The Party

Everyone knows that all — or at least, all I’ve talked with – women have a rap fantasy. We don’t want the fear and violence that goes with actually being raped. We fantasize about being taken by a stranger, our body used by him and being unable to prevent it.

Fewer men know that women also have a slut fantasy. This fantasy, while still some dangerous, usually doesn’t involve violence or being forced to do anything. We dream of submitting to several males, having them use us in all sorts of degrading ways. Used in front of an audience, laughed as we moan in delight at the degrading acts we willingly perform.

This is the story of a girl who got the opportunity to act out her slut fantasy.


“You aren’t very comfortable are you?” the girl asked.

I was naked, on the floor. Master Bill had secured me into a spreader, my ankles cuffed to a hard plastic strap four inches wide, a half inch thick, and almost four feet long. My ankles were strapped near the ends, forcing my legs wide apart. My arms were between my legs and also cuffed to the bar, a couple of inches inside my ankles. I was forced to remain on my knees, head on the floor, ass high in the air.

I was some uncomfortable, but Master Bill being the kind owner he is had thoughtfully provided a pillow. I could lay my head on it sideways; at least it wasn’t on the carpet.

Spread, open, helpless. No way to prevent use by any male who so desired. In this position I felt humiliated, degraded, objectively. A warm wet hole ready to be used.

“No not particularly,” I answered. “It’s not painful but as you can see there’s not much movement possible.” I could raise my head a few inches if I strained.

She sat on the floor in Front of me and a bit to the side. She was cute, blonde, blue eyes, nice figure. “You’re very beautiful and Bill says you are educated and have money. He said you wanted this. I don’t understand why anyou would choose to be treated this way.”

I smiled. “I don’t really understand it either. It’s something I’ve fantasized about for a long time. It became my observation. I finally got the chance and took it.”

“My name is Alice, but everyone calls me Allie.”

“Hello Allie, I’m Staci.”

Allie looked at me, then back down to a spot on the floor. She couldn’t force her eyes to remain on mine. I know that feeling too.

“My husband Jack — he…he wants to fuck you,” she stammered.

“What did you tell him?”

“I didn’t tell him anything. He keeps asking, wants to know if I’ll be pissed.”

“Will you?”

Allie looked up quickly. “I don’t know…its so damn disgusting really, the way you let Bill do this to you, put you like this, let the other men have you.”

“I know,” I said. “Disgusting but thrilling too, isn’t it? In fact, you’d like to be me right now wouldn’t you? Helpless, naked, used by the men?”

Allie blushed bright red, eyes on the floor. “Yes…dammit, I don’t understand it but yes I wish it was me!”

“Did you tell Jack?”

“No of course not!”

“You should. In the closet Bill has another spreader. Go tell him that he can have me but only if he’ll put you in a spreader beside me and let the other guys fuck you.”

“Oh God no! I could never do that!”

“But you Want to don’t you Allie?”

She looked down again at the floor. Her breath became ragged, little gasps of air. I could see sweat forming on her upper lip. She was silent for a minute. “Yes…yes I wish I was on the floor naked.”

We talked for a few minutes. I told her about my time at the Pig Farm, about the training. About all the humiliating things I’d done.

When I’d finished she looked up. “You could have left at any time?”


“Why didn’t you?”

“I don’t know. It wasn’t pleasant but it seemed…right, you know? As if my place was serving men, doing whatever they wanted, pleasure them. Being trained to be a slave to a man.”

Allie was silent again. A minute, two, three. I could tell she was thinking.

Finally she looked up. I could tell she’d reached a decision. She shook her head, whispered, “No…no” over and over. She stood up and left.

Five minutes passed, ten. I wiggled a bit to relieve some of the strain of remaining in the uncomfortable position.


I’d been dressed in only a pink baby doll nightie with matching panties when the party began. Master Bill’s wide leather collar was secured around my neck. I could see the inscription on it if I looked in the mirror: Property of Bill.

Humiliating. It marked me as chattel, a slave, owned by a man.

