The Park, At Night Ch. 01

This story was written by my friend, “Handcuffs”. The history between him and I isn’t very long, but very strong. Our conversations that started with innocent flirting, have turned into full fledged scenes of naughty forbidden lust. This story is the first in a series that he wrote me. The rest of the parts will come soon along with many more stories written by either myself, him or together. These stories are an insight to our secret, deep, and sometimes dark fantasies we have developed over time online. Enjoy!!!


You’ve been off work for several hours, sitting at home bored out of your mind since your boyfriend’s been out of town for the week on a trip with his family. You wanted to go, but couldn’t because you Couldn’t get out of work. Sitting on the couch flipping through the channels you look over at the clock on the wall: 9:47pm. A glance out the window tells you the sun has just gone down, with the street lights flickeringon and the stars coming out to play.

Finally giving up on finding anything interesting to do, you lift your sweatpants/tee shirt clad body off the couch and start to head towards your bedroom when the sudden ringing of your cell phone makes you jump. Your heart begins to beat faster and your head spins as you notice the id on the phone screen: HC. Our secret little code for if I call you and your b/f Sees the name before you. With hands shaking from nervousness/excitement, you answer the phone with a quivering voice. My deep, serious sounding words come across the phone and move you to the bone. With that commanding tone you’re all too familiar with, I give you a set of instructions. You’re to get dresses in an outfit of my choosing, get in your car, and meet me in a park a few blocks from your place. Your heart sinks at the forbidden possibilities. A meeting in public? So late at night? In the dark? And the outfit I told you to wear? A white blouse with no bra underneath with the buttons undone at least halfway down the front of the shirt and the bottom tied off to expose your smooth, flat stomach. Your hair pulled back in a pair of tight, teasing little-girl pig tails. A tight, black sweater open down the front to show off the over-exposure of skin through your open bloom. And below that? A loose fitting skirt, one that goes down at least to the top of your knees, with a pair of bright red, full bottomed panties.

The butterflies attacking the inner lining of your stomach pick up speed and force as you move around your room, striping naked and putting on the clothes, modifying each piece to fit my specific instructions. Slipping your bare feet into a pair of brown sandals, you grab your keys and head out, getting into your car and driving to the park. By the time you get there and find a parking spot, the sun is completely down and a full moon is just coming over the tree line. You look around nervously, seeing as how this park has a reputation forbeing a hotspot for trouble. Gang banners, drugs, muggings. Just last December a woman was rapped by a gang of 17 year olds in the very parking lot you just locked your car in.

Walking down the wet, dark path in the middle of the grass towards the area I told you to meet me, you jump and look at every sound around you. To your left you see a bunch of kids sitting on a park table, passing around what can only be a joint, laughing and swearing. One of the girls in the group looks your way and give you an evil eye before taking a drag and laughing again. To your right you see a pair of teens, boy and girl, sitting on a benchmark under a tree, hands all over each other as they kiss and move on the benchmark. As you head further into the park towards our rentezvous, the trees and bushes get heavier and the night gets a bit darker, as most of the park lights in this area have been broken out here or there. The sounds of the kids on the table get lighter and lighter and the sounds you alonemake become almost deafening. The sounds of your feet on the path, your own heavy breath. The beating of your heart faster and faster. The night air feels cool on your exposed upper chest and stomach and your hard nipples scratch against the inside of your blouse making them even harder.

“Well, hello there little one”.

