The Package

You wake to the ringing of the phone. As you reach to answer it you glance at the clock through hazy eyes seeing that it’s almost one thirty in the afternoon. You answer with a sleepy, “Hello?”

“It’s Your Wicked Man,” I say, “How’s My Wicked Girl? You were still sleeping when I came home for lunch and I didn’t try to wake you.”

“Well, I’m still recovering! You were something else last night, but you should have wicken me, you wicked man. Why didn’t you?” you ask.

“Because, I had something to do. Something I didn’t want you to know about until now. A surprise,” I say.

“Oh, what kind of surprise? “What is it?” you ask, the excitement and curiosity beginning to burn inside you.

“Walk downstairs to the living room and see for yourself,” I say.

“O.K.,” you say as you throw off the covers and crawl out of the bed.

You come down the stairs and into the living room and begin to look around the room. Finally you see it setting on top of the television. A small package wrapped in brown paper.

“Do you see it?” I ask.

“Yes, on top of the television,” you say.

“Good,” I say. “Now go ahead and open it My Wicked Girl.”

You open it and see that inside there is another package, only a bit smaller, and wrapped the same way. On top of it is a DVD movie.

“You can’t touch the other package but pick up the DVD,” I tell you.

You pick it up and it’s an adult video called “Erotic Delights” and your aroused by the title.

“Oh, you are such a wicked man,” you say. “And what’s in the other package?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” I say. “I have plans for you My Wicked Girl.”

You have heart starts to pound and mind begins to race, wondering what I have in store for you.

“Now take off your pajamas for me and put the video in,” I say. “Then and go sit on the couch.”

“Yes My Wicked Man,” you say as you start to strip for me.

You sit down on the couch and then I tell you, “I want you to watch the movie. You can play while your watching it, but you can’t cum. Not until I say you can, nor can you put on any clothes until I tell you to.”

You say, “I’ll do whatever you want. You know I will. You know I’m Your Wicked Girl.”

“I’ll see you later My Wicked Girl,” I say. “Now hit the play button.” Then I hang up.

“Erotic Delights” comes on the screen and the movie starts. You make yourself comfortable on the couch and begin to watch intently. You become even more excited when you realize that it is one of the better-made movies, one that is made by a woman for a woman.

As you watch you can feel your heart begin to beat faster and faster, cold chills run up your spine as you feel your big juicy nipples begin to harden. And you can hear the smacking and popping of the juices from your sweet, soft shamen pussy, as it gets even wetter.

Your nipples are so hard that you can’t help but touch the right one as you watch. Slowly you run the palm of your right hand over the top of it barely touching it. Goosebumps pop up all over your title and the nipple gets even harder, and still you watch. You raise your hand to your mouth and you wet your finger. You take it back to your nipple and gently rub the top in small circles getting it wet. Then you blow on it raising the goose bumps even farther and making it even harder. Then you do the same to left nipple, rubbing, wetting, and blowing.

Still you watch the movie intently but now you start to pinch your right nipple between your thumb and finger and gently roll it back and forth between them. It feels so good.. and you do the same with your left nipple but you start to pull it as well while your twisting. Then back to the right nipple with more twisting and pulling as you watch.

This movie is making you so hot … It is so good … You begin to rub your tits with your hands from the top around your nipples until they are resting in the palms of your hands. Then you push them upand squeeze them, and pinch your nipples between your thumbs and fingers again and twist them. Then you push them together and rub your nipples up against one another. They are so hard and so sensitive…

Your mouth starts to water and your tongue gets hard. You need to lick and suck them so you push your right tit up and bring down your head as you lick your lips, but you never take your eyes off the movie. You get your tongue wet and lick all around your hard nipple sending shivers down your spine then you kiss it with your wet lips and slowly suck it into your mouth, running your hard wet tongue across the top of it. You slowly let it out of your mouth and blow on it as you begin to push up your other title to do the same thing.

