The Party

The invitation just read… ‘Party of the Year – Broad-minded Singles Only. Don’t Miss It!’

I knocked at the large wooden door and waited. Disco lights were flashing out from a downstairs window and I could hear the rhythmic bass beat of music. As the door opened the noise suddenly became pulsatingly loud.

A pretty blonde head popped out.

“Got your invitation?” She had to almost shout to make herself hear.

“Yep. Here it is,” I showed her.

“Are you one of Dean’s friends?” she asked motion for me to follow.

“Yes.. Is he here yet?”

“No. I think he’s coming later.”

Bloody great!…. He had been raving about this party for weeks and now he was going to be late. I’m not usually a party animal and wasn’t going to both going, but it was his sheer insight and persistence that had eventually ruin me down. I had tried to get him to elaborate on many occasions but he seemed really secretive about it. He had just said, “Take it from me- this will be a night you will never forget…….. make sure you are there!!!”

It wasn’t really like him to be vague about anything, but I trusted his judgment without question. I had known Dean ever since I helped to pull him out of a river when we were eight years old. He’d been messing about on a raft which had capsized and couldn’t swim very well. Ever since we had been close friends… perhaps until now!

The girl who had let me in looked to be about twenty years old and wore a body hugging black mini-dress with thigh length latex boots. As I followed her to where the action was taking place I couldn’t help admiring the rear view of her curvy bum. She must have been shoe-horned into that dress. Promising start, I thought to myself.

The main room appeared to be quite large and was dark, save for the pounding lights coming from the disco stand in the corner. The noise was so loud that it was difficult to think straight. I could just make out shapes of about thirty orso people scattered around the room. Some were dancing, others drinking and some in groups trying to shout over the noise. There were a number of large sofa’s positioned around the edges of the room, all were still unoccupied.

Being a little unsure of myself and not able to recognize anyone present I spotted the bar and decided to grab myself a pint and wait for Dean to arrive. A makeshift bar was set up at the side of the room and was attended by – what I can only describe as, ‘wet-dream fodder.’ She was a vision of loveliness. Long jet black hair, heavy but perfectly applied make-up and was dressed in what can only be described as a kinky Maid’s uniform. The dress was made from a shiny black PVC material and the front was cut low enough to spill out most of her ample tits – almost down to the nipples! The skirt was micro-length and revealed the whole of her stocking tops and black suspenders. A small white apron completed the picture.

I shouted my order to her and decided to hang around the bar for a while… perusing the scenery!

I stood and watched as she served another one or two people then when the queue subsided she ambled over to me.

“Did you come last year?” she questioned.

“No. No…..Dean Shaw invited me…..Said not to miss it.”

As I had to lean towards her to make myself heard I stole a sneaky glance down her front of her dress and Nearly fell head first into her ample cleavage.

“I thought I didn’t recognize you!” she said. “…..I think you’ll enjoy it tonight!” She winded knowingly.

“…I’m enjoying it already!!” I laughed.

The room began to fill with more and more people but still no sign of Dean. I had sent a text to his mobile phone, but had not responded. Suddenly the music abruptly stopped, mid record, and the blonde girl who had let me in walking up to the disco stand.

“Lights on please,” she shouted to a man leaning against the wall. He obliged. In the light I looked around quickly to see if there was anyone there who I knew. There seemed to be a few people in groups of two’s and three’s talking together and quite a few who seemed to be on their own. In general they were a fairly young lot – twenty’s and mid thirty-somethings. The one thing that stood out the most was that most of the women were absolutely stunning!!

“Ok you lot!!” she announced as the talking eventually Subsided. “Welcome to our little get-together!……And for all of you who came last year…By popular request we will be re-running some of the same games again!” (A big cheer went up from the floor) “…And if this is you’re first time… My name is Debbie…. We hold this party every year with the same nucleus of people. Any new guests must be nominated by existing members, but the downside is that the nominator will sacrifice their own attendance for that year. If anyone is unfortunate enough to drop out for other reasons, new guests are invited by our selection panel. In this way we keep the numbers the about same and we ensure that we get only the best guests!!” (Big Cheer all round).

“Are there any new members present this evening?” she called out, looking around the room.