The voice coming from behind the bush to your left causes you to jump and Almost scream out loud. As you quickly spin around to face the bush, your loose fitting skirt spins around your upper thighs, spreading out a bit and exposing your upper legs. Just as you start to reel back from the bush, I step from the shadows reaching out and taking hold of you by your arm. Pulling you towards me as I step back into the darkness behind the bush, your shivering, warm body Almost goes limp in my strong grip. Behind the back of the bushes off the small trail you were just on, you notice in the dark a large park table with benches behind us, where I’ve been sitting waiting for you to arrive. Pulling you close to me as I spin you around, placing your back towards the table, I hold both your arms and I tug you closer to me, your full, braless breasts pressing firmly into my chest. The large, tight bulge that’s been growing in my jeans is easily felt against your hip as I lean in; pressing my mouth to yours and moaning deeply while my warm, strong tongue pushed passed Your lips, into your mouth. Our tongues dance around a bit as I thrust mine deeper and deeper into your mouth, tongue fucking your lips as I move us back more until you feel the cool edge of the table pressing against your ass.

Pulling away from your kiss as spitt slapses against your lips and chin, I push your body back all the way so that you’re practically sitting on the edge of the table. Letting go of your arms, I move my hands down to the front of your shirt as you feel my large, rough hands grabbing at your breasts, molesting them through our blouse and feeling your hard nipple poking into my palms. Moving my fingers around on your full moons, you moan loudly as I trap the nipples between my fingers and start to squeeze and twist them. The sounds of other people moving around us in the dark give you a scare and you start to look around and try to back away from me more. This only makes me squeeze them harder, holding you in place by your stiff nubs.

You bite your lower lip to keep from crying out and grip the sides of the table as I lean into your ear whispering, “Lean back…All the way back…Now…slut.” With wide, fearful eyes, you nod your head yes and lean until you’re all the way on your back on the table, you pigtails framing your worried face, your large, stiff nipples poking lewdly from the front of your shirt, and your bare legs hanging off the edge of the table, bent at the knees.

Standing directly between them, you feel me nudge my body even more between your legs, spreading them to the edge of the skirt. Not looking down, you feel my warm hands sliding up the sides of your legs until my fingers run into the material of your skirt. You then make fists into the table top as you feel the fingers gripping the bottom of the skirt and start to wedge up over your bent knees and up your thighs. Going as far as I can with you sitting on the back of it, I let go of the skirt and grab your legs, bringing them up so that your knees are at my sides.

“Hold They there slut, squeeze them in place”, I growl down at you as I feel you tighten your legs around me, causing your ass to flex and your hips to push up, lifting your lower half off the table top. With your body like this I have no problem hiking your skirt up the rest of the way until it’s bunched up at your hips, AND grabbing the sides of your panties and pulling them off your ass quick and hard. Your body jerks on the table and you let loose a small cry from the surprise as I take your legs down off my body and your bare ass rests on the cold table top. Taking yOur panties in both hands, I step back as I start to pull them down both your legs, but suddenly stopping at your ankles and keeping them there.

Never having felt so exposed in your life (half naked in the middle of a park, lying on a table with your skirt up over your hips and your panties pulled down), your body starts to shake more, harder this time as your head frantically moves from side to side, praying no one hears or come along. Stepping back more, I move your legs together tightly, so that every inch of skin on your inner legs, from your upper thighs to your calves and ankles, is touching. With the panties I’ve pulled down your smooth, tan legs at your feet, I grab a large portion of the material and twist it several times until it’s tight as a knot, like I’ve just tied Your feet together at the ankles with your own panties. Still holding the knotted up panties, I lift with my right hand, straightening your legs upwards so that your feet are pointed right up at the stars. This is even more exposing as now your bare ass and the lips of your full, bald shaft squeeze out between the backs of your inner thighs for all to see. What you can’t see, however, is that with my left hand I’ve undone the front of my jeans and pulled my hard, throbbing cock out. Moving my body closer to yours, the backs of your pressed together legs push into the front of my chest, I guide the head of my cock forward until your eyes shoot wide with shock and your body tenses when you feel the cockhead pushing against your lips. With your legs pressed together like they are, it causes your cunt to feel extra tight, like I’m pushing my head inside for the first time. Grunting a little louder than I should, I lean in with my hips, forcing my thick meat further inside your shivering pussy as you look up at me, around you, and back in a panicked…please god no.

To Be Continued…


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