The Party at the Stables

It is the night of Equestrian Girl’s hen party. She is dressing with her bestie Jocasta who is her maid of honour.

‘Are you sure?’ Equestrian girl asks in a rare moment of indecision. Blonde and blue eyed, frequently hatty, Equestrian Girl is usually the one giving direction not taking it.

‘Yes,’ Jocasta says. ‘It’s gorgeous.’

‘But I bought it for Barnaby.’ Equestrian Girl protests although this is not entirely true. Equestrian Girl shopped for it, alongside Jocasta and tried it on but her father’s credit card covered the bill. ‘It’ is a set of designer lingerie in fine silk, white of course, as benefits a blushing bride. On a body such as Equestrian Girl’s which possesses a natural perfection that is only enhanced by her upbringing and pursuits from department that makes her hold her head up proudly to her equestrian skills that have lead to toned thighs and a ‘perfect seat’, the lingerie is almost a work of art; a thin but controlling lacy bra that displays her ample breasts, a wait cincher that adds shape to her curves, white silk across that perfect seat and gossamer thin stockings.

‘Really?’ Equestrian Girl had said. ‘Suspenders?’

‘It’s expected,’ Jocasta had said in response, her gaze still firmly fixed on the 36FF-24-36 curves of her friend’s body. ‘Besides, Barney will love it.’

‘Hmm.’ Equestrian Girl’s lusciously thick lips are pushed into the pout she uses when she is trying to exercise diplomacy; a task that for her has always taken a lot of effort.

‘Honestly, S, it will be perfect,’ Jocasta tells her, ‘everyone will love it.’

‘What do you mean everyone?’

‘They’ll all want to see it,’ Jocasta says turning away with the hint of a smile and studying her friend in the mirror on the wall behind her. ‘You can’t deny them that.’


‘Of course.’ Jocasta directs her gaze to Equestrian Girl’s bottom, arguably her finest feature in a body with so many outstanding attributes. Jocasta notices particularly the way the white arc of the silk knickers stretches over the golden brown flesh. Jocasta herself is a confirmed thong girl, her slim form far more suited to brief garments and, she sights inwardly at the thought, often in need of a little augmentation in her choice of bras.

‘But it’s for Barnaby.’ Equestrian Girl glances over her shoulder at the same view that Jocasta is enjoying. ‘For Our wedding night.’

‘But your friends should see it too. It’s traditional.’

Equestrian Girl frowns. ‘Really?’

Jocasta has always played second fiddle to Equestrian Girl but she would have it no other way. Equestrian Girl is born to lead and Jocasta is born to follow. However, on those occasions when it is required, Jocasta knows which of her friend’s buttons to press and which levers to pull.

‘S!’ Jocasta says. ‘Everyone’s hear all about it. You’ve told them about it in every detail. You have to wear it. Besides you look lush.’

Equestrian Girl givesa slight smile although she is clearly suppressing a bigger one and regards her perfect lingerie clad form in the mirror sliding her hands over her curves. ‘Alright.’

‘Good,’ Jocasta says. ‘You really do look lovely.’ The words are not lost on her friend. ‘Now, just a couple of additions.’

Equestrian Girl tears her gaze away from her own body. ‘What additions?’ That nuance of anxiety in her usual self assurance re-emerging.

‘The girls got you this.’ Jocasta holds up a shiny metal object.

Equestrian Girl regards it for a moment as she works out what it is. The object could be described as a hoop or cylinder a little over two and a half inches long with a diameter of four to five inches. The word ‘BRIDE’ is etched on the outer surface.

‘Is that…’

‘A collar, yes.’ Jocasta smiles disarmingly. Jocasta has the face of an angel, blue eyes and blonde hair, a smile that seems so innocent, so begining. ‘The girls thought it was more you than a sash.’

‘Maybe,’ Equestrian girl says noncommittally her face taking on a pensive look, her eyes meeting Jocasta’s.

‘It’ll look great.’ Jocasta is already brushing her friend’s curve of blonde hair aside to fasten it around the bride-to-be’s neck.

The metal clicks shut and Jocasta produces a small heart-shaped padlock from her stocking top, snapping it into place before there can be any dissent from Equestrian Girl.

‘Is that really necessary?’

‘You’re getting hitched, of course it’s necessary.’

‘I’m not becoming his slave.’

‘You’re taking his name, you’re letting him put a ring on your finger, you’re promising to obey him.’

It is true. Equestrian Girl’s mother, equally horse and very much old school has insisted on traditional vows. Her daughter has bowed to the inevitable.

