The Pain Slut Part 7
New Slaves for my Harem
Chapter 19
Emily, dirty Mum
Emily wanted to talk to her daughter Ines alone about her stay on Slave Island and asked the rest of us to leave the room. I told her it was my room and that she should call her daughter by her new real name Three.
“It’s true, Mum, I volunteered to be a slave. Please call me by my name Three.”
“But what does your new name mean, Three…?”
“Mum, it means that I am to be used without restrictions. Do you understand all three of my holes?”
“Stop it, Ines, that’s too much,” Emily sobbed. “Why have you done this to my daughter, turned her into a whore?” she glared at me angrily.
Three now knelt before her mother, “Please Mummy, don’t be angry. I have always dreamed of being a naked slave with no rights. My master has made this dream come true for me and I am so grateful to him.
I am his three-hole whore, his fuck-toy, I gladly endure pain for his pleasure Ican even reach a climax when I am in pain.”
Rita and Irene nodded in agreement.
Martina and Lucia looked at their naked kneeing sister with fascination. The lovely Three wore only the shock collar, black stockings and high heels.
Her slave training had made her fit and slender. Her beautiful face, her breasts which had been made too large for her delicate figure and the rings in her labia made her look like a high-class call girl. Her naked body was tanned and beautiful. No hair was visible except for the blonde hair on her head and the slave’s pussy was smooth and pretty.
Lucia said, “It’s so fucking hot, why can’t Mum see it?”
Martina replied, “Mum has no idea about sex, I think the last time she was fucked was when I was conceived.”
Emily turned her head towards her younger daughters: “That’s not true, I’ve had… I am desirable, but… your father only wanted young girls. I was too old for him at 30 and…” she burst into tears.
I felt sorry for her because of her unhappy marriage, but everyone is the architect of their destiny. “Emily, you are a beautiful and intelligent woman. Why didn’t you look for other men? You’re only fifty?” I asked, stunned.
It was no mere compliment; Emily, with her vivid features, pale complexion, black hair and slender figure, was still a desirable woman.
Rita had stood up, stark naked, and moved with natural grace towards Emily and Three.
She patted Emily on the shoulder and explained,
“I think I know what the problem is. Emily was discovering her true preferences, and it frightened her.
Everyone looked astonished,
Lucia asked, “What preferences, Mummy?”
Emily was silent but Rita continued: “Your mum has found out that she is a lesbian!
And she was so embarrassed for her three girls that she never acted on it.
“How dare you…” But the sentence remained unfinished, Emily lowered her eyes, defeated and humiliated in front of all her daughterters.
Martina and Lucia looked at each other in amazement. “Hey, what a revelation! Mum, you’re a cunt licker?” Martina asked cheesekily.
Once again I was amazed at Rita, she had such fine antennae.
Lucia asked, “Mum, be honest, did you like us too? Would you have hit on us if we weren’t your daughters?”
Emily looked down. “I have only had one experience in this direction, with one of Lucie’s classesmates, Mary. She tried to seduce me. I was shocked when I reacted so strongly to her. It was my awakening. At the same time, I forbade myself to act on this inclination.
“Oh, what a shame,” Irene had jumped up, almost naked in her slave outfit, she walked over to Emily and kissed her on the mouth. Then she turned to Three and apologised, “Please forgive me dear, but your mother is irresistible. I must fuck her.”
“Mummy, please don’t be shy, surrender to Irene, she’ll make you happy.”
Emily surprised and turned to her daughter, “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.”
Rita took charge of the situation.
“Emily, you need help. Everyone needs love, especially physical love. In psychology, there is a concept called family constellation, and family is what we need here. Quickly, all the family members stand next to me. Martina, Lucia, come here. Stand next to your mother and Three. “Who will play the father?”
“I Volunteer,” I said.
“There must be no power imbalance; everyone has equal rights in this seance. One of you is naked, so the others must also undress. Come on.” Rita had spoken in her best dominatrix voice. There was no room for argument.
Martina and Lucia were happy to oblige and began to unbutton their blouses. Emily blushed bright red. “Mummy, do it for me,” Three coated, “I’ll help you out of your blazer.”
While her daughters were completely uninhibited in all their naked glory, Emily still wasn’t completely undressed. Her plain white lingerie didn’t look very sexy, and Three and hersisters fiddled with it until the reluctant mother was finally naked as well.
Surprisingly, she wasn’t just smooth all over, she looked stunning, as beautiful as her daughters.
