The Outdoors Pt. 01

Did I remind her to cover me in sunscreen today?

He thought to himself as the heat of the sun was starting to bear down upon his pale exposed back and bound body. It felt warm compared to the sleeping bag he tried to sleep in the night before. He could feel the warmth spreading through his body slowly as the sun rose on the horizon, covering more and more of his flesh.

How long is she going to leave me like this?

He panicked a bit, wiggling his arms and feet against the tight rope binding him to the old beech tree at the end of the campground. The tree felt oddly comfortable, smooth and struggle against his small body. He arched his back and tried to stretch it. It was stiff and sore from the long drive yesterday and an anxious night’s sleep on a thin camp pad. There was hardly any room to adjust his hands and Shoulders which were now getting a little tingly. He felt the pressure of the rope almost fight back to calm him back into submission. He gave a great sight andrelaxed into his bounds, letting the rope do the work so as to not strain his muscles. He took a few deeps breaths to calm himself down. He knew he would be there for a while.

He knew she was going to leave him there for a while as she had threatened to many times during his bratty behavior the previous day during their travel to the event space. He knew he was pushing his luck this time farther than he had before. He got a thrill out of testing her to see her reaction and what punishments she had in store for him. He secretly hoped she would follow through with her many threats. It filled him with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He felt his left leg shake a little involuntarily as the endorphins flowed through his veins quickly.

They had left early the day before to drive to the campground up north. Neither of them had been to this space before but they had a few mutual friends that would join them there. On the drive they chatted about music, their relationship, and what hopes they had for experiences over the weekend. This was his first big kink event and he had little idea of ​​what to expect.

They did not arrive at the campground until after dark, much to her dismay. He had a prior obligation that made it impossible for them to leave earlier in the day. He knew he would be punished for making her wait as she was not one for much patience at times, especially when traveling. There was little he could do to avoid this punishment and he looked forward to seeing what she had in store for him. He dialed up the brattiness last night as they set up camp, figuring he was already getting paid, so why not? The unknown pain to come was making him second guess his choice.

They pulled up to the campground in the dark and found their quiet, isolated site at the edge of the clearing in a gorgeous old growth beech-maple stand. She had chosen this spot for them months ago to give them a bit of privacy when they wanted it. Their closest neighbors werea few yards away and everyone was already winding down or sleeping when they finally arrived. They greeted a couple of their friends and made plans for meeting up in the coming day.

She had packed up her car with the camping gear and picked him up on the way out of town. She told him not to worry about bringing much beside personal items and she would take care of the rest. He found it a bit odd but trusted her as she went camping often. He was now kicking himself for not discussing the gear ahead of time with her.

She parked next to their designed campus and opened up the back gate of the SUV. She told him to get out of the car and wear nothing but his sissy panties. He hoped the mosquitoes had quietly down for the night as his pale skin was exposed to the elements. She pulled out a large, rolling bag that contained a tall tent. They Easily got the tent up with little effort. He deliberately made it difficult for her to direct him through the process. She lashed out at him a few times and even slapped him across the face when he talked back to her. He got a smug grin on his face after that which set her off even more. She made threats, as she had before, of how she would punish him but he took them lightly. Too lightly, as he realized now.

They got the large, tall tent set up and blew up the double queen mattress to sleep on. They put a fitted sheet on the bed and laid the large double sleeping bag on top and throw a couple pillows on the bed. He thought it was a little too much comfort for camping. When he complained to her about it, she smiled and grabbed two small rectangular bags out of the back of the vehicle.

“Oh sissy. You continue to understand me.” she said, throwing the two bags into his arms.

“With your behavior, you think you deserve to sleep with me on my nice, comfortable mattress?” she said, grabbing his face to watch the disappointment and panic set in. She throw her head back and laughed.

“Think again, you bratty little whore. I’ve had just enough of your mouth already. You’ve been little more than a spoiled pain in my ass today. Put up your tent and blow up your sleeping pad. You will have to earn the pleasure of sleeping with me in my tent.”