I slowly put my hand up with about four or five others.

“Would you all please step towards….. I think they deserve a big round of applause folks!!!”.

We made our way to the front, really not knowing what to expect. I cursed Dean under my breath for talking me into this situation. Unfortunately I was committed now.

“Ok all you first-timers.. Or ‘party virgins’ as we like to call you…. You will have the great honour of picking out of the hat first. This was met with general boos and hisses from the audience. Looking puzzled, we all in turn put our hand into the relevant “Men’s” or “Women’s” sparkly silver top hat that she held out to us and we selected a folded piece of paper. “Do not open it until I say so,” she instructed.

“OK then, one at a time please state your name then open the paper and announcement to the floor what character you will be this evening!” she grinned. I immediately thought that it was going to be a role-play party with nerdy obsessive people in pretend lands.

I stood second in line and waited as the girl in front of me unfolded her paper and read it out.

“My name is Lisa and it says…..Girl-guide?… on my ticket,” she announced looking even more puzzled. (Wolf- whistles from the floor).

“Congratulations!! You will be a Girl-guide for the rest of the evening and you will report to your superior……. yet to be drawn out of the hat!!!” our hostess called out.

“If you go upstairs you will find your changing room. Get into costume and return in about twenty minutes.” The girl shrugged her Shoulders and walked to the door.

“A round of applause for the lucky lady!” she prompted.

I could feel the eyes of everyone staring at me as I unfolded my selection.

“Hi, I’m Rob, and it says here…Headmaster,” I stated, feeling even more puzzled.

This was followed by loud booing and good naturalized barracking from the men on the floor.

“Congratulations!! You will be a Headmaster for the rest of the evening and your inferiors…..yet to be drawn out will report to you!!”

“Good choice!!” Debbie laughed. “I can see that you will be popular tonight.”

As I aimed for the door where the Girl guide had gone I heard the blonde who was in the queue after me announcing, “..Nurse!!”

As I climbed the stairs I was faced with a corridor full of closed doors. Where did she say to go? I decided to use the trial and error method of sticking my head around each door.

The first one was a bathroom, the second a small bedroom with no signs of life. The third was a large bedroom with coat-hangers of clothes all around the walls. Each outfit was neatly arranged and each coat hanger had a plastic covering. There didn’t seem to be anyone around so I enteredand noticed that each one had a yellow label with scribbled writing affixed to it. I looked at the first seven or eight. “…Policewoman……Air Stewardess……Nurse…… Schoolgirl……Wren…. French Maid……Brownie.” It appeared that someone must have a uniform fetish.

Then the penny dropped….Oh bugger, this must be the women’s changing room! Before I could Leave, the door at the far end of the bedroom opened. Lisa the “would-be” Girl-guide walked in wearing an all black combination of bra and knickers with stockings and suspenders. She had been getting changed in the ensuite bathroom and had come for her outfit….

She saw me and quickly picked up her dress, holding it to her front for cover.

“Sorry wrong room!” I smiled apologetically.

“I think You want to be three doors down,” she pointed… “I had to try all the rooms before I found this one!”

“…..This is a bit of a strange party, don’t you think……” I looked to her for some crumbs of comfort.

“…I think it’ll get stranger before the night is out…if what I’ve heard is true!!!” she grinned and gestured for me to leave.

I closed the door and followed her directions down the corridor to the men’s room.

It was a similar size bedroom that also had outfits hung around the walls. I looked at the labels… Judge…… Airline Pilot…..Vicar……. Army Officer….. Doctor….. Headmaster!

I unhooked the hanger and looked at my designed attitude. Black trousers with thin grey stripes, white shirt, blue and red striped sober tie, long black cap, mortar board and…..a wooden school cane with a round handle!!!

As I stripped off to change, a stream of other men entered the room and began looking for their outfits. It was fairly quiet in there as we self-consciously put on our fancy dress outfits and substituted our own clothes on the hungers. I havetily finished first and decided to return downstairs to get out of the congested surroundings.

The main room was empty except for the maid at the bar so I smiled and went over.

“I see you got the best outfit!!!” she laughed and surveyed my attire.

“…Why…what’s the difference?” I asked.

