while I’m doing this I guarantee that you will get a nice long taste of my new whip.”

I bit my lower lip and said, “I’ll try as hard as I can to control myself Mistress.”

Janet fiddled with me for a moment and then she sat back and surveyed her handiwork. After a short inspection she giggled. “Oh that’s much better, now we have a constant reminder why you’re my slave and Mr. Turner is my stud.”

I looked down. My tiny cock and balls were now protruding from the hole in the front of my panties.

I shook my head. This was a truly humiliating outfit.


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