The Party

The lights of the city looked like brilliant jewels set against a velvet sky as Claire sinks back into the soft leather car seat, enjoying the drive to the Thomas’s Party. As she leans back, she glances lovingly at Garrett wondering what he has planned for her tonight. Shivers start to go up her spine with the thought of it and she notices that the area between her legs is starting to get wet. Claire’s imagination starts to wander as she thinks of some of the incredibly erotic scenes and punishments Garrett has administratored. Just as she began to become extremely excited at her meanderings, the car starts to slow and she hears Garrets’ voice saying, “Sweetheart, we are here. Wake up Love”. Claire smiles at the sound of his voice and slowly sits up and checks herself in the car mirror. Approving of the way she looks, she quietly asks Garrett. “Darling, how do I look, do I meet your approval”? Garrett looks Claire up and down and says “You look beautiful and completely slutty, just asI like. You will do quite nicely tonight.” “But before we go in to the party, you are to no longer call me anything but Master or you will be punished. Do you understand, My Pet?” Claire quietly nods and says, “Yes Master, I understand perfectly.” Garrett then suddenly slides his hand between Claire’s legs to see if she had done as she was instructed when they went out. She had. “Good girl, you know that I want access to you at all times, anytime and anywhere.” Claire looks him in the eyes and say, “Yes Master, your pleasure is my pleasure.”

Garrett and Claire walk into the party and are immediately recognized by several people. As they start to mingle and get involved in several conversations, Garrett whispers in Claire’s ear and say “I am going to walk around a bit and see who is here, I will be back. Make sure you behave yourself.”
“Yes, dear. Oh…Ummmmmm.I mean yes Master.” Very quietly and deeply Garrett says, “You will pay for that little slip up, My Pet.” Shivers runup Claire’s spine and a smile spreads across her lips as he walks away.

As Claire is mingling with a few people that she knows she looks up and across the room she notices a particular woman, and suddenly feels an immediate attention, almost an animal magnetism like she hadn’t felt in a long time. She thinks to herself, “God, I want to just stare at her, but I know I shouldn’t.” Knowing she must continue with her conversations and be polite but as she does Claire feels certain someone is watching her, seemingly undressing her slowly. Claire turns to look towards her admirer and boldly stars back. It is the woman she noticed earlier and she is looking straight at Claire. The woman looks very confident, and the corners of her mouth are turned upward, a knowing half smile, her lips moist. The group Claire has have been talking with is still talking to her, although Claire doesn’t clearly hear their words anymore. Claire starts to wonder where Garrett has gone and starts to glance around for him. Not being able to see him she turns back to where the woman was standing and sees her still looking directly at Claire and is now ever so slightly moistening her lips with her tongue. Her body language tells Claire that she wants her…and Claire realizes that she wants her as well. Claire starts to think, “I need to move closer to her, away from where I am, and I need to be near her. Then suddenly, Claire spots Garrett coming towards her with an odd look on his face. “Come with me now,” Garrett says as he grabs Claire’s arm and guides her towards the back of the house quickly and firmly. Claire follows him obediently but wondering what is going on. Is he displeased over something, did he see me staring at her and is unhappy. Claire continues to wonder what is going on as Garrett stops in Front of a closed door and turn towards Claire and say, “You will do exactly what I tell you to do and nothing else. Do you understand My Pet?” “Yes Master, I understand.” “Good, now payattention.” Says Garrett.

“You will enter this room, walk to the middle of it and slowly undress until you are completely naked. Then slowly get down on your knees into the position I have taught you to get in. Then you will wait until you are called for. Do you understand?” “Yes Master, I understand,” says Claire.

