Note: This story is the sixth episode in a series entitled “The Party”. If you have not read the previous five episodes of this series, I encourage you do so before beginning this chapter.
This is a dominant hot wife humiliates her submissive cuckold husband story. That is the kind of story I write. If you do not enjoy these types of stories I strongly suggest you find something else to read.
The conversation with her boyfriend excited my wife. It didn’t take me long to bring her to an orgasm. After she recovered she kissed my forehead and stood up.
Once she was standing she said, “That was very nice slaveboy. Now come into my bedroom and help me get dressed.”
Janet stopped when we got to the bedroom door. “This is now my private bedroom. I expect you to knock every time you wish to enter this room. If I am inside the room I expect you to wait for my permission before you cross the threshold of the door. Your new duties as my slave will includeMaking my bed and cleaning my room every morning. You will also have to come into the room to get my dirty laundry. Washing my clothes is another chore that now belongs to you.”
Janet stared at me. “You understand that we are not just playing a sex game. You really are going to be my slave. As my slave, you will be responsible for all household chores.”
I bowed politely. “Yes Mistress Janet. I understand and I’m eager to serve you.”
Janet smiled. “That’s very good slave boy. ” Janet turned and walked into her bedroom. When I started to follow her she stopped and held up her hand. “Slave boy I believe you’re forgetting something.”
I stopped and knocked on the open door. “Mistress Janet my I please have permission to enter your room.”
“Yes slave, you may enter.”
As I walked into the room Janet said, “If you make that mistake again, I will spank you. Do you understand me?”
“Yes Mistress, I understand.”
Janet sat down at her makeup table. She gave me my instructions for the rest of the morning while she applied her makeup.
“Jerome and I will be having steak this evening. My boyfriend has a healthy appeal. You should buy a large porterhouse for him. I will have a small tenderloin. Baked potatoes and a tossed salad should be adequate as side dishes.”
She thought for a moment. “Pick out a nice merlot for us. Don’t be afraid to spent a little money for it. This dinner is going to be a celebration for Jerome and me. It will be the first time we get to make love in my bed.”
Janet finished putting on her makeup and stood up. “Slave, fetch me a pair of panties and a brassiere. Pick a something that Jerome will like.”
I went to my wife’s dresser and started fumbling through the drawers. I was excited and a little disconcerted. Selecting lingerie that my wife was going to wear for another man was a new experience for me. I also didn’t actually know where she kept her underwear.
Janet started to loseher patience. “I keep my panties in the top left drawer, my brassieres are in the top right drawer.” Her voice had an icy tone. “Next week I expect you to spend some time going through my clothes. As my slave it is your duty to know where everything is kept.”
I selected a black lace thong and a matching bra. When I tried to hand them to her, my wife shook her head and pointed at the floor.
“Get down on your knees and hold my panties while I step into them.”
I did as I was told.
Janet stepped into the panties. “Now pull them up.”
Pulling a pair of lace thong panties up my wife’s beautiful legs was one of the most exciting things I’d ever done.
As soon as the panties were in place she quietly said, “And now my bra.”
I slipped the Straps of the brassiere over Janet’s arms. As I was fitting her large breasts into the cups my wife giggled. “It’s funny but I don’t think I’ve ever met a guy who didn’t get a thrill out of taking my bra off.” She turnsd and leered at me. “Jerome just loves doing it.”
It took me a moment to figure out how to fasten the clasp on the back of the brassiere. While I was fumbling with it, Janet started to laugh. “Most guys struggle with that clasp when they’re taking my bra off. You’re a little pussyboy so you only get to fumble with it when you’re putting it on me.”
My wife was getting very good at taunting me.
After her bra was fastened Janet turned around. “Fetch my green tank top and a pair of cutoffs. You’ll find my tops in the third drawer and my cutoffs in the bottom drawer.”
I quickly retrieved the rest of Janet’s outfit. When I returned she snapped her fingers and pointed at the floor. “Hold my cutoffs for me.”
I obediently followed my wife’s directions and got down on my knees. As soon as she stepped into the shorts Janet said, “Now pull them up.”
The denim cutoffs were very tight. I had to work to pull them over her hips and ass. Once the shorts were in placeI stepped back and waited for my next instructions.
My wife looked at me with an irritated expression. “Pussyboy you need to zip up my jeans and fasten the snap.” She shook her head. “Do I have to explain everything to you?”
Janet patted my head while I was pulling up her zipper. “That’s a good boy. Robbie, always remember that a well-behaved slave looks for ways to pamper his mistress.”
I fastened the snap at the top of Janet’s jeans. As soon as I was done I picked up her tank top, slipped it over her head and pulled it into place.
Once she was dressed Janet did a little pirouette for me. “How do I look?”
She was gorgeous. As I gazed at my wife I longed to be allowed to make love to her. She noticed the expression on my face and giggled. “I hope that Jerome finds this outfit just as exciting as you obviously do.”