He lowered his head as he realized she was taking this more seriously than he expected her to on this trip. They had chatted about possible scenes over the weekend and he explained to her his ideas for how he may be used. She listened casually to him, being careful not to get too excited by the ideas or to promise him anything ahead of time. She wondered if he noticed her nonchalonce and she hoped it irritated him a bit.

He unrolled the larger bag containing the small backpacking tent across the lawn. It looked tiny compared to the large tent they just set up for her. It Only contained two poles and he set it up in no time. He became more worried as he set it up, already wishing he could enjoy the comfortable,warm set up that shewould be in tonight. He loved being able to hold her at night, feeling her soft skin wrap around his body as they dreamed. His back was already hurting just thinking about sleeping on the camping pad on the ground tonight.

“What do you think slut? WIll you be able to sleep on your own tonight in your little sissy tent?” she giggled as she questioned him.

“Yes, my Queen,” he said humbly. “It will be fine.”

She suddenly got very stern and cocked her head to the side. She moved to him to speak closer to his face.

“Fine. I hate that word sissy, and you know it. It’s what people say when they are afraid to say what they are thinking.” she added. “You will sleep by yourself this week unless you earn your way back into my tent. You may earn the privilege of sleeping with me by completing tasks and challenges I have set up for you tomorrow.”

“Yes my Queen. What are these tasks and challenges?” he asked grumpily.

She tossed him a sleeping bag and a sweatshirt for a pillow.

“Oh, you will find out tomorrow after breakfast my little bratty whore. Do not worry your pretty little head until then.” she smiled coyly. “Now get some rest slut, you’ll need it.”

“Yes my Queen.” he said, nodding.

She came over and kissed him sweetly on the cheek and patted his ass gently. “Good sissy. Sweet dreams.”

He crawled across the ground into his tent and felt the cool sleeping bag envelope his near naked body. It warmed up quickly with his body heat but it never got him warm enough to be comfortable. He was just a little too cold to sleep soundly most of the night. The camping pad was thin and the ground dug into his hips and shoulders when he tried to sleep on his side. He tossed and turned for what seemed like forever, jealously listening to her snore quietly in her huge tent. He thought about giving up and crawling into her tent many times but he already knew she had a punishment in store for him the next day and he did not want to make it any worse than he had already. He finally fell into a dream just before dawn when he could hear the birds beginning to become active with the new day.

He was jolted awake suddenly by the sound of his tent zipper opening and then feeling someone crawl over to him as he laid in his sleeping bag. He felt a hand cover his eyes and a piece of fabric tied tightly to blindfold him. He could do little but mumble with all of the sudden activity. He was groggy from the lack of sleep the night in his little sissy tent.

Before he could become fully conscious, his sleeping bag was being opened up. He first felt the rush of cold air against his skin. He breathed in deep and tried to prepare himself for the continued cold.

“Good morning slut!” she whispered in his ear excitedly. “How did you sleep in your sissy tent?” She was now laying over him, holding him down. Her warmth felt nice and she seemed to smell even better than usual for some reason.

“Fine, my Queen.”he said groggily. She slapped him hard across the face and repeated herself.

“How did you sleep my little whore?” she asked again, still holding his face close to hers.

“I slept ok my Queen.” he mumbled to her. “It was damp, cold, and very hard on the ground in my tent.”

She giggled quietly. “Awww, poor little boy. That should give you some motivation to perform well for me today, now shouldn’t it?”

He nodded, feeling her watching his face as she spoke. She quickly got up off of him and exited the tent. “Now, let’s get started slut, shall we? Get out of the tent and stand at attention.” she commanded.

He stiffly crawled out of the tent after her. His body reached more than it had in a long time. He hoped he would get some time to stretch today to ease his sore muscles. He stood up and felt a little of the sun on his body but the campground was still very quiet. It seemed few people were awake. He wondered what time it was and how much sleep he actually got.

He stood at attention for her and listened to her movements for clues to the punishment. She was getting items together in her huge tent. He searched his mind for all of the possibilities that the day could bring, what they had discussed, what he thought she may actually do to him, and what she hoped he might do to him today.

