The Pain Slut Pt. 06

The Pain Slut pt. 06

Chapter 16

A dangerous plan


When I checked into the Slave Island Hotel on Saturday, I was wearing a cap and dark sunglasses so that Professor Mabuse, as we called my ex-father-in-law, could not recognize me by chance.

But nobody would have paid any attention to me anyway, because Rita looked so gorgeous and sexy that she attracted everyone’s attention.

She was wearing a black, skin-tight leather Dior jumpsuit that showed off her magnificent breasts to full advantage.

With her small wait, and long beautiful hair, her gorgeous ass, she attracted everyone’s attention.

We had arrived in time and had until Tuesday to explore and plan the rescue of Three from her father’s clutches.

On Tuesday, her first day as a hotel whose, Three was already booked for 24 hours. We didn’t know for sure, but we feared that her father was this customer. He had threatened to brainwash her.

We therefore had to try to get into his room and prevent that.

The problem was that we weren’t allowed to use force, because if something happened to the old man, Three, as his whore, would immediately be a suspect, he was also Three’s father, after all. In addition, there was the problem of Three’s sister, we did not know if Martina or Lucia; shouldn’t be able to scream the whole hotel down and foil our plans.

I could only Take the meals in our room, but Rita was to act as an agent in the field.

I prepared myself in the room for the operation, we had syringes with a knockout agent to incapacitate them both. We had handcuffs and gags.

And we had the secret weapon: the Mind Control Chips from Hong Kong. Fortunately, they had arrived in time and had also passed through customs declared as sex toys. If we couldn’t think of anything else, we had to pretend to be room service or maintenance, overpower the two and save Three.

If it went wrong, we were done for. Hotel security would take nononsense. The hotel and slave project belonged to the Albanian mafia.

We were therefore doomed to succeed.


Rita had to eat alone in the dining room that evening, but she was soon besieged by a few gentlemen who wanted to show her the grounds.

“Where is your master, little one? Would you like a little guidance?” a handsome man asked her.

“I’m Mistress Rita,” she said in a malicious tone, “and yes, I could try out my new X-large strap-on in your arsehole!”

“Sorry, I made a mistake,” and he was gone.

Today, there was a special attention for female switches: you could book an indescribable experience that Rita couldn’t resist, it would last for two hours. The announced pleasure factor was 5/5, and the pain factor was…, well not suitable for beginners.

Rita could be both active and passive in BDSM games and she was also bisexual. A true queen of the scene. And she couldn’t resist this offer.

“That didn’t sound too bad.” She said and moved to the meeting point. Only four other women were waiting in the hall.

Some ‘animators’ dressed in leather led all five adventure women to the lower floor, which looked like a dungeon.

“Take off your clothes, cuns.” All did as they were told, and the cool air gave Rita goosebumps and made her nipples stand up. A latex hood was provided for each of the five victims. The hood was pulled over Rita’s face and head and strapped tight.

Rita could neither see nor hear anything, so tightly it was pressed over her ears. She could breathe through her mouth and nose. Then a ball gag was pushed into her mouth.

Somebody took her by her hand and pushed her in a direction. Suddenly she felt uplifted by strong arms and brought upstairs, the fresh air was now warm. Then shoes were put on her feet. They felt cold and it hurt to stand on them because of the iron spikes instead of soles.

Rita moaned but was muffled by the gag and the rubber head.

Somebodyfixed shadele bracelets to her wrists. Her legs were spread apart, maybe by a spreader and her arms were fixed over her head, she stood bolt upright now, very exposed, very helpless. She wondered what they were going to do to her, she hoped that it would be perverse on the one hand and cruel on the other.

Something big lubed was screwed deep inside her anus. Then something touched her pussy, slowly moved inside, and screwed deeper and deeper, until she felt filled. Both holes filled to the maximum, she could not move or get rid of the intruders. Rita thought it was a double dildo on a stand. Suddenly she felt the ticking start in both her holes.

She was helpless, at the mercy of the two damn machines pulsing inside her, she was making voluptuously in her bonds. After a while it stopped, and then she felt a burning sensing on the inside of her tighs, on her ass, on her public shaft. Nettles, she thought, while she twisted in vain in her bonds.

