The Party Ch. 05

Note: This story is the fifth episode in a series entitled “The Party”. If you have not read the previous four episodes of this series, I encourage you do so before beginning this chapter.

This is a dominant hot wife humiliates her submissive cuckold husband story. That is the kind of story I write. If you do not enjoy these types of stories I strongly suggest you find something else to read.

Once she was finished dialing Janet held the telephone up to her ear. After a moment she said, “Hi Jerry, it’s me. Is it safe to talk?”

I pushed the button for the speaker phone. Suddenly I could hear the voice of my wife’s boyfriend.

“Sarah went to church. She shouldn’t be back for at least an hour. Where’s your husband?”

Janet snapped her fingers and pointed to the spot on the floor in front of her.

I curried over and kneeled down at her feet. As soon as I was in place she said, “He’s right here kneeling at my feet.”

“What? Does he know who you’re talking to?”

“He sure does, in fact I have you on the speaker phone. He can hear every word you’re saying.”

“Janet what the fuck is going on?”



“Does he have a lawyer yet?”

“Fuck no, in fact the little wimp is massaging my feet right now.”

I watched Janet. She was playing with her brassiere strap. This was something she unconsciously did whenever she started to get excited.

“Janet did he just hear you say that?”

“He sure did.”

“Janet I’m going to ask you again. What the fuck is going on?”

“Jerry he found out last night, but it’s OK he’s cool with it.”

“I don’t understand. How did he find out last night”? I wasn’t with you last night and what do you mean he’s cool with it? Janet I think you’d better start this story at the beginning.”

“Okay, last night we were at a neighborhood party. There was this guy there, his name was Brad. The two of us were drinking wine together in the back hall. We started messing around; you know what I mean, a little harmless kissing and some touchy feelly stuff. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew he was asking me to go upstairs with him.” Janet shrugged. “You know me baby, he was a hot guy and I’m not very good at saying no.”

Jerome started laughing, “No you’re sure not. We eliminated all doubt About that at the card party last month.”

“Hush now! Robbie doesn’t know about that.”

Janet glanced at me. There was a precious look in her eyes. I wondered what happened at the card party.

“Okay, keep telling the story. You’re upstairs with this guy Brad. How did Robbie find out? Baby this isn’t the first time you ever slipped off with another guy while you were at a party with your husband.” He started laughing again. “In fact I wonder if you guys have ever been to a party when you didn’t do that.”

“Jerry be quiet. Robbie can hear everything you’re saying.”

“Heyyou’re the one who put this conversation on the speaker phone.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Anyway Brad and I are upstairs in one of the bedrooms. We’re both naked and he’s on top of me. This guy is fucking me like there’s no tomorrow. It was really great. Suddenly I notice the bedroom door is open and Robbie’s standing there watching us. I got kind of nervous. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Well Brad realized my attention was focused at the door, so he looked over there. I guess he must have glared at the Robbie because the little wimp just wilted.”

“No shit? So what happened next.”

“When I realized the little pussy wasn’t going to make a scene I told him to go downstairs and wait for me.”

“Did he actually go?”

“He sure as hell Did.”

“That’s fucking amazing.”

“Anyway, Brad fucked me for at least another ten minutes. He was very good.”

“Should I be getting jealous right now?”

Janet laughed. “Baby you have nothing to worry about, you’re numerous uno with me. Nobody rings my bell like you do.”

Suddenly I had a lump in my throat. It was clear that Jerome was Janet’s boyfriend and now she was calling him her number one man. I started to worry that Janet really was in love with him.

“Anyway, Brad finally shot his load. I would have loved to see if he could give me an encourage, but I didn’t want to take the time for it. I was worried about Robbie. I wanted to talk to him, so I got dressed and went downstairs. He was sitting with some guys who were talking about football, but he wasn’t saying a word. I could tell he was upset.”

“That’s not a big surprise, he just saw another guy banging his wife.”

“Yeah, he did and he was obviously Shock up about it, but it didn’t seem like he was angry and I was pretty sure I understand why.”

“What do you mean?”

“He didn’t say a word the whole way home. We were in the bedroom getting ready for bed when I finally realized that he wasn’t going to say anything at all.”

“He didn’t say anything?”

“That’s right, not a word.”

I was starting to feel very embarrassed.

“Finally, I brought it up.”

“You did?”