He heard the zipper as she exited her tent and came to greet him. She laughed and patted his already hard sissy cock. “Aww, so cute! Even your cock is at attention today. You think you’ll get to use that today slut? Think again.” she said amused.

He nodded instinctively and shifted his stance. She placed a large, heavy bag in his hand. “Now, follow me.”

He listened to her quiet footsteps as she led him across the campground. She was kind enough to tell him to step over some obstacles but giggled as he lost his footing a few times. “Oops, sorry, not sorry.” she laughed ahead of him. They walked for what seemed like a mile in the cool shadeof the trees, occasionally feeling the sun on his skin.

“Now come here slut.” she commanded. He stepped towards the sound of her voice as she grabbed his arms. He felt the full sun hit his pale skin and it was wonderful. “Get into collar me pose” she said, smacking him on the ass.

He was still grggy and moved slowly from the poor night’s sleep. She raised his hands above his head and quickly fastened them behind his back with a rope. He could feel the tension of the rope pulling his arms back. She quickly removed his sissy panties, saying “Ah, you won’t be needing these anymore…” as she laughed to herself.

She pushed him forward, holding onto the end of the rope wrapped around his wrists.

“Careful now, slut. Hold still” she said as he felt the cool familiar steel of his chatity cage envelop his cock and balls. She placed it around his cock anxiously and pinched him a little in the process. He did his best not to move so as to not annoy her. “Aww, much bettersissy” she said when she finished, patting his slightly hard cock.

She grabbed his bound hands and pushed him forward. He felt a large tree stump beneath him, forcing him to bend over on top of it. She pushed him down so that his chest rested on the now lifeless tree. It felt unusually comfortable and he was thankful for the break. She split the rope that held his hands and tied either end to the front of the tree. He kept his head to the side to stay out of the way. She next laid a few ropes around his ankles to spread his legs wide and tied them off to a nearby tree, exposing his ass to the sun.

She wrote all over him with what seemed like a thick marker, taking care to write largely and in bold letters. She wrote on his back, chest, arms, back, and ass. He tried to figure out the letters and symbols, but he could not.

She left the gag in his mouth and caressed his face, “Now my slut. Here is your punishment and attempt at redemption. You will be here for all to use today for their pleasure. You are gagged and bound to this tree at the edge of the campground. There are specific instructions written on your body for how you are to be used. You’ve been spoiled for far too long, and that is my fault. I let you get pleasure from myself and your own body far too often. Today you will be used as much as possible by as many people as possible. You are not to speak to anyone. You are not to make any noise. You will take what these lovely people give you without being a bratty bitch, understand slut?” she explained. He nodded. “Good boy. Now let me go see who I can find to use you today. I will announce to the campground of your services. Be a good boy and make me proud. You may be rewarded if you do.” She patted his head and walked off.

He strained to listen for her footsteps and her voice. She seemed to vanish without a sound. It felt like he was there for an hour or so until he heard heavy footsteps coming up behind him…

“Well what do we haveHere?” the man says. “Hmm, very interesting!” He can hear as the man circles around him obviously reading what his Queen had written on him.

“Well I don’t have time for this right now”………he hears the man says from behind him.

“But I do need to take care of something at the other end”… He hears the man walk around near his head and stop. Suddenly he feels something warm and wet hit his head and then he smells it…the distinct smell of urine. The man is peeing on his head.

“Is this what I am to be today, a human urinal?” The man finishes and then bends down next to him and picks something up off the ground. He feels the man touch his shoulder and realizes that he picked up the marker his Queen had used to write on him earlier.

He hears the man drop the marker back on the ground next to him and then he says……”See you later Slut”. He hears the same heavy footsteps as the man walks back from where he came.

It seems like forever before he hears anything else other than the birds chirping away in the trees. Finally he hears new footsteps approaching but they are lighter and he wonders if it is from a small animal.

“Well she wasn’t lying”……”I had to see this for myself” Again he heards as this new person circles around him and reads the messages his Queen has written. “I will have to return with some toys for this end”……”but for now I do need to save myself”.

