The Panel Pari 01 – slave girl sara

A series of 3 true stories from when i first joined Don Brown as a trainee house slave early in 2020, hope you enjoy them, part one is about our church Elders Panel.

The Panel Part 1 – slave girl sara

I woke my Master up this morning in the usual way, he just wanted my soft hand and mouth on his cock today.

Daisy just turned over, she is still not too well, better, but not her usual self.

I showed and went down to start making breakfast.

I put up a tray of toast, home-made marmalade, and coffee up ready for Daisy.

“sara, after breakfast I am taking you to an Elders panel, the one you were warned about during the week.”

“Yes Sir,” I put my hand up.

“Yes sara?”

“Sir, what will happen exactly and Why?”

“You would usually get a hiding for being so inquisitive sara, but I will allow it this time due to your pending visit.

Your mother probably told you of the times she went in front of Pastor Goode, for extra education?”

I nodded and began to tear up.

“Well it is nowhere near as harsh as that, but will be a hiding of some scale indeed.

I will not dwell of the procedure or indeed the lessons you may get.

The reason is plain, sometimes a girl over 18 needs certain guidelines put down, it may be for rudeness, insubordination, wrong doing to others or in your case just a shake up and help you accept the life you lead and have.”

I put my toast down, I could have been sick. My hand went up again.


“Sir, is it like you do on your panels to the single lady parent`s, and Sir, may I ask if you will be with me?”

“Yes it is the same procedure sara and yes I will be with you, not sure if I will be taking part but you can be sure I will be in the same room all the time.

I will be your chainerone all the other girl`s mums can chainerone them; it is encouraged.”

I put my brand new knickers and matching bra on and just a jumper and pull up jeggings with apair of pumps.

I platted my hair into 2 pigtails and put my favourite perfume on.

I was not so much scared as petrified, maybe an examination, but wish it were either Sunday now or not happening at all.

My mum always told me our paths are determined for us and with this strength I got in Sirs car and off we went.

The drive was one of those moments we all get where you head is full of clouds and cotton wool.

We pulled into the car park and I walked a pace behind Sir into the church hall.

We could hear distant/faint slapping and cries as we walked to one of the rooms off the main hall deep in the old church complex

It was used as a cloakroom and had 4 pegs on one side of the room, which had 4 sets of clothes on, and 4 empty pegs at the other side of the room.

I was told to sit, and 3 more girls came in, 2 with their mums and 1 with an older sister and they sat on my side of the room.

The 2 were my age and we were in the same schoolyear and we smiled one of those `I could cry my eyes out` smiles.

The other was with her sister and was older than us. It would not be fare describing their shaking bodies, I just prayed to myself that I hoped it was their first and last time ever.

Mrs. Belton came into the room ahead of 4 crying late teen girls and their mums.

All had bright red bottoms from a hand and belt and 3 had 3 purple cane stripes.

Mrs. Belton looked at us, “Please undress and wait for my return, everything, even shoes and socks.”

We stared at the others dressing and they stared at us undressing, how surreal.

Did I get a tingle, below, or did I want a pee?

We were all naked, the other 3 covered their breasts and pussy, I folded my arms behind me, their mums saw, and told their daughters to do the same.

The others all dressed and left, we were all stood waiting, I felt my nipples stretching my breast with the cold, I shivered, the bonus was, so were the other 3s nipples.

The door opened again; it was Mrs. Belton “This way ladies.”

We walked up 2 steps into a bigger sparsely furnished hall we used as dressing room during our concerns.

4 People stood next to 4 chairs.

The first chair was empty, second had a small wooden paddle the size of a hairbrush, the third chair a curled-up belt/strap and the last one 3 canes, junior, intermediate and senior.

Jane began to cry, I unfolded my arms from behind my back and pulled her to my breast to comfort her.

I saw Sir and he nodded his approval at me, had he looked angle I would have still cuddled her.

Sir began to speak. “The reason you are here this morning is to instil into you the reasons we follow the path we do, and why.

You will all visit each chair in turn and the Elder at that chair will issue you with the punishment at his disposal, hand, paddle and stick.

No one in your quartert has been naughty enough to warrant the cane so that chair and Mrs.Belton will not be used.

As grown up girls you have the right to decline the correction offered and dress and leave with no repercussions. Also during any of the corrections you may do the same.

I suppose that was a better way than saying you have all volunteered to be punished.

A few of the girls and mums chuckled, they all new only too well the needs and the good a visit here does.

I was now concentrated on just me now, Sir nodded at me and I walked to the first chair and dragged over the Elders knee.

He waited for me to position myself, and then began to spank me, had it been an Olympics he would be in a medical position for sure.

