The Park is for Playing

The sun shone down so brightly sunglasses were essential, and as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the day I couldn’t help but notice her standing there. Why was she looking at me like that?

She looked up at the birds shrink calls in the tree next to me. I guess it was then that I realized that she didn’t have a bra on. Wow, those nipples were certainly on high beam for me to stare at as she temporarily ignored me. Well giving her the benefit of the doubt was my gift to her. Otherwise. I would have just assumed she has parading her elicing nipples directly for me to fixate on.

Once she lowered her eyes, I waved her over towards me. Would she oblige or would she ignore me. She smiled and slowly wandered over towards me and as she approached. I could tell she wanted to tell me something.

“Those shorts you have on, they are fairly loose aren’t they”, she inquired.

“Mmm yeh I guess they are”, I replied.

“That swelling tent I can see, is that real?” shesmiled mischievously as she got closer to my table.

“What swelling?” I asked.

Sometimes, we men are so stupid. I should always wear something under my loose shorts. On this occasion I’m guessing, that you’ve already worked out that she was referring to my cock.

She sat down on the park bench next to me. Slowly she turned towards me and smiled.

“Baby are you for real or are you just a tease?” she quietly asked me.

“I’m just a tease but your welcome to help yourself whenever you want”, I replied as I smiled back at her.

She leant over ever so slightly and whispered in my ear, “honey I’m going to give you so much to feel, that lovely cock of yours is going to explode with cum for me”.

I feel her soft hand press against my inside leg, about half way up from my knee. She was rubbing my leg in a soft gentle circular motion as I sat there transferred by the sensing. She had me totally controlled by the silky softness of her hands surrounding the tendererness of my skin.

Slow, oh so slowly, her hand moved closer and closer until it reached the bottom of my shorts. My cock was just managing to hide itself inside my shorts as her hand gently slip across the crown of my cock. Her hand was gliding all over the full length of my now hard cock.

I looked around to check if anyone was watching her. I couldn’t see anyone around. The erotic sensing of her hand on my cock was fully engrossing my lust filled mind.

Okay so you’ll understand then why I didn’t look behind me. Why would I, when this gorgeous woman was playing with me in such a distracting and pleasant way? All I wanted was more and more.

A magpie wandered into my field of vision in front of me. It looked worried about something but hey, magpies aren’t that bright are they? I guess I was about to change my mind, and I think I’ll rely on that magpies intuition rather than mine from now on.

And therefore you’ll understand why I feel them before I heardThey. They must have been big powerful women because I felt myself wedged against the table in front of my seat very tightly. This wasn’t really going in a way that I’d expected. But I had nothing to complain about did I?

Her hand was still on my cock and by the lack of response to this recent intrusion, I could tell she’d been expecting our company. I’m a fairly straightforward kind of man, these kinds of things happened to other people, however I sat passively waiting to see what was going to happen.

While I was reflecting briefly on that fact that this was all highly unexpected, I felt her shift the position of her hand. Her hand gliding across my throbbing cock was fabulous.

“Oh that’s so good,” I moaned.

So really the pleasure was so intense, I was captured by the erotic uniqueness of this wonderful experience. But all good things must come to an end, or would it?

Next thing I know her fingernails were sinking nastily into the soft flesh of my hardcock. How unexpected, how overpowering, how could these feeling change so quickly!?

I groaned as something between pleasure and pain shot through my whole body. I was shaking as that mixture of intense pleasure and pain coursed through me.

“Ooohhh, fuck, what the hell’s going on?” I meekly inquired.

The sexy woman who had her nails embedded into my fleshy cock looked at me and teased, “don’t you like that babe?”

I breathed in, as she queried me further, “your cock certainly seems to be enjoying itself so why should I stop? I’m happy to give you lots more babe if you’re a good boy for me.”

Okay, so I admit it. Yes, my cock loved it so much it had gone rock hard. But I wasn’t about to admit that. Why should I admit that the nipples of the two women behind me, shoved into my back, were really what hit my trigger to create an captivating creation of my favourite fantasy?

Sometimes I think my brain goes mushy when a lovely woman has held of my cock. I wonder how many men are like that? It’s great isn’t it?

Combine that superb sensing of the pain of my engorged cock, with those four nipples pressed seductively against my neck and back, and you should be expecting me to have my intellectual mushy mind completely distracted by lust. And I admit it, I was just ripped apart by the seriously sexy sensings being forced upon me.

“Baby, baby, you’re so very hard for me, I think we’d better show you exactly what we have in mind for you, you’ll love it. Well your cock will love it I know,” she quipped.

“Oh fuck, that is soooo good, mmmm, ohhhh, mmmm,” is all the sound that managed to escape my lips as I struggled with the overpowering pleasure sensings of pain course through me.

So silly me, she obviously knew the two women standing behind me were there for making me suffering further with amazingly jolting painful pleasure. Yes, I’m not an intellectual giant of a man but I do love my cock being played with, no matter how it’s done, and the doing was what I wanted and more.

Those two naughty woman behind me, who had me wedged against the table, leant around me slightly. No not enough to allow me to slide free, even if I had wanted too. Their hands pushed inside the loose fitting floral shirt I was wearing. Like guided missiles their hands headed straight for my nipples. Suddenly both my nipples were in being squeezed between four very brutal fingers. These big beastly women were really taking my nipples to task. Twisting my sensitive nipples so hard it took my breath away.

If that wasn’t bad enough, more was about to come my way, and these two big strong women then proceeded to dig their fingerprintnails into my soft and sensitive nipples. The painful pleasure multiplied as I became nothing more than a puppet for these voluptuous torturers.

“Oooohhh fuck, ooooh no, mmmm, please that’s just too much, ” I moaned in lust filled age; as my body convulsed with the sensings thatwere overwhelming me.

