The Pain Slut

Three – Book 2

Chapter 1

Three at Rita’s mansion

It was a half-hour drive to the address Rita had sent her via WhatsApp thoughts of her childhood and university career were in her head.

She grew up in a strict and bigot family. Like her two younger sisters, her father had put her regularly across the knee and spanked her.

There was always something she had done wrong or something she had forgotten. But not in school; Ines never forgot something; she had a photography memory.

Ines skipped grades, got her high school diploma at fifteen, and moved to an apartment paid for by her parents in the capital. She studied at the university and graduated at nineteen.

At 20 she met her Master, who was previously only a handsome, rich boy. They got married soon, she was still a virgin, because she wanted it that way.

She then lived with her husband in his penthouse but continued her doctoral program and earned the title of a PhD. She had been the best graduate of her year and was offered a position at the university by her supervisor.

Her Daddy failed to appear at her wedding, so nobody noticed, that her husband looked like a younger version of the bride’s father.

She saw her parents not very often; they disagree with her marriage. They insisted she should keep her apartment and hated that she depended on this rich idler.

Her mother was a career, who never spent much time with the family, but her sisters Ines met regularly.

For her first training session, Three was a bit early. She did not know this part of the town and was surprised when she saw the old storehouse by the river.

“You have reached your destination,” the Navi in ​​her Porsche reported.

How could Rita afford this estate, the large brick building four stores tall, with the long approach in front and the parking space under spreading trees at the backside?

Three parked her car near a Jaguar and two Mercedes. A Rolls RoyceSilver shadow with a chauffeur in living was parked not far away.

Three went to the entrance stepped on the veranda and noticed the brassed changing room lockers.

On four of them emblazoned namesplates for Three, Zero, Slut and Tinker. It seemed like she was not the only sub getting trained today.

She rang the video doorbell, and an unknown female voice answered:

“Welcome Three, You must undress and put your garment in your locker. Then knee naked in front of the door in a waiting position.”

When Three waited in her humble position, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Was she in love with her new lifestyle?

Her Master had passed her away to Rita, a girl much younger than her who could train and use her as she liked. Rita who had only a rudimentary education would leash the highflyer of the university like a dog. She knew she would be used for the pleasure of others.

She had her body to offer for the pleasure of others, who could use her howeverr and whenever they wished to use it. Rita wanted it this way, to satisfy Three’s deep submissive desire.

Suddenly the door swung open and interrupted Three’s thoughts. A young red-haired girl dressed in black leather collared Three, leashed her and made her go to her knees.

Inside it was pleasantly warm and it smelled like Rituals incense sticks.

Three walked on all fours over the poisoned wooden floor the interior looked as expensive as in a manor house.

The white walls contrasted most attractively with the chestnut oak wall covering. Three noticed some stone fireplaces and many doors in this large room, where would she be taken, to the dungeon or a bedroom?

The redhead opened a door at the end of the hall and pulled Three inside a brightly illuminated ballet area with mirrors on the wall and a parquet floor.

Three could see herself in the mirrors led like a dog on a leash, naked and vulnerable.

The girl introduced herself as Lisa and showedThree the room and its utilities, spanking instruments, cattle prods and the pole dance area.

“Mistress Rita sends you her apologies, she cannot attend your first session here, because she is preoccupied with the Dutchess.

I am instructed to show you no mercy in your training, so you better exert yourself.

The training gets recorded for your Mistress and Master.

Three was disappointed, it was something personal, she had hoped Rita would do the training.

This young girl Lisa was only Rita’s substitute, Three was not even asked before she was imposed on her. For Lisa, she would only be an object.

Degrading and at the same time what a thrill.

Then, Lisa bossed her around for over two hours, making three sweating, panting, and obeying, using the riding crop and the cattle prod.

Leash training, slave positions, punishment, pole dance, humiliation with a straw-on rammed in her ass and in her throat, feet licking, piss drinking.

Lisa had the voice of a drill sergeant, pulled Three by her hair, slapped her face and spit in her gaping mouth. Face-sitting, licking Lisa’s pussy and ass, kissing her feet repeatedly.

“To wrap up the day you are in for some serious whipping Three,

  • 50 Strokes
  • Applied with the bullwhip
  • Whole body
  • Genitals and ass figged

I will prepare you now for it. Have you ever been figged Three?