I told. “Mistress Janet, I am sure that he will.”
There was a tone of disappointment in my voice. Janet noticed it immediately. She put her arms around me and gave me a gentle hug. “Robbie sometimes this lifestyle is going to be very frustrating for you. That’s the idea. You’re a masochist and I’m a sadist. I’m enjoying your frustration and I want you to enjoy it to.”
She reached under my shirt, grabbed my nipple and gave it a vicious twist. I winced from the pain.
My wife started to giggle and twisted it Even harder. “Robbie, this is what you want isn’t it? Just relax and enjoy the pain.”
There were tears running down my cheeks as I looked up at my wife. “Yes Mistress Janet, this is exactly what I want.”
Janet released her grip on my nipple, put her arms around me and kissed me hard on the lips. As soon as she was done kissing me she whispered into my ear, “Baby I love you so much. Tonight after Jerome leaves I promise it will be your time. You’ll get to suck on my nipples and lick my pussy and my ass.” She giggled. “If you’re really well behaved while Jerome is here, I might even be willing to reward you with a little blow job. I know just how much you love those.”
I grinned at my wife. “Mistress, I promise to be a perfect slave for you and your boyfriend this evening.”
Janet patted my cheek. “That’s a good boy. Now fetch me my purse. It’s time for me to go shopping.”
I handed Janet her purse. As she walked to the door she gave me some Final instructions. “Jerome is probably going to arrive before I get back. I expect you to attend to all of his needs. Is that clear?”
I nodded. “Yes Mistress Janet. I will work very hard to take care of him.
“Good, When he arrives I want you to take him to the computer and show him your favorite submissive cuckold web sites. I want him to learn a little more about our new lifestyle. You can use the time while he’s on the computer to move your things to your new bedroom.”
Janet kissed my cheek. “I should be back around three. You should plan on serving dinner at 4:30. Jerome needs to get home early.”
My wife walked out the door. As soon as she was gone I sat down on the couch and screamed. Life as Janet’s slave was going to be very demanding.
I allowed myself a few moments of relaxation and then I got off the couch. I had chores to do.
I grabbed my car keys and went to grocery store. I found a magnificent 20 ounce porterhouse steak for Jerome, a very nice tenderloin for Janet and a small sirloin for myself. I made a quick stop in the produce section for the salad ingredients and the potatoes and then I went straight to the checkout line.
On the way home I stopped at the liquor store and picked up two twelve packs of Budweiser and a good bottle of California merlot. It was just after one o’clock when I carried the groceries into the kitchen.
After putting the groceries and beer in the refrigerator I went to work moving my things from Janet’s room to my new bedroom.
I was just finishing hanging my clothes in my new closet when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at the clock. It was just after 2:00 pm.
I quickly ran to the front door. When I got there I stopped and took a deep breath. My stomach was churning as I reached for the door knob. Moving my clothes from our marital bedroom to the guest room was an emotional trial, but it was nothing compared to the task of opening the front door so I could greet my wife’s boyfriend.
I turned the knob and slowly pulled the door open. For a moment Jerome and I both silently stared at each other.
Jerome Turner was a tall, physically fit man with a ruggedly handsome face. His full head of hair was just starting to turn gray at the temples. He was at least ten years older than Janet and me. I guessed that he was in his late thirties or early forties. He was wearing a sport coat over a very tight fitting te Shirt that showedcased his well developed chest muscles and flat stomach.
I laughed to myself, if I had a body like that I’d wear tight te shirts all the time. Jerome Turner was a stud. It was easy to understand why Janet was attracted to him.
I finally pulled myself together and smiled at him. “Good afternoon Mr. Turner. Won’t you please come in.”
He smiled back at me and walked into the house. As he passed me he casually said, “Thank you Robbie.”
We walked into the living room. I motioned to the large easy chair. “Please make yourself at home.”
He politely nodded and said, “Thanks, I’ll do that.”
I waited until he was comfortable seated and then asked, “Can I get you a beer?”
“Sure, That’d be real nice.”
As I walked into the kitchen I realized that at this moment, Jerome Turner was just as uncomfortable as me. While I was opening the refrigerator I decided that the only way this was going to work was if we both immediately started playing our roles.
I put a bottle of beer, a large glass and a coaster on a tray and carried it back into the living room. As I approached his chair I submissively bowedand said, “Your beer sir.”
Jerome smiled at me. I don’t think he quite knew how he was supposed to respond.
I set the coaster on the table next to him, put the glass on the coaster and poured the bottle of beer into it.
When I was done I set the tray on the dining room table and turned to face Jerome. I was about to ask him if I could get him anything else when he said, “Wife and husband.”
I stared at Jerome. I was just a little bit shocked. “Wife and husband” was of course the phrase that Janet and I had agreed to use when we wanted to step out of our roles and talk to each other as equals.
Jerome smiled at me. “Robbie I talked to Janet on my way over here. I told her that I was a little nervous about meeting you. She suggested that I use that phrase so we could get to know each other before we started playing what she called the game.”
