Chapter 4 – Party of Three
I grab Hanna’s red cheats, spread them as far apart as I can, and present her to Oscar.
“Come on love, she’s waiting for you.”
A bulge tugs his pants and his lips widen into a satisfied grin. He nods.
Our audience fades into the back of my mind as I cares the throbbing dome being restrained by Oscar’s tight black jeans. I deftly unbuckle His leather belt and undo his zipper before my hand snakes its way under his boxers. The fire of his password burns in my hands and I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever felt him so aroused. It doesn’t even feel like his. It’s as though he’s been possessed by a monstrous lust, some incubus spirit that roams the halls of The Parade. It hardly seems fair that Hannah should get to enjoy this fresh desire before me.
I free Oscar’s cock from its denim prison. It’s so beautiful and angry and frightening. Veins bulge from the mocha-colored shake; I swear I can see the blood throbbing and pumping its way to the firey red tip. There is an audible gasp of envy from a woman in the audience. I resist the temptation to turn and look at her face. This is no time to gloat, another second without Oscar inside of me is another second I can’t stand. My mouth is salivating. I drop to my knees and I can feel the heat radiating from it on my nose and lips. His heady musk makes my head spin. I instinctively blow cool air over the tip because I’m generally concerned that it will burn my tongue when it enters my mouth. It twitches slightly as if it is beckoning my lips to embrace it. I obey.
My tongue tingles as the flaming shaft slides to the back of my throat. I can feel heat permeating my entire skull as my lips glide its length. There is a light applause and cheering from the crowd that has surrounded us. This wasn’t part of the plan, and we’ve pulled attention away from Hannah who is still trapped in a pillory naked from the wait down. I wonder if being out-staged adds to her humilication. The thought fills me with a sense of power and I swirl my tongue around Oscar’s fiery head in an act of self-satisfied triumph.
Oscar blissfully moans as I lightly cares his balls. His fingers rake my hair and he grabs a tuft to control my rhythm. My shoulders loosen and I sede control to him as he gently pumps himself down my throat. The world melts away as I drift into the comforting Thought that I belong to him, and I find myself turned on by being used by him, taken care of by him, and that he will never throw me away.
A question attempts to escape Hannah’s ball gag, but I can’t make out what she’s trying to say. I shouldn’t ignore the poor girl, she’s to thank for all of this. I pull myself away from my delicious task and walk around to the other side of the pillory. A thin rope of spit from Hannah’s lips is hanging on for dear life. I pluck the ball gag from her mouth.
“What’s going on back there?” she asks.
“Just warming him up for you,” I whisperto her before plugging her mouth shut again.
As soon as the ball enters her mouth, shock lights Hannah’s face as a wet slap echoes off the dungeon walls. Oscar presses himself deep into Hannah, rattling the metal padlocks that are keeping the pillory shut. There is no pang of jealousy or squeeze in my chest as I fidget with my wedding ring. The dim dungeon light catches the diamonds and makes them sparkle brightly clear enough for Hannah to see, I can’t, after all, have her getting ideas about where Oscar’s priorities lie.
I feel as though I am outside my own body, watching myself getting fucked. Hannah and I don’t share many physical similarities. We both have fairly pale complexions but that’s about all we have in common. Her features are soft and delicate. She looks fragile, as though the slightest impact would cause her to shatter, which is unfortunate because Oscar is really laying into her now. I, on the other hand, am more toned and lean. I started exercising to pass the time during the pandemic, and it stuck when we were free to leave our houses again. The attention I got on the rare occasion when I left the house was enough to encourage me to maintain my figure. Right now, I’m in the best shape of my life. We’re running a 10K next month.
I am desperate to see how Hannah looks naked. Honestly, I want to know if all my hard work at the gym has paid off. Can I hold my own against such a young, naturally attractive girl like her? Unfortunately, even if I did manage to slip that sweater over her head, I wouldn’t have a very flattering view of her body. It’s alright. Oscar and I can wait until later when she redeems her favorite to us.
The entire crowd watches the action from Oscar’s side. They cheer him on making enthusiastic suggestions on what they want him to do next to the restrained girl.
“Stick it in her asshole!”
“Put it in her mouth!”
“Let me get a turn!”
Hannah’s face flushes dark red at that last suggestionand it is hard to tell if it is out of shame, fear, or overwhelming anticipation. Maybe she’s realizing that this is more than she bargained for. The look she shoots me seem to suggest a pleasure for mercy. I shoot a stern glare towards the young-looking guy who made the request and shake my head.
“You can look, but you can’t touch,” I announce as though I’m lesting to my students. The weight of his Disappointment slumps his entire body.
Okay love, time for the next act,” I signal for Okay to pull out and prepare the last device Hannah brought with her. Hannah is trembling like a leaf as Oscar dismounts her. She’ll sleep well tonight. I dig through Hannah’s book bag and remove the largest vibrating wand I’ve ever seen and a leather belt with several long straps that hang from it like thin black tentacles. The straps fasten around the neck of the vibrator and I buckle the harness around Hannah’s slim wait. Her pussy is red hot and sopping wet. It looks so sensitive to the touch, and when I “accidentally” grazed it with the tip of my finger, she jolts wildly in reply.
