The Pain Slut Pt. 05

The Pain Slut

Part Five

Chapter 13

Stinging Bees

The next morning, the same routine: being driven out of the bedroom completely naked, except for the shock collar, going to the toilet, and having a quick breakfast.

During our morning inspection in front of the hotel, Cruella noticed that we shank and hadn’t washed, and she scolded the Minions. “If I don’t personally supervisor everything, you’ll just mess up. This will cost you your bonuses.”

For us fuck slaves, there was once again the hard training in the wilderness of the island. The two supervisors who accompanied us on their motorbikes were in a bad mood and made us run so fast that some collapsed.

When they could no longer drive us with blows and electric shocks, they slowed the tempo somewhat. The training camp in the heat exhausted us so much that some were too weak to hold the bottles during the break. The fittest of us gave the weaker one’s water.

Late in the afternoon, we dragged ourselves back to the hotel, some of us wouldn’t have made it without the help of the other slaves. I was in good physical condition, always working out at the gym. My body had also been strengthened by obedience training and Pole dancing.

Nevertheless, I reached my limits here in the heat. I admired Irene and the slim blonde girl. They were a class above everyone else and seemed to tire hard.

Watched by Cruella, the washing crew did their best this time. We curled up on the hard concrete floor to escape the icy rain. The pressure of the water was equivalent to fire hosts and was so painful on the skin that I screamed and wept.

Ice-cold water on my face, between my legs on my breasts, I couldn’t protect myself from the torture. I could hardly breathe, the water was everywhere, including in my mouth.

Then the buckets of cold soapy water, the stiff brushes on our bodies, the derogatory comments from the guards, from dirty cunts to stinking pigs.

I squinted my eyes to keep the soapy water out of it.

During the subsequent cleaning with the hosts, the sadists aimed at our body openings again. I was spitting out water the whole time, but I had the feeling of suffocating.

Finally, it was over.

“Come on up, don’t stay there. Smack each other dry. Smack harder cunts or should I activate your collars?

Always two and two, start with Your faces, smack harder, now the breasts, take both hands, hit harder.”

We put on such a good show that it attracted more and more guests who didn’t want to miss the spectacle.

Naked slave girls had to hit each other with the palm of their hands to get dry. In any case, my skin was already reddened enough.

Then I saw the newly erected wooden scaffolding between the stocks. You had to climb a small wooden staircase, just like at the place of execution. Instead of some gallows, there was an iron examination chair for a gynaecological practice – Solid and bolted to the floor.

It seemed that Irene’s wish would be fulfilled, especially in front of such a large audience. It must excite Irene so much to know that the sight of her suffering satisfied others.

All the slaves except Irene were then tied to the various devices, to the pillories, the crosses or simply chained to the concrete floor, with their legs spread. Naked and inviting skin for abuse or misreatment.

It all started quickly, I was helpfully trapped in the pillory and my holes were already being used and my body put to cruel uses.

But I was near enough to hear a voice. “We’re about to start the bee venom treatment in half an hour,” Cruella directed Irene to the hotel. “Come quickly into the bathroom, I strongly suggest you empty your tanks now, number one and two.”

Irene stalked back from the hotel a little uncertainly, her ugly mistress walked beside her and held her hand.

She talked to her, maybe she wanted to persuade her to let it be, but Irene Shook herhead and climbed the steps purposefully.

Topping from the bottom, I thought, Irene got her way. She looked like a black queen, like a model, proud of her long legs, and shaped breasts with the pierced nipples.

At the top, Cruella placed her in the examination chair and then tied her up. A large butt plug was inserted into her with a swing.

Irene didn’t flinch; she had her legs fixed in the Restraints; her pussy was helpfully exposed to everything. The soles of her feet were pointing in my direction, lighter than her perfect ebony complexion.

I would have liked so much to have been spread open next to her and to have suffered this terrible treatment with her.

She was strapped firmly to the chair with a wide leather strap across her stomach. The more immobile she was, the less she could hurt herself When the syringe with the bee venom was pushed into her pussy.

Cruella even strapped her head to the headrest, “Last words?” Cruella asked mockingly, waving a gag in front of her face. ‘

Irene shook her head, then she looked in my direction. Our eyes met and locked.

“I hope it hurts a lot, bitch.” Cruella with a sadistic laugh, checked that the butt plug was in place.

