This story is partly based on a real life experience with just a touch of fantasy thrown in. It reaches back to a number of years ago when I was in a BDSM relationship. Your comments and feed back are always welcome. Thank you for reading.
I awoke to find Jon’s note informing me of a party that they would attend that evening. His words were some cryptic, telling me only that I was to be ready by 7 and that he would give me further instructions later in the day. I smiled, some bemused and curious at what he had in store for me. It was His way to surprise me, even if with only a simple gesture or word. But at the same moment, I felt my stomach roll, my cunt clenching at what he might have in store for me. He’d taken me in public, but not really publicly and he’d never taken me to a party.
I dressed and padded from my room to find him, to try to coat a hint of what he’d planned, but after searching the house and speaking to his housekeeper, I found that he’d gone out for the day. “He was on his motorcycle” she said and didn’t know when he would return. I spent the day reading, curled up in his chair, his warm scent emanating from the leather. I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers between my tights at the myriad images racing through my memories. The images of depraved toilet sex. I shuddered at the memories of my first taste of his filter. My mind raced farther to the soft meadows of his gentle love. I came with a soft moan, lost in my reverie, suddenly starting with the fear that the housekeeper might have seen or heard me, but I was alone. Glancing at the time I arose and went back to my room to find to my surprise that a box with a note attached had been left on my bed. I smiled, he’d done it again. I knew not how, but knew nevertheless that he had done it.
I Carefully opened the note and read. It instructed me how I was to prepare myself, to include exactly which bath soaps and shampoo I was to use. It also instructed me not to open the box until I was completely bathed and made up. I shivered as I read, he’d gone into very specific detail as to what makeup to use, the dark pink nail poison and lipstick and accompanying eye shadow I was to use.
I bathed, shaving myself very carefully as he’d directed. Unable to resist, I’d pressed my fingers between my thighs, cumming with a shuddering moan as my fingers slipped between the smooth, wet folders of my sex. I dried my hair and put it up, using his favorite sterling hair pin, before carefully applying my makeup; fingers trembling in anticipation of the box. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I smiled at my efforts. He would be pleased. My face fairly glowed, I know that that was his favorite look. Finally, I stood, trying to calm myself as I went to the bed and slowly opened the box, my eyes widening as I viewed its contents.
Carefully, eyes wide, I lifted the dress from the box. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before. The dress was of black silk, a delicate pattern of dark pink rising from beneath the bodice, up and over the shoulders and down to meet at the base of the “V” that formed the back. I raised it to the light, noticing that while not sheer, it had a diaphanous feel and look to it. The shoulder strraps were perhaps 2 or 3 inches wide, reaching down to support semi-formed cups in the bodice. But the cups only supported, they did not cover the breast rather they led to a pluming “V” that stopped just shy of where my navel would be exposed. The lower front of the dress provided a different symmetry as it was ankle-length, but split to within inches of where I would be exposed. I smiled, shivering at the thought of my exposure. The back mirrored the front, but the “V” was even lower; it reached to within an inch of dimpls that framed the top of my ass cleft. I ran my tongue along my teeth as I realized that if I were not careful, the cleft of my bottom would be exposed. Feeling the flush rise from my naked breasts to my face, ICarefully laid the dress down to inspect the remaining contents of the box.
I opened a second, smaller box that was with the dress. Opening it, a smile of delight curled my lips as I removed the items, a pair of nipple bars with stirrups and a matching clip bar. The bars were of white gold with matching stirrups and a diamond at one end and pink sapphire at the other. My fingers trembled as I removed them from the box and Carefully replaced my simple gold bars with them. A shiver ran through me at the sensing of the diamond against my already tender clip. Did I have time for a third orgasm? Gritting my teeth and clenching my fists against my thighs, I thought “No! I need to wait!” and turned to get dressed.
