Beyond the Glory Hole
“Wake up slut!” she grew into his ear as he lay on his back peacefully sleeping. He jolted upright, forgetting the blindfold was still on. He reached out for her mindlessly and groaned when he noticed his tired bearers.
“Offhhhh…yes… Queen…..hhhhhm” he mumbled breathlessly. He moved to stretch his arms when she grabbed his collar to pull him up to her face. She smiled as she watched him struggle to move to obey her.
“I hope you are well rested my pet. I have an evening of service planned for you tonight. Sit on the bed here and eat your dinner. You are going to need the calories.” she instructed him sternly, pushing him to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Cross your legs slut.” she said, slapping his thigh. He winced a bit and pulled his leg into position. She placed a large bowl in his lap. He felt around in the bowl to find a small fork. To him it felt like a shrimp fork, absurdly tiny and ineffective. He was grocgy from the long nap and he hoped that was all he was experiencing.
“Eat as much as you can right now my pet. We need to be on our way. There are a few people waiting for you there.” she explained, caressing his arm as he ate.
“Uh-huhhh.” he nodded with a mouth full of food. He was much hungrier than he thought. The spaghetti tasted amazing to him in this moment. He hardly breathed as he gulped it down quickly. He was thankful for a warm meal after the scene they had this morning. She had given permission for him to service ladies at a tea party. He was on his hands and knees all morning under the table serving the women that called for his help. He was blindfolded but was able to feel his face buried in their pussies, each one adding to the growing wetness on his face. His Queen was pleased with His performance, as a number of the women kept calling for him specifically because of how he used his tongue on them. He smiled a bit as he ate, recalling the pride he felt in pleasureshis Queen.
“Are you feeling well my pet?” she asked softly.
“Of course my Queen. I am in your service, therefore, I am well.” he answered. She kissed him on the forehead and removed his bowl just as he was about to finish.
“Here, drink all of this water slut.” she commanded, tipping his head back and slowly pouring a bottle of water into his mouth. He drank slowly and struggled to finish the bottle.
“Good boy. Now let’s go.” she exclaimed leading him to his feet and out of the tent. The air felt much cooler than before his nap. He wondered what time it was and how dark the evening was. She strapped his wrist, ankle, and thigh cuffs to his warm body. He stretched a bit as she worked, already sore from the tea party. She adjusted his collar and blindfold. She grabbed the chatity cage that he almost forgot he had been wearing for two days. He grunted at the sudden cold hands on his balls. She giggled, giving then a little tug to check the cage.
“Hurry now mylittle cumwhore!” she said as she connected his wrist cuffs and lead him across the camp. He listened for clues along the way as numerous campers commented on his fate. She loved showing him off and offering him up for service. He knew she felt happy to provide pleasureable experiences for others, be it by her hand or her command. He was lucky to also like pleasure others, but more importantly, pleasure her. He could feel his heart beaten faster as they walked as he hated surprises. She has given him no clues as to what lie ahead for him. He hated stopping to chat repeatedly; he just wanted to get to wherever they were going already.
She paraded him around for what felt like a mile. He liked to listen to her footsteps as she walked, imagining how proud she was feeling with him there. He almost smiled when she stopped suddenly.
“Here we are my pet. You remember our protocol, correct?” she asked.
“Yes my Queen.” he replied.
“Good. If you misstep for me or our guests, you will be immediately punished. If you have more than five corrections this evening, I will choose your punishment when we return to our camp.” she explained.
“Of course my Queen.” he said, nodding his head. He suddenly became aware of the presence of others millioning about and moving equipment around him.
“Thank you my pet.” she replied, turning him around to face her. Another set of hands pushed him back onto the table. He groaned slightly as he was guided to lie on the small, cold surface. One set of hands pulled each of his arms to the side where they were clipped into an o-ring so that they were spread far apart. Another attached a connector between his thigh cuffs to pull his legs above him. Another attached rope to his ankle cuffs to raise his legs above him, forcing the slut to expose his ass. They shuffled as they placed his body, moving his ass to the edge of the table and forcing his head back so that he was lying off of the end of the table.