By now you’re well on your way to Cumming. You have to stop or else you will, and you can’t until I say. So you stop. You put your hands down but you want to cum so bad you can hardly take it. You can feel your clip throbbing. It is so hard and the juices from your tight little pussy are running down and making your asshole wet. You want to rub it and slide your finger in it. You want to rub your clip while you do it. You want to slide two fingers up inside that steaming hot wet pussy and cum all over them then lick it off your fingers. You lick your lips in expectation. But you cant. You know you’ll cum if you do anything more, no matter how bad you want it, so you don’t, and its just driving you wild.

The movie continues and you watch, but you’re so hot your beginning to sweat. A bead runs down the side of your face. You can feel the heat building up inside you pussy. You can’t keep your hands away any longer. You have to touch yourself. You put your right hand on your stomach and slowly slide it down. You take your left hand and grab your right title and squeeze it hard as your other hand reaches your hard clip. Slowly you rub it while you pull your nipple. Small circles. Short pulls. Small circles. Short pulls. Oh godit feels so good. You moan and lick your lips.

Slowly you slide your fingers down from your clip spreading your legs wide across the couch at the same time to open your pussy even wider. You run your fingers up and down, your pussy lips sliding between them, going over the hole but not in.

You can feel the pressure building up inside you so you pull your away your hand and shove your juice covered fingers in your mouth and suck them, trying not to come. You slide them in and out of your mouth loving the taste. You close your eyes and imagine that they’re my cock and I’m feeding it to you, shoving it in and out of your mouth, making you take it all. Finally you throw yourself back across the couch in frustration and lie there on your back, your chest heaving, and your body shaking.

You start to watch the movie once more but once you do you lose control. Your right hand slides down uncontrollable to your clip and you start to rub it. You throw your leg up on the back ofthe couch. You slide your left hand underneath your ass and squeeze it. You start to slide your right hand down, spreading apart your pussy lips while you start to rub your asshole with the left. It is wet with pussy juice. When your right hand gets low enough you slide your two middle fingers into your pussy and at the same time you slide your middle finger of your left hand into your asshole.

You moan in ecstasy. You’ve reached the point of no return now and you know it. Slowly you finger your tight pussy and your tight ass. Faster and faster you move your hands. Your moaning loader and your rolling your hips up and down, side to side, in circles. Your tits are bouncing up and down. You start to feel the pressure building up inside again and you know you cant stop.

You hear a car door outside but you still can’t stop yourself. You go even harder. Then the door opens and I walk in. But you still can’t stop. Your sliding your fingers in and out of your ass and pussy at thesame time as you look at me walking towards you with a smile on my face. I sit down and put your head on my lap.

“You may cum for me now My Wicked Girl,” I say.

“Oh yes!” you whisper. “Thank you My Wicked Man”

You shave your finger all the way up in your ass hard and you finger that special spot in your pussy and rub it with both fingers hard and fast. Finally you let go of everything built up inside you as you scream, Cumming all over your fingers. Every once of energy you had drains from your body and you pull your fingers out and go limp.

You lie there with your head on my lap your body twitching, you legs shaking, your heart pounding. After a few moments you begin to feel it building up inside of you again. Your going to cum again you scream as you reach up and grab my arms to brace yourself.

“Oh My God!” You scream, as you have another right after it.

Finally your finished and you relax back up against me and in between heavy breaths your glance up at the TV. The movie is over. Then you see the other package. You ask, “What’s in it?”

“You’ll find out soon enough…” I say.

You fell asleep soon after you multiple orgasm experience and so I let you rest awhile but soon I wake you up by picking you up off the couch and carrying you up the stairs into the bathroom. The lights are off but there are vanilla scented candles burning all over the room. You see that I’ve run a bath for you. The steam is rising up from the water and you see the droplets of the oil I put in floating in the water.

You notice something else as well. The package is sitting there on the edge of the sink. You wonder what is in it. Different thoughts race through your mind as I slowly lower you into the tub. You lay back and soak in the water realizing that it’s your favorite bath oil I’ve put in. It’s the centted one that arouses you so much.

You splash water up on to your tits and watch it run back downthem. You like that. It always makes you think of when I cum all over them and you watch it run down before you lick it all up.