Claire becomes nervous yet realizes she is becoming increasingly aroused and extremely wet from the thought of what is about to happen. She knows that she is always safe with Garrett, but she never knows what he has planned and that adds to her excitement and pleasure. She has gotten to the point that she becomes intensely aroused from just the thought of the things Garrett has had her do. As Claire walks to the middle of the room she starts to slowly undress. She unzips the side of her slinky silk black dress and slowly glides it down her body, running her hands over her skin as she does. Feeling the shivers run through her skin, Claire continues to cares herskin as she undresses. Claire stands up and slides the straps of her black lace bra over her shoulders and over her supplement creamy white breasts. As she removes the bra she starts to pinch her nipples and cares her own breasts, making herself becomes increasingly aroused. As she does this she starts to wonder about the woman she saw earlier, thinking about where the woman had gone. Claire tries to clear her mind but thinks to herself. “I can’t stop thinking about what I saw, her lips, her eyes, her breasts, oh how they heavened! How much I wanted her and how much she seemed to want me.” Ohhhhhhh. Thinking about her begins to make Claire’s pussy burn with desire. As her mind wanders Claire slowly runs her hands down her silky soft skin, across her stomach to her clean sad pussy. Feeling how wet she has become, Claire starts to fondle Her clip and as she is beginning to enjoy the feeling she hears a noise outside of the room. Suddenly, and a bit disappointed Claire quickly finishes undressing and gets into the kneeing position her Master has instructed her to do. Knowing that if she doesn’t obey Him, he will make her pay dearly. But even the thought of Garrett’s wrath excites her. Claire realizes that her breathing has quickened, and that her legs are actually slightly shaking as she hears someone enter the room from behind her. Since there are no lights, Claire can only see faith images and shadows. The only things Claire can make out in the darkness are an easy chair and a four-poster bed and a long closed drainy on one side of the room. The person behind her closes the door and slowly walks up behind Claire. Claire knees and awaits her next adventure anxiously. Suddenly Claire feels hands on her shoulders and hears a soft and feminine voice whisper in her ear. “You will do exactly what your Master or I tell you to do. Do you understand?” “Yes, I understand”, says Claire as she beings to quiver slightly. Claire realizes that the woman is undressing. Then the stranger walks around in front of Claire and that is when Claire realizes that it is the woman from earlier. The woman stands in front of Claire and is down to panties and a bra…all lace. She is quite beautiful. Long red hair and bright green eyes and a beautiful supplement body. She slowly unpins her hair, and it flows down her back and part of it covers her breasts. Just then the door to the room again opens. Someone else enters. Who else is there? Is it her Master, Claire wonders? Claire waits to see what will unfold as the other stranger walks into the room. Suddenly Claire realizes that the other stranger is her Master. He is wearing only a robe, his hair still wet from the shower he had obviously taken. He takes her hair in his hands and moves it forward, kissing the back of her neck. “Hello My Pet, are you ready?” But before Claire could answer, he kisses her and then slowly guides her to the chair across the room. Here, Claire realizes there are ties on each arm of the chair and also on the legs. Claire is slowly eased into the chair and the other woman begins to tie the silk ties around Claire’s wrists and ankles. Then Claire watches as her Master walks across the room with the other woman and stands in front where Claire can see them both. He slowly starts to cares the other woman’s body. Claire realizes that she is jealous, although she is not sure whether she is more jealous of the woman or of Garrett. Claire continues to watch as her Masters hands move down the woman’s shoulders, her sides, and her hips, towards her panties. His thumb, under the elastic, moves all the way around them slowly, pulling them slightly away from her skin. He lowers his mouth and kisses the tips of her breasts through her bra lightly. Then he lowers himself to his knees, kissing her just above the line of her panties. She is not touching him. Her hands remain at her sides. The only movement she makes is in response to his touch, and the knowledge that Claire is watching. Claire’sMaster now takes his thumb to the bottom part of the woman’s lace panties…again with each leg…encircling them as if to remove them, ever so slightly pulling them away from her skin, and yet keeping them on. Claire is close enough to see the small hairs on the woman’s skin rise.
Claire’s skin starts to become warm and she realizes that she has become very wet between her legs as she begins to squirm in the chair. Claire becomes increasingly aware of the throbbing in her clip and the slick wetness of her pussy, as her Master begins kissing the woman’s thighs, first with his mouth, gently, then his tongue as well. His hands are running slowly, meticulously up and down one leg and the other, stopping short of her mound under her lace panties.
Claire’s pussy starts to throb so hard that it is beginning to hurt as she now watches her Master place his mouth on top of the woman’s panties…softly biting, and then sucking…while his hands encompass her breasts…all still with her underwear on. She is moving to his touch like a fragile flower in a warms summer breeze. She still hasn’t touched him and Claire feels glad. His tongue darts around her thighs. Her back is arching. Claire can’t remember ever feeling quite this aroused. Suddenly her Master stops. Without a word he stands and walks towards Claire and unties her, beckoning her to stand and then he sits in the chair Claire was just in. Claire looks at the other woman and notices that she has remained as she was, only moving one finger, beckoning Claire to come to her. As Claire walks closer to the woman she gets an ever so subtle whiff of her oh so sweet but femininely musk scent, knowing that Garrett was the cause. As Claire stands in front of the other woman, she is instructed to lie down on the ground and spread her legs. She complies. Claire lies on the soft carpet with her legs spread and suddenly she feels the woman’s hands begin to cares her body. The feel of her hands made Claire’s vagina lips squeeze together subconsciously. Claire started to think of Garrett watching, and started to squirm beneath the woman’s hands, becoming more and more excited. Knowing that her Master must become excited also by watching both Claire and this woman. Claire’s clip was soaking in its natural sweet juices and by the time the woman made her way up to it, Garrett was able to hear the slushy sound of a hot woman in lust. Claire’s back Beginning to arch as the woman began to run her hot, wet tongue up the inside of Claire’s thighs, working her way up towards Claire’s soaking wet pussy. As the woman puts her tongue on Claire’s throbbing clip, Claire moans loudly and gasps for air. Claire begins to understand and squirm under the woman’s ministerings. Beginning to feel completely out of control Claire grinds her hands into the carpet and holds on for dear life. The feeling of this woman’s mouth on her pussy is enough to send her into oblivion. Then suddenly, Claire feels herself being turned over andbeing instructed to get onto her hands and knees with her face against the carpet. Claire obeys. Then the woman slides herself between Claire’s legs and starts to lick her juicy wet pussy. Then Claire feels her Master slide his huge throbbing cock into her pussy as the woman continues to lick her clip. Her Master begins to fuck her hard and fast, grabbing onto her hips, ramming himself into her. Claire starts to moan and Realizes she is going to scream from the pure pleasure of it all. So intense and incredibly erotic. Just then Garrett slides his throbbing cock into Claire’s ass and continues to fuck her hard and fast and Claire can no longer control herself. Her body starts to shake and she begins to cum, squirting juices all over the other woman’s face and onto Garrett thighs. As Claire continues to cum everywhere, she feels Garrett release his incredible hot load into her ass, only making Claire cum harder and scream louder. Then as the woman beneath her continues to lick Claire asShe cums, the woman starts to moan and cums, as she tastes cum from both Claire and Garrett together. Then without warning, Garrett stands up and beckons the woman to leave. “That was for your little slip up earlier, My Pet.” Says Garrett. “Now is the real fun.”