Cruella grabbed a microphone, and her voice sounded from the loudspeakers: “Ladies and gentlemen, dear pain lovers, the highlight of tonight will begin shortly.

I warmly welcome our Madame Desade, who is a specialist for female pain sluts. She has worked as a gynaecologist for more than ten years, so, she will guarantee the safety of our presentation, please give a warm welcome to the very cruel Desade”

Applause and jeering and hooting rose when a petite Asian woman dressed like a fetish nurse climbed the scaffolding. She held a heavy doctor’s bag in her left hand. With her other hand, she reached for the microphone and addressed the audience:

“I am here to provide unforgettable experiences.

No such treatment has ever been carriedout as we shall witness today.

Everything will proceed as requested by the mistress of our sweet Irene and as talked over with me.”

With these words, she put on gloves, opened the suitcase and took out a prepared syringe with a long need.

Desade held the syringe in her gloved hand while she described the impact of the bee venom on the victim’s most intimate parts.

“Believe me, the gag is necessary so that she doesn’t bite her tongue out of pain, but she’ll still be pretty loud.

I will inject the venom not only into her uterus but also into her urethra, vulva, labia, cliporis and the erogenous zone around her G-spot.”

She paused dramatically, and a groan went through the crowd. The guy who was screwing me from behind stiffened and, roaring like a bull, he came inside my pussy.

Just hearing about what Desade had in store for Irene, and imagining having to endure the pain myself, was enough to push me over the edge. My pussy reacted as if it was already feeling the red-hot iron inside it.

Desade continued with relish, “It has the effect of 300 bee stings, so there is a high probability that she will lose consciousness due to the intense pain. In this case, I will use adrenaline injections and an oxygen mask to wake her and make her sensitive to pain again.

I will not start with the most difficult areas. As you can see, her cervix is ​​already exposed, with this vaginal speculum. I will now inject the first drops into her cervix. I will have to be very careful as she will twitch uncontrollably.

When the first wave of pain hit Irene, she understood in her bonds, her cries muffled by the gag, the pain bringing tears to her eyes.

Desade quickly withdraw the syringe and said, “I’ll let it take full effect for ten minutes, then give her the next dose. Damn, this turns me on, I think I need to be licked.” She hurried to get down from the scaffolding and looked for a victim. A guy had just used my face as a wank rag and was now grunting contentedly as he walked away.

Desade stopped in front of me, pulled down her panties and pressed her pussy against my face. She grabbed me firmly by the hair and directed me in the desired direction. “Work your tongue like never before, slave or you will regret it!”

Her slit tasted spicy and metallic, probably because she had just had her period. I knew it wouldn’t do me any good to be chosen here. But Desade was so horny that after just a few minutes she trembled, groaned and secreted a few squirts from her pussy, which I eagerly licked up.

She took off her panties completely and cultivated back onto the stage in her high-heeled shoes, now presenting her naked shacked cunt.

Holding up the syringe “All these beautiful bees want to sting! Her cervix is ​​now inflamed. As you know, the classic signs of inflammation are heat, pain, redness, swelling and loss of function.

The pain must already be exceptionally severe, I will now inject Apitoxin into the cervical canal, and uterus and with any luck I will even catch her fallopian tubes.

Irene knows what she is about to face. I explained to her in detail, that no one in their right mind would do this to themselves. But she is a pain slut and wants to become the best pain toy she can be”.

Desade bent over Irene’s trembling body and skillfully brought the syringe to the intended targets. The twitching of the tied body became more violent, and the chair to which Irene was strapped seemed to vibrate.

Desade had withdrawn from her prostrate victim and looked at the trembling and smoking body. The eyes were wide open, the face smeared with tears and snot, the howling suppressed by the mouth gag.

Desade wiped the snot from the girl’s face with a damp clothes and whispered: “We want you to look pretty on your big day, little girl.”

After the bee venom had taken effect for about 10 minutes, Desade had also wriggled her next climax on the face of a slavegirl and now returned to the stage completely naked. She seemed hyper as if she were on speed.

“May I have your attention, please? We’re going to turn up the heat. Her cervix, cervical canal, uterus, and fallopian tubes are now burning and radiating to her ovaries, but I want to inflict more pain on her.”

