This is basically an erotic love story and of course all characters are over 21. It will definitely not start out as a love story, but it will get there. Please vote often (fives are most welcome) and of course please leave constructive comments. I love the feedback all of you leave … Thank You.
PS – If you have fansies, ideas, etc for new stories please let me know, that include twists on existing stories, and I will see what I can do. Many of my stories have started out that way.
Chapter 6
In the middle of the night Don woke with a raging hard on and buried in a sea of hair. Once he gathered his wits, he knew that Suzy was fanatically gobbling his cock, desperate to have him hard and inside her. He figured that two can play at that game and he flipped her right-side up, straddled her legs around his face and began to feast on her sodden pussy.
She squealed when he manhandled her into position, moaned excitedly when his tongue began ladvancing her clip and let out a banshee like scream as she convulsed in her first orgasm of the night. He knew that the entire block heard her cum, and he bet they were all smiling right now. Don grabbed her tightly, trying to control her ebullient spasms and keep attacking her pussy and clip until she orgasmed again and again and again. Only after her fourth body twisting violent cum did he throw her to the bed and sink his Steely hard cock deep inside her. She was so wet that he easily bottomed out against her cervix, but he still felt the rippling of her pussy’s orgasmic spasms.
Her thrashing only became more enthusiastic and her screams louder as he pounded into her twitchingly, buttery soft pussy. Don couldn’t tell if Suzy’s cums were one long continuous cum or multiples chained together, but she continued cumming wildly and contorting vigorously until he painted her cervix with his milky seed. As his cock began to soften inside his wildly trembling sub, Don watched with awe and love as she returned from her trip into impassioned nirvana.
At first her eyes were lost in a faraway luxury star, but as her lucidity began to return her eyes focused on the man she loved. He saw her eyes fill with tears of love and he bent to kiss her softly. As his lips touched hers the tears rolled down her cheeks and she reached up to wrap her arms around her master’s neck. Suzy pulled him into her Sensuous and welcome body and whispered, “I love you Don. You are the Master of my body and know how to send me to the moon and back. I can’t live without you!”
Don rolled over and pulled her onto his chest. As Suzy nestled into her pillow with a heartbeat, she felt satisfied and content before she softly whispered, “Master, if it is OK for me to say this, I want more of what we did tonight. I loved what you did to me, but I want more. I wish to feel a flogger or riding crop. I want to be stretched, bound and meant to feel totally helpless before your masterful dominance of my body, my heart and my orgasms. I want to feel pain and pleasure mixing until I can’t tell the difference, but most of all I want an audience to watch as you conquer your slave.”
She looked up at Don’s face and questioned, “Is it wrong for me to tell you my desires and the perversions deep inside of me? I desperately want you to humiliate me, show others that I belong to you, that the Passion inside me explores when you torque, tease, dominate and punishment me? I love being your play toy, your slave, fantasy girl and I want to live in a world where my sexuality is out in the open and on display but controlled by you. Do you still love me after knowing what a perverse person I am?”
Don looked at her tear stained expected face and his heart ached with the love he had for this woman. Don held her in his arms, squeezing her tight as he whispered lovingly in her ear, “I love you more now than I ever have. You and your perversions are a dream come true for me and I love that we have awaken the wild beast inside you. I have always wanted you to open up to me and give me all your trust and tell me all your craziest fans. I want us live out your whims, your quirks and your wildest dreams.”
“I want your perversions, your sex, your imagination, your soul, your body, your mind, your spirit, your heart and your unconditional love. I know that you are not a weak or stupid woman. You have a strong sense of self and what you want out of life. You are not perverse because you find joy, fulfillment, and immense pleasure in being my submissive. I don’t care what others think about us as long as you are happy with our life together.”
“I am proud of the strength and trust that it takes for you to put your body and heart in my hands. You are an exceptional woman, stunningly gorgeous, strong willed with more password than anyone I know. Baby, there is strength in leading and controlling, but it also takes strength to follow or surrender yourself. Thereis also the power to strip your heart bare, but it also takes power to stand with your soul naked and exposed. There is strength in knowing who you are and what you want, instead of living a life that society designs for you.”