You begin to wonder what it is that I have planned for you. Am I going to give you my cock? At least let you suck on it? Despite all the satisfaction you’ve had today you are still hungry for it. You can taste it in you mouth, feel it filling up your tight little pussy.

And then you wonder what is in that package. Is it another video we’ll watch together? Is it a new vibrator? Maybe it’s a butt plug or anal beads? Maybe it’s a set of handcuffs and a blindfold? Or maybe its some new wicked sex toy that I had made especially for your pleasure. They all sounds good to you. But what is it you Wonder.

It’s then that you realize that I’m sitting there watching you. You smile and I smile back. You know I know your trying to guess what’s in the package. Then I stand up and walk over to it and start to open it. Your heart jumps. You sit up and try tosee but you cant.

I turn my head and smile saying, “Tend to your bath. You’ll know what it is soon enough.”

You do as I say and you begin to wash yourself, your mind racing. And the anticipation excites you.

You look up and you see that I’ve sat back down again and have been watching you once more. But now you see that I swinging something back and forth from my finger. It’s a black silk blindfold. Your heart begins to race again as I walk to you and put it over your eyes, wrap it around your head, and tie it snugly. You can’t see anything, you can’t peek, and I’ve made sure of it. You begin to breathe hard in anticipation of what is coming next…. wondering.

You can’t see me, but you know I’m still there because you can feel me watching you.

“Finish your bath,” I say.

So you continue to wash yourself, making sure to clean all my special places. It’s making you so hot knowing that I’m sitting there watching you bath.

“That’s enough. Now standup,” I say.

The water’s dripping off you and running down all over you. The cool air blowing in from the other room hits you and sends shifts up and down your whole body; covering you from head to toe with goose bumps and making your nipples harden and stand out.

It’s then that you feel the icy cold splash of baby oil all over your tits. You shiver and the goose bumps grow, Your nipples stand out further and harder. It reminds you of when I cum all over them for you, like you love me to do.

“Rub it in for me,” I tell you.

The oil is slick and you love the way your hands slide across your tits. It feels so good to you and I spray more on you as your rubbing it into your tits so much that it starts to run down your stomach and onto your tights.

“Rub it in all over your body,” I say. So you start to rub it into your legs; thighs, stomach, everywhere and you love it. And you love the fact that I’m watching you. It turns you on when I watch you like this.

Then you hear a thud on the floor, then another. I’ve taken off my boots. Then you hear my zipper going down on my jeans and you moan in excitement. Soon hear my clothes hitting the floor and you know that I’m standing there naked watching you and it makes you even hotter.

You continue to rub the baby oil all over your body but now even more sensitively than before because you can hear my breathing getting faster and harder. You know I’m struggling my fat hard cock while I watch you and you want to get me hot so you start to do all those things you know I love watching you do.

You lick and suck your nipples for me and as you do you hear a click. You realize it must be my digital camera and that I’ve started taking pictures of you or maybe I have been for a while now and you just didn’t know. Either way it just excites you even more because you love to have your picture taken while your doing wicked things like this.

You push them together and squeeze them, but thistime you pose for me and wait until you hear the camera click. You slowly run your hands down your body and start to rub your clip. Then you spread your pussy apart for me and show it to me holding it wide open until the camera clicks again. You turn around and bend all the way over and garb your ankles to show me your ass and hold the pose for me. Then you spread your ass apart and show me Your asshole again holding the pose. Then you rub it for me.

You’re getting so hot now. This is turning you on so much. Then suddenly you feel me grabbing your left hand. You hope desperately that I’m going to put in on my hard cock and have you to stroke it but I don’t. The next thing you feel is the cold steel of a handcuff as it wraps around your wrist and locks. I check it to make sure it is snug. Then I grab your right hand and wrap the other cuff around it as well cuffing your hands together in front of you.

You can feel the juices from you pussy running all the way down yourlegs now. You’re so wet and your clip begins throbbing. Your nipples stand out rock hard from your breasts.

You start to move your hands, testing the boundaries of your restraints but I grab the chain between the cuffs and start to guide you out of the tub. Gently I pull the chain and the cuffs pull at your wrists so you follow.