The straps are nice and tight and the head of the wand is pressed firmly against Hannah’s clip. As soon as the vibrator is switched on, Hannah’s knees buckle entirely and I’m briefly concerned that she’s going to hurt her neck. Oscar attempts to stuff his still-stiff cock into his tight-fitting jeans as the rising and falling buzz of the vibrator hums in my ears. I can’t help but notice a few of the women, and some of the men, eyeing Oscar’s exposed crotch before he wrangles the wild animal back into its cage. I start to make a mental note of their faces, but I’m getting ahead of myself, Hannah still needs our attention.
“Oscar,” I whisper, hoping he can hear me over the sound of electric sex, “let’s move this to a more private venture.” Oscar’s eyes trail over to one of the open doors lining the side wall of the dungeon. One of the club’s private rooms. If both of us are busy playing with Hannah, we need a door to protect us from any unwelcome parties.
Hannah’s bag has a few more nifty accessories for us to use. I’ve got to hand it to her, she’s a kinky little thing. To help usher her to the next part of her public humiliation, I latch a thin black leather collar around her neck. It’s a gaudy little thing, studied with little silver pyramids and rhinestones spelling out “SLUT.” She’s not subtle about who she is.
Oscar attaches the leash to her collar as I undo the latches on the pillory, finally freeing her from assuming that brutal bent-over position, but not from the vibrating wand dangling between her skinny little legs. Between waves of pleasure, Hannah obediently gets on her hands and knees and crawls following Oscar’s lead to the bedroom, the sex toy all the while singing its lilting tune against her sopping wet pussy. Her movements are exaggeratedly animal-like as she assumes the role of a domesticated pet. Her acting betrays the embarrassed expression on her face; she is showing herself to be a well-practicated submissive.
The three of us leave the captive audience behind us as the door clicks shut. I contemplate closing the window curves, but I’m riding high off the attention I’m getting from these total strangers, and for some reason, I want to keep this show going. I relish having a captive audience.
In the meanwhile, Oscar has led Hannah onto the bed and removed the vibrator harness. Hannah is as red at the bedsheets and gasping for air as she recovers from the countless orgasms she’s had since we started. For the first time, I take a look around at the gaudily decorated room. All the rooms in The Parade have a fun little theme, this one is decorated from wall to wall with medieval-style acuputerment: swords and shields hanging from the walls, a struggle wooden canopy bed frame with thick black curves enclosing rich red bedsheets, and even a suit of armor in the corner as keeping sentry over all the doubtlessly diabolic shit that happens in this room. Upon closer inspection of the bedframe, I notice that there are bars lining the underside of the bed, and a little gate with a padlock on it, a kinky little addition for cuckolds, no doubt, not a fetish I’m particularly interested in, but I’m glad to see that the place was built with inclusion in mind.
The only “off-theme” elements of the room are a fairly modern-looking door and the gigantic window lined with the smiling faces of the couples who we’ve attracted with our public humiliation of Hannah. There’s no way they could know about our history together, for all they know, she’s a regular third wheel in our sexcapades. How would they react if they knew that she had only recently been a student of mine? The thought exhilarates and scares me all at once. Instinctively, I feel for my domino mask to make sure it’s still there. I didn’t come here to incite a scandal, but I also didn’t come with any of tonight’s festivals in mind either. Whatever compulsive demon that I let drive my actions tonight didn’t care about any possible repercussion or consequence, it craved only pleasure.
Hannah is still sprayed out on the bed catching her breath from the barrage of cocks, dildos, and vibrators we’ve thrown at her. Oscar has removed her lean, collar, and shirt, so she is completely naked now, and I drink in every inch of her. She is slim and delicate and looks so soft, it’s stunning to me that such a small body could crave such constant punishment. Her modest breasts heaven on her chest, slowly rising and quickly falling as she fills her exhausted lungs with air. I have a clear view of the tattoo that I glimpsed in the shower now, just above her heart is a red dragon coiled in a circle devouring its tail, like an Ouroboros, but I was pretty positive an Ouroboros was a snake, not a dragon.
But now isn’t the time for a lesson on ancient mythology, I’m going to teach Hannah how I like to be pleasured. Oscar is already done undressing himself and is positioning himself over the exhausted girl’s face as he extremely plops his semi-hard cock onto her cheek. Half-awake, Hannah’s tongue lolls out of her mouth to grope at Oscar’s well-manicured ballsack. He moans in pleasure and threads his fingers through the girl’s red mane of hair. Seeing as the audience is absorbed in the show, I take the opportunity to slip to the far side of the bed and draw the curtains shut so I can undress. My clothes are too tight for me to give an attractive striptease, so I let the crowd enjoy Hannah and my husband for a while before I add myself to the mix.
I hear Hannah gag as I finish folding my pants and place them neatly on an anachronous bedside table. I push the curtains aside just in time to see Oscar feeding Hannah his stiff cock and she hungrily tries to devour it whole. Once again, I find myself shocked by the amount of punishment this girl is not only able but willing to take. But no matter how hard she tries, there’s just no way Oscar is going to be able to fit down her throat, not in this position at least.