‘It’s not as if they mean anything,’ Equestrian girl says though she blushes slightly as she says it and her words lack conviction. ‘The vows, I mean.’ Then she looks at heself in the mirror, her curvaceous lingerie clad body and the shiny collar locked round her neck. She lifts her mane of blonde hair to study the shiny steel band then, absently, she toys with the padlock.

‘You do have the key, right?’


‘What?’ Equestrian Girl turns in alarm then realizes her friend is joking. ‘Yeah, right,’ she says, making an attempt to reassert her control. ‘Shall we get going?’

They are due to meet the girls in the village pub then go up to stables where the party will be held.

‘There’s one more thing.’ There is just a slight shift in Jocasta’s manner but it passes unnoticed as she produced the final ‘addition’ to the festivals (for this part of the evening, at least).

‘No!’ Equestrian Girl shakes her head.

‘It’s a hen party, there have to be handcuffs,’ Jocasta says.

‘I don’t think so.’ Equestrian Girl is dismissive but there is a slight waver in her voice.

‘Everyone will expect it.’

‘Are you sureAbout this?’ Equestrian Girl appears torn. She might be the queen bee but part of that involves being as others expect. Again she leaves. ‘Alright.’ She holds out her hands.

‘Behind your back.’ Jocasta says in a voice that is unexpectedly commanding.

To her surprise Equestrian Girl turns and presents her wrists. Jocasta can be very persuasive sometimes. Before there can be a change of heart, Jocasta snaps the cuffs around the slim wrists. Equestrian Girl struggles more theatrically than with any hope of escape but her wrists are well and truly locked in the metal bands.

‘I’m really not sure about this Jo,’ Equestrian Girl says in a voice that betrays her anxiety. She is not usually a girl who experiences uncertainties let alone shares them.

‘You’ll be fine,’ Jocasta says moving to stand in front of her friend. ‘You look great.’

She does, in her white satin lingerie and patent heels with the collar around her neck and her wrists cuffed behind her back. Equestrian Girl has lovely posture and she is standing with her shoulders back and her head up in a way that displays her body perfectly, especially her FF breasts.


The horse girls are well known in the village and mostly popular, among the men at least. They always draw appreciated glances as they head to and from the stables in their tight jodhpurs and riding boots and crisp white blouses. Many of the village women are less sure, tutting and rolling their eyes; they know exactly what these girls are up to with their young firm bodies and glossy manes.

When the girls are in the local pub, they usually draw a crowd, especially in summer when they locke in the beer garden in their Daisy Dukes and strappy bikini tops drinking pins of cold lager which they occasionally pour over themselves and each other or hold Between their breasts to cool themselves down. If their admirers are lucky they will catch a glimpse of them skinny dipping in the village pond or streakingAlong the high street late at night for a danger.

The wedding and its associated events have been the talk of the village of late. Equestrian Girl is the local squire’s daughter and it is only proper that all come to pay their respects by raising a glass. The pub is thus full this evening of expectations of strappy, figure hugging silk dresses hurt over whats or perhaps nothing at all packaging firm, toned bodies; deep cleavages and split skirts giving a flash of stocking tops or sleep smooth thighs. There are also rumours of something special for the bride.

‘The girls’ are well into their fourth bottle of champione and the bar is filled with noise when the bride-to-be is lead in by Jocasta.

They are a little surprised at what Jocasta has achieved. They thought she might swing it with the handscuffs or perhaps the lingerie. Equestrian Girl is no stranger to parading in her underwear, particularly after a few glasses of champione or something stronger, usually dancing on a table. However, appearing with her charge lingerie clad, cuffed, collared and leashed immediately elevates Jocasta in everyone’s estimation.

‘How did you do it?’ Tabatha asks after the chefs have subsided, the air kisses have been exchanged and wolf whistles silenced. Tabatha is not from the village. The girls met on an equestrian training weekend and have kept in touch. Since their meeting, Tabatha has gone on to greatness making the national team as a dressage rider although she currently works in Japan. She is staying with Destiny and, rumour has it, the two are at it hammer and tongs or, more accurately, fingers and tongues and, probably making use of a number of sex toys too.

Unlike the other girls, Tabatha wears ‘hunting red’ a smart equestrian jacket and white jodhpurs that seem to be moulded to her perfectly toned thighs and reveal a rather exclusive thigh gap complete with camel toe. Her outfit is completed by highly pollished riding boots and, in true equestrian fashion, she carries a short whip stuffed into her left boot, presumably for use if one or other of the girls become too rowdy. It’s presence may also indicate the nature of some of the games she plays with Destiny if rumours are to be believed.