“Yes, we had to talk about it.”

“I guess you’re right. So what happened?”

“We talked for awhile and he finally admitted that it got him off when he saw Brad fucking me.”

Janet started to open her blouse. I wasn’t sure if it was for my benefit or hers. She knew I loved to look at her gorgeous breasts, but I also knew that she loved to play with them when she was excited. I suspected that she was doing it for both of us.

“It got him off?”

“Yes, do you remember when I told you about those nasty web sites he was looking at on our computer on the nights I was out with you?”

“Yeah, I remember; you said it was women with whips and shit like that.”

“Jerry, Robbie’s a masochist. You know what that is don’t you?’

“Yeah a guy who gets off on pain” Jerome paused for amoment and then he suddenly said, “No fucking shit. He wants you to hurt him?”

“You got it. That’s why I’m making the little pussy listen to our conversation. He knows you’re my boyfriend. I want to see if we can make him cry.”

“Janet, you’re evil”.

“Yes I am and I’m just learning how much fun it is to be evil.” She paused. “But baby you have to understand something. He wants me to be evil. He wants me to make him cry.”

Jerome whistled. “This is fucking unbelievable.”

“It gets better.”

“what do you mean?”

“He’s agreed to become my slave.”

“Your what?”

“My slave.”

“Isn’t that illegal.”

“I don’t think so. He volunteered for the job. I mean I can’t sell him or anything like that and I wouldn’t even if I could. I’m still madly in love with him.”

“Janet, I don’t know about this. It’s sounding pretty fucking weird.”

“So? You cheat on your wife. You’re married and have a girlfriend. If it’s okay for you to do that why isn’t it okay for Robbie to be my slave.”

Jerome took a deep breath. “I guess when you put it like that, the two of you really aren’t hurting anyone.”

“No were not and baby think about it, this is great for you.”

“What do you mean.”

“You get to fuck me anytime you want and you don’t have to pay for motorcycles anymore. You can fuck me right in my own bedroom.”

“You mean with him there?”

“Sure, he’s my slave. He has nothing to say about what I do.”

“I don’t know, that feels creepy to me. I’m not sure I want him watching us while we do it.”

“Someday I’d like to do it in front of him. I think it would be really hot to be sucking your great big dick while I make Robbie knee on the floor at the foot of the bed and watch.”

“Shit baby you really are kinky.”

“Yes I am and I can’t wait to try that, but the first time you come over we’ll send him to his room while we fuck.”

“His room? I thought the two of you shared a bedroom.”

“We did up until today. I’m making him move all of his stuff into the guest bedroom this afternoon.” Janet paused. “Hey I have a good idea. You can have his dresser. That way you can keep some clean clothes here. I’ll bet you’d love to be able to take a shower and put on clean underwear and a clean shirt after were done fucking.”

“That would be nice.”

“Our slave can wash Your dirty underwear after you leave. That way it will be nice and clean the next time you come over.”

“Do you think you can really make him do that?”

“Absolutely, I’ll spank him if he doesn’t.”

“You’ll do what?”

“I’ll Spank him. He’s my slave. I have to be able to discipline him when he’s bad.”

“This is just amazing.”

“Jerry why don’t you come over this afternoon. We can play with our slave for a little while and then you can take me into my bedroom and fuck me for as long as you want.”

“I don’t know, Sarah’s going to be home this afternoon.”

“Can’t you tell her you’re going to the tennis club?”

“I guess so, but I’ll have to get home early, It’s Sunday.”

“Come over at 5:00. We’ll make the wimp serve us a steak dinner and then we’ll retire to my bedroom for some fun and games.”

Janet now had her blouse all the way off and she was pulling her large breasts out of her brassiere. I knew my wife very well. It wasn’t going to be long before she’d be twisting her nipples.

“You’re sure he’s going to be okay with us being together.”

“Absolutely, would you like me to prove it to you?”

“How are you going to do that?”

“Just listen.”

Janet looked down at me. “Robbie I want you to invite Mr. Turner over for dinner this afternoon.”

I stared at my wife. I hadn’t expected this. Suddenly I was too nervous to move.

“Slave do I have to spank you to get you to obey?”

“Janet don’t make him do this. I’ll just come over. The little guy is embarrassed enough already.”

“No Jerry, this is important.”

Janet glared at me. “Slave, do as you’re told.”