“No Mistress Lisa, I do not even know what this is.”

“Figging is a sexual practice involving a peeled ginger root shaped like a butt plug being inserted into your vagina and your anus to cause pain and extreme horniness. I am advised to apply it also directly to your cliporis and the urethra. You are lucky that we do not use hot pepper the first time.

Off came the butt plug and the pussy padlocks, in came the ginger without any lubrication, the urethra and cliporis sticks fixed with tape.

Three moaned and compromised, while Lisa fixed bracelets and anklets where she would secure her to the whipping device.

The first part of her punishment would be given to her backside, so Lisa fixed Three with her face to the wall, then applied a ball gag to muzzle her cries.

Lisa was an athletic girl, who worked out in the gym, her blows came down on Three with full impact.

25 hard strokes that left their marks, Three fidgeted Helplessly in the chains.

When Three was turned around she was sobbing and crying, but Lisa fixed her motionless with her back to the wall.

25 hard strokes to Three’s breast, belly and thighs. Only her face was sparred, the strokes even demolished the tape on her pussy and the ginger root fixed on her clip flew. Slap, slap, slap, businesslike without anger and mercy.

Three had never been whipped like this before, and almost fainted.

After the final blow, Lisa left the room without a word, leaving Three hanging in her chains and sobbing.

Estimate 10 minutes lat two girls dressed as maids came, unshackled Three from the device and led her to a restroom. They freed her from the ginger invaders and sprayed something antiseptic on the bruises.

Three got some refreshments, she was allowed to pee, got her anal plug and the pussy padlocks fixed again and had to wait for her release. Her tears had dried, she felt lightheaded now and was in high spirits, like having achieved a marathon or a state exam.

Sometimes later Rita rushed in, cheese kissed Three and apologised for being late. Then she carefully inspected Three’s bruises and murmured

“Well done, Lisa, great work”

Then she looked Three straight in the eyes: “Did you cum?”

“Unfortunately, not Mistress”, Three confessed, “I was so close from the burning inside, but then the ginger from my clip flew away. One soft tip to my clip would have been enough to make me exploit.”

“Bad Luck”, Rita smiled. But you are remarkably close to becoming a good pain cunt. In the next training session, we will do some experiments with hurting your nipples and labia to make you squirt from pain.

“Think you can manage the hot pepper instead of the ginger?”

Three feeling the soft burning from the ginger in cunt and asshole nodded enthusiastically. “I am eager to try Mistress”

Chapter 2

Stiletto heels and sore nipples

With great excitement Three awaited the next appointment in Rita’s manor.

The usual training seemed almost endless to her, Rita was very fussy about her performance and used the dogwhip and the cattle prod extensively.

This was not the sex shop vanilla version but the pro version of the electron-shocker, the one for the kettle.

Then Three was prepared for the pain-slut ordeal: instead of ginger roots hot pepper was applied to her asshole, cunt, cliporis and urethra. The maid used rubber gloves for safety, not to get hot pepper in her eyes.

Three felt the deep burning at once, it was almost unbearable hot and kinky, she moaned and wiggled. Mistress Rita, supervising the procedure, kissed Three gently and pushed her tongue into her mouth.

Three trembled from horniness, she was swimming in wetness she was close to cum.

Rita made Three knee near the round table in the hall and spread her legs.

Then she put a bowl between Three’s legs, not to spoil the parquet, if the victim emptied her bladder from the pain. Three hoped that it would not come to this humiliating incident. She had noticed the five cages with naked girls inside, forced to watch the procedure.

They were even chained inside the cage to make them completely immobile.

Three’s breasts were now lying on the wooden table, her nipples stiff from the arousal, her arms on the back, the sternum pressed against the table.

Lisa entered the room naked except for red siletto heels, stepped on a chair, and then in one fluid movement onto the table. She walked confidently up and down, clicking her heels. She looked amazing, Three liked the sporty girl very much, although she knew what pain she would cause her.

Rita ordered Lisa to begin: “Lisa will step on your nipples with her heels at the beginning only gentle, then harder and at the end with full weight. The procedure ends prematurely when you can reach a climax just from pain. You are not gagged; the session is recorded for your Master”

She clapped her hands, and Lisa slowly brought the heels near Three’s nipples. Then the first contact, red hot singing pain and Three cried, tears were falling, she was smoking.