Soon I was standing naked next to the four nude beauty, with my huge erection, and noticed Irene giggling. I had seen Martina naked before; she was all white and skinny like a chicken. She was blonde like Three and had tiny breasts.
Next to her was Lucia, the younger version of Emily, with full breasts and a wet, shiny slit.
I had the justified feeling that everyone was staring at my dick. Emily wasn’t staring, just looking out of the corner of her eye.
The air in the room had somehow warmed up and it smelled of naked pussy.
Rita took charge. “Hold each other’s hands and stand in a circle. Now close your eyes and listen to yourselves. Each of you will say the first thing that comes to mind. Three you go first, please. “
“I love that we are all together. Mummy, Daddy, my sweet little sisters… The first thing I remember is when the master bedroom was off-limits on Saturdays. I would hear moans and slapses when I listened at the door. I used to think that Daddy had Mummy over his knee, just like he did with us.
Mum’s moaning from being spanked made me so horny at the time that I…”
“Yes?” Ria said demandingly,
“…I had this nice feeling.”
Three blushed like a little girl. I saw it because I blinked carefully. Rita looked at me sternly and I closed my eyes again.
“Do you have that feeling again?” Rita insisted.
“Yes, I’m wet.” Three confessed. “It’s the family, I love them all, even physically.”
I stood between Emily and Martina, feeling Emily to my right, holding my hand tightly. Martina was to my left, her palm sweating. I had to force myself to keep my eyes closed, they were all too tempting. The whole situation turned me on.
That’s how Three’s Dad must have felt, I thought.
“What’s on your mind, Emily?”
She cleared her throat and said, “This is how misunderstandings happen. My husband and I were doing it, skin on skin, I was moaning and my daughter thought I was being beating.
Again, I had no idea that my ex-husband was pushing the girls in this way. During the week I worked in the capital to further my career.
The pervert had made them pull down their panties and spank their bare bottoms.
The worst thing happened after Ines’ 18th birthday; he used mind control to make her his lover. I feel so guilty.
Rita told Emily that it was important to forgive others to be able to forgive yourself and become whole again.
“You must now embrace your ex-husband, press your naked body against him, kiss him and say the words.
Emily turned to me and pressed herself against me. I had to lean forward so she could kiss me on the mouth.
She whispered, “I forgive you, Robert, I forgive you,” I felt her hot body press against my cock and almost camefrom the kinky situation. Her nipples were hard and ticked my stomach. I breathed in her scent, sweet and a little musky.
“That’s nice,’ said Rita. Mummy and Daddy are reconciled and reunited.
Now Three must forgive her father.
The greater the sin, the greater the forgiveness!
Three will knee and use her mouth to please Daddy until he pours himself into her mouth. Then Three will speak the words of thanks and forgiveness.
It was so damn hot, my ex-wife Three was deep-throating my cock, pretending to be my daughter, while her sisters and mother stood there wide-eyed, holding my hands. I couldn’t hold back for long and shot a big load, it was glorious, like fucking a whole harem.
Mother 51, daughters 29, 24 and 22, all naked, hot and beautiful.
The obedient daughter Three swallowed my load, looked at me and whispered: ‘Thank you, Daddy. I forgive you for everything, Daddy.’
Rita called her back into the circle. “Now you, Martina. What did you feel?”
“It’s strange, remembering those dreams where Daddy was my Lord and Master, and I had to do everything he wanted. He hurt me and he put his thing in me, front and back, and I had to kiss him all over. “
“You poor child,” cried Emily. She knew that this had happened some days before. Martina continued, “We were on holiday somewhere, I don’t know, maybe a place like This. But I know it wasn’t real.”
“Thank you, Martina, is there anything you want to say to your Daddy?
Martina pointed at me. “Now that you look like Daddy, I’d like to hug and kiss you, if you don’t mind. I’m so sorry for having such depraved dreams about you,” she said with a flirtatious undertone.
“Come to Daddy, little one,” I said my dick in the midday position again.
She pressed her slender body against mine and looked up at me, my glans at the level of her collarbone. I had to lean forward to kiss her. Her tongue immediately entered my mouth and went crazy. She remindedme a lot of Ines when I married her. I mean Three, of course.
Martina pressed herself firmly against me, her hands gripped me, and she even rubbed her pussy against my thigh.
Emily, Three and Lucia pressed their bodies against us as we stood in a hot kiss.
Martina whispered in my ear, “Please fuck me, Daddy”.