Ten couples arrived one by one. They had been prepped by Bill but still I could see the surprise in their eyes as I answered the door dressed in my semi transparent garment and leather collar. The men’s eyes roamed over my body. Nice tits, 34c. Small female, barely five feet tall. Thin, a little over one hundred pounds dripping wet.

The women’s eyes would widen in shock, then narrow, staring directly into mine. I’d been trained to look down when a man saw me, not look into his eyes but there was no such restriction for other women. I could see many things in their eyes: Disgust, anger, lust. And envy, yes envy for each woman more or less I served drinks as the couples chatted in groups. Bill, ever the gracious host, moved around talking, laughing. Almost as people behaved at a normal party.

Except for the nearly naked girl in the room.

After the last couple had arrived and had a few minutes to mingle Bill invited everyone to be seated at the long dinner table. I served dinner, scrambling a bit to get twenty one people served. Between serving I knelt next to Master Bill’s chair, which caused the men to stare and laugh and the women’s eyes to narrow even more.

After dinner Bill led the guests into another room and I again served drinks. The guests were getting somewhat sloshed; I hoped nobody had an accident driving home.

After a bit Bill rang a spoon against his drink glass. Everyone faced him and were quiet.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as promised, we will now have entertainment for all who wish to partake,” he announced as he pulled me close. “Men AND women!”

Bill leered around the room. “Excuse me while I prepare the entertainment.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to one of the bedrooms. He closed the door; without being told I pulled the nightgown over my head and pulled the panties off.

Bill throw a pillow on the floor and pointed. I knelt then put my head on the pillow, arms back and between my legs. A few tugs and he had me secured into the spreader.

Helpless, spread. Open for use by any man.

I could feel my body tingling, burning as it opened itself, readying itself for use. I knew my pussy was becoming wet, engorged, lips spreading, opening. I knew it was glistening with girl mood.


The door opened, two people entered, a man and a woman.

“So you want to be a fucktart, like this slut?” the man asked gruffly. I could tell from his tone that he was a little bit drunk but also a lot turned on. Allie and her husband Jack.

“Y..yes Jack, “Allie stammered. “Put me in a spreader, let the other men fuck me and you can fuck her.”

I could tell Jack was a little toasted from the drinks he’d consumed already. “As you wish, my little slut princess. Take your clothes off.”

He opened the closet as Allie quickly undressed. He grabbed her upper arm, pulled her roughly beside me. “Sit!”

Jack buckled her ankles into the spreader, then her wrists. Then he picked her up and flipped her so she was face down next to me.

Spread, tied, naked, ass in the air. Ready to be used.

No pillow for Allie.

Jack opened the door, left us.

“Ohhh… God…” Allie said, panting. I could see her squirming in her bonds, trying them, realizing there would be no escape. “Ohhh…God…” she kept repeating. I knew what she was feeling, this was obviously her first time in bondage, helpless to keep herself from being used.

“Shush Allie, shush,” I whispered. “It’ll be all right, but try to be quiet. If the men hear us talking they won’t like it. Shush darling.”

It took a few minutes but I was finally able to quiet her. I could see the tension in her body, muscles rigid, breathing fast. She turned her head from side to side and raised it a few times only to collapse back onto the floor.

“Oh God I wish they’d just anxious up and do it already!” Allie panted. “This waiting is killing me!”

“They always make us wait for it baby. That’s part of the torture, imagining what will happen, wondering if you can take it.” I looked over at her, on my left,her face two feet away. “It’ll be all right, I promise.”

The men made us wait a few minutes more. I could hear them talking, muffled male voices and laughter. I couldn’t hear the other women.

Finally the door opened. I raised my head, looked back and could see the Master Bill and Jack standing in the doorway. The other men were in the hall behind them.

“Oh ho, two fuck sluts ready to be used!” Bill said, laughing. I saw Allie’s body becomes even more tense as her muscles involuntarily tightened. “The other girls went home, it’s just us guys now. And, I don’t think eleven of us can satisfy you two cuns, so I invited some more friends over.”