The second, the third, and Three could hear somebody roar, it took some time to realize, it was her voice deeper than usual, like a bitch in heat.

The fourth, the fifth, the pain was unbearable, but Three did not move her breasts from the table, she trembled from pain and horniness. Forgotten the hot pepper burning in cunt and asshole, this was much more intense, like an electric shock going through her whole body from the nipples to her cunt.

She looked up to Lisa, from her perspective, she could see right into her cunt. It had opened like a rose and was obviously wet, so Three knew she gave pleasure to others by her suffering.

Her deep submissive desire and her horniness grew to the highest heights.

The sixth, the seventh, the eighth step, and Three trembled and yelled and Suddenly she felt more wetness between her legs, a small jet, then a gush, she knew this was not peeing. It was much better, indescribably better.

It was the first squirting of her life, achieved only from ending pain, she was a pain-slut, yippee…

The pain turned into joy, into a not-ending shaking, erupting, moaning

“Thank you, thank you thank you,” she stammered.

Rita dipped a finger in the liquid in the bowl and tasted it.

“Wow, what a kinky smell and taste”. She dipped once more and put her finger close to Three’s lips. Three opened her mouh and licked Rita’s finger clean.

Then she gently looked at Lisa: “Please don’t spare me, I can stand it, give me nine and ten.” At the same time, her head said no, please not, I cannot bear it…. but her submissive desire had won.

Rita nodded her consent, Lisa brought the heels in position and smoked the sore nipples again, the ninth time. Three screamed…

Five seconds later again at full weight the tenth and Three failed without sound.

But Rita was aware, she held the passing out woman and laid her gently to the ground.

Rita woman up in a smooth bed, caressed by Rita and Lisa, she smiled at them and asked if she could give them pleasure with her mouth.

“You silly girl, first we want to crash your labia under Lisa’s siletto heels”

Rita yoked.

Three obviously on fire, tried to climb from the bed. “Please Mistress I can do it, I want to suffer for you.”

“Stop,” Rita ordered, “Enough for today, Three it is my responsibility to prevent bigger damage. I was only yoking.

But what was it you offered to do with this slutty mouth?” Rita’s fingertip knocked on Three’s lips.

Soon the three girls were enangled like a pretty moaning and rolling around. Three’s nipples were very sore, the slightest touch made her groan, a real provocation for the other girls.

Despite the pain, Three was lost in rapture, she admitted to herself that she enjoyed girl love increasingly.

In the meantime, the training of the five caged girls continued. The maids had freed them and brought them each to the preselected room. The girls were horny from the show, but their needs were denied.

For punishment, not pleasure either they or their Mistress or Master did pay.

Chapter 3

Three’s coming clean

“Let us play a game Three:

You know you must confess everything to your Mistress.

Tell me, what is your deepest secret?”

“Sorry Mistress, but I have no secrets from you.”

“You are a bad liar Three, I do not believe you.

You ought to know, that everybody has secrets.

“If you do not confess, we must “pay a visit” to the university.”

Three was worried, why did Mistress Rita bring the university into play? Pleadingly “Honestly I have no secrets, mistress”

“How dare you tell me lies Three!” Rita yelled.

Three flinched, blinked and looked guilty. Caught!

“So, we take a ride now”. Rita pulled the leash firmly. “You will walk naked as you are Three, collared like my pet. I will leash you while we walk through the whole university building, the auditorium, the lesson halls.”

Three blushed, “But you cannot do this, my Master will…”

Rita interrupted her “Shut the fuck up Three, “Your Master is well-informed, and he is extremely disappointed that you keep secrets. So, if you do not want to be exposed as a three-hole slut at your job, you must cooperate.”

Three bursts into tears, this part of her life was strictly separaded from the

slut training. Everybody would see her anal plug and her padlocked pussy.

Headline-the former child prodigy turns out to be a lewd subject.

She would be chased away from the university with insult and disgrace. The pictures in social media, her students, her parents…

She looked at Rita pleaseningly, please do not, she wrapped her arms around Rita’s legs and sobbed, please don’t Mistress. I’ll tell you, my secret. My diary…My Daddy…Three blushed, and her nipples got hard.

What is with your Daddy?