Jocasta smiles accepting a glass of champion from the brunette and taking a sip. ‘I have my ways.’

Tabatha raises her glass and winks. ‘And what about the rest of it?’ Tabatha has been very helpful and resourceful in planning this evening’s event.

Jocasta gives a wicked smile that is completely at odds with her otherwise angelic appearance. ‘She’ll find out.’ She doesn’t add that persuading her friend to be leaned nearly derailed the whole endeavour.

Tabatha grins back. ‘I’ll look forward to it.’

As she takes another sip of her Champagne, Jocasta notices that, somewhat unusually, Equestrian Girl is standing to one side, her posture suggesting she is trying to appear unconcerned although she has always been a woman who expects to be the centre of attention. As Jocasta watches, Equestrian Girl turns awkwardly, peering over her shoulders to look at her cuffed wrists. There is something about that pose, Jocasta thinks, a helpless vulnerability, her friend collared and leashed, cuffed, collared, displayed. It is probably the effect of her first mouthful of champione, the alcohol hitting her brain but she feels an unexpected thrill at seeing her friend like this, a thrill that she reassures herself is not sexual.

When Equestrian Girl turns back, there is a petulant expression on her face and the moment passes, Jocasta hurriedly excusing herself, crossing the crowded corner of the bar to her friend and holding up her glass.

‘I don’t know why I let you talk me into this,’ Equestrian Girl says, her voice matching her expression.

Her friend looks, Jocasta thinks, slightly flustered, a flush blooming on her chest over the white bra and on her cheeks.

‘Because you want this to be a night to remember,’ Jocasta says placatingly. ‘Here.’ She lifts the glass to her friend’s lips to allow her a sip.

‘That’s better,’ Equestrian Girl says and Jocasta offers more, tipping the glass sharply so that Equestrian Girl is forced to take a large gulp if she doesn’t want champione on her cleavage.

‘Whoa!’ Equestrian Girl says and Jocasta thinks that her friend is about to complain but two of the other girls come over and there is soon a discussion about wedding plans that take the bride-to-be’s mind off the fact she is standing in the pub in her underwear with her wrists cuffed behind her back wearing a collar. It also means she doesn’t notice the clandestine pictures that are being taken of her.

As Equestrian Girl talks, Jocasta, like a good maid of honour stands beside her bride-to-be offering sips and, where possible gulps of champione that Equestrian Girl takes readily. In some twenty minutes, among discussions of guest lists, seating plans, flowers and well placed comments around Equestrian Girl’s sportsmanship in allowing Jocasta to cuff and collar her, the blonde has locked at least three glasses.


As usual, the girls move from champion onto pins of lager, the barman bringing a tray of pint glasses to the table at which they now sit.

‘Oh, Jo!’ Equestrian Girl says. ‘Can’t you take these cuffs off.’ Her cheeses are considerably More flushed than earlier.

‘Later,’ Jocasta says. ‘Anyway the key’s up at the stables.’ This is not true. In fact the key resides in a small plastic sphere inside, well, inside Jocasta. However, the willowy blonde does not plan the share this information.

‘Jo!?’ Equestrian Girl pouts. ‘How am I going to drink my pint?’

‘Easy,’ Jocasta says concealing a sly smile. She nods at the barman who produces something from beneath the table; it is a metal bowl.

Jocasta takes it as her friends eyes widen.

‘See, we’ve even had your name engraved on it.’ She holds the bowl up to display the word ‘Serenity’.

Equestrian Girl scowls. She dislikes the name and it is clear she also dislikes the thought of drinking from a bowl like one of her father’s gun-dogs.

‘No, ‘ Equestrian Girl says. ‘Absolutely not.’

‘Jocasta will do it with you,’ Tabatha says. ‘Won’t you Jo?’ The girls have foreseen this possibility as they have other refusals for the hurtles the bride-to-be is expected to jump later in the evening and they have made plans for these too.

‘Of course,’ Jocasta says with one of her innocent smiles.

‘Jo!’ Equestrian Girl protests. ‘You’re supposed to be on my side.’

‘I am on your side, darling,’ Jocasta says, taking hold of her friend’s leash and pulling her close to deliver an affectionate peck on Equestrian Girl’s cheat. ‘I wouldn’t dream of letting you suffer alone.’

At this Tabatha produces a second bowl inscribed with a ‘J’. This is, in fact, a surprise to Jocasta and the slender blonde’s eyes widen when she sees a pair of handscuffs appear on the table alongside it.

Equestrian Girl seems placed by this. ‘Come on.’ she says standing and extracting herself from the bench with surprise dexterity for a girl in heels with her wrists cuffed behind her back.