You’re in the middle of the bathroom now and I tell you to stand where you are. You hear the camera click once again. Then you hear me pulling something out of the package. Soon you feel a new sensing of cold metal against your left nipple. I rub it against your nipple making sure its a hard as it can be while you begin to moan with pleasure because you have a good idea what it is. Something you know you like.

You are right. It’s a nipple clip. You know the feel of it as I put it on your nipple and it sends a shiver down your back. Then you feel the cold metal on your right nipple as I get it ready for the clip and you can feel the cold chain that connects them together drawing across your tits. And then I put the clip on your right nipple. I grab the chain between them and tug on softly then let it fall.

You hear the click of the camera once more and it sends ships up and down your spine as you wonder how you look.

Now I tell you to hold out your hands. You reach out hoping maybe I’ll put them on my cock and let you stroke it. But instead I place the package in them and tell you to hold it. So you stand there, your heart racing, anticipation burning inside you. You can touch it but you cannot see what’s in it and it drives you crazy.

You feel me pulling something out of it and then you feel my hand on your ankle. You moan when you feel it. I pull it up off the floor slightly and then set it back down, then do the same with the other. Then you feel cold leather sliding up against your legs. Leather panties. I pull them up and you move to help me get them on you. You moan and shiver as my hands rub up again you touching you, but not where you want. They’re crotch less and you love them, the feel of the leather, the coolness. Once they’re on you I pull my hands away. And again you hear the camera click.

Then you feel me grabbing your nipple clip chain pulling at your nipples. You moan with pleasure. It feels so good and you feel hot juices running down your thighs. Then I tell you to come with me and I guide you into the bedroom by pulling you by your nipple clip chain. You carry the package with you.

Moving you into the bedroom I sit you the end of the bed and take the package away from you and tell you, “Sit there and wait.”

You sit there waiting as I told you to. You try to see but there’s nothing but darkness. You try to listen but there’s nothing but the pounding of your heart. You try to smell any new aromas but there’s only the vanilla. The only thing you can feel is the sheets of the bed your sitting on, the leather of your crotch-less panties, and the steel of your nipple clips and handcuffs.

The nipple clips are pinching tight and your nipples are so hard and tight against, they feel like they’ll exploit. You can feel the weight of the chain pulling down on them stretching them. Making them even tighter. Every time you shift your body you can feel the cold metal of the chain bounce against your tits and pull at your nipples giving you new sensings, sending Shivers up your spine.

The leather of your crotch-less panties feels cold against your skin and tight across your hips and your blindfold is tight around your head. You can feel the juices dripping down from your pussy to your asshole making it wet and juicy.

How long will I make you wait? What is going to happen next? What wicked plans do I have for you? What else is in that package? What more can I do to you? How far am I going to take you this time? These questions race through your mind again and again as you sit and wait.

It feels like an eternity has pAssed. The anticipation is burning inside you. Driving you mad.

Then you hear the click of the camera, and finally, you hear my voice. Your wait is over. You have no idea how long I’ve made you wait, only that it feel like forever.

“Get off the bed and get down on your knees for me,” I say. You stand up and take a step forward, then drop to your knees.

Then I say, “Lick your lips for me.” And you slip your tongue out and slide it back and forth over your lips wetting them.

“Open your mouth wide,” I say. “And stick out your tongue for me My Wicked Girl.” You do as I say. Then you hear the click of the camera and your mouth waters in anticipation. Hoping that I’ll let you suck my big hard cock.

You feel my hand as I run it through your hair stopping at the back of your head. I grab you by the hair and pull your head back. Then you feel the head of my cock as I lay it on your wet tongue. You moan in delight. You want to suck it so bad.

You try to take it in your mouth, but I pull your head back and I start to bounce my big hard cock on your tongue teasingly. Then I leave it lay there and soon you feel my other hand on the back of your head. And slowly I start to push it forward. As I do you take the head into your mouth. It feels so good to you that you moan and try to take more but I make you do it slow. Deeper and deeper my cock moves into your mouth as I push your head down farther and farther until you’ve taken every inch you can. Then the camera clicks once more.


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