She stands near his head and then pressure on his shoulders as the soft skin off her buttocks lands on them. She too starts to urinate on the back of his head and neck. She pulls his head up and she wipes herself with the back of his head.

She stands up and take the marker like the first man and makes a mark on his shoulder. He hears her says “See you later Slut!” as she walks away.

He wonders how many people will visit him and use him in this way today. He doesn’t have to wait too long to find out as a steady line of people approach and start to add their pee to the puddle forming under his head. He tries to keep track of how many use him but some of the men go at the same time and he loses track.

He hears one last man standing near him who seems to be making a call on his phone. “Come to the end of the campground and bring Rufus with you” the man says. A short time later he hears more footsteps approaching as well as someone panting.

“Come Here Rufus and mark your territory” the man says. He finally realizes that “Rufus” is a dog! OMG, it was humiliating enough when the campers peed on him and now a dog?

He understands now just how much he angered his Queen the night before and prays that this ends soon.

They leave almost as quickly as they arrived leaving him again wondering how long he has been there. He doesn’t have to wait long this time as he hears someone approaching.

“It appears as if you have done well so far my Sissy Slut” his Queen says as she gets closer. “Let’s count how many customers you have had this morning.”……”It looks as if the entire camp has made use of your services including one dog!” “Well that is an unexpected surprise, but you did deserve it didn’t you Slut?”

He nods his head as he can’t speak with the gag still in his mouth. “I am going to untie you and remove the gag and clean you up a little bit so you can eat some breakfast” “Your punishment is far from over though so eat quickly understand?” she said sharply.

“Yes my Queen!” he says as the gag is finally removed from his mouth. She places a bottle of water in one hand and some cold food in the other. He takes a bite and tastes a cold piece of sausage that has been wrapped in a stale pancake.

“If you hadn’t been so bratty last night you could have eaten these when they were still hot”. His jaw aches from having the gag in his mouth for so long but he eats as quickly as he can. He swallows his food and starts to drink the water and she says…..”Drink until the bottle is empty my Slut as that is all you will get till I return”

She pushes him into a kneeing position on the ground in front of her and dumps a larger bottle of freezing cold water on his face and chest. She laughs as he whiles to get away from the cold water. She knows he is such a “freeze” baby and how much he hates this temperature play. She slows down her pouring so there is a steady stream of ice cold water washing the urine from his head, face, neck and shoulders. “Jesus, how big is this bottle?!” he wonders as it never seems to end.

When he has emptied the bottle she takes it from him and orders him to get back into his position on the stump. She ties his hands back up and apply more sunscreen to his exposed skin. She does it sloppily and almost smacks him as she rubs it into his pale skin.

“The next stage of Your punishment will begin soon my Pet and as your mouth may be needed this time I will leave the gag out” “You are not to speak other than to thank anyonewho comes to use you again this morning is that understand?” she asked, holding his face to hers.

“Yes my Queen!” he says anxiously as he realizes he will be in the same position for a few more hours.

“Make me proud, my sissy slut.” she says as she crosses out the writing on his chest and makes new marks on his exposed ass and face. She gets so close to him and her scent is intotoxicating. His sense of smell seems heightened here in the woods. He cannot help but want to reach out to touch and kiss her. He years for another intimate moment with her soon. He worries what is next and if he can get back into her good graces today. She giggles and smacks his upper thigh hard before vanishing into the woods again.

As he hears her walk away he wonders how many of the campers will come back and how they will use him. He feels an overwhelming urge to urinate after seeing the puddle on the ground next to him. He has no choice but to urinate as best he can on the stump beneath him, as it splashes up onto his thighs and drips down to join the pool that is forming beneath him. It is starting to get very warm and the stench of the human and dog urine is getting strong.

The wind picks up suddenly in strong gusts rustling the leaves in the trees above him. He listens to the leaves and the branches bowing for a few minutes before he hears a small mammal grazing in the underbrush. He listens closely to its footsteps as it gets closer to him. He shifts nervously, worried more about the woodland creativity than the perverted humans that will be coming for him soon enough. His muscles ache tremendously and all he wants to do is curl up on the air mattress and be held by his Queen.


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