Suzy looked at Don with a wonderful star and then with disbelief in her voice responded, “You don’t think I’m sick or perverted because I love being sexually dominated by you or being your plaything? The fact that I love the bondage, or I find pleasure in the torque or pain doesn’t both you?”
Don found her disbelief almost humorous but knew this was a very serious discussion and kept his voice and face serious as he added, “No baby I don’t think you’re sick or perverted! Do you think I’m sick or perverted because I love showing you naked to our neighbors or that I love hanging you from a tree or tormenting you until you can’t stop cumming?”
Suzy sat for a moment contemplating his answer and then he exposed, “I find you absolutely growgeousand find you exceptionally beautiful when you give yourself, mind, body and soul, to me freely. Watching the love and trust grow in your eyes as I bind you and then the password blossom as I tantalize you is mind-blowingly erotic. As you release your heart and body into my care, I find the joyful pride flourish as I conquer willful spirit inside you. Your strength and courage allow you to open yourself to accept and to give the love you feel.”
Suzy snuggled into his arms and she lay on his chest as she murmured, “Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. I can tell you that when you bind me and play with me, I feel more love, belonging and arousal that feels so totally intimate. At that moment I can’t hide from you and my heart is wide open. At that moment you could hurt me if you wanted, but I know I will always be safe with you.”
“Sometimes it is hard to admit but I love being your possession and I want nothing more than your love and attention. You could never force me to act this way, but I want to give myself completely to you. I want to feel your eyes devour me and eagerly comply with any commands you give. I love you Master!”
Don had a lump in his throat and couldn’t say anything, so he pinned her arms above her head and nibbled down her face, ears, neck and finally breasts. At that point he had to release her arms, but she kept them stretched above her head as if he had them still bound above her head. While his mouth was busy with her nipples, his rejuvenated cock slide easily into her still wet slot. Don slowly made love to his slave wife, stroking her nipples and clip as his cock Leisurely filled her pussy over and over. Together they reached their climatic pinnacle and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.
In the morning Don woke with Suzy Draped over his chest. Her head was cushioned in a nest she had created with the hair on his chest. He stroked her silky skin, roaming over her muscled back and tight sexy ass, while he enjoyed her sensuous twitches as she slept. Don stroked the mass of blonde hair surrounding him until he decided it was time to wake her up.
Don gave her a sharp swat on her very delectable ass, and she moaned, but didn’t move, He gave her another swat and this time she wiggled and lifted her ass begging for more. Don smiled and kissed her head, rolled her over and kissed her mouth. He knew she was Awake and wanting him to take her just one more time, but he had thing to do. He grew in her ear, “It’s time to get up because I have several shows to plan for you and I need to find all my torture implementations.”
Suzy perked up and tilted her head looking at him. Then with an impish smile she said, “Ohhh Master, you say the most wonderful things. Can I get some hints of what you have planned for my poor body?”
Don smiled as he took in her delicious form and marveled at the changes in his formally bratty wife. He knew she truly wanted to be conquered and guided to the moment where the intersection of pain and pleasure took her to the edge of insanity. He gave her a crooked smile and exhausted, “Well, you said you wanted to feel the flogger, riding crop or paddle, so I am thinking of ways to bring all your dreams together.”
Suzy shivered and began to rub her breasts through his chest hair and straddled his leg so she could rub her pussy against his leg. Her breathing was getting Strained and he knew she was working herself into a sexual later. He gave her a swat between her legs, and she jolted upright. He sternly asked, “Who is your master?”
She gushed a breathy answer, “You, oh my God you! I am addicted to the way you love me, and I need you! Please punish me for being bad!”
Don smiled, throw her onto her back, knelt above her and watched as her dreamy eyes washed all of her love over him. Her eyes told him everything, she loved him mind, body and soul and desperately wanted his love in return. He swallowed the lump in his throat and in a fake harsh voice said, “Right now I need you to make us some breakfast so I have the strength to punish you and you have the endurance to accept my loving torque.”
