The Other Cleopatra Girl

Alexandria, 41BC.


It was not easy growing up in the shadow of big sister Cleopatra VII Philopator, ruler of the Kingdom of Egypt. Having to be second best in everything gave younger sister, Arsinoe IV, a jealous streak a mile long. Just like her older sibling she had been blessed with astonishingly good looks. The younger woman was without doubt a voluptuous, strong willed sex kitten and was also terribly, terribly wicked.


Both girls shared the same father, Ptolemy XII, who had ruled previously and who had died in 51BC. He had been succeeded by Cleopatra and brother Ptolemy XIII who ruled together in an incestuous marriage and who had been responsible for extending the Roman Empire into Northern Africa.

+ Blessed, or was that cursed, the wanton temptress Arsinoe had a ravenous sexual appetite, an appetite that the more she fed, the more her hunger grow. Arsinoe spent all of her time indulging in her fetishes and pandering to her immoral desires. Her scorn and envy of Cleopatra had transmuted into hatred for all mankind. Now, at the age of twenty, she had been given a modest dwelling at the back of the main palace in Alexandria where she spent most of her time. In a specially built basement she had constructed a soundproof chamber at some personal expense. It was here that the debauched woman kept her male lovers, some drugged, and in readinginess for her needs and pleasures. And numerous slaves of both sexes could be found in all manner of restraints and bondage. Women feared her, men worshipped her.


Arsinoe awoke from a dreamless sleep and sat up in her circular bed, smoothing out the silken sheets under her. The previous day had been tedious and wasteful as she had spent the entire time in the court of Cleopatra. The exercise had been one of her older sister walking in her powerful position and lording it over all others. Forced to sit at the feet of her sister Arsinoe was probably peeved at the humiliation of having to wait on Cleopatra and pander to her every need. The only good news was the fact that Cleopatra now gave her the honour of being addressed as Queen. And not before time thought Arsinoe. She had finally returned to her bed in the small hours and she promised to indulge herself in all of her wanton pleasures the next day. At the hour of noon she awoke and greeted the day with a mix of frustration and carnal lust.

+ She saw the group of servant girls who waited patiently for their instructions. Arsinoe stood up, her Stance a domineering one with shoulders back and large breasts thrust out. At five feet nine the tall and slender female cut an alluring picture as she rose to her full height.. Her complexion was of a light olive which completed her lustrous black mane of hair. Her shaft of Venus was lush and had a similar jet black triangle of tight curls. Blessed with mesmeric feline type eyes she looked at each young service in turn and pouted with her fulsome lips. She lingered on one girl in particular, Josephine. The new one from Gaul with the pert breasts. Arsinoe tossed her hair over her left shoulder and revealed her high cheesebones and clapped her hands sharply.

“Prepare my bath.”

When she spoke it was in a surprisingly honey soft voice.

“Yes, exalted one.”

She approached the round sunken tub with the lion sculpted taps and saw it had already been partially prepared with a mix of warm water and fresh ass milk. One of the girls canted under her breath as she blessed the perfume of rose oil and violets in the name of Isis and added it to the mix. Arsinoe dipped her left foot into the tub, smiled, and then eased her naked body into the exotic white liquid. The cent pleased her as she let two of the young girls join her in the tub and let them bathe her arms and body. She witnessed and leaned back as her big tits floated above the water line and purred as the special oils and milk were rubbed into her soft skin.

“I am satisfied.”

The willowy brunette is arose from the bath and sat on the edge of the tub. The sweet water ran down her body and dappled her form with tiny droplets. Her nipples were erect and stood out on her heavy breasts as one of the maidens proceeded to dry her with a cotton towel. One by one her feet were anointed with oil made from honey, cinnamon, iris and orange blossoms. Her long hair was raised up high on top of her head in a stylish bun, secured in place with a golden headband and a gold armband was wrapped around her upper right arm. In the form of a snake it wound around her arm until it had the tiny head of the fake hissing viper facing outwards. Finally she stood up and without a word padded off with her enourage in tow.

“I have waited long enough.”

Now prepared the majestic female strode off bare foot to visit her special chamber. Incense burners were in evidence along the way and lamps of fire illuminated the way. Light flickered and danced as Arsinoe strodeproudly down the corridor, her hips and firmly rounded buttocks rolling seductively from side to side Josephine held a basket of hyacinth petals and throw them to the floor for Arsinoe to tread upon as they walked. Arsinoe looked into her bright eyes and noted the timing look on the young girl’s face. Ahead in the shadows the walls on each side of the chamber showed crude illustrations of humans in the act of sexual congress. All manner of sexually explicit positions were depicted as well as scenes of various animals copulating. One improper drawing clearly showed Cleopatra having penetrative sex with her brother Ptolemy.