“Ohh, now we are getting there!” he heard his Queen excitedly. He was pleased she was excited. “Now be a good slut for me my pet. All of your holes are on display for use tonight. You will provide pleasure for as many people as request it. You know what is expected of you slut. I will keep an eye on you.” She placed a bell into each of his hands. “If you have reached your limit slut, please drop both bells. Then I will remove your bounds and we will return to camp. But….there is a pail here under your sissy hole and one under your face. I expect each of them to be at least half filled with cum and your drool and fluids before you are finished. Understand?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am.” he said hurriedly, stuttering to correct himself quickly.
She backhanded him hard, forcing his face to the side. “Pardon me slut?” she asked angrily.
“Yes my Queen. My apologies.” he said as he clenched his jaw. “Thank you my pet. Let that be your only mistaken tonight.” she said pushing his head into the center of the table.
She placed earphones in his ears with loud trace music playing. He immediately became a little frantic as she had not used these in quite a while. What does she not want me to hear? He wondered. Before he could collect his thoughts, someone grabbed his ears and forced their small dildo down his throat.
The dildo wasn’t very long but it was wide stretching his mouth open wide. He concentrated on breathing through his nose while trying to get the dildo as wet with his saliva as he could. He can feel a hand lightly touching his thighs and exposed ass. Suddenly, the hand spanks his ass hard on one chef. He moans around the dildo in his mouth as he was not expecting it. The spanking continues and all he can do is grunt around the dildo that is held deep in his mouth. It stops Suddenly and the dildo is yanked from his mouth and he barely has time to get a breath before a larger object is thrust into his mouth.
He can tell this new object is a real cock and he can detect the slight taste of the man’s precum. His ass still warm from the spanking suddenly feels cold as a liquid is dripped on it. The hand returns rubbing the liquid into his skin and a finger pushes some into his ass working it in and out. The finger withdraws and he feels something slightly bigger touch his hole. He feels a few short tenative thrusts of the object then all of a sudden the object is thrust hard into his ass. He tries to scream from the sudden pain and the man in his mouth thrusts his cock deep down his throat. The head of the man’s cock rubs against his epiglottis over and over and he feels like he is about to vomit around his cock. He tries to hold it down but it becomes too much and he can feel the thick liquid squirt out around his cock and drip down his face and fall into the bucket below.
He had forgotten about the dildo in his ass momentarily but he is suddenly reminded of its presence as the owner starts to thrust in and out of him. He can feel as it slides against his prostate starting him on the path to orgasm. His cock strains painfully in the chatity cage. He knows he has no control over his own orgasm and that, with the stimulation he is receiving, it won’t take much till he cums.
He continues to work the cock in his mouth as the dildo stretches his ass. They are both suddenly withdrawn at the same time and he can feel the cold air in his gaping ass as his thick saliva drips down his head. He doesn’t have to wait long to understand what is happening. A heavy pair of hairy balls are placed in his mouth and he starts to suck on them. He can feel something lightly touching his ass again and then pulls back teasing him. Once again his ass is suddenly filled, this time by a large cock.
The pain in his ass incredible. He thinks to himself I know that she would never let anyone permanently harm me and I hope this is just to push my limits. The cock in his ass starts to slam in and out of him hitting bottom every time. He can feel a small pool of precum building on his belly almost as if the cock in his ass is forcing more out as it thrusts inside him. The pain in his ass is fading quickly and being replaced by pleasure as his prostate is continuously stimulated. He can feel himself spiralling towards a big orgasm.
The man between his legs suddenly grabs the slut’s hips. He begins allowing his large cock slowly in and out of the slut’s ass so as if to tease him. He fights for breath between moans of pleasure and does his best to lick the other man’s balls, swirling his tongue around them and lightly sucking on one, then the other. He can feel the man’s cock getting hard as it bobs against his chin each time he receives the cock in his ass. He begins to shake and grunt, feeling his prostate twitch at the start of an orgasm when the second man grabs his ears, holding his mouth open, and inserts the tip of his cock into the slut’s mouth. He is started by this sudden change and feels his balls twitching but he somehow enters a state of a suspended orgasm.