Jocasta stands too, a little appreciate at the turn of events, watching as Tabatha pours half a pint of lager into each of the bowls and then places them side by side on the floor.

‘Come on,’ Equestrian Girl says, an air of confidence returning.

Jocasta puts her hands behind her back.

‘Do it properly, darling.’ Tabatha leans in.

‘What?’ Jocasta says a little irritably.

‘Down to your scanties.’

Jocasta is about to refund but Equestrian Girl and Tabatha and several of the other girls are looking at her expectedly.

‘Fine.’ Jocasta rolls her eyes. She is wearing a wrap around dress in green silk and she reaches to undo the tie at her waist before unwrapping it from her slender form toreveal a very brief lacy thong and matching padded bra. She is very aware of the hush that has spread through the bar and that she has suddenly become the centre of attention. It is her turn to feel a blush coming to her throat.

‘The things I do for you,’ she says to turning to Equestrian Girl who smiles in a way that isn’t quite as triumphant as Jocasta had expected and their gazes lock.

As usually, Jocasta feels a hot desire to cover her breasts, to hide their inadequacy in front of her friend and from her friend, to cover them before the gaze of those blue eyes can drop to her body but Equestrian Girl just looks back at her face, at her eyes.

Around them the girls are cheering and whooping as they clap the pair on the back.

‘Come on!’ Tabatha holds up the handscuffs and, still looking at Equestrian Girl, Jocasta puts her hands behind her back allowing Tabatha to cuff her.

‘Bet I can finish it before you!’ Equestrian Girl says, her pink tongue stroke hersoft pink lips as those eyes continue to hold Jocasta’s gaze.

‘You’re on.’ Jocasta returns the star recalling an evening earlier in the year when they both downed a yard of ale; Equestrian Girl winning by some distance.

By unspoken agreement, both girls drop to their knees facing the bowls and begin to lap at the lager in them furiously. It is, Jocasta soon realizes, not easy to drink like this and she finds she is spilling as much as she is swallowing. She wears her hair to the shoulder and she can feel it hanging around her face and dropping in the beer. She glances towards Equestrian Girl to see her in a similar prediction but is not surprised to see her friend lapping furiously, focused on the challenge. A hand on her head makes her stop for a moment but it is only one of the girls gathering up her hair and pulling it back, one of the others is doing a similar thing for Equestrian Girl. At this Equestrian Girl glances briefly towards her and she hears the blonde’s collar click against the side of the bowl. She turns her attention back to her own bowl and laps furiously.

Jocasta is not surprised when Equestrian Girl wins, lifting her head with a triumphant cry accompanied by a cheer from the crowd.

‘Gotcha!’ Equestrian Girl says with a grin.

Jocasta nods. She is used to playing second fiddle and, on this occasion at least, she can enjoy her friends reflected glory; besides, her friend’s excitement is infectious.

Both girls climb to their feet and Jocasta looks expectedly at Tabatha. Their faces are wet and both are flushed and there are beer ringlets clinging to their red cheeses.

‘First forfeit of the night.’ Tabatha declares in a waft of beery breath. ‘You both stay cuffed.’

Jocasta narrows her eyes at the brunette realising she is as much of a victim now as she has made Equestrian Girl.


It is time to adjourn to the party and while Tabatha settles the tab with barman the girls finish their drinks. Then the brunette is back and encouraging her charges out of the door. Jocasta and Equestrian Girl are in the middle of the crowd, still cuffed and still in their underwear.

‘Wait a moment you two,’ Tabatha says, ‘I think you’re forgetting something.’

Jocasta is relieved, expecting Tabatha to release her but she doesn’t, instead she produces a black leather collar and lean. ‘Can’t let Serenity here have all the fun.’ Jocasta backs away but there is nowhere she can go, hemmed in by the girls who she realizes now have made some plans she has not been party to.

‘No…!’ She says turning her head away as Tabatha endeavours to slide the leather collar round her neck.

‘But the girls bought it especially,’ Tabatha says pausing for a moment to show her the metal tag on the front engraved with Jocasta’s name.

‘Come on Jo,’ Equestrian Girl says with just a hint of schadenfreude.

Jo sights and relents and in a moment is collared baulking only when Tabathaattempts to lock her collar in place with a padlock but she is cuffed and surrounded and Tabatha is holding her on a leash.

‘Can I ask where the keys to this are?’ She asks coolly, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity.

‘They’re in a safe place,’ Tabatha says, ‘now come on you two.’ She pulls on both the girl’s leashes and they obediently follow her out of the pub to the cheeses and good wishes of the locals.


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