“There’s more schoolgirl outfits than any other…..That’s why all the blokes wanted to be the headmaster!!” she explained. “…And you get the cane!!”

“..What do you mean…I get the cane?”

“…I mean you get to use the cane!!!”, she tried to explain, still not making much sense.

I gave up questioning and asked for a drink (so I could ogle her bum as she bent down for a glass from the bottom shelf!!).

I took a seat on one of the many large and watched as the guests began to appear in their new outfits. The girl’s uniforms had obviously been modified to make them look sexier. The skirts had been shortened and many clearly had stocking tops and suspenders showing. It looked like the female cast from a Benny Hill show!!!

Eventirely the lights were turned back off and the disco re-started with the rhythm of a pulsating dance track.

The party resumed in much the same way as it had been before with people milling around in the semi-darkness, talking and drinking. Feeling a little bit left out I tapped my feet to the beat of the music and contemplated what the Maid had said. Just then a very convincing Nun wearing full robes and a very pretty brunette Traffic Warden wearing a short, non – regulation length skirt came and flopped next to me on the sofa.

“…Who’s a lucky boy then!!!” the nun whispered in one ear. “I wish I had been a schoolgirl this year…!” She turned and then kissed me on the cheese. I was just about to demand some sort of explanation when the music faded and the announcements began….

“As you are all now ready to commence with the festivities………This is to be the agenda for the evening”.

“When the word is given I want all the men to stay right where they are. The girls must then find their character superiors. This means…. Nurses go to Doctors… Policewomen to Policemen……. Stewardesses to Pilots etc. Any questions…?” The room remained silent.

“…..In some cases you will find that there may be some double up!! This is because for some reason we usually get more girls than boys.” Laughter all around!!

“Once you have found you’re partners, as per usual you will remain together for the rest of the evening for the games!”


On this command the room was filled with a multiitude of bodies all seeming to move in different directions.

Within a few seconds a leggy brunette dressed like a sexy sixth former from a St. Trinians movie came and sat next to me.

“….Hi. I’m Sam.” She kissed me on the cheek. I could see the tops of her black fishnet stockings as her short blue pleated skirt rode up her lap. Her school tie was unless fastened and blouse buttons were undonedown to the top of her white bra cups. Gorgeous!!!

Moments later a sexy fresh-faced blonde came out of the crowd dressed in much the same fashion except that her skirt was green and her stockings were plain black instead of fishnet. I could clearly see by the way her pert little nipples were pushing through her shirt that she had dispensed with wearing a bra! She sat to my other side and introduced herself as Kate before kissing me full on the lips. I was in heaven!….Perhaps this was going to be a good night after all!!!

Just as the crowd had almost dispersed, Debbie, our beautiful hostess (with the mostess) came across to me. She was also dressed as a sexy schoolgirl and had gone to the trouble of putting her hair up into pig-tails. She looked fabulous!!

“As it’s my party I get to be whatever I want!!!” She smiled as she climbed onto my knee and pumped up for a kiss. As I responded to her, she thrust her tongue inside my mouth and forced her braless tits intomy chest, kissing hungrily. “..Oooh…sir…I think I’m going to be very naughty tonight!” She whispered, breathing heavily.

Then the first game of the evening was announced as Pass the Parcel…with a difference!

All the women were instructed collect a chair and sit in a large circle in the centre of the room facing inwards. A single chair was then placed in the middle. The men were called upon to stand Behind their relevant girl (or girls in my case!).

The game was explained as following the usual Pass the Parcel rules i.e. the girls would pass a package among them and when the music stopped they would remove a wrapping. Written on each layer would be a number…… This would be the amount of spanks administratored by the man to the bottom of his girl, and this would be carried out in the centre of the circle – in front of Everybody!!! Just to give little a bit more spice to the proceedings, the unlucky girl would have to draw out of a hat…. to see if it wouldbe on her bare bum or over her knickers!!!

I glanced around the circle and saw some looks of disbelief from the new members and broad smiles from some of the others. Nobody dared to protest.

The thought of any of my three schoolgirl’s having to bend over my knee had got my pulse racing uncontrollably!