The men laughed and made rude comments. “Look at their pussies, they’re all wet!” “Two fuckholes!” “Couple of sluts!”

Bill stepped into the room. “Alie, you’re new to this so I’ll explain the rules to you. Rule one, you have chosen to be our sex slave. You will address all males as ‘Sir’. You will be addressed as ‘cunt’ or ‘slut’. Do you understand cunt?”


Crack! I flinched although the leather crop had landed on Allie’s ass not mine. “Oh shit!” she yelled, her body jerking from the pain. “Oh crap don’t do that!”

But that wasn’t the correct response I knew and sure enough Bill cropped her again and then again. The whip made loud slapping noises as Bill expertly wielded it on Allie’s helpless ass. The men laughed as Allie understood in pain, begging Bill to stop.

“Yes WHAT cunt? How do you address me?”

“Yes SIR, yes SIR, please don’t hit me again sir, please sir!” Tears were streaming down her face now.

“Good slut, that’s better. Don’t forget rule one.”

“No sir, no sir I won’t forget sir!”

Bill laughed, looked over at Jack. “See Jack, they learn fast don’t they?”

Jack laughed, obviously enjoying his wife’s humiliation and disappoint.

Bill stroked Allis’s ass gently, lovingly. “Rule two, after a man fucks you, you will thank him. Don’t forget rule two or you’ll be whipped again. And I wouldn’t want to whip that lovely ass any more.” I saw Allie jerk, knew Bill was rubbing her pussy.

Bill walked over to the night stand next to the bed. He opened it, reached inside, then stepped towards us.

“This cunt has a hard limit which I’ve agreed to honor,” Bill explained. “I have agreed her ass will not be fucked. But with all these guys, somebody will surely make a mistake.”

His words made me squirm involuntarily. Bill laughed. “Look, just talking about it makes her ass squirm.” I jerked as he patted my ass, much as one might pat a horse or a dog. “So I’ll have to plug her so she’ll remain an ass virgin.”

I knew what was coming and tried in vain not to flinch. I heard a squishing sound as Bill squirted lube onto his hand, then felt his fingers rubbing the lube around and inside my anus. He held up a tulip shaped rubber plug, lubed that also. “Her anus squeezes around the base, this part stays outside. Pluggedlike that she cant be ass fucked.” He chuckled again. “Not very comfortable but her comfort isn’t really necessary anyway.”

I grunted as I felt Bill work the tip of the plug into my ass, then groaned more as the tulip shaped rubber device spread me. Bill pushed and turned until it was finally inside me. As he’d explained my anal muscles collapsed around the base, holding the plug in place. It could be pulled out but with it in me anal invasion would be impossible.

Allie watched all this wide eyed. Bill turned to Jack, hold up a matching plug. “Jack, you might want to plug your wife’s ass. I bet she’s an ass virgin too. You’ll probably want to pop that cherry yourself.”

Jack laughed and took the lube and squirted it on his hand. I saw Allie jerk as he rubbed it around and inside her asshole.

Jack lubed the plug then began to work it onto Allie’s anus. Her head came up and she screamed, “NO NO OH GOD NO!!! Please it hurts!!!”

“Alie darling, don’t fight it,” Bill told her. “Its going in you and the more you fight it the more it’ll hurt.”

Allie closed her eyes and groaned. I saw Jack smile as he got the plug all the way into her ass.

The men in the hall cheered and laughed. Pigs, I thought.

Bill stood. “Well boys, the cunts are all wet and ready. Shall we have some fun?” The men cheered.

Jack stood behind me, Bill behind Allie. I heard them unbuckle their belts, their pants hit the floor. I felt Jacks hands on my side then the head of his cock against my wet pussy. I could tell from Allie’s expression that Bill was doing the same to her.

Jack plunged into me, suddenly, violently, hard. Allie’s head raised off the floor and she grunted, “Uhhhhh…” as she took Bill. The men began to fuck us, hard, violently. I responded, moving my ass back to meet Jack’s thrusts. It was a bit uncomfortable with the plug inside me. Not painful really, just weird.