Without hesitation, I grabbed her ass cheeses and in one fluid motion sat her on my cock. She was so wet that I slide effortlessly into her, my God, she was glowing inside. She let out a loud moan, her sisters and her mother moved her up and down on my cock, kissing and caressing Martina and me in turn.
I caught a glimpse of Rita, she blew me a kiss and looked very pleased with herself.
Martina gasped and cried out in ecstasy, “Daddy, oh, Daddy!”
The rhythm quickly until she came on my cock. She sprayed my cock with her juices as her head sank against my chest. The five of us stood tightly entwined, breathing heavily, smelling of sex.
Rita applauded and tried us. “That was great, but now back in a circle, Lucia is next to confess.”
Lucia, with a hoarse voice: “We are all so excited, how can it be? Incest is a taboo. Are we all so dirty?
But that’s not all, I also have my fansies of submission. I want to experience everything my big sister has gone through.
“Tell us what you want, Lucia.
“I want to have sex with my Mother and my Sisters. I want to be spanked on my ass by my Daddy… I want to suffer.”
Rita suddenly had a cane in her hand:
Step forward, Lucia, bend down, spread your legs wider, hands around your ankles. Ask Master for 20 hard lashes. Rita handed me the cane. I swung it through the air and Lucia trembled.
Was it fear or lust? Probably both.
She said in a clear voice: “Please spank me 20 times on my ass, Master Daddy”
It was delicious to whip the horny little girl, she screamed with every stroke. Emily watched in fascination as her daughter and younger version of herself was whipped.
The arse was already showing the first welts; I didn’t believe in just playing spanking. I wanted her to feel it, to suffer so that the pleasure would be greater. After 20 strokes she was sobbing and trembling like a baby.
Rita now commanded: ‘On your knees, Lucia. Slide over to your mother and kiss her vagina. Emily, stand with your legs apart, yes, that’s a good girl. Lucia and Emily looked at each other as Lucia planted hot kisses on her mother’s pussy. Martina, Three and I stood close around them.
Rita ordered, ‘Tongue out, Lucia,’ she obeyed and showed her mother her tongue just an inch from her cunt.
“Emily, ask your daughter to lick your pussy, now!”
Emily said in a trembling voice, “Darling, please lick me, make me happy with your tongue.”
I was astonished that Emily had said that. Was I witnessing mind control, where did Rita get this natural power over others?
We were like pawns in her game, she made us do things…
Emily had her eyes closed, enjoying the cares of Lucia’s tongue in her slit.
Lucia’s tongue had disappeared deep into the cave where she was born. It must have worked wonderers there because Emily was shaking all over, moaning and crying, pressing her belly against Lucia’s face.
“I could melt with desire,” whispered Martina, who couldn’t take her eyes off them. Three stared alternatively at the hot scene and my rock-hard boss.
Naked Rita watched us contentedly, like a circle princess watching her trained horses, while Irene, lying on the bed rubbing her slit, compromised with delight.
Emily screamed with pleasure, her whole body shaking, and she squirted her juices in Lucia’s face. Wow, what a hot chick.
Lucia looked up at her in astonishment and eagerly licked her own mother’s juices.
“Lucia, now thank your mother for everything she has given you: life, lust and her nectar.
With her bright red face glistening with pussy juices, Lucia looked up at Emily and said in a little girl’s voice, “Thank you, Mummy, I like your juices.”
“Now all of you are back in the circle, come on.” We obeyed, holding hands and smiling at each other. Everything seemed more relaxed and loving than before.
Rita turned to Emily. “Are you happy now that all the secrets are out and you can live together as a family without lies, but with more joy?”
“I am,” Emily said, “I am so grateful to you for that.
Now confess, Emily, come out.
Say you’re a lesbian.
Confess that you like eating pussy.
Say you’re a dirty slut who fucks her daughters.
Admit that you want to be fucked by your ex-son-in-law.
Promise that you’ll serve Irene and me and swallow everything we give you.
“Stop, stop,” Emily shouted laughing, “You can read my mind, bitch. Yes, I am such a depraved cunt, it’s all true. And I am proud of it. Oh, if only I had the guts to do it before.
Emily was beaming and so hyper, like she was on speed. She looked heartbreakingly beautiful. Her pussy was glistening with moisture and a few drops of her pussy juice were already running down her left thigh. She had shed all inhibitions and was openly displaying her sexuality.
“What pussy needs licking? I’ll show you I’m a great cunt licking slut.