The chair was now the centre of the orgy, every one of the guests, the wardens and even the other slave girls seemed fascinated by the suffering Irene.

Some guests were so aroused that they had sex with each other because all the fuck-slaves were occupied. Right below the stage, an older gentleman was fucking a young woman right on the floor.

She had just pushed up her dress and he had just opened his fly. Both continued to look at Irene during their cooperation.

“She is now getting little pinpricks in her urethra, which will hurt a lot and torture even her bladder.

Next stop: the sensitive areas in her vagina, then I want to give her a break beforethe outer parts of her genitals are burnt.

Look at her face contained in pain. Please hold her for me, yes perfect, that’s it…now the G-spot area, there and there and there, she’s suffering so sweetly”

My backside was in use, but at the front, I had a good view of the scene. I hoped it would stay that way. It was indescribably horny, just Desades’s sexy, malicious voice brought me to a climax. I twitched uncontrollably in the chains while wave after wave rolled in.

“Look, Daddy, she’s drooling, sweating, shaking uncontrollably,” this was Martina’s aroused voice. I hadn’t seen my Daddy or my little Sister today, and they must have been out of my field of vision at that moment.

“She’s reached 11 on the pain scale of 1-10,” Daddy laughed. “She hasn’t lost her mind yet,” he said, “but look into those horrified eyes, she’s breaking into pieces.

Come here, Martina. Let’s torture your sister a little. Bite her in the pussy. I’ll pull her nipples.” They made mescream, cry and beg in no time.

The pain was so terrible, I thought something had been bitten and torn off me. Nobody helped me.

Martina mumbled sentences to herself the whole time “Daddy will buy you…fuck toy for the rest of your life…will then be reunited as before and…” Suddenly, they let go of me and disappeared.

I hung in my restraints, completely exhausted, sore and in pain everywhere. I hear two ladies talking.

“I think such torture is exaggerated, isn’t it already misogynistic, pain for body parts that only women have?”

The second one disagreed: “There are also bad things for male subs, just think of CBT, so I don’t see any discrimination. Besides, all these sluts are here voluntarily, they want to suffer and be humiliated. You could also, with equal justification, bring up the racism issue because the victim is black.”

The first one stuck to her view: “Nevertheless, in my opinion, boundaries are being crossed here.”

The second one replied: “Boundaries, so where are the boundaries in sports?

Aren’t they individually different? For one person, a run of 3 miles is already too much, while the other takes part in an Iron Man.

Or think of extreme sports where people risk their lives. Without oxygen to the highest mountain peaks, who asks about the Sherpas? Should we ban everything fun? Well, come on, let’s go closer, it’s going on.

Ten minutes had passed again, and Desade held the next syringe in the air: “She is still in a lot of pain. Should we give her the next shot anyway?”


“Do it!”

Hooting, whistling and applause from the audience. “Burn her clip,” shouted a man, sitting on the face of the blonde girl with the surprisingly extended tongue. She was giving him a rim job. He looked like a satyr, jerking off with one hand and squeezing the girl’s nipples with the other.

“Please hold her tight,” Desade ordered, “Cruella, please pull her labia more, so I can inject thebee venom more easily.” Both girls worked with obvious pleasure, torturing poor Irene more and more.

Cruella pressed her pelvis against the chair, bringing herself to climax and sent “Suffer cunt, suffer”

“Ready for the clip?” asked Desade,

Cruella stretched Irene’s cliporis and Desade began to inject the last remnants of the apitoxin.

“There you go, it worked out.” The audience applauded and whistled and cried for more.

Irene had lost consciousness. When Desade noticed, she gave her an adrenaline shot in the thigh. That brought the poor woman back to her hell.

Cruella left Irene in her helpless position and joined the orgy.

But Desade kept an eye on Irene and prevented a drunk idiot from doing something to the helpless woman that could have caused permanent damage.

“Sorry Sir, ‘I can’t recommend that,’ Desade had pushed him aside, “in this condition it will cause severe internal bleeding if you fuck her.”

She helped him off thestage and pulled him by his erection towards me, and I had to give him a blowjob.

The orgy had ended with the usual fireworks, the customers left one after the other, and we slave girls were freed from the devices and waited to be brought to the washing place.