She sat up and hugged him tightly whispering in the nestled hair of his chest, “Yes my love, oh how much I love you.”
She squirmed out from underneath him and scampered to the kitchen. Don watched with amazement as his wife’s absolutely delicious form curried to the galley. She had always been the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he was willing to put up with her spoiled behavior. Now being forced to be in each other’s company by the pandemic has been a blessing he never hoped for. She had become the girl he had always dreamed of. She was gorgeous with a face and body that would stop traffic or make grown men and women drool. Now all she wanted was for him to make love to her in every kinky way he could imagine over and over again. She was his fantasy girl come true and now he had to come up with ways to drive her towards and keep her in her lusty nirvana. She loved being his erotic play toy and to be honest so did he.
Don jumped out of bed and went into his office. He first checked on anything that might have cropped up in the office and then immediately began sketching out ideas for Suzy’s new erotic theater. He had barely gotten started when Suzy interrupted him with breakfast. She sat in His lap as they both ate, but Don’s mind was on the ideas he was toying with. As he was finishing Suzy’s breakfast, he noticed that she was quite as well and observed that she was reading his notes and sketches.
It was then that he noticed that his lap was soaked in Suzy’s password nectar. Obviously, she was more than turned on at the thought of him doing all those things to her, especially in front of an audience. He turned her head and asked, “What do you think my love?”
She quivered and responded, “Oh Master, Oh Master, I can’t wait for you to do all these things to me. I mean to you slaves’ body. Oh god, how am I going to wait until tomorrow? Can we practice a little … Please Master?”
Don kissed her gently and said, “No my love, we can’t practice, because I want to see the destination on your face when we do the real thing. However, I will let you use your vibrator until show time … as long as you don’t cum.”
“Oh Master, thinking about all of your teasing, the audience and the massive gut twisting cums has me on pins and needs. I may not be able to stop from cumming, just thinking about it.”
Don looked sternly at her and said, “You better not cum or else I will do all of these things to you and not let you cum at the end. That will be your real punishment, not cumming at the end of the show and you may not cum for days if you are bad. Remember my baby, no orgasms until I say so!”
The look of desperation on her face was heart wrenching, but as he caressed her the look morphed into determination, the determinationtion to do exactly what her Dominate Master wanted. Then she looked at him and said, “I will make you proud Master and I promise to be your perfect slave girl.”
With that she got up, gathered all the breakfast dishes, and left for the kitchen. Don glanced at the nectar soaked all over his lap and knew she was already desperate for an orgasm, but she was determined to make him proud.
Don went back to his story boards and realized that he only had one choice for tonight, because he didn’t have everything he needed. He quickly began ordering things on-line and only a few of the items had long delivery times. For the items he couldn’t get he put out feelers to his fellow on-line Doms and his neighbors. In the end he had everything for the next three shows, then he went down to the basement to start on the preparation for tonight’s show.
While Don was in the basement Suzy tried to keep busy with chores, but everything took longer than usual, because her mind kept wanderingback to tonight’s show. After she finished the laundry, cleaning the house, she started on dinner, but burned her first attempt, because she was teasing herself with the vibrator. She was usually a great cook, but for now her mind was mired in fansies of what Don had planned for her. The anticipation and not knowing what Don had planned kept her in a dream state.
Don took a small break when Suzy told him dinner was ready. It was a short dinner, with both being distracted about the upcoming show. Don was still working out all the construction details, while Suzy had anticipatory dreams of what was about to happen. The not knowing was driving her into a frenzy, with her nipples engaged and aching for hours. She had to wear panties with a maxi pad inside, because her pussy was leaking like a runaway faucet. The anticipation had her so aroused she was convinced that if Don looked at her with lust she would cum on the spot.
When 8:30 arrived and Don called Suzy down to the basment, she almost couldn’t walk. All day her mind had been consumed with fantastic ideas of what he had for her and her vibrator hadn’t helped. Her legs were like Jello and she held on tightly to the handrail as she went to the basement. Seeing her master waiting with chains dangling behind him sent her into a tizzy and she had to sit on the last step of the stairs as her knees began shaking.