The darkness and deafness made everything worse, she was so helpless, that she could only wait for the next painful sensings. The torture of the soles of her feet caused her continuous pain, the nettles burned her tights, her belly, and her tits, and she wanted to cry out loud. But she could not, because of the gag.

Then the whipping with the nettles stopped and the two intruders vibrated again. After the pain came pleasure, so much pleasure in her pussy. She trembled and moaned, she felt the tingling and she came, she came like thunder and lightning, she came a second time, a third time, it was fantastic, colorful wheels in her head, she felt no pain, only pleasure.

Then the pulsation in her body stopped, and she calmed down again. She felt the pain in the soles of her feet, and the burning of the small blisters caused by the nettles was back. Suddenly, a sharp pain, her buttocks were whipped with a rod, without mercy, hard and fast, then her front, her pussy, her breasts, she cried andsobbed under the rubber head, she was completely distraught with fear. She felt like she was enangled in barbed wire, unable to move, fighting against her bonds.

After what seemed like an eternity, the lashing stopped and the pulsating began again, harder, very intense, only in her head she heard her desperate moans. It took a while for the pleasure to overcome the pain, slowly she climbed the mountain again and became aroused like never before.

The climax almost tore her apart, it seemed to last forever, huge waves vibrated in her innermost being, leaving her weak and sore.

Somebody gently caresed her shoulder, then she was freed from the now lifeless intruders. Her shadows released; she could not stand on her feet any more.

She was lifted and felt something soft under her body and somebody took off the tormenting shoes. At last, she was released from the rubber head, she was covered in sweat.

A large audience was present, and the applause began when the faces of the victims became visible. The animators bowed politely, smiling.

The other victims were still glowing from the ordeal, although they were now sitting naked and satisfied on the leather sofas.

They all looked contented and laid-back, although they had been cruelly beaten. One of the ‘animators’ – a handsome boy – dragged their clothes and shoes into the room; they had been stuffed into five boxes.

“I hope you got your money’s worth, ladies. Shall we call in some hotel whoses for some additional licking services?”

Interestingly, they all had enough and left after dressing. Rita took the lift to her room to report to her master.

After a shower, Master massed a cooling lotion onto her cruelly treated skin. She was exhausted and apologised for going to sleep straight away.


The next morning I stood on the balcony and watched the inspection of the fuck-slaves with the binarys. Rita was at breakfast, and I saw the guards driving the naked slave women into the grounds on their motorbikes.

Setting a fast pace, the naked girls ran like Olympic champions. I saw Three, running alongside the long-legged black girl. Both wipe and fit.

My lovely Three had a seamlessly tanned athletic body like she had spent two months in the Caribbean. She was so beautiful and desirable that it almost hurt to look at her. After half an hour, they finally disappeared into the wilderness despite the twelve-fold magnification of the binarys.

After two hours Rita returned from breakfast, and neither the professor nor his daughter had shown up. As soon as the door closed behind her, she began to undress, “James 007 please, we must practice the Kamasutra, quickly, I’m hornier than ever.”

We started with “the grip” Rita loved positions with the woman in control, the grip required her to lay on her back and raise her hips slightly I placed myself on all fours between her legs, while she moved her pelvis side toside, with her soles rested on my buttocks. She set the pace, I enjoyed it.

Her unfathomable eyes held mine.

She moaned softly, “Please tell me, Sir, how does this mind control app work?”

“It’s quite simple, the chip is shot into the earlyobe with a small pistol. This chip is so small that it remains invisible and is close enough to the brain to take effect. Everything is controlled by an app that you have installed on your notebook or smartphone.

Please slow down, Rita, or I can’t hold it back any longer.”

“Oh, that would be a shade,’ she whispered in a little girl’s voice, but please tell me more”

“By the app, you can directly address the different brain regions, whereby you only have to enter commands, and the app does everything by itself.”

“Yes, but what commands are those?”

“Now with Mabuse, I will terminate his desires for young girls, especially his daughters. The command is: No sex with young girls, incest is strictly forbidden.

To be on the safe side, I will completely switch off his sex drive, with the command: lose your libido.

Then I will make him forget, what he had done to his daughters.”

