The Party

There was. My eyes locked with his as I stood on the landing.

It was like a dream. He ascended the grand staircase, his hand caressing the balustrade. I bit my lower lip, wishing it was running up my thigh.

He finally reaches me. His skin touched mine, rough chapped hands ran along my forearm, my legs began tingling. Small shockwaves shot through my insides as his lips brushed my neck. That sun kissed skin, those rough hands, that jawline. A small pull of my hair and his scratchy face began tickling my chest.

The party downstairs continued on, but I only heard my heart beating in my head.

“Do you know what you do to me?” He grew against my neck.

All I could do was sight my response. A gargled attempt anyway.

“Do you want me to fuck you in front of all these people?” He caressed my ear.

My eyes grew wide. I knew he’d do it. He had no fear. He wanted these people to know I wasn’t to be touched and that he was to be feared.

Talk aboutt toxic.

“I’m taking your lack of response as agreement,” he grunted as he twirled me to face the people below. My hands gripped the railing as I felt his body press against me blocking me in.

He kicked my legs apart, slightly bending me as he did. I feel his warm hand at the back of my thigh, running up between the split of my pencil skirt. He stopped just below my exposed pussy and I moaned my disliking.

“Luisa, what happened to easy access?” He said, as he knelt. I felt the fabric being gripped and all I heard was the ripping.

I gasped, the fabric falling away, my ass and pussy now cold from the sudden exposure. I shivered, my eyes closing as I felt him stand again.

He groaned against the back of my hair as he pressed closer to me, “Good girl.”

My pussy was dripping, I could feel the sleek juices running down my leg as I locked eyes with one of the parties. His lips curled into a smile as he watched us.

“John, someone is watching us,” I whispered.

John chuckled into my ear. His rough hands travelled over my stomach to my front.

“Let’s give them something to watch then,” he smiled. His fingers plugged inside me and it took all I had not to shrink. My head fell forward over the railing, my eyes closed as his fingers began to stretch and motion inside me. I gasped for breath as his thumb circled my clip.

“Do not close your eyes, my darling, or I’ll take you downstairs,” he said.

Reluctantly, I opened them. My knuckles white as I felt the pressure build in my body. My eyes scanned the crowd below, more eyes watching the scene unfold. My breath was shallow and I felt John’s thumb pick up pace.

I throw my head back as the orgasm overcame me. My eyes rolled back, my legs shaking, and I sawed as he pulled his fingers away. I heard the pop as he sucked them out of his mouth and my body shivered again.

I could feel the eyes on me, drinking the state of me in, and it made my pussy burn. I watched the crowd as they moved closer to the spectacle, their eyes roaming over me wanting more.

John was more than happy to oblige. His hands ripped the expensive blush silk that covered my top half, unclasping the tiny bit of lace that covered my breasts. Gasps enthusiastically from the crowd below us, but no one turned away. My whole body was burning now.

John grazed at my breasts, handling them roughly, pinching nipples between his fingers, as I released moans and gasps to the onlookers. His hardness pressed against my ass and I waited for the thrust.

“Maybe we will give them a show after all,” he grinned, spinning me to descend the stairs.

Each step made me throb, my pussy leaving trails down my legs as they remained jelly. John guided me to the centre of the crowd. Eyes devoured me as he snapped his fingers. A chain was brought in by masked waiters. John sat, his fingers clicking for me to knee. I followed direction.

“Now, be a good lass, this cock ain’t gonna suck itself,” he purred.

I heard the snickers in the audience. My fingers shook as I unzipped his dress pants, his cock springing forth to greet me. The gasps in the audience spurred me on.

My tongue lapped at the tip of his hard veined member. My tongue tracing the vein from bottom to tip, loving feeling his twitch with pleasure.

His hand found my hair, forcing my mouth over the tip and down to the base. I scrunch my eyes, trying to breathe around the girl and gag building in my throat. Hands begin caressing my naked body. Hands I don’t recognize. I try to pull off him, but John has a strong hold of my hair, controlling my movements, pulling me up and pushing back down.

I open my eyes and see the crowd has swarmed around us. Men and women are reaching for me, grouping me, and caresing me.

A slap to my ass pulls me from my panic, my pussy tingling from the blow back of the sting. Fingers begin exploring. I can feel my juices being scooped by fingers. Ican hear fingers being sucked. I feel prods from hot wet cocks along my sides and lips pressing to my exposed body.

All I can do is moan around John’s cock. He pushes me back down right to the base.

I feel a tongue glide from my ass to my clip and my body squirms. The movement happens again and ends with a suck to my most sentiment part. My pussy is throbbing when suddenly an intrusion pushes into it.

My eyes wide again and John tuts at me. He lifts me off his cock, “Dear, we must enter our guests.”

I nod as he bobs me onto his cock again.

The pussy intruder was wide, stretching me as he pounded hard and rough. My pleasure didn’t matter to him. I could feel fingers on my ass and a thumb entering into my tightest hole. When it was removed, I sawed with relief.

My relief was short-lived as a larger cock was pushed in its place. I winced, forcing myself off John to cry out. I blinked away the tears as John grabbed my face.

“This is what youwanted, don’t act like you’re better than this.”

He let me go and I dropped my head, trying to focus on the pleasureable sensing and the feeling of fullness. The men worked in unison – one pushes in, one pulls back. I was never empty.

The man in my pussy began to pulse and he groaned a release. He pulled out and slapped my ass before another entered me.

I gasped as the size changed. Fullness and desire filled me again. My pussy dripping with cum and my own juices. My legs were jelly again, shaking as dicks came and went from both holes.

I looked up at John, watching him stroke himself, my eyes becoming him to put it inside me. He shook his head as more men filled me.

2 women took turns below me, sucking on my nipples and circled my clip with fingers and tongues. Orgasm after orgasm filled my body as they suckled and licked.

Man after man, woman after woman, orgasm after orgasm, and now I was feeling numb.

I was just a ragdoll for them now. Holes to be filled and fansies to be played.

A ragdoll that couldn’t wait until next time.


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