“Hey,” I tap Oscar on the shoulder, “let’s take it easy on the poor girl for a bit before we ramp things up. Go on and make her Feel a bit loved.” I dart my eyes towards the foot of the bed. Oscar flashes a frown, eating pussy isn’t his favorite, not because he doesn’t like pleasure me, but because he’s always second-guessing his technique. Frankly, I love it when he goes down on me – he’s good at it – but the poor thing tends to overthink and doesn’t realize his natural talent for making me come with his tongue, and that just Because something comes easy doesn’t mean it lacks value.
Oscar positions himself between Hannah’s legs and wraps his arms around her legs. Until now, it hadn’t dawned on me the size dIfence between the two. Oscar isn’t that tall, but he has a stout, stocky build; his bicep is about the same size as the meatiest part of Hannah’s thigh. He lovingly places a few kisses on either side of the awaiting pink flower and teas her with a few glancing blows from his tongue. I find myself incredibly aroused by watching his technique in action and I feel a warm torrent beginning to gush between my legs. Hannah turns her head slightly and notices for the first time that I am completely naked. Her eyes slowly scan me from head to toe and she licks her lips like a hungry animal. She beckons me over with a curled finger. I obey.
I bend over to kiss Hannah and my lips practically melt into her soft pillowy mouth. She grabs me by the back of the head and pulls me towards her as she thrusts her tongue into the back of my throat. Instinctively, my tongue darts out to meet hers and she lets out a low moan which rumbles on my lips. After a few moments, we break from our kiss, and I let my tongue slowly slide out, drinking in the soft textures of her lips.
I straddle Hannah’s face and feel her balmy breathing teasing my crotch. I hover my hips just over her awaiting pink lips. Her tongue flicks out playfully and barely glances between my legs sending a shiver through my entire body. I attempt to tease her by returning her blow by lightly thrusting my hips forward, leaving a wet trail from Hannah’s chin to the tip of her nose, but it feels too good and I succumb to the urge to thrust her lips against mine. A gasp escapes my lips as her tongue encircles my clip, it’s similar to Oscar’s technique, and I wonder if she’s just mimicking what she’s feeling between her legs. It’s like a sexy little game of telephone.
Oscar continues to telegraph those wonderful little movements through our red-headed sex slave until she coats a shivering climax and I nearly suffocate her between my thighs as they quake with unrestrained ecstasy.
A pair of large handssink themselves into my waist and lift me off Hannah’s chest before placing me down on her drenched lap. Oscar gently places his hand on the back of my neck and guides me forward until Hannah and my faces are practically touching. Her lips are slick with my juices. My tongue traces a slow path up from her chin before plunging between her lips. At the same time, Oscar presses himself deep inside me and I pass a moan into Hannah’s mouth. His cock burns through my entire body. I immediately start perspiring and I clench tight to never let him go. Tragically, after a few pumps, I feel him fully exit, and then a moment later, Hannah passes a moan back to me.
Hannah and I embrace each other tightly as Oscar dances between us until he comes to a throbbing climax inside of me. After a few final sopping wet thrusts, I feel my husband roll off to the side so as not to crush little Hannah under the weight of the two exhausted adults. I roll off to the other side of Hannah and we all lay together staring upwards at the black canopy of the bed and I let my mind bath in the blissful aftermath of my first threesome.
A warm, wet sensing between my legs wakes me up from my daze. I take in my surroundings, completely unaware of how much time has passed since I nodded off. The crowd at the window is gone except for the one young man who put up a vocal bid to fuck Hannah when she was bound on the dungeon floor. A muffled grunt directs my attention downwards to the source of the warmth. Oscar is standing at the foot of the bed, one hand gripping the back of Hannah’s beck as he rubs her face in my pussy. As I prop myself up on my elbows for a better view, Hannah’s head pops up gasping for air, her mouth smeared with a mixture of Oscar and my ejaculate.
Hannah lays naked watching us with admission as we get back into our clothes, a satisfied smile widening across her face as she relives the evening. The curtain to the room has been drawn shut. The credits have rolled, special thanks exchanged. When Oscar and I are sure that we haven’t forgotten anything, we join Hannah on the bed.
“That was something else,” Hannah says to neither of us in particular. “Would y’all want to make this a regular thing?”
It’s a thought that hasn’t yet crossed my mind. The whole idea of coming to The Parade in the first place was risky business. Sleeping with someone who know who I was downright reckless. But looking past all the dangerous and downright stupid decisions that led us to this point, I don’t think I’ve felt as alive in the past few years as I have in the past couple of hours. Hannah has to know that. There’s nothing safe about what we just did, and if word of this ever got out, it would mean the end of my career, and my life in this city. Oscar and I would have to move across the country and change our identities. No way in my right mind could I possibly put our livelihood at risk for that.
“Hannah,” I stand beside the bed and look down into those big, eager eyes. And I give her my answer.
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