Ohhhh my…is this subspace or some sort of tantric experience?! I should have cum by now. He thinks to himself as he pictures how he must look right now, tied to a table and blindfolded with a man using each of his holes. For a moment he feels outside of his body, just feeling the two men thrust and use his body for their pleasure.
He is jerked back to reality when the man in his ass grabs his hips so hard and he can feel the man’s warm cum exploit in his well used ass. He feels the stream squirt inside his ass as he can hear the man growl over the earbuds. This fills the slut with a sense of pride in pleasure this man using his body. He almost smiles when his head is suddenly released and both men step away from his body. His prostate is feeling less pressure now and the pool of cum on his belly has stopped. He feels the cool night breeze against his wet face and ass. He feels someone smack his wet ass so hard it makes him jump. He shudders and relaxes into position again. He strains a bit to stretch his shoulders and jaw while he is lying there.
Is that it? Only three people? Surely she would be able to round up more than that…. He thought as he stretched his tired muscles. He couldn’t remember a time when he felt such a rush of endorphins. The music playing changed from an uptempo dance beat to a quiet, lulling trace track. He could physically feel himself slipping away again as he tried again to picture him in this state. He focused on his ass, feeling the liquid dripping out and hoping he was close to filling up his buckets.
He smells her before she reaches his lips. A woman has come to use his tongue for her pleasure. He buries his face into her shaken pussy, working her enlarged clip with his tongue, teasing her until she just about orgasms then switching to cares her inner labia. She grabs his head and pulls him deep into her wet, dripping cunt, so hard he fears he won’t he able to breathe. She puts up one of her legs on his arm rope and allows him deeper access to her pussy as she grinds hard on his face. He can feel her shudder and her legs shake when he flicks his tongue on her g-spot as she rides his face. She lowers his head back and he feels a stream of hot fluid soaking his face. She just squirted all over my face! He thought happy to himself, basking in her pleasure. He cooughs and catches his breath when she finishes. Now I must have enough fluid for my bucket… he thought. He can’t help but gag a little when his mouth is filled with her cum and dense public hair. He cooughs hard and wretches just as the woman cums again on his face. She slams her leg down and give him a swift slap across his face. “Why did you stop slut! What is the matter?” she yelled into his ear, assuring he would hear her over the music. He involuntarily shook one of the bells in his hand, but he caught himself before it dropped. He struggled to catch his breath and found himself heaving heavily. He hears her voice as if it is a dream, or a nightmare, he cannot decide. The truth is, this woman’s pussy is so hairy, it makes him gag. His Queen knows this and probably send her here on purpose. He swallows hard and tries to lower his head to get her hairy pussy out of his mouth. He uses his tongue to flick at her swollen clip. She cums hard again in waves, riding his face so hard he’s afraid he’ll have red cheats. He loses track of time for again as the woman seems to cum over and over again.
A crop quickly flicks against his sticky, red ass. He mumbles and flinches. Does pleasure include bottoming? He wondered to himself. Would she let other people frame or torture me as well? He feels another, and another hit on his sore ass. He Strains his muscles to remain still as his ass was already throbbing. He suddenly feels two objects scratching his back in slow, controlled movements. They dig in on his sides and he involuntarily flexes his abs to move away from them. He feels the person’s hair ticket his back as they work. They get closer to his face and he smells a familiar scent- one that is earthy and makes him feel calm..yet he cannot place it.
“Hello my pet. Have you been a good sissy today?” his Queen growls in his ear softly. He is both comfortable by her presence and fearful if he has endured enough to Please her. He instantly trembles beneath her, his body becoming for release and his mind slowly coming down again. He shakes hard against his binds, the bells ringing again. She grabs his shoulders and cares his head between her breasts. He heavens against her, feeling like he might soon begin sobbing for she is the one who put him in this space and she is the only one that can release him again.
“There Now slut. You’ve been such a good slut to the lovely people here today. I have been told you are a joy to use and a sight to see in action. You should be proud of yourself my pet” she explains softly.
