The Other Girl Ch. 02

My mind was scrambling to put the pieces together. How did he know my name? I started to sit up, while carefully trying to project an aura of ease.

“Stop Claire. The situation is simple. I’m going to give you a choice.”

I struggled to hold myself motionless, fighting the strongest case of fight or flight I have ever encountered. I was in the middle of nowhere, and my legs were still dangling from the precipice of the rocky ledge where the rest of me lay on the hard surface.

I slowly returned my view to his form, now bending into a crouch.

“I have something I want you to take, and I’m telling you now I highly recommend this option. You will notice there is no one around for miles, it’s dust, and the chance that you could spring to your feet and make it past me before I stopped you are so minimal as to be dismissed immediately.”

I heard his words, but the feeling of dread became so thick as to make his voice sound less clear. I swallowed; the subsequent settlening of fluid into my chest was painful. The urge to run was dampened by his frank appraisal of the situation.

“What do you want me to do?” I managed to croak out.

His left hand, which had been in his pocket, was now extended. He radiated calm and confidence. In my panic I still had the distinct impression that he was awfully calm for someone threatening a woman on the top of a cliff.

“This is going to make you go to sleep for a short while. I won’t force you to take it. However, this option ensures your safety. I cannot do that if you choose not to take this.”

The seemingly logical statement left open possibilities in my mind. What would happen if I didn’t take the pill I could now see in his outstretched palm? He was right; I could run, but he was crouched only feet away from me. I’d never get past him. But what would happen if I did take it?

He must’ve read the debate on my face for he said, “I’m not going to tell you Claire. You will simply have totake me at my word nothing bad is going to happen.”

He spoke strongly but without menace. So I now had to trust this stranger, or… I’m not sure what. The threat was vague, but clear on his face. How was I supposed to trust someone who was threatening me at the same time?

I quickly darted my gaze around me, hoping blindly to find something useful, some avenue of escape I hadn’t considered. I saw nothing but a vast expansion of landscape, and I involuntarily shuddered when I remembered the drop of a good three hundred feet directly below me.

“I comprehend the natural urge to flee Claire. If there was a struggle however, well…” he paused, his head tilting up to look out beyond the drop off of the cliff before placing his hands together and proffering me the pill in his right hand. “I wouldn’t want anyone to fall.”

I had no idea what to do. It didn’t look like I really had an option. I reached out my hand and snatched the pill. I started to rise and he said carefully, softly, “Take it now Claire.”

I rose slowly, watching him carefully from my peripheral vision. He started to stand when I did until we were facing each other. The cliff behind me, an unknown threat in front of me and any means of egress, I looked down at my fist as I started to uncurl my fingers. Such a small thing, this little white pill in my hand. I felt at the same time I saw him Take a step towards me and I instinctively backed up.

I felt a gust of wind sweep up against me and was reminded where I was standing. I looked down at my feet and realized I was directly on the edge. My heart was racing, my body sweating despite the cooling temperature. I brought the pill to my mouth and reached down to grab my open beer. I didn’t know what to do. I was willing myself to somehow use this opportunity to boldly run past him and I couldn’t make myself move. I brought the beer to my lips to wash down the already dissolving pill.

Well that helped steel my resolve some. The dissolvable pill was already entering my system and I didn’t see what good it would do to try and run away when I was likely to pass out anyway. I stood there shaking and drank my beer until it was gone. I looked at my feet, dropping my arms to my sides in defeat.

I started to raise my head when a burning sensing filled the back of my neck and my vision began to blur. I struggled against it, my ears filling with an impenetrable roaring. My vision became like the static on an old TV and I dropped to my knees. That’s the last thing I remember.

Day 3

I returned to consciousness slowly, trying to remember anything at all. I was alarmed instantly when I realized I was somehow limbles and all I could see was black.

I blinked furiously, and tried to move my mouth to form some sort of desperate plea for help. I was stuck somewhere without any limbs. How could someone do this to me?

As I struggled I began to see not only was the black in front of me what appaged to be the flat texture of an outdoor carpet. I also realized I did still have arms and legs, but that they were restrained. I finally heard myself groan when I tried fruitlessly again to move and tried to make sense of things. Ok, hands. I wiggled my fingers and felt a scruffy surface… the carpet. It was indeed short, reminiscent of the kind they floor cars with.

I tried to move them further to learn my hands were bound, and moved only slightly. I groaned again in exercise as I tried to shift myself to get a better view. All I learned was that I was lying on a comfortable material, with my legs spread and arms condensed below my prone torso, and my head as well, constricted to little movement.

I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I wasn’t particularly alarmed either. I felt fine, great even, and Still so sleepy; I closed my eyes and relaxed. Until I felt someone touching me when I thought I was alone.

I heard movement behind me, and had to grocgilyforce my eyes open. I tried desperately to turn my head but there was something around my neck, and I found it was tethered to the floor by a leather strap of some sort. I could see only that and the fuzzy black floor when in my still sleep-like state I began to turn my head to the side.

I was instantly reverted to my original position with a tug from above on whatever was around my neck, slightly choking me. I gasped and then shrieked when I felt a hand slide up my back against my bare skin.

“Claire. You are disoriented, but you are fine. The beer you drank contained something that made you sleep, and it will take a little while to wear off completely,” I heard in a familiar cool voice.