Garrett then stands Claire up and guides her to the big four-poster bed and lays her down. Taking silk scarves, he ties her spread eagle and then walks towards the closed curtain. Slowly he opens the curtain. Claire realizes that behind the curtain is at least ten people seated in chairs watching her. Claire is suddenly frightened yet excited. Then Claire sees Garrett walk over to a table by the bed. On the table are several things, but Claire can’t make out what they are. Just then Garrett walks towards Claire. Claire’s entire body Shivers with pleasure as the ice cube is placed on her erect nipples. Claire thought she would cum just from the sensing. Then he lowered the cube…lower and lower… following it with histongue until he reached Claire’s mound, which was already soaking wet and still throbbing. Unexpectedly, Garrett pushes the ice cube into Claire’s opening. Ooh the waves of cold and ecstasies were brought into one. The ice cube quickly melting from her heat. Then Garrett began stroking her thighs while spreading her legs further apart. As Garrett spread her lips apart and ate and drank from Claire, a Feeling like she had never experienced before. The sensings running through her entire body were exhaust.
Claire then hears Garrett whisper to her, “You will not cum until I tell you that you can. If you do before I give you permission, you will pay dearly. Nod if you understand.” Claire quickly nods. Then Garrett mounts Claire and slides his throbbing hard cock into Claire’s pussy and begins to fuck her almost in a wild animal-like frenzy. Claire begins to feel her body quickly responding and her pussy starts to throb and she knows she is going to cum. She starts to beg “Master, Pleaseeeeeeeeeee let me cum, oh god, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.” Suddenly Claire feels a sharp smack on her ass. Garrett continues to ram his cock in and out of Claire knowing that she is on the edge, thus giving him a thrill knowing that she will do whatever it takes to keep control until he gives her permission. She is a good sub; she will do anything he asks of her. This excites him even more and he Realizes that he is ready to release, so he slides out of her and shoves his cock into her ass and spills his hot wet load into her tight ass. He throws his head back and moans deeply from the sensing. As he comes back to reality, he slides his cock out of her ass and inserts a finger into her throbbing pussy and starts to finger her, watching her mistake and squirm as he does. He knows she is trying to control herself to the point where it is almost painful. Only an erotic sensitive pain. This thrills him and guides him on. He inserts another finger and then another and watches her body react. Then he looks at her and say, “Tell me what you want My Sub. Beg for it.”

Trying to catch her breathe, Claire begs, “Master, please let me cum, I will do anything if you let me cum. Oh Please, please Master.”

“Anything?” he replies. “YES, anything.” Garrett then speeds up his ministers and says to Claire. “Ok my Pet, you may cum, but remember what you promised me. You said ANYTHING, and this I will remember and use another time. Are you sure?” “Oh yes” she replies, “god, oh yes, please.” He looks at her and says, “Then go ahead, cum”. Claire then lets her body relax and cums harder then she can remember cumming before. Her entire body quakes with the intensity of it.

After Claire had lie there a bit, she feels Garrett wrap his arms around her and hold her. She also hears the others leaving, as he says in her ear, “Next time, they won’t just watch, remember you did say anything.” Claire ships from fear and delight and Garrett just chuckles. Then he wraps his body aroundhers and lets her fall asleep in his arms.
The End.

By AngelWriter

©1999 by AngelWriter. All rights reserved.


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