I knew exactly what Janet wanted me to say. I bit my lower lip and took a deep breath. “Mr. Turner please come to my Mistresses house for dinner this afternoon. I would enjoy preparing a very nice meal for the two of you.”

“Holy shit Janet. You really got him to do it. What do I say to him? What do I call him?”

“Say yes, tell him you’re coming over. You can call him anything you want. I think Wimpboy might be a good name for him.”

“Okay, here goes. “Thank you very much.” Jerome hesitated for a moment and then he added, “Wimpboy.”

“See how easy that was?”

“Yeah, it was all right.”

“Robbie, what should Mr. Turner and I do after dinner.”

“Mistress you should…”

“Robbie, don’t tell me; tell Mr. Turner.”

I took another deep breath. I was very excited. This was a submissive cuckold’s dream fantasy coming true.

“Mr. Turner after dinner you should feel free to takemy Mistress to her bedroom.”

Janet stared at me. “Robbie, what can he do to me once were in there.”

My wife was not going to let me off easy.

“He can fuck you Mistress Janet.”

“No Robbie, Mr. Turner is my boyfriend. I don’t want him to just fuck me, I want him to make love to me.”

Janet was pushing me hard now.

“Say it Wimpboy. Ask him to do it.” Suddenly she stopped herself. “No wimpboy, don’t ask him, beg him. Beg Mr. Turner to take your wife into her bedroom and make password love to her.”

Janet told me before we called Jerome that she intended to humiliate me without mercy. Now she was doing it.

I could have said wife and husband and stopped this. I think Janet was actually testing me to see if I would. I didn’t. I didn’t want to. As I kneeled at my wife’s feet I realized that this was the most exciting thing I’d ever done in my entire life. I suddenly understood that I was born to be Janet’s submissive cuckold slave.

I took adeep breath and said, “Mr. Turner after you’re finished with dinner I beg you to take my Mistress into her bedroom and make passwordate love to her.”

For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. Finally Jerome said, “Well Wimpboy since you asked me so nicely I guess I might just have to do that.”

I was now caught up in my role. I quickly answered, “Thank you very much sir. I would appreciate it. I love my Mistress. I want her to enjoy the pleasure you can give her.”

My answer took Janet by surprise. She stared at me, After a moment she smiled. “Wimpboy that was a very kind thing to say. You deserve a reward.”

Janet stood up, pulled her cutoff jeans and panties down and kicked them off. She then turned around and presented her luscious ass to me. “Wimpboy, you have my permission to lick my asshole while I finish talking to my lover.”

Janet kneeled on the couch. I was kneeing on the floor behind her. The situation kept getting more and moreexciting. I was about to lick my wife’s asshole while her boyfriend listened on the telephone.

“Janet, what the fuck is going on over there?”

My wife started laughing. “I’m giving my little slave baby a treat.”

“I think I heard what it is. Is he really about to…”

“Lick my asshole? He sure is.”

“And he thinks that’s a treat?”

“Oh yes, and so do I. It feels so good.”

Janet turned and looked at me. “Go ahead baby, you earned this reward, enjoy yourself.”

Janet cooled as I spread the cheats of her ass and repeatedly placed my lips on my goddesses pumped little anus.

“Oh Robbie honey that feels so nice. Use your tongue baby, push it all the way inside me.”

“Damn Janet, is he really licking your asshole?”

“He sure is Jerry.”

“Will you make him do that when I come over this afternoon? I really want to see this.”

“Sure baby, in fact how about if I make him lick my ass while I suck your cock.”

“No shit, do you think he’d really do that?”

“Sure why not? He’s my little slave boy. He’ll do anything I tell him to do, but if you’re really curious, why don’t you just ask him.”

“Can I do that?”

“Of course, he’s my slave; you’re my boyfriend. He’s going to have to get used to taking orders from you.” Janet paused. “Jerry, don’t ever forget that I love This little guy more than anyone in the entire world. You get to boss him around, but you can’t ever do anything that will really hurt him, okay?”

“Hey I understand. I promise I won’t ever hurt him.”

“Well what are you waiting for, ask him.”

“Hey Wimpboy, When I come over this afternoon will you lick your wife’s asshole while she sucks my dick?”

It was actually kind of hard to keep from laughing. All three of us were playing a brand new game. Each of us was desperately trying to figure out the rules and define our roles while we were playing.