Crying “We were very close, intimate…”

“You fucked your own Daddy Three?”

“No Mistress, when we made love, he did never penetrate my pussy.”

“And your ass?”

“No, we did make love by touching and kissing, he wanted me to stay a virgin.”

“But you were both naked?”

“Yes Mistress, when he squeezed and cares me, it was like heaven to me.”

“You felt his boss, Three?”

“Yes mistress, he had abeautiful erection, a cock like made of marble.”

“Like marble eh, did marble cum in your mouth?

“No mistress, this would have been incest he said, we practiced only Daddy’s daughter’s love.”

“But you sucked him off?”

“Yes mistress, to relieve his stress. But he came not inside me. He came on my breasts; he told me that my bosom would grow when I rubbed his semen in”

“Hahaha, are you an idiot Three, you suck his cock and tell me you are not an incestuous bitch?”

“No mistress, sorry I mean yes.. I do not know” Three hung her head.

“What is with his precum, you know that you swallowed it for sure”

“Yes, mistress now I understand; we also had some close calls with his…loads…and sometimes I involuntarily swallowed the first spurts.”

Rita pulled Three by her hair till she stood opposite her

“When did this start, Three, tell me the truth?”

“After my 18. Birthday, Mistress Rita, I swear”

“What happened before?

“Nothing Mistress” Rita pulled Three’s hair harder, “Ouch.

Nothing, Daddy spanked me, but wasn’t it his duty to give me a good education?”

“Were you both naked when this spanking took place, Three?”

“Why no! I was over his knees; he pulled my panties down.

He gave me twenty or thirty with his hand, depending on my mistakes, this happened once per week.

Then he comfortable me, by hugging me. Daddy stroked my hair and told me that everything was all right. That I am his honey, his princess”

“Was your mother present during your spankings, Three?”

“No Mistress, she worked in the capital. Daddy worked from home and was the first contact person for my sisters and me.”

“Did your mother know, what was happening at home when she was working in the capital?”

“About the spankings? Yes, I think so, she got spanked by Daddy too. They had a fixed time on Saturday evening when their bedroom door was closed. But sometimes I eavesdropped, there wereslapping sounds and moaning.”

Rita rolled her eyes:

“When he was comforting you, were your pants still down?”

“No Mistress, there was not the slightest bit of sex in our relationship before my 18. Birthday, I swear”

“Your sisters, were they spanked at the same time, were you all together during this ‘good education’?”

“Martina and Lucia had to wait until it was their turn. When it was over, we four hugged, kissed and said the words in choir: We stand together”

Rita had that priced look on her face:

“When your father waited until you were 18, he was a man of self-control, but if your sisters look pretty like you, he must have been a holy man.

What happened when your sisters were 18?”

“Not what you think Mistress, only I was his special girl.”

“Did the special girl cum, during the spanking?”

“Only one time, Mistress”

“Unbelievable, but now tell me Three, where do you hide this diary?”

“In my apartment Mistress, in a secret drawer”

“Then let’s go, we’ll get it.”

“But I am naked Mistress”

“This is the least of your problems, Three”

Rita took the keys, Three had to crawl naked in the trunk of her Porsche Cayman. Rita used the car navigation system to find Three’s apartment, by function: stored home route.

She drove to the garage and called the elevator.

There was nobody to see. The trembling Three got hair pulled out of the trunk. Then the dressed and the naked woman entered the elevator.

Three prayed, that no one of her neighbors would see her naked and leashed in the hallway. In the mirrors in the elevator, she saw Rita and her leashed pet, both adorable women.

Rita was dressed in black leather pants and a leather jacket, nothing underneath, her bigg breasts were almost pressed out. High-heeled boots made her taller than the naked skinny barefoot Three. Rita’s black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, the blonde Three had a modern hairstyle./p>

The door of the elevator opened, and they entered the hallway.

It was just a short walk to the apartment door.

Three wanted to run, but Rita pulled her back. “Slowdown Three, nobody is there.”

Suddenly a door down the hall was opened, and two girls in blue working overalls appeared.

They stared at the naked Three.

Three did not know them, fortunately, it was Only the cleaning service, not one of her neighbors. Three blushed and felt the wetness between her legs.

Some drops of her juices were rolling down her thighs, how degrading and hot at the same time.


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