As I partly refused a little composition I managed to beg, “please, oh please, it’s too much, too much, too much, please, can’t take it, please.”

And then my musthy mind kicked in. It always seems to do that.

“Do you babes have a thing for being nasty to my sensitive nipples?” I asked stupidly.

“Of course we do,” they replied together, “especially for a timing little toy like you.”

Right, that was probably the weirdest thing that had happened so far. It was almost like they were practiced at that reply. Would someone slightly smarter than me have understood just then, from what was happening, that this was ritualised behaviour? Okay, maybe I was wrong, I’m not sure, but it certainly seemed like a well practiced response.

The pain went down one notch. The nasty woman claping my hard cock with her nails began to rub me roughly, as her nails slide across the shiny throbbing sensitive crown of my cock as it dribbled it precum.

THere was something about what was happening that was doing my head in. I really wanted to come so much. I wanted to spray this nasty woman’s hand with that disgusting creamy goo that I always spray out. I knew she wanted me to do that too.

“Come on squeeze his nipples harder,” she ordered her submissive amazon pets.

“I can feel his cock, I know he’s close to coming, and I want to feel him come for me. I want this weak piece of shit to suffer so much he can’t help but come for me” she ordered the powerful volunteer women behind me.

It’s true I was so close. Trust me, I’m just a timing toy wanting to gush his joyful reward for all the simulateneous sexual sensings I was having inflicted on me with in this amazingly wonderful encounter.

Right, now you need to understand that they had their hands down in their panties and were playing with their clients as they were torqueing me. Okay so that’s hardly surprising I know. If it was me I would have done the same thing.And, if they’d asked I’d have eagerly licked and sucked them – to help them come.

So the nearer they got to coming themselves, the nastier and rougher they were getting with my nipples. Yes, you’re right, I didn’t want to complain. I wanted them to enjoy their sex toy, and I felt beholden to them, wanting them to bask in their own pleasure. Once they had been satisfied, as a typical man, I just wanted to spurt everywhere.

The pain in my right nipple was excruciating as I felt the woman behind me shudder in ecstasy. As her body shook again and again, she dug her nails in harder and harder. It feel so wonderful, knowing she was coming from being so turned on by inflicting pain on me.

I was making my own sounds as well, “fuck me that’s so fucking good, ooooh fuck, oooohhhhhh fuck, yes, yes, yes, oooohhh, mmmm, ohh, fuck yes.”

So yes I wasn’t making much sense at this stage, but who would? Really, yes really, all I cared about now was getting to my have cock shooting outits creamy cum.

“Good girl, that’s it,” the woman holding my cock said, “now you come too you fucking bitch so I can get him to squirt for me.”

The other submissive and voluptuous woman on my left side simply nodded her head and compiled – she was so obedient. I felt it all, once the command was out of the conductors mouth, the other woman behind me, on my left side, began shuddering in orgasmic pleasure behind me. Admittedly the pain she was inflicting on me wasn’t as bad as that inflicted my right nipple. I’m guessing that she was shaking really badly as she came again and this impeded her grip on my nipple.

“Okay your turn you dirty pieces of shit,” the conductor of penis pain sneered at me, squeezing my cock even harder.

“You come now for me or I’ll dig my nails so hard into your balls, you’ll wish you were coming or unconscious,” she threatened.

Well that just sounded so exclusive how could I resist? Her hands were totally controlling my cock. I knewMy cock was hers now to direct in any way she wished. Her right hand stroked me as the fingerprintnails from her left hand dug deeper into me.

Bu compliance was never one of my strong points. It still isn’t really a strong point for me. Resisting the urge to spurt my cream for her, I found myself being brave or overly stupid; which probably wasn’t very bright given what was happening to me.

“No, I won’t come for you, you nasty mean bitch, fuck you, I’ll come when I want,” I spat back at her.

Now the two women behind me had finished playing with their clients, now both their hands were free. Oh dear, I hadn’t bargained on that!

Next thing I felt was my ears being twisted. These women were so horrible, their joyful lust came from inflicting pain on me, but I strangely I just wanted more and more. Then they pressed their nails into the fleshy soft part of my earlobes. Oh, that was the ultimate intense painful pleasure.

Well, that was all I needed really. Now I hadsecured it all, and as the woman torturing my cock sunk her teeth into my shoulder, I felt my cock exploit in pleasure filled fountains of cream.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes, oooohhh yes, yes, mmmmmm, yes, yess,” I screamed in my pleasureable release from my orgasmic confinement.

“You nasty toy, how dare you, who said you could spray your dirty cum all over me?” the conductor leading my cock on it journey of pain, spat at me.

Nothing ever makes sense. Without any explanation, she demanded of me, “don’t you stop spurting, give me more of that dirty creamy cum of yours you fucking ugly nasty shit head.”

I feel myself shooting another load of my creamy goo onto her vicious fingers and hands. I wanted to collapse as I did but I was jammed so tightly against that damn table.

“Good boy,” I was told in a chorus of by these three women of painful pleasure.

“Who’s a gooey and disgusting boy?” the woman holding my cock sneered, as I felt myself being released from behind as my voluptuous captors stepped away from me.

As the woman holding my now very very sore limp cock looked at me, she wiped her cum covered hands all over my face, she said “dirty, dirty boy, you disgust me with your pathetic slime covered cock. All you deserve is a face full of your filthy oozing shitty slime.”

I said nothing, as I tried to quietly recover from this vicious and nasty sexual attack by these women on me. The park would never be the same place for me.

And then the conductor instructed me, “you will be here same time next week, do you understand?”

“Yes please, that was so wonderful,” I meekly responded, “I’ll do anything for more.”


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