The Party

What follows is a collaborative effort between myself and my wonderful pet, dhyanna. We co-wrote the rough draft, she wrote the first draft, and I edited it into this final draft.


The Party

I yawn and stretch and smile before I open my eyes feeling the softness of my Masters pillow under my body, snuggling in for another second before I rub the sleep from my eyes and look around. I walk to my corner of His study and brush my hair and teeth, wash my face and put on the touch of makeup that Master likes, then I settle back on my pillow and wait.

Before long, I hear his footsteps coming closer to the door and my heart races knowing he will be there soon, I hear him give his breakfast request to the housekeeper then I look down quickly and place my hands behind my back. Master sweats into the room, his paper and coffee in his hands, he sits in his chair and strokes my hair as he catches up on the overnight news. Master is not much of a talker in the morning, preferring to prepare his mind for the day ahead and I am very comfortable with his silence.

His breakfast arrives and he eats in silence still reading, his hand never far from my head. When he is finished he places the tray on the low table near me, folds his paper, finishes his coffee, kisses me on the forehead and sweats out the door of the study, closing it firmly. I start to eat what he has left on the tray, as he allows, knowing the housekeeper will be in in seven minutes to collect the tray.

After I eat, I pace the study and look out the window at the view of the rugged countryside, so much like the man that lives here, wild, untamed, harsh when needed yet breathtaking to behold. My hand lovingly strokes my collar then idly trails down the leash that attaches me to his chair. It is my comfort during his absence. I smile and look around the study and find my book, I settle onto my pillow and start to read.

Around mid day I hear the phone ring and thehousekeeper talking, obviously to Master as she gets the instructions for my lunch and other things. When she hangs up I hear her bustle off to the kitchen and I clear my book off of my table and wait. When she arrives with my lunch I rise to help her, taking the tray to my table for her.

“Thank you, Sheila” I say as she turns to go.

“You are welcome.”, she smiles at me then stops. “Ah yes, Your Master said for you to choose a dress for this evening, it is a special night and he wishes you to be dressed and ready by 7pm. I will have your bath brought in by 5.”

I giggle like a school girl at the rare chance to go out with Master. I don’t often leave the study and never without Master holding my lean. I am excited to be able to please him. Even though it is barely 3 in the Afternoon I go to my wardrobe there in the study and open it, the dresses are all beautiful, hand picked by Master and tailored to fit me perfectly. My eye goes to one of the newest, long and black,a slit up the side, the softest silk material and the spaghetti straps are covered in small silver sequins as is the pumping neckline giving the effect of hundreds of small diamonds. I pull it from the wardrobe and select black patent leather pumps to match. Nodding my head in approval, I go back and knee on my pillow and read to pass the time.

At 5 pm sharp, Sheila enters followed by her sons and husband bringing in my tub and hot water, they place the tub over the drain in the floor then fill it. I add my own cold water to get temperature down a little, add some bubbles and slide into the hot water. I soak until the water starts to cool down then quickly wash my hair and body then stand and shake my body clean, the way Master insists I keep it. I shiver in the cool air and grab my warm towel as I step out. As if on cue, Sheila arrives and lets the water flow down the drain, then waits as I dry off, hands me a robe and calls her men in to remove the tub as I dry my hair.

I fix my hair in a simple but elegant side-sweep that keeps it out of the way but still will allow Master to grab it if he desires. My makeup is simple and tasteful and as I slip the dress over my naked body I feel my nipples harden at the touch of the silk. I moan softly at the electric sensing it sends to my clip and realize that I am already very wet. I adjust the dress, slide on the heels and am kneeing in my place when I hear Master arrive. I shiver in anticipation as I hear him dash up the stairs and I hear the water running for his shower.

Fifteen minutes later Master comes into the room and stops at the doorway, I hear his intake of breath and I know I have chosen well. I keep my head down as Master circles me, appraising me from every angle, then I feel him walk to the closet where he keeps His toys, he opens it and I can smell the scent of the sandalwood fill the room. I hear him select items, close the door and return to me. He takes my chin in his hand and lifts my eyes to his. I draw in my breath sharply as I focus on him. Black suit with the subtlest of pinstripes, blood red shirt with a black tie, his hair slicked back and still damp from the shower. I smile shyly and blush at the realization that I am now leaking juices at a steady rate.

He walks to me and leans down to lift the hem of my dress then removes from his pocket a wicked device that looks like a combination of clamps and a garter belt. He taps my legs one at a time to signal me to spread them, and he slides the harness on me and up over my hips. He smiles and attaches clamps to my pussy lips that bite a bit and pull my lips up and apart, exposing me. A moan escapes my lips and he smiles and reaches into his pocket, he shows me the other items, a straight razor and a jewelry box. He drops the razor back into his pocket and steps behind me, I hear the box open and he hold a beautiful ruby ​​and silver picker in front of me. As I study it i see the small loops built in for a lead to be attached. Master places the choker on my throat and clasps it firmly then attaches a thin silver lean to it. He leads me around the room a few times to let me get used to the feel of the labial belt then he stops and kisses me deeply before leading me out to his car and helping me into the front seat.