It started to come back to me out of the fog. Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit! Ok I was being held captive Somewhere by the man with the pill. “Wh– what’s going to happen to me?” I managed to get out in tight voice, still constrained.

The tension on my throat lessened slightly, and I heard what sounded like a clap clicking into place. My head was now immobilized, held taught by some apparatus above me. The addition of a hand coming to rest on my back told me he’d been holding whatever he’d just locked into place. His hands were smooth, almost delicious as they slide down my sides to sweep back and down my bare ass, exposed to the stranger behind me.

“Sensible question,” I heard him say throatily and I felt something come to rest at my exposed crevice. I let out a teach breath in a shriek and tried instinctively to close my legs to only to be reminded I couldn’t move them. Something was keeping my knees locked in a spread position.

“Again I am giving you a choice now Claire. You can scream if you like, but you will only do it once. Then I will gag you and you will remain silent. Or you can try to maintain composition, though I expect it will be difficult.”

His hands came to rest on the front of my thighs, which were now shivering slightly from appreciation.

“I won’t scream,” I whispered, as I bit my lip in uncertainty. A thought occurred to me. “What do you mean beer? I thought it was the pill?”

“The pill has no effects. The beer you chose to wash it down with well, that had certain additionals that lead to your being held here now.” I started to protest when he continued firmly, “You are safe. I am going to do things to you now, and you can ende them silently, or be further restrained. The choice is yours.”

My mind was still a fog. Once again his choice didn’t seem like much of one, especially after letting me threaten myself with the first choice. “I’ll be quiet,” I said in the firmest voice I could manage. My thoughts were spinning. Do things to me? I assumed the worst but hoped for the opposite.

“Good girl,” he said. His voice was thick with pleasure as I felt one hand release me and seconds later, I felt increased pressure and realized he was entering me, only barely parting my lips. I tried derarely to pull away, and clench myself somehow magically shut. I heard a throaty chuckle.

“If you resist, you will only make things for painful for yourself. Why not let yourself enjoy it?” he questioned, as he pushed his dick against my opening, as if he were the big bad wolf himself.

Let myself enjoy it? I was being held captive — where, I didn’t know. He wanted me to relax and just take it!

His movements fruitful he was suddenly inside me, only slightly so, and I squirmed at the newfound presence. I felt particularly tight, my legs stretched into their prone position, and this man’s dick was now inside me. It hurt only very slightly, as he had indeed forced himself inside me, and I could feel the large thickness of him, sliding just slightly more inside me.

I let out an involuntarily huff of breath as he stuffed himself inside me. One hand slip smoothly up my spine and I shivered. Then he removed it and I felt a slight sharpening tug around my neck as hepulled whatever was holding it tighter. I struggled slightly to breath and took a deep breath.

As soon as I started my inhale he shoved himself further into me, and held this position. I could feel my lips spread and insides tighten at the invasion. He must be huge — I felt so incredibly full, and as I started to concentrate on how it was making me feel he thrust himself further, until I could feel him entirely against me.

I cried out in spine of myself. The neck restraint immediately tightened and my cry was cut off involuntarily.

He leaned down slightly, one hand on the small of my back and I heard a click.

“That should make it easier for you to contain yourself. This is however your only warning. Don’t,” he let out a strained sound as he paused, and pushed himself further against me, driving him painfully deep. “…do that again.”

He paused as his other hand returned to my back, and he slid both down until he was gripping my hips. He held me completelyimmobile as he began to slide himself out of me.

I relaxed slightly at his retreat, struggling further to breath and I wasn’t sure I could make a sound if I tried. And I was terrified to try. Then he pushed himself fully into me again and a soft, strained sound escaped my lips as I struggled to breathe and keep from pointlessly screaming.

He must have been holding himself back before Because soon he was thrusting himself in and out of me with abandon. My restrained hands were pressed into the carpet, fingers curled against it wishing desperately for something to cling to. He was slamming himself into me and then I felt something on my adjoining cliporis. A quick motion, one that made me involuntarily shudder in reaction.

Good? How can anything feel good? I reminded myself that my captor was fucking me relentlessly. I shrieked.

My head shifted only slightly as I felt the same tug from above and heard the following click as it was locked into place. I struggledfor air as he pounded me from behind, and the sensing on my cliporis was continued.

I felt myself began to grow wetter around his thrusting penis, and I strained to make some sound of protest. But I could hardly take in air.

He drove himself into me over, and over, while I realized that despite common sense I was in fact close to coming. This was too much like the man of my imagination in the shower, and the stimulation of My cliporis was too much to ignore. His painful thrusting into me, along with the sweet bliss of motion on my clip soon had me shaking, and I felt myself tighten and spill fluids onto his still throbbing cock. My whole body shuddered in pleasure, and a huff of air left my tight throat following those sweet seconds of release.

His fingers dug into my side as he slammed frantically into me, and he soon stiffened, Spilling himself inside me. He rested there for a moment, and I heard two clicks, as the tension on my throat released and I could breathee normally. I quickly gasped for air like I’d been drowning.

He slip himself out of me in one smooth motion and I laid there prone, unwilling and unable to move at that moment.

“Good girl,” he said in a calm voice, followed by a slow release of air I’d almost call a sight.


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