“She has been trained to cum on command Jack,” Bill grunted as he continued to pound Allie. “Try it, tell her to cum, watch what happens!”

“Is that right cunt?” Jack asked. “Will you cum whenever I tell you?”

“Yes sir,” I panted. I actually had been close since he took me. The humiliation of being objectified this way, only a thing for the men’s amusement and use, and the pleasant friction Jack was providing had me on the edge.

Jack laughed. “Lets see then — cum now slut, cum for me!”

He didn’t get as far as ‘now’ before I felt myself spasming, my body jerking as an intense orgasm wrapped my body. Moaning, scanning, I felt my inner muscles milk his member, scanning frantically to draw his cum into my body.

Finally my climax ended and I could tell Jack was close. The drinks had desensitized him a bit but my orgasm had obviously pushed him over. I felt him go stiff, pull me tight against him as his cock exploded inside me filling me with his sperm. He grunted as he strained, the male version of his wife’s exclamation, “Uhhhhhh…”

“Thank you Sir,” I told him. “Thank you for using me.”

Finally spent he pulled out of me as I remained bound panting, sweating. Looking over I saw Bill pounding Allie. “This one hasn’t been trained,” Bill panted. “She may need a little help. Jack, I suggest you send her to the next slave training session and let her be sold. Does wonders for the female psyche!”

I saw his arm move, knew he was reaching under her stomach to rub her clip. In a minute Allie moaned as the added stimulation drive her over the edge. Moaning, straining against her bonds I knew she was having an intense orgasm. It went on and on and on, one minute, two. Finally she collapsed, panting.

Bill stroked her thigh. “Good girl!” His orgasm followed and he filled her hungry pussy with his cum. “Now what do you say cunt?”

“T-thank you sir, thank you for fucking me,” Allie whispered. I could tell she was feeling the hot sweet burn of intense humiliation. Not only was she surrendering herself to this man she was required to thank him for using her body!

Panting, he pulled out. “Next!” Two men hurried up and mounted us. Again I was pumped hard, violently as I took another man. Allie grunted as she was also entered.

The men wandered around, getting beer or going to the bathroom as Allie and I were used by one man after another. There were always men in the room and hallway, sometimes more, oth4er times fewer. They laughed and made fun of us, commenting on our wet pussies and the cum oozing out of them.

The men cheered and called Allie or me ‘whore’, ‘cunt’, or ‘slut’ every time one of us came. I came a lot, the intense humiliation of being gang fucked and hearing the men’s comments kept me constantly on the edge.

Allie had a similar experience. I could tell she came every time a man fucked her, sometimes twice. She was living out her slut fantasy. The men thought she was just a piece of fuck meat, a thing to be used, a reception for male cum. Totally degraded, she came and came and came.

It went on for a long time. I don’t know how many men Bill invited to the fuck fest, five or six in addition to the ten others already there. The men took turns fucking us, one after the other. Occasionally we would get a break for a few minutes and lay there panting, cum oozing out of our pussies and running down our stromachs.

Jack watched as one man after another fucked his wife as she remained bound, helpless. He did nothing to stop it or to discourage them. After an hour he fucked me again, pumping more sperm into my well used twat.

Finally it was over and all the men had left, even Jack. Bill uncuffed us. We collapsed on the floor, stretching.

“Jack left,” Bill told us. “Alie you will remain here as my slave until he comes back to get you later today.”

Bill went to the closet, came back with a matching slave collar. He buckled it around Allie’s neck. Totally exhausted she barely moved. He locked a two foot chain to her collar then locked the other end to mine. He attached cuffs to out ankles then locked my left ankle to Allis’s right ankle, my right ankle to her left. We were forced to face each other, bodies touching.

I felt Allie shiver but she was too tired to protest and the memory of the crop was still fresh in her mind.

Bill got a blanket from the closet, covered us gently. “Sleep Now cunts,” he said as he turned off the light and closed the door. I fell asleep immediately, cuddling Allie’s body against mine.

I thought I’d probably hear about Allie being audited off as a slave soon. She already wanted it. As we all do!


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