Desade freed the again motionless Irene from the gynaecologist’s chair. “Be gentle with her, ‘Desade told Cruella and the wardens. “She needs rest. Please take her to the hotel’s sick room and I’ll give her IVs with anti-inflammatory painkillers and something for dehydration.

You should suspend her special duties for at least three days,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

I saw them carry the unconscious Irene away, her mistress waddling anxiously behind them. Desade joined the process. I was relieved to have overheard the conversation; now I knew I would see Irene again safely.

Chapter 14

Rita’s confession

Rita pursued in my ear like a dove, and then again, she pushed her tongue into my mouth and played catch with me. She again took the initiative when I was tired from trying the different positions. So, I lay on my back, and Rita rod and patpered me.

Her large breasts were sometimes on my chest, and then she straightened up again and offered me a magnificent view. Such well-formed natural breasts, the nipples stiff with excitement. I couldn’t resist playing with them.

Our lovemaking had became longer and more enduring, we were both trying very slowly to work towards a common climax.

I smelled her sweet sweet mixed with perfume, she smelled so good, and the secretion of her vaginal mucosa gave off this irresistible sex smell. I had never smelled it on any other woman before.

Now her fingernails were teasing my nipples, and she was panting in spurts as if she was about to come. She was playing with me.

Then she whimpered in her sexy way and looked into my soul with her brown eyes, the tips of her hair gently caresing my face.

All the time she moved on top of me as if in slow motion, my cock revealed in her juices, at the same time she let her vaginal muscles play and gave me great pleasure.

Rita had never read a book in her whole life, so I gave her the Kamasutra as an audiobook. She really loved it, as she told me, and listened to the entire auditible book in one go. Now she was keen to try everything out.

“Please come with me Simultaneously, I’m so close already. Give me the starting signal, then I’ll explode, please Sir. I’m such a shameless cunt, as you know.”

She whimpered now: “There is no holding back for me anymore, Sir”

I knew she could if she had to, but I could no longer hold back.

“Slave Rita, the countdown starts from 10, at zero I expect an orgasm from you that is Worthy of a whore like you, nine, eight, seven…’ She whimpered like a bitch, her vaginal muscles milking my cock irresistibly to the climax,

“Six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.” I had shoutedout the zero because my semen was already shooting out of me in glorious spurts. Rita let out little cries of pleasure and her wonderful squirting pussy caressed my cock so much that it was unbearable with lust.

We were both still lying next to each other on the futon in the larger training room in Rita’s villa, breathing heavily.

Well, to be precise the villa was mine, Rita was the front woman and managing director.

“You make me very happy, little whore,’ I told her, caressing her cheek tenderly.

“If this is a proposal, the answer is no Sir.”

I laughed out loud: “And why if you don’t mind me asking?” It would be only my second marriage and your first?”

“You’re too good to marry you, Sir, I’d quickly dance on your nose.”

“Have you ever read Nietzsche?” I asked her.

She playedfully poked me in the ribs. “You know I don’t read any books except your account books. What about this Nietzsche guy, did he also have a madam for a girlfriend like you?”

“No, Rita. Friedrich Nietzsche was a philosopher and a well-known saying of his is, “When you go to the female, don’t forget the whip.”

“Ah, a wise man and a man after my own heart. By the way,

…you haven’t whipped me for a long time, Master.” And in a childlike voice, “Don’t you like me anymore? Don’t you love me anymore?”

“Oh yes, Rita, your sexy arse really should get a few welfares again. Do you have a favourite instrument of punishment?”

“Your belt, Sir, would be the most personal, but I am most afraid of the cane. So, the cane would be the most appropriate.’

“Good, then take one of the sturdier sticks, but one that is still nice and flexible and goes well with your grogeous arse.”

She anxious to carry out the order, naked and barefoot she ran to the sideboard with the punishment utensils.

She tried out a few sticks and sent them whizzing through the air, then slapped one repeatedly against a leather cushion.

“That sounds good, doesn’t it?” She looked at me questioningly, then smiled mischievously. She had noticed my rejected erection.

Then she knelt naked and with her head bowed in front of the futon to hand me the cane.

She spoke to me in a gentle voice: “May I please ask for a favour?”

“Have you lost your courage, Rita?”

“No Sir, I’m just so jealous of Three.”

“But, Three is on slave island now, Rita.”


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