“I suppose you want to know our destination pet,” he smiles and says quietly as he started the car, pulling away from the driveway.

“Yes please Master,” my voice eager like a child’s, then I stop “If it is your desire to tell me,” I finish.

His chuckle fills the car and he brushes my face gently. “I am taking you a party, a very private, very special party. There will be others there and there will be many sights to see and sensings to feel. However, because our evening’s entertainment has had an emergency, I have offered you as the night’s entertainment… you are to be stripped and whipped, by me of course, but for all to see, and if the mood is right, I might even fuck you while they all watch.” he glances at me as he says this and seeing the look of pure lust in my eyes he smiles and turns into a long, private drive.

The house is beautiful and lit up for a party, valets take the car and never even blink at the lead connecting my neck to his hand. There are many other people there, Doms and Dommes, submissives, I knew none of them. He leads me in on the silver leanh with obvious pride and introduces me to his friends. Dinner is called and we all file into the dining room, I take my place at Masters feet and wait, when all are seated, Master announcements that I shall be serving dinner and wine, so I rise and start to serve the guests.

As the Owners eat I knee by Master like all the other subs in attendance and wait patiently. Master occasionally reaches down to feed me fruit and small bites of bread. After the meal the hostess escorts us all to the play room, a large, warm room with comfortable chairs and couches, several pillows for kneeing, tables with eye bolts, a nice tall St Andrews cross and other toys and furniture. Master leads me to the middle of the room and raises my dress showing off the labial belt, as well as my very wet pussy and in a maddeningly clinical manner, touches me to show how the belt works as he tells the gathering of the many uses for it. The guests murmur in delight and my frustrated moans are covered to all but my Master.

Then I am lead to a spot between two pillars and my wrists are restrained high enough that I am almost raised on my toes. My legs are spread and restrained and I feel Master lean into me as the blade of his razor cuts my dress away. It falls to the floor in a silican heap and I am left naked and fully exposed to the guests. Master addresses the crowd, “Tonight we will play a new game with my pet. I would like for each of you to bring me a toy to use on her and lets see how creative we can be.”

Master’s words bring butterflies to my stomach but the pride in is voice is evict and I am determined to take whatever is given to me. I hear the guests shuffling in play bags and boxes and the squeals and giggles of the other subs as items are brought to Master and placed on a table near him.

“Very nice selection,” he says at length. “This will prove a tough night for my girl and an evening of good entertainment for you, my friends. Lets begin.”

I hear a strange snapping noise and it is not until the mousetrap clamps onto my nipple that I can register what it is, I yelp in pain as another is placed on the other nipple then six more and clamped to the sides and tender underside of my breasts. I wiggle but find that causes them to hurt more so I train my focus on staying still. Tears drip and it takes me a second to register that he has stopped placing more of them.

I hear the hiss of the violence wand just before the pain registers and I jump to evade it making the traps bounce. I yelp again and fresh tears fall and you touch me over and over with the wand making me jump more and more. My yelps become moans and I hear you go back to the table. I hear the swish of a cane and my body shakes uncontrollably. I feel his breath on my ear “Whats wrong pet? Already had too much?” “No Master,” I stammer.

I feel something slide over my clip and I look down to realize he is fucking me with the handle of a cane, the handle stylize to resemble a wolf’s head in silver. Although the burning of my nipples I moan and my hips thrust. “Such a kitty slut” he whispers in my ear. I moan in need and he slides the cane handle into me and leaves it there. My body is a mass of sensings and I murmur unintelligible words as I feel the first strike of the whip across my back. I toss my head back and shudder as my mind starts to drift to the place where pleasure is pain and pain is pleasure. From far away I hear his voice command me to cum and I do, over and over, each orgasmic wave higher than the last. No feeling but the thought of pleasure him and my own orgasmic spasms crashing over me.

I feel his hands struggling me and removing the traps and the rush of blood sends me back over the edge of orgasm and I cum hard as he soothes me. The Host and Hostess approach Master and I see him smile and nod as the three of them confer about would make a grand finale. I feel him step to the back of me then I feel his nails raking down my back as he unzips his fly and thrusts his hard cock into my soaking wet pussy and starts to thrust hard and fast. My moaning was non-stop as his nails rake my back and finally his hand jerks my hair hard and I feel him cum deep in me and the watching crowd began to applaud softly.

I feel myself released into the arms of my Master. He holds me gently and take me to the playroom rest area, cleans me and give me a drink of water and holds me as I come down from my pleasure zone. In appreciation of my performance the Dominants in attendance come in and talk quietly to Masterand hand me a single rose petal as he takes care of me then they slip out to go play their own games. When I can walk again, I follow Master to the main room and I take each toy back to its owner, kiss their hand and thank them. When the toys are returned I crawl to Master, kiss his feet and wait quietly. He says his goodbyes, hands me a robe and helps me to the car.

We drive home in silence, his hand holding mine gently. Back at the house, he takes me to my pillow, reattaches my soft collar and puts the ruby ​​one back in the toy closet, brings me some water and a fruit tray, kisses me passwordately then turn off the light and gently closes the door so I can sleep.


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