“But how can it possible work, it sounds way too easy.”

“There is this mode of taking orders in humans, call it religion if you want. The app offers you an experience that will shake you up. You will go from being a Saul to a Paul.

Maybe you become Moses to whom the commandments are dictated or Mohammed who listens to the archangel.

But ten times stronger because it is written directly into your mind.”

“My God, no wonder the app is bannered in all the civilised countries. Given what religions have already done to the world when they have been misused.”

“Of course, you have a negative view of it when I think of the cult in which you experienced so much suffering.”

“Master, please tell me, what is the difference between a cult and great religions, except that they have mAnaged to have more followers?”

“I love clever women Rita and I need to penetrate you deeper now, let us change to “the eagle”

Rita lay on her back with her legs in the air and knees slightly bent, I knelt between her legs and held onto her ankles while penetrating her deep.

She had her hands behind her head and looked up at me lovingly.

She pressed her body against mine and gyrated her pelvis.

“And how can you cure Martina of her twisted love for her father, remove the triggers from her mind that he put there?”

Rita had already found out through clever questions at the reception that it was Martina, the younger sister of Ines/Three.

“Well, that’s going to be more difficult, but I’ve bought the add-on module that can also be used to reset the mind control.

The human mind works like a computer, but the problem is that other information can also be lost during the treatment.

So about 1% of the ‘patients’ lose their memory completely.”

“Sir, your intelligence makes me so horny, please can you make the bridge for me?”

This is a position only suitable for strong and flexible men.

I made a bridge, while she straddled me. She always moved up and down by pushing off the floor with her feet.

I had to concentrate. How long would I be able to keep this up?

She did gymnastics on top of me, pinched my nipples and cooed, “I love making you sweat and gasp, Master.”

When I couldn’t take any more and sank onto my back, she lay down on top of me and we were in the “slide” position. Now I was able to rest while she moved slowly on top of me. Her magnificent breasts pressed against my chest, her legs on my legs.

She made her pussy pulsate and patpered my cock.

Next positions we tried “slip” “snail” “hound” and “waterfall” and on the armchair, we did the “laptop”

We couldn’t get enough.

Fucking for hours.

Rita came in the “rocking horse” position.

She climaxed in the “Indrani” position.

I made her cum in the “prone tiger” position, she could kiss my feet while shivering and moaning.

After a while, I got tired of trying this Karezza method with her. This slow and sensitive way of having sex should remove climax from the sexual equation, leaving space for emotional connection and heightened affection.

It was impossible for Rita not to come, and I had held back long enough; I couldn’t anymore. My balls were already aching with pent-up lust, and now I had to cum.

“I need to cum now Rita” I groaned.

“Please in the “toad Position”, she became, “I want to wrap my legs around you and control everything by gently pressing on your buttocks with my feet.”

“I hope you manage to cum with me Rita, I’ll make a countdown.”

“This would be so hot, please start at 10.000”

“50” I answered, “but I count very slowly”

At zero, I exploded into a thousand pieces. We screamed together and the spurts that I shot intoHer gave me painfully beautiful feelings. The sensing didn’t stop for a long time.

Rita caresed me and kissed me tenderly. “What a wonderful holiday, Master.” She whispered in my ear.

“Yes Rita and we’re going to lose weight, we’ve missed supplier again.”

On Monday, “Agent” Rita finally made a breakthrough. She had seen Mabuse and Martina at breakfast and had followed They unobtrusively to their room. She pushed a cleaning trolley in front of her down the corridor to avoid attracting attention.

Now we had the room number!

We also already knew the central office from where the hotel whoses were sent on their trips.

She planned to sit in the hotel lobby, read the newspaper and observe everything.

The clatter of high heels on the stone floor when Three stalked to her Assignment would not be ignored. We planned for Rita to take up her waiting position there early on Tuesday so that she could notify me in good time. I would then worry to Mabuse’s room, dressed as a maintenance man with a toolbox.

We hadn’t planned for more than that, so it was a case of making it all work.


After four endless days, Irene was back with us, more beautiful and desirable than ever. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I’m crazy about her. I admire her courage and determination. She fight for her right to suffer.