I nodded. “That’s probably a good idea. Janet’s a pretty smart woman.”
Jerome laughed. “Yes she certainly is.”
There was an uncomfortable moment of silence. I don’t think either of us knew exactly how to start.
Finally Jerome motioned to the couch. “Robbie will you please sit down.”
As I sat down Jerome Shook his head. “It feels kind of funny to offer a man a seat in his own house.”
I nodded in agreement. “Yes, this is an unusual situation.”
Jerome leaned forward in his chair. “Robbie I don’t exactly know how to begin this conversation, so I’m just going to start talking. If I offend you at anytime, please accept my apology in advance. Offending you is not my intention.”
I shrugged and said, “Okay.”
“Robbie, I’ve been seeing Janet on a regular basis for several months now.”
“I know, she told me.”
“I want you to know that during that time I feel like I’ve also gotten to know you.”
“What do you mean?”
He grinned at me. “Your wife talks about you constantly. You can do no wrong in her eyes.” He shook his head, “I only wished my wif loved me half as much as Janet loves you.”
I chuckled. “That’s an interesting comment considering your relationship with her.”
He nodded. “Yes, I know. Maybe that’s why I feel it’s so important to tell you that. Robbie, your wife loves sex. She might be the most passwordate woman I’ve ever met, but to her sex is more of a game.” He smiled. “To Janet fucking is like playing golf or tennis. It’s a recreational activity.”
He shook his head. “Your wife doesn’t love me and she never will. Oh yes, we’re good friends; but all we ever do when were together is fuck. We never do anything else.” He laughed. “When we do have a conversation it’s almost always about you.”
Jerome told. “I don’t know if it helps you, but I wanted you to know that.”
I smiled at him. “Thank you, that is nice to know.”
Jerome appeared to be a nice guy. I decided that it actually might be a good idea if we did get to know each other a little bit better.
I looked at him. “I just learned about you last night, so I know very little about you. What do you do for a living?”
“I sell office supplies. That’s how I met Janet.”
I understand immediately. My wife was the office manager for a large insurance company.
“Janet told me that you like to play golf. She said you’re very good at the game.” He laughed. “She actually brags about your ability.”
I nodded, “I like to play and sometimes I can hit the ball well enough to win a little money.”
Suddenly I started laughing.
Jerome looked at me. “What’s so funny?”
“I just realized why Janet is always encouraging me to play golf.”
Jerome grinned. “Yes, I suspect you’re right.” He shrugged. “You get time to play your favorite game and your wife gets time for hers.”
I smiled. “That’s probably a pretty good way for me to look at this.”
“Yes, I think it is.” He paused for a moment. “I’ve always been a tennis player, but I started to take golf lessons last year.”
“Do you enjoy the game?”
“Very much, but I’m not any good at it.”
“Would you like to get together and play some time?”
Jerome stared at me for a moment and then he said, “Yes, I’d like that a lot.” He paused. “You might have to be patient with me; like I said, I’m not very good.”
I laughed. “That’s okay when I beat you at golf you can just remind me that you’re fucking my wife.”
Jerome grinned at me. “Robbie it’s easy to see why Janet likes you so much.”
Suddenly Jerome got very quiet. After a moment he said, “I gather that I am supposed to adopt a cruel and heartless attitude towards you.”
I nodded. “Yes sir, that is your role in this game.”
He smiled at my response. “Robbie, please remember that I like you and when we go to the golf course, we’re going as equals.”
“I like you to Jerome, but now I think it’s time for you to become Mr. Turner. Janet left very strict instructions about how I was to take care of you. I wouldn’t wanther to walk in and see us acting like two old army buddies.”
Jerome chuckled at my joke and leaned back in his chair. Suddenly his demeanor changed. He took a long sip of beer and said, “All right slaveboy, where do we go from here?”
“My Mistress thought you might like to see some of the web sites dealing with domination and cuckolding.”
Jerome sat up. “That would be Very helpful to me.”
I stood up. “Sir as soon as you’re ready I’ll take you into the den and set you up on our computer.”
Jerome picked up his glass and swallowed the rest of his beer. Once he was done he set the glass back on the coaster and stood up. “Slaveboy, I’m ready right now.”
“Please follow me sir.”
I led Jerome into the den and pulled out the chair at Our computer desk. “Mr. Turner, please sit here.”
The computer was already turned on so as Jerome sat down I opened the Internet and typed in the address for my favorite cuckold web site.
As soon as the site opened I said, “I’m going to give you a story to read. If you finish it before Janet gets here, call me and I’ll find another one for you. Would you like another beer?”
Jerome Shook his head. “No thanks slaveboy. I’ll wait until your Mistress gets home.”
“Very good sir. If you’ll excuse me, I have some tasks to finish. If you need anything please call me.”
I left Jerome in the den and went to Janet’s bedroom where I gathered the rest of my things and moved them into my new bedroom.
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