I never held back and cried my eyes out, not only because it hurt like f*ck but also to show the others it was good to cry.

I was told to stand, I walked to the next chair.

The Elder patted his knee and I went over, before a beat was struck I heard Jane being spanked and in tears. I would gladly have taken herplace.

I had not had a paddle before, and did not care to feel it ever again, it was a short but fast spanking which really hurt, hurt enough for a few screams especially as it was concentrated at the top of my legs.

I was stood and told I could rub, as I rubbed I felt a tingle, below, so stopped.

I was not sure what to do at the next chair.

Was I to be belted as he sat, over his knee, touching my toes, what?

The Elder stood up and turned his chair round so the back was facing me. He pulled be forward and as I bent over he lifted my little titles over too and he placed my hands on the chair arms.

“The count is 20 sara, I will not strike the next lash until you have said the number, so the quicker you count the soonest its over”

I nodded, then, whoosh crack, 1 Sir whoosh crack, 2 Sir, whoosh crack, 8 Sir and so it went on.

I counted as quick as I could as I cried, whoosh crack, 20 Sir and thank you.

He stood me up and took me pastSir and into a corner, I folded my hands behind my back.

I heard all the rest, young Jane only got 10 from his strap, the other 2, same as me.

We were all in corners for maybe 10 minutes.

“Girls, face me. You have all acted with decorum and like the Ladies you have all become, well done and let`s hope we do not see any of you back here or I can guarantee chair 4 will be used.

Go to your chairone and get dressed and see you all at church in the morning.”

I was not sure what to do then feel the arm of Mrs. Belton around my shoulder and she took me back.

“Any mums want some soothing cream?” she asked, they all did, and we all went over our respective mums, sister, Mrs. Belton`s knees for some cream on our bottoms.

Mrs. Belton stood me up and put my knickers on me, carefully, and sat me on her knee for a cuddle, I cried again as did the rest, all who had followed suit.

I looked up and the sight of all those bobbing tits and nipples made my clitty push out of my hood all by itself.

The others changed and left. “Maybe you need to visit me sometimes sara, at my house.”

“Yes Miss, I would love that.”

She dressed me, and I let her, she put my bra over my arms and gently lifted each title into its cup with my nipple.

A knock on the door, it was Sir checking if everyone was decent, I was the last, so he said his goodbyes and we left.

He put the radio on, knowing I probably did not want to speak, he just said, “You ok sara?”

“Yes Sir, as well as can be expected.”

We got home and I went straight in to see Daisy, we did not have to speak, I just collapsed into her arms and cried, Sir left us to it.

I made lunch, just some cold meat sandwiches and a few crisps.

I again was not too hungry and picked at a half sandwich.

“Maybe you need something to help you eat sara.”

“No Sir.”

“It was not a question girl, strip and let us see your spoils of war.”

I was easy naked as I had little on, they poked and prodded and Sir pulled me to his crotch.

I unzipped and took him out and was soon swallowing his cock.

Daisy got between us and began to lick me.

“How many times did you cum during your punishment sara?”

I carried on sucking and she gave me 3 spanks, I Spit Sir out, “3 Miss, oh and once in the cloakroom.”

“Yes, I could taste it, now suck Sir and come again, fresh, for me.”

Once stiff Sir put me over a chair, like I did for my belting. and fucked, me till I cum/shuddered and sort of failed all in one, he then moved me, and Daisy took my place.

I was in my bedroom all afternoon, through choice, crying a little, answering all the messages I got on Alt and Sir came in.

“What have you learn about today sara?”

“Sir, I have no idea what I have done wrong, really and truly Sir.”

“Well let me tell you, and then you know for the future.

It`s not always about being spanked for being a naughty girl, it`s about being spanked because you are a girl.

A girl with a bright future if you are constantly reminded about your place and the chores, jobs and instructions given you follow.”

He undressed me and sat me on his knee.

“Did it hurt as much as the screams sara?”

“No Sir, not a lot.”

“Then tell me why the screams and yelps?”

“Well Sir, a few reasons, one was I was first, and Jane Biggs was after me, although nearly 19 she is still only a girl and I wanted to show her how crying helped Sir.”


“And Sir, frustration in not knowing why I was in such a position, knowing how I had done nothing wrong.”

He chuckled as he brought my clip out to play again,

“You have answered your own questions, you do not have to be naughty to warrant attention from those who love you, and, by putting your arm round Jane showed what a caring, thoughtful girl you are.”

As he said as his big cock entered me.

Certainly a day of very mixed emotions and according to Sir, a day of learning, I`m still trying to come to terms with it myself, trying to evaluate the tears I keep shedding, are they of joy or remorse or maybe even pleasure?


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