Please lie on the bed, girls, and I’ll serve you all.
Emily’s daughters quickly got comfortable on the bed, their bottoms on the edge and their sealed pussies on display, eager for Emily’s attention.
She started with Martina, who looked tenderly at Emily and told her how she liked it. “I love it, Mummy.”
Irene and Rita looked at me expected. They expected me to deliver some hot action, and they should have it.
“Crocodile clips,” I said, then I looked at them: “Labia and cliporis,”
then after a pause: “Ass fuck with pussy pain.”
Both ran to the glass cabinet with the punishment utesils and presented me with a box of black and red clamps.
“What are you waiting for, clamp each other, red with Irene, black is better with Rita’s white skin. I want your pussies to look like porcupines.”
At first, they were still giggling, then pinching each other with the clamps, one right next to the other, with ‘ouch’ and groans.
“Don’t forget your pleasure buttons,” I ordered. “When you’re done, stand in front of me.”
I was already rock hard during the scorching scene with Emily and her daughters, now add the two obedient pain toys…
Martina whimpered and turned as her mother’s tongue caressed her clip. Three and Lucia lay watching and caressing each other’s pussies.
Then, I inspected the two slave girls standing with their legs apart. Their pussies were full of crocodile clips and no longer visible – how excited!
I stepped closer and checked the tightness of the clamps with both hands, moving them up and down and sideways, pulling on them. I loved the sounds Rita and Irene were making; emrithing and whimpering cuns how I liked that.
“Turn around!
Towards the sofa!
Get on your knees!
Support yourself on the sofa with your upper body!
Ass up, legs wide!”
I knelt behind Irene and pressed my cock against her rosette. She relaxed immediately and I slide in effortlessly. Without further ado I began to thrust into her, pressing her body against the sofa.
Now the clamps were even more painful. This was a wonderful pain fuck for the black whore. “Rita, press your cunt against the sofa in the same rhythm as Irene. I want you to feel the same pain as she does.”
What a horny sight, how she inflicted the pain on herself.
They whimpered and groaned in pain, and I decided to take Rita’s asshole next. Irene, move around as if I were still fucking you. Oh, I loved her obedience.
I was already panting heavily, not only from the exercise but also because my climax was imminent.
I had the feeling thatmy cock was swelling and stretching Rita’s tight rear hole even more. I closed my eyes and squeezed her breasts with all my might.
Her wild convulsions did the rest as if she wanted to suck the seed out of me.
It came, it came inexorably, it shot out of me, and I filled her bowels with hot juice.
I withdraw and commanded: “Go on, pain playthings, torque yourselves.”
Their arses went back and forth, continuing to make fuck movements against the sofa. Involuntarily, they forced the clamps to bite their intimate parts harder.
“Come when you can, pain cunts!” I ordered.
Their movements quickly, the screams louder. The clamps were cutting off the blood, it must be hurting like hell. Their screams spurred them on, but they needed my help.
When the cane unexpectedly hit their asses with full force, it pushed them over the edge. They screamed out their painful orgasms, both squirting their juices on the sofa.
What moaning, what emrith, whattears of pleasure and pain. The room smelled even more of pussy.
“You may now remove the clamps.” Irene was the first to free Rita. The pain was at its worst when the blood began to pulsate again. Rita compromised on the floor with her legs spread, half unconscious, her pussy swollen to twice its normal size. I took a few photos of her.
Since she was unable to free Irene, I plucked the clamps down, and Irene also suffered severe pain. I let them recover and turned to the scene at the bed.
Emily was now kneeling before Lucia and had sunk her tongue deeply into the slit of her middle daughter, her nose pressed against Lucia’s clip.
She rubbed her other daughters with her hands as her white, shaped bottom moved accordingly.
I was ready to take Emily’s asshole while this slut was licking her daughters. Three realized what I was planning and warned me: “Mummy is probably an anal virgin, you will need a lot of lubricant and patience, Sir.”
“Then anxious up andprepare your sluttish mother for me.”
Three quickly fetched the lubricant, spread some on her fingers and tried to penetrate her mother’s asshole with one finger first.
“Mummy, please relax, open your hole for me, you’ll like it. Yes, that’s good, please stay relaxed.”
She carefully tried to penetrate a little deeper with the second finger, while gently caresing Emily’s ass Cheeks with the other hand. When the third finger went in, Emily moaned, but she continued to lick her younger daughter slowly to orgasm.
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