Every night after work instead of going home I meet with Master at a place we call ‘The Park.’ The Park is a special place for us both, in that I know that when I am there I can wind down and relax, and for Master he is on his way home from working nights. It is a place where we can forget our normal hectic lives and be together for a little while, before we succumb to regular routine.
Our meeting time is 5:30pm in the afternoon. I park the car up in the gravel parking lot under the trees and wait for Master to call me. Sometimes I am there for hours waiting, other times only a few minutes, depending on how early or late I finish work. As I wait I prepare items that we may use if he is so inclined and leave them on the seat next to me. Often while I do this, I listen to CD’s so I can further relax myself and reflect on the day. Some of these items can be varied, but the regular items unless he has told me previously to organize, are my paddle, clamps, pegs, camera, and last but not least Gina. Now I am sure you are wondering who or what Gina is. Gina is like a substitute vibrator, she is a seven-inch rounded off glass cylinder, somewhat like a thick test tube. She has become quite endearing to me over time, and has given me immense pleasure. This is also because we have used her for a while and I have associated her with being Master. So that now whenever I am told to ‘Get Gina’ it is as if Master is about to fuck me. Usually Master and I use code for certain items in case anyone within earshot could hear and over time it has become quite natural to me.
We have certain rules when I am in the park. Before Master rings I am to have everything out ready on the front seat, make sure the CD player is switched off, be fully naked, and also to ensure that the car is locked unless told otherwise. It is fortunate at this hour that not many people come across us but when they do it is as if they aren’t totally sure of what they are seeing. My car has a slight tint on the windows and those poor people that pass us think they might be hallucinating.
When it is time, Master rings and I call him back. I speak with him using my hands free kit, which makes it a lot easier to listen to him and follow his instructions. He rings me as he is travelling home for the day. The sense of relief I feel when I hear his voice makes me feel loved and that much closer to him. His voice has This quality, a certain element that I cannot explain, but it is calming and reassuring. It is as if it envelops me, cares me. I know this is strange, but it does.
‘Hello angel.”
“Hello Master.”
“How was your day?”
“It was tiring but it went well. How was yours Master?”
“It was fine Angel. Are you naked?”
“Yes Master.”
“Good girl. Now look out of your window and tell me what you see.”
“One car on my right, no one in it, there are people playing on the oval, but they can’t see me from where they are.”
“Now pinch your nipples, make them hard for me.”
“Yes Master.”
“That’s it, pinch and pull on them hard. Good girl. Did you complete the tasks I set for you today?”
“Yes Master, I will email the videos and photos when I get home tonight.”
“We can discuss them later on Digi.”
“Yes Master.”
“Can anyone see you?”
“No Master.”
“Good. Now I want you to peg your nipples.”
“Yes Master.”
“Good girl. Now slap your tits five times.”
“Yes Master. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 left side. 1, 2, 3 4, 5, right side, done Master.”
“Good girl, How does that feel?”
“Hurts a little, but it is OK Master.”
“Do it again.”
“Yes Master. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 left side. 1, 2, 3 4, 5, right side, Master.”
“Now rub your tits, do not touch your nipples.”
“Yes Master.”
“Get Gina.”
“She’s in Master.”
“Now bring her in and out slowly, in and out.”
“Mmmm yes Master.”
“With the other hand squeeze your tits.”
“Ohh YesMaster. Master…my nipples are hurting now.”
“Now fuck your cunt with Gina, faster, in out in out in out in out.”
“Yes Master.”
“Take one of the pegs off and rub that nipple.”
“Oowwww Yes Master.”
“I want your hand moving in and out so fast that it is a blur.”
“Yes Master.”
“Take the other peg off and pinch it hard.”
“Ohhh Master may I cum?”
“No. You cum when I tell you to, Fuck Gina harder and faster. Put your legs up, get her in deeper.”
“Yes Master.”
“Pinch your clip hard with your other hand. Count to twenty then let go and cum.”
“Yes Master.”
“Keep fucking that cunt, and count for me.”
“Yes Master, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12…”
“Good girl, you are doing well, few more.”
“13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Master.”
“Rub hard and cum now.”
“Mmmmmmm Yess Massster.”
“Shhh lean back against the chair, close your eyes, kissing you, feel my arms around you. Can you feel them?
“Yes Master.”
“What happens next angel?”
“I wrap my arms around myself until my fingertips are touching, and rock gently from side to side.”
“Good girl, my angel. Time for me to go in. Giving you a big kiss. Love you angel.”
“Love you more Master.”
“Speak with you tonight. Don’t forget to send me those videos.”
“I won’t Master.”
“Bye Angel.”
“Bye Master.”
Smiles. This is a small example of one of the things we do in the park. Often we also use the paddle as well, as we are in our privacy, can make loud noises and can spank hard without restrictions or anyone that I know hearing me. Depending on the weather and who is there, I often am told to strip and go outside and take photos or use my paddle and spank my self over the bonnet of the car. Master is always with me on the phone so he knows that I am there and doing them. Over time he has trusted me in that when I do a task and he isn’t there, it is done. Sometimesmes I take photos or videos with my digital camera, and sometimes I just do tasks and report back via email or on Digi. After we speak for hours on Digi, we log out and I ring him and we continue in bed. Examples of that will be told another time.
Saturday 11th March 2006
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