The Panel Part 3 slave girl sara

A series of 3 true stories from when i first joined Don Brown as a trainee house slave early in 2020, hope you enjoy them, part three is about the reality of actions.

Back to Reality Part 3 – slave girl sara

6.45 and my phone alarm buzzed, I went for a wee and splashed my face whilst my hands were wet to waken up.

I crawled under Sirs duvet and gently worked my hand up from his knee, to his inner tigh, a tweak of his balls then slowly onto his shake.

Sir stretched and his shake jumped, I soon had him stiff.

Daisy rolled over touching Sir and I took the same route to her pussy as I did to Sir, with my right hand.

Sir rolled onto his side and his hands moved to her tits and nipples. I guided his cock between Daisy`s legs and he rammed home.

I slide out of the bottom of the bed and waited to be dismissed, “Thank you sara.”

I showed and had a little play, waking Sir up is not a chore but a real sexual high, like a game of chance, who/what will he choose, hand, Daisy, me??????

I got breaky ready and we all ate discussing our daily plan.

They were going to Leeds, shopping and lunch at the centre kitchens, they both love Street Food.

I was so happy Daisy was up for it and feeling better.

I was ready for work, kissed them both and went for my train and got to work 25 minutes before the start time so we all sat talking.

One of the girls Fathers I work with was one of the Elders on Saturday, third seat, his belt, but she never said a word to me about it so he obviously never told her, and I could not say anything, she may not know he is on the spanking panel.

Just before I went for my morning break I knocked on the managers door.

“Good morning Sir.”

“Come in sara, sit down.”

“May I stand Sir.”

“Oh course, how did Saturday go?”

“I was stripped, spanked paddled and belted Sir, so everything went to the panels schedule.”

“Was it unbearable?”

“It was not easy Sir, but if you and Sir thought I was overdue, I was overdue.”

“Come and see me at lunchtime sara.”

“For a spanking Sir?”

“Wait and see.”

I went for my coffee break and chatted with the girls, Helen, whose Father was the one on the panel came and sat next to me. I could see she was eager to chat but was maybe shy.

“I saw your Father on Saturday morning Helen, I was brought before the Elders Panel and got a beaten.”

All the girls stopped talking to listen.

“Oh, why sara.”

“Well I think it was because I am so clever and bright

I heard your Father says,” “Ah sara brown the girl who thinks she knows everything.”

There was a pause then an almighty laugh, Helen`s eyes began to fill;

“Only joking love, he never said a word, except, “Open your legs a little more sara.”

Renaly a huge burst of laughter.

“He was belting me Helen and did not want me to fall as I was gripping a chair arm, he was very thoughtful.”

“Why were you really their sara?”

“No one said Mia, I only found out 1 hour before I was in the ante room stripping, 3 more came in with their mums.”

“Oh, who?”

“I cannot say Mia, it`s not my place.”

“What did you get?”

“An over the knee spreading of Mr. Walton.

An over the knee paddle from Mr. Grimes and the strap from Helens Father.

Mrs. Belton was on cane duties but was not needed.

We then all faced everyone, hands folded behind out backs, for about 5 minutes.”

“Anyone else there?”

“Yes, my Master, Don Brown.”

“Doesn’t he organized everything?”

I nodded.

“sara, did Mrs. Belton, you know, look after you?”

“Yes, she gave all the mums cream and they all put it on their girls`s bottoms.”

“No I mean “Looked After You” sara?”

“Oh, did she clipty wank me, yes twice.”

The girls gasped, “sara brown my office, NOW”

It was our manager.

He left the door open and I walked in, “Close the door, lower your knickers and lean over that chair.”

I never answered he removed his belt and had me kiss it.

“As hard as possible please Sir, I so deserve It.”

And he did, must have got 50 and screamed for the girls to hear the last 15 or so.

He left me over the chair and rang Sir, I could not hear everything for my tears,

He came behind me and spanked me with his hand over the belt lines.

“Mr. Brown says straight home this evening, he said you would know why, something about a corridor”

Oh I know about the corridor alright.

“You have 15 minutes to freshen up before you start work again. Now go.”

I Slipped my knickers off and ran through the office and to the cloakroom with them in my hand.

Straight into a cubicle, one of the older girls told me to open up.

She came in and sucked the guts out of my pussy as I came and came.

“Is that better Hun?”

I knelt as in homage to her, she moved the crotch of herknickers over and I tongued her to a thank you.

I straightened up and with 5 minutes to spare, started work.

At afternoon break I was called in again to the manager`s office, the girls gasped thinking, as I did, it was round two.

“Sit down sara, I won`t keep you long, as from Monday next you will be promoted to head of section, a supervisor, for your section along with an increase in pay to reflect the responsibility.

I stood and hugged him, “Thank you Sir, and thank you for the beating, it`s just what I needed,” I kissed his cheek and went on my break.

All I had to do now was face Sir when I got home.


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