I removed the black, lace-top thigh-highs from the box and laid them aside before retrieving the shoes. They were black velvet with 5 inch heels, a thin dark pink seamless matching that of my dress ran up the rear of the shoe to a tiny black bow with what appeared to be ablack pearl in its center. I was unable to prevent a soft “ohhhh” from escaping my lips as I examined the delicate shoes. Finally, putting them aside, I looked into the box again, searching to make sure that I’d missed nothing. There were no panties, that was so unlike Jon. Unlike other partners who’d preferred me pantiless, he was a stickler for them. It suddenly dawned on me that this night, this party would be different. I knew not how, only that Jon would surprise me once again.
Slowly I dressed, pulling the stockings up until they were within scar inches of my already smooth damp pussy. Next I slipped into the dress, marveling at how it fit me, blushing deeply as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. A glimpse of how much of my body was exposed yet how much was covered. Slipping on the shoes, I took a long look at myself in the mirror. My creamy flesh was in sharp contrast to the black. The tops and insides of my breasts glowing alabaster in their daring exposure. Turning, I gasped softly at how low the “V” in the back plunged, the delicate dimples at the top of my ass cleft peaking teasingly from the edges of the material. My lips were parted in a soft whimper of desire and delight, “oh my god!”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself” Jon said with a soft chuckle.
I started, not having heard him enter and twirled, eyes wide “oh Jon, I didn’t hear you.”
“Of course you didn’t” He smiled, “who could help but be mesmerized by the vision in the mirror.”
I blushed a deep crisis, lowering my eyes quickly, whispering “I-it’s beautiful, thank you!”
Smiling, he motioned, “turn back to the mirror, you’re not completely dressed.”
Obediently, I turned, eyes flicking up as he approached from the rear, noticing for the First time that he was wearing a tuxedo; and allowing myself a wisp of a smile as I saw his cowboy boots.
Stepping behind me, Jon gently tilted my chin up so that I was looking directly into the mirror.He seemed to tower over me, even with my heels.
“It must be his boots” I thought, but knew that it wasn’t. It was his presence. A presence I’d felt the first time I’d met him.
Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved an object, my eyes flicking down to his hand and then widening in shock, lips parting in a soft “ohhhhhhh!” as he brought the necklace to my delegation throat.
I trembled as he fastened it around my throat, whispering as he did, “there are 31 black Mikimoto pearls, each separated by diamonds and pink sapphires that complement your lipstick, nail poison, and the embroidery in your dress; they are mounted in 18 karat white gold. Do you like it?”
I stood speechless, stunned, my heart hammering as if to break through my chest.
Chuckling, he said, “I thought you might, but you’ll need these.” And from his other pocket, he produced a pair of earrings; each one with a black pearl dangle, crowned by a pink sapphire and diamond, suspended on a slender rope chain of 18 karat white gold. Now I understand the nipple and clip jewelry!
As he fastened them to my ears, overcome with emotion, I felt my eyes began to well with tears. Whispering tightly as I turned to throw my arms around his neck, kissing him, “ohhhh Jon, thank You! Thank You! Thank You!”
He smiled broadly, clearly pleased as he kissed my tears away.
“I think that you are poorly the most exciting creation that I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Laughing softly, I blushed criminal.
Kissing my blush, he smiled “the car is waiting, we should go.”
Excitedly I nodded, “Yes, yes Sir.”
He led me down the stairs, his boot heels a deep, resonant companion to the light click of my heels on the stone walkway as they walked through the foyer. He took a black lace, silk shawl from the table, wrapping it around me before opening the door. The sudden cool breeze brought a gasp and shiver to me as it swirled between my thighs, reminding me of my bareness there.
He opened the right passenger door of the Porsche for me. Sliding into the low seat, I was careful to spread my thighs wide, exposing myself. He insisted that I do so whenever sitting, regardless of the time or place.
Jon slide into the driver’s seat and turned “seatbelt m’dear.” And buckling his, started the car, smiling at my “shall we?”
More to follow…
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