He nods his head and strains to look up at her in the blindfold. His shaking has lessened now, his arms are numb from the wrist ropes. Oh please, I hope I filled the buckets so I can go back to bed with my Queen! He thinks to himself. He is so tired from being tied up and used for so long. The cum has dried on his belly and he can feel it hardening around his mouth. He feels himself slipping in and out of subspace as she cradles his head in her arms.
“I see your bells are still within your grip. Good. You have come a long way slut but neither bucket is half full just yet.” she said as she held his face up close to hers. “You have one hour left to reach your goals to receive the reward I have planned for you. Understand my pet?” she asked, mocking and sweet. He nodded his head. He was so tuned into her it took a moment for him to respond. He felt a strange numbness creeping over his body like a dark cloud. His mind raced wondering what was to come. WIll therebe enough people for me to pleasure to meet my goal? He wondered. I hope she did not set me up for failure this time,
She suddenly drops his face and gets up. “Good. The clock is ticking.”
He breathes a heavy sight when he can no longer feel her with him. He knows she is always nearby, watching over him to make sure he is safe and well. He gets a little excited when he thinks of her watching while he gets fucked. Well I hope she likes watching this. If I don’t get any more customers, I’ll never fill my buckets.
He waits for a bit, slipping in and out of subspace along with the music. Oscillating between a panic and a defeated state of mind, he feels like every second is an eternity. He feels his heart rate quicken as he wonders if anyone else will be over to visit him.
A hand suddenly grabs his collar and pulls his mouth up, “I almost forget slut. Open wide!” She says as she fills his mouth with a sandwich. He grunts and chews hungrily, forgetting the ache in his s stomach. She breaks the sandwich into bite sized pieces as he chews and places them into his mouth.
“Chew well my pet. You need this noblement.” She whispers in his ear, placing the next piece into his open mouth. He murmurs and chews, nodding his head. The sandwich tastes so wonderful in this moment. He is comfortable by her presence and how she cares for him that he forgets where he is for a moment.
She places a straw in his mouth and tells him to suck. He drinks the ice cold soda. It cools him down a bit and washes out his mouth.
“There we go cumslut. Now back to work!” She whispers, leaving as quickly as she came, letting his face drop as she leaves. He smiles to himself, feeling proud of his service to his Queen.
“Oh there he is!” a woman calls out. A group of women arrive and quickly encircle him. He feels their soft hands exploring his body, posing at the bruises and scratches while they chat and laugh.
“Oh, I’ve got to go first ladies!” One womansays mockingly. The others laugh and chatter. “Now, let’s get those buckets filled!”
The first woman puts on a pair of gloves and rubs some lube on his sore asshole. She moans when she does it, noticing the redness around his asshole from a previous customer. She teas his ass with the tip of a dildo. It feels strange to him, not in the usual shape of the ones he’s experienced. She teas his opening, rubbing All around it to lubricate it. She slowly enters him in a single thrust. He grunts, easily taking the dildo inside of himself.
“Hey, Jason, come and join us! He senses the man in front of him. He hears rustling then a set of hands pull his mouth up. A cock starts to fill his mouth up slowly. It goes farther and farther down his throat. How big is this guys cock? It must be enormous! He thinks to himself.
The woman is slowly thrusting in and out of his ass while the others are teasing his cock and tugging on his nipples. He can hear them laugh and talk excitedly. His mouth struggles to handle the large cock and he feels ready to gag. He suppresses it as the man moans, pulling up on his face to rub the tip of his cock on his tongue. He can feel his drool running down the sides of his mouth as he is excited from all of the stimulation on his body.
He feels himself slipping back into deep subspace as he is used from both ends, each rhythmic thrust moves his body in waves. He can feel all of the hands on his body, massaging and teasing him. He loses track of time again. Bits and pieces of how they used him, repeatedly play in his dreams. There were many women there, and another man aside from the one with the longest cock. He was almost in a trace during their scene. Methodically giving himself to them, doing as they ask of him, while trying to ignore his fatigue.
He starts to tremble on the bench when a large dildo is thrust into his open asshole. He tries to fight it but he is too weakened. He feels the weight of his service take its toll on him and he suddenly collapses on the table, dropping his bells. There is some faith murmuring from the crowd as the bells bounce along the ground away from the table.
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