The music began and a brown paper parcel was introduced at the far end of the circle. You Should have seen it move!!! It was hurriedly thrust from hand to hand, some girls fumbling in their rush to pass it on. The atmosphere was incredibly tense as it completed a couple of revolutions of the circle. Suddenly the music stopped!!! The sexy Air Stewardess was left holding the parcel in mid air as she tried to give it to the Brownie. Everyone cheered in relief and the tension subsided as the unlucky girl had to unwrap a layer of paper. “Four.” She grimaced as she showed the felt tipped number to the crowd.

She slowly walked to the chair in the middle followed by thePilot, a dark haired man about thirty years old.

The silver top hat was used for the draw to see if she would have to take her knickers down……..

She hesitated for a moment before thrusting her hand into the hat.

The ticket stated “Bare bum…” she screwed her pretty face up in horror.

As the Pilot sat on the chair a low chant of “Bare- bum, Bare- bum!” emanated from the watching circle.

The stewardess reluctantly lay across the knee of the pilot only a few feet in front of me. Her short blue uniform skirt was lifted up revealing her black stockings and suspenders. He slowly put his fingers into the waistband of her flimsy black panties and pulled them to just below her arse chefs. The crowd fell silent in anticipation. We all watched as he gave her four hard slapses with his right hand, two on Each delicious cheese!!! Each spank rang out loud and was followed by a small squeal from the girl as the pain sank in. On completion of the forfeit there was an appreciative round of applause from the audience. The Stewardess, flushed with embarrassment covered her, by now, red hand-marked bottom and looking a little bit flustered, returned to her seat. The game continued and the parcel began it’s rapid journey again.

Each time it reached my three schoolgirls I prayed that the music would stop. The tension was immense.

The next to be caught was the Nun, who Consequently received two strokes on her knickered bottom from the Priest. This was followed by one of the two Nurses who got four, on her tight white panties, from the Doctor. Each time the forfeit was carried out without question or protest in front of the excited crowd.

As the game progressed I was beginning to curse my wretched lucky and contemplated my chances of getting in on the act…… I was the only man who had three girls – so logically I had the best odds.

The parcel appeared to be getting a little bit too small for my liking when……Bingo!!…the music stopped with ‘my schoolgirl’, Kate, about to pass on to Debbie. Debbie laughed “I never have any lucky do I?…”

Kate added to the tension by slowly removing the layer of paper, holding up the number for all to see. Eventually she turned it round to show me. “Eight”. Kate took my hand and gave it a little squeeze as we walked to the chair. I sat down as she drew from the hat before pronouncing “Bare bum!” The crowd once again responded with their chants…

She somehow managed to position herself so that her crotch was right over my stiff bulge. “It feels like you’re enjoying yourself anyway….” she whispered so that only I could hear.

I lifted her navy pleated gym-slip by the hem and placed it carefully on the back of her crisp white shirt. She was wearing plain white panties over her black suspenders and I savoured the view as I hooked my fingers under the waist band and dragged them over her rounded kissable bottom. I left them hanging inside out at the top ofher thighs just above the jet black elastic tops of her fishnet stockings. I could just see the fine blonde hairs and puffy lips of her pussy below. Her sex was now on open view to the watching circle!

The watching circle fell silent as I brought my open hand down with a sharp “SLAP”. She gasped softly as four hard stingers fell on each bum cheese making her bottom nice and red.

She was rewarded with a loud cheer as the count finally reached eight. Climbing off my knee, she kissed me full on the lips before announcing to the circle, “That was nice and hard!………And so was the spanking!”

This was met with roars of laughter all around and I felt slight embarrassment as the eyes of the crowd seemed to be looking for that telltale bulge in my grey headmasters trousers.

We returned to our places, both breathing a little more heavily, aroused at the performance we had just carried out. The next to get caught in possession of the package was the Girl Guide. She receiveved six of the best on her navy blue knickers from the Scoutmaster.

The parcel now appeared to be getting very small as the music began again. It travelled ever more speedily around the circle until it reached Debbie, who accidentally fumbled and dropped it on the floor under her chair. She was making a bit of a mess of trying to fish it out when the music stopped again. Somehow I got the distinct impression that she had dropped it deliberately!


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