We lay next to each other again in the dormitory, looked deep into each other’s eyes and played around with each other in love. That was all we could do because, as always, we were dead tired from training. The clients still had free use of us and the corporate punishments also took their course.

But in two days, our lives as hotel whose would begin; we were both among the chosen ones.

I felt sorry for the poor creativity condemned to work in the kitchen or cleaning. Sure, they could also be abused or punished by any customer at any time, but that was nothing compared to the humiliation of havingto work as a prostitute and having to serve all perversions, not being able to refuse anyone and still having to satisfy everyone.

Then everything would change for the better; we were getting full access to the hotel’s beauty farm, just like hotel guests. We had appointments with the hairdresser, the manicurist, the pedicurist, the beauty and the waxer for tomorrow.

Furthermore, we were then accommodated in twin rooms like hotel guests. You could make requests for your roommate, but there was no guarantee that they would be fulfilled.

We could eat regularly in the canteen.

The only thing that remained from our fuck-toy existence was that we had to be available to the customer in 12-hour shifts. But there was a roster, and this plan was also made known to us in advance.

As long as you keep to the rules, you were safe from corporate punishment by the management, but if you made a mistake, you were handed over to the guards. Of course, you were at the mercy of the customers, many of whom enjoyed whipping their whores.

After all, we were naked slaves and pain toys, and the customers paid a high price.

The next day was devoted entirely to body care; I even got a full body massage. After dinner, we were allowed to retire to our rooms.

Yes! Irene and I had a room together. We had barely closed the door behind us when we were already pounding on each other.

How wonderful and exciting indulging our love and lust undisturbed.

I don’t remember how many times I came that night., but the most important thing for me was to make Irene climax repeatedly.

We were tired up at 6 am, which was hard.

But we had a large bathroom and enjoyed watching each other get ready in the morning. Then there was breakfast and at 8 the service in the whorehouse began.

If there was no booking, it was no more than an attendance service. We didn’t need to dress much, our collars we wore permanently, otherwise only hold-up stockings and high heels.

“It’s certainly too early to be getting fucked”, remarked Irene, “the guests hadn’t even had breakfast yet. It looks like it’ll be a quiet shift.” Only newcomers were assigned to this early shift. We sat on our fauteuils, left through BDSM magazines, and got bored. Suddenly, the display board read:

Slave Girl Three – Room 3321 – At once – Booking period 24 hours

“Your predictions could be better, Irene, please wish me luck,” I told her and stalked out. In the hotel lobby, I noticed a lady hiding behind a newspaper. She must be waiting for someone, I thought. Otherwise, there were neither guests nor slaves in sight.

When I rang the bell for room 3321, I suddenly had a bad feeling, but it was too late, the door opened, and someone pulled me into the room by my hair and the door slammed shut.

“Welcome, sweetheart,” A well-known voice. Oh no, my father! I had hoped he had left again, as I had not seen him since Irene’s big show. He immedly handcuffed me and locked the cuffs to a hook on the wall with a chain. Helpless, I stood almost naked before him.

But where was Martina? I could not see her.

“My lovely Ines, I want to control your thoughts again and make you just as crazy about me as you used to be. You will beg for my cock again, as usual, and be my fuck toy forever.”

“Daddy please don’t do this, I finally have my life back under control and I’m happy.”

“What? You slut! You let yourself be fucked and whipped like a slave by anyone here and then tell me you have everything under control?”

“But, Daddy, I’m in love. With my Master with Irene with Mistress Rita…”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, “Maintenance please”

Daddy opened it and a guy in overalls pushed his way in. My God, it was my Ex, my Master! He had come to rescue me. He had a syringe in one hand and a case in the other. It was all so unreal. At the same time, everything happened so quickly, but italso seemed as if in slow motion; I couldn’t do anything about it.

Master stuck the syringe into Daddy’s neck and pushed the liquid into him. Daddy stumbled around, saying, “Damn it, what’s going on?” Then he sat down on the floor and fell over.

The bathroom door flow open, and Martina came out like a naked fury, jumped on Master’s back and grabbed him by the throat.

They performed a strange dance, he spun around on his axis, she squeezed his throat, and he went down on his knees. The madwoman must have developed incredible strength.


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