Her master was very concerned as she sat on the steps and asked, “Are you alright my love?”
She perked up and responded, “Yes Master, the anticipation and ignorance about what is going to happen to me is just a little overwhelming. Seeing the chains behind you made me weak in the knees and I just had to sit down.”
Don walked over to her and squatted in front of her asking, “Don’t you trust me not to hurt you baby?”
“Oh yes master, it’s not that. I know that by the end of the night I’m going to be on a password cloud nine. I know that I will not be able to walk or talk,Because you will have vanquished my ability to resist you and I will be your sex slave for ever more.”
She took a deep breath and continued, “I want this! I want you to perfectly love me and silence my minds ability to doubt our love. I want every fantasy you have to be acted out on me, but not knowing what you have planned has left me in an exited state all day and seeing the chains turned it into reality. I am ready to be your play toy for the night.”
With that she stood, looking deeply down at her feet. Don wrapped her in his arms and held her close as she sagged against his hard body. Don led her over to the chains, gently kissing her face, “I love you baby and tonight will be the beginning of many fantasy scenes we are going to act out. Tonight, we will be playing acting a scene. You are a spy and have stolen some secrets from my safe and I want to know who you work for and where the secrets are. Do you understand my love?”
Suzy was staring at the chains and responded, “Yes master.” Then she turned and looked at him and softly asked, “What should I say?”
Don smiled and responded, “Say whatever you want baby, it’s not important. The show is your unbridled password on full display.”
Don grabbed her long blonde hair bunded it in his hands and wrapped a rubber band around it creating a ponytail that cascaded down her back. Next, he dressed her in a very sexy maid’s outfit, bound her hands behind her in cuffs and attached them to the chains. He added her dog collar around her neck, also snapping the chain to the ring on the collar. Lastly, he used a ball gag to silence her.
Don looked at his gorgeous slave wife and smiled at her, honoring her bound beauty. Suzy saw his loving look and felt proud to belong to him and thrilled to the object of his fansies. She looked at her outfit, then at the computer and felt excitement rush through her. This was going to be another epic show and she loved being the centerpiece.
Don turned to the computer and setup the zoom session. He accepted everyone logging in and then explained tonight’s show premise, “Suzy is a spy and was disguised as a maid before she was caught stealing from my safe. I am now going to interrogate her, find out who she really is and whom she works for.”
He turned to Suzy and began tonight’s play, “I knew you were too pretty and smart to be a real maid. A spy, you’re a spy. Shit, what is your real name and who do you work for?”
Then, he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him, shaking her as he repeated, “Who do you work for?”
He then grabbed the top of her maid outfit in his hand and as she tried to pull away, he pulled it down. With a satisfied ripping sound, the maid costume came off in his hand and suddenly Suzy was standing there, Wearing only her pink thong. Her breasts were out in the open and swayed exclusively with her nipples pumped and hard. She was gloriously naked except for the thong, and oh what a spectacular sight she was.
She tried to twist away as he turned her to face him. As she tried to twist away, he slapped her breasts and watched them jiggle strictly. He couldn’t resist sucked her right nipple in his mouth tongue lashing the nipple as his teeth gnawed on it. Suzy made password grunts while she arched her back begging for more of his torque. He switched to the other nipple giving it the same treatment and by the time he finished Suzy was making beautiful erotic moans behind the gag.
As his nipple play continued his fingers marched down her flat belly and beneath her panties until they slide easily into her sopping wet pussy. Suzy thrashed her head in rapturous fury as he pushed her back to the edge of her cum, but he backed off keeping her there. His fingers and mouth toyed with her sexually charged body pushing her into delicious Desperation.
He backed away and watched her gorgeous form squirm, wanting just one more care to send her over the edge and into delirium. Her eyes were pleading to let her cum, and her body arched towards him trying for any touch that would give her the finish she craved. He looked at her and grew, “Damn you are a password spy and I am almost tempted to just fuck you and let you go. But I think I can use that password to get lots of information out of you. Should I keep denying you a glorious finish until you give me all the information I want, or should I keep you cumming until you beg me to stop and give me the information I need?”
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