At least Jerome now understand that he was part of this gameand he seemed to be warming to the idea of ​​playing. This was a good thing. Having a dominant male involved in the game would make it more fun for both Janet and me.

As I listened to Jerome talk to Janet, I was actually starting to like him. He seemed like a pretty nice guy. This really shouldn’t have been a big shock. Janet was a very good judge of people. It wasn’t very likely that she was going to end up with a boyfriend who was an asshole.

“Wimpboy, the big man asked you a question. I hope you’re not ignoring him. That would make me very angry.”

I’d gotten lost in thought and forget that Janet and Jerome were waiting for me to answer his question. I didn’t have any problem with the question, but suddenly I realized I wanted to say something. I knew I wasn’t really supposed to do this, but I also understand that it was my right. I looked up at Janet and said, “Wife and husband”.

Janet stared at me. “What’s wrong baby?”

“Nothing really, I just want to saysomething and it’s very important to me.”

“Okay baby, go ahead.”

Janet turned to the speaker phone. “Jerry, wife and husband is our prearranged code phrase. Anytime either of us says it, Robbie and I have agreed that we will stop what we’re doing and talk about it. I’m not sure why he just said the words, but it is his right.”

“I understand. What’s on your mind buddy?”

I shrugged. “Mistress Janet, maybe I’m not supposed to use the words for this reason, but I just wanted to say that I am already getting to like Jerome. I think you found a nice boyfriend and I’m very willing to trust him.”

I turned to the speaker phone. “Mr. Turner, I would be honored to lick Mistress Janet’s ass while she sucks your cock this Afternoon.”

Jerome laughed. “Little buddy, I am not exactly sure how this game is going to finally shake out, but I do believe that the three of us are going to have a lot of fun playing it.”

I smiled. “Yes sir, I believe you are correct.”

Janet leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Baby, I love you so much.”

She turned to the speaker phone. “Jerome I have to go to the mall and do some shopping. Slaveboy is going to go to the grocery store and get dinner for us.” She paused. “Baby I know you like beer. What brand do you prefer? I’ll make sure that Slaveboy buys some for you.”

“Robbie, I’m a Budweiser man.”

“Yes sir I understand, I’ll make sure that there’s always a good supply in our refrigerator.”

I could hear Jerome chuckling. “Janet honey you were right. This looks like it’s going to be a very good deal for me. I think I am going to love having a slave.” He paused. “Wimpboy, when will you get back from the grocery store?”

I looked at the clock. It was almost eleven. “I can’t see why I wouldn’t be back by 1:30.”

“Janet why don’t I come over around two?”

“I may not be back from the mall until three. When I get back, I’ll want Slaveboy to give me a bath”

Jerome started laughing. “If you don’t mind I think I’d like to watch that.”

Janet started giggling. “This is beginning to sound like a very fun afternoon.”

“Hey my wife just got home. I have to go. I’ll see you guys this afternoon.”

Jerome hung up the telephone.

Janet snapped her fingers and pointed at the speaker phone. “Hang it up slave.” There was a huge smile on her face as she said it.

I walked over and shut off the speaker phone. When I was done I walked back over to my wife.

Janet was naked. She was lying back in her chair with her legs spread apart. I kneeled down in front of her.

Janet smiled at me and said, “Pussyboy that got me really horny. Lick my cunt. I want to cum.”

I looked up at Janet. “Mistress, may I have permission to speak?”

My wife nodded and said, “Yes slave, what would you like to ask?”

“May I please have permission to jack off while I lick your pussy?”

My wife thought for a moment and then she slowly shookHer head. “No way Wimpboy. I want you nice and horny the entire time Jerome is here. I think that will make you much more tractable. If you’re really well behaved, I might consider allowing you to lick my asshole and jack off after he goes home.”

She smiled at me. “Now lick my cunt. I want to have a nice orgasm before I leave to go shopping.”

Janet surprised when she Felt me ​​push my tongue into her pussy. When I started licking her she giggled and said, “Wimpboy, you should have been born as a dominant. Life really is much more fun for me.”

I looked up at Janet and grinned.

She tilted her head and said, “Why are you grinning? You may speak.”

“Mistress, I love being a sub. I think it’s much more fun to give that it is to receive.”

Janet started laughing. “Robbie honey we were born to be together.”


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