“My favourite.”

Two columns of marble stand on each side of the entrance as they finally entered the huge chamber and Arsinoe turned her head at the strange cry of Josephine as she gazed the lewd and depraved scene that met her innocent regard.

“Are you shocked?” Said Arsinoe with a malicious grin.

Josephine did not answer as she contemplatedthree tall men in all their naked glory. All three had huge bare chests, chiseled torsos and hide heads. But despite outward appearings they were shackled to the spot by chains that secured their hands behind their tight backsides. Their legs were chained together at the knees and ankles and Josephine’s eyes lingered on their exposed groins. Formed in single file they each had flaccid members that hung down over big ball sacks. She guessed them to be from Germania judging from their blue eyes and fair curls of public hair.

“Ah yes, my beautiful boys. What fun we have shared.”

Arsinoe lifted the chin of the manacled first man and looked up into his eyes. His return gaze was of a pathetic male who had been rendered powerless. Initially by the Roman centurions and now a Queen of Egypt. He was not the only slave who had been purchased by Arsinoe. Joining her already large number of personal slaves were Britons, Germans and Africans. She only chose those who were strong and tall, most of them captured soldiers, beaten by the Romans and transported. Likewise she only chose those women who were blessed with curvaceous bottoms. ripe and juicy for flogging.

“Later, boys. Later.”

Josephine scanned the crowded chamber and saw that there were five beds spaced out down the middle. On the first was a young naked female flat on her belly. An iron collar was around her neck which was attached to chain links that went from her wrists down to her ankles. Such was she secured that her legs were played out in a Y shape. Her raw buttocks bore evidence of having been flogged, her once white rump now a crisis mass.

“Livia was a huge disappointment. I had no alternative but to punish her. Just like Barbara and Julia here. More clumsy girls who need Correction.”

Josephine was pointed to two nude women, side by side with their hands held fast by chains behind their backs. They had been positioned in such a manner that the women were hung almost horizOnly with their bottoms thrust out and back. The young Egyptian referred to as Barbara was about five feet five with medium sized tits, rounded belly and a bubble butt. Her skin was a beautiful dusky colour with no visible blemishes. Barbara shivered as she saw Arsinoe approach.

“So Barbara, you know why I must do this.”

“Yes, my Queen,” came the nervous reply.

“I demand obedience and respect at all times.”

Arsinoe put her right hand out as one of her hand maidens gave her an oiled thong. She ran her hands along the whip and nodded, then looked up with a determined expression. The brutal Queen began a series of strikes on the exposed backside of Barbara who squirmed and compromised from the firey pain of the lashes. The whip danced and coiled as it was rolled out across Barbara. Arsinoe made three quick backhand lashes across both cheats and was pleased to note three thin red stripes that bisected the woman’s half moons. She picked up the pace and Barbara screamd as the whip cut into the plump flesh of her backside. The big tits of Arsinoe jiggled wildly as she spun her upper body and arms to and fro. Her cunt bubbled over to the amoral thrill of her inflicting pain on the poor woman. The ear splitting noise made Josephine put her hands to her ears in a futile attempt to shut out the awful sound. The dark snake of a torture weapon slashed again and again and searing pain contorted the face of the slave girl.


Red blood covered Barbara’s once dusky flesh and nasty looking ridges of torn flesh had risen up. Now Arsinoe took up a flat paddle made of whale bone and turned it over in her hand. It had been poisoned smooth and tapered to a thickness of a half inch. She swished it through the air and smiled at the way it sounded.

“Oh, I love this one.”

She flexed her arm at the elbow several times and Josephine saw her eyes consumed by a rakish fire as she brought the hard rod down on Julia’s left ass cheese. The whale bone made a loud crack on the sweet sweat of the woman’s buttocks which became muted by the scream from the fettered slave. In quick succession Arsinoe spanked Julia on the meat of her nates with a sadistic sneer on her lips. Each smack brought forth strange pleadings from the slave girl which only fed the brutal attack even more. Arsinoe continued with a depraved fervour and attacked the backs of Julia’s tights until the flesh became purple and swollen.

“Please, no more.” Sobbed Julia as she began to Wilt, her buns quivering as she twisted her broken lower body.

Arsinoe looked at the red wheats which were beginning to form and ceased the beating with satisfaction. Between her legs the Egyptian Queen felt her cunt start to moisten nicely as her lubricious excitement grow. Her arms were sweaty and Josephine hurriedly dried them with a cotton cloth. Arsinoe stroked the French girl on the cheek and then pinched it between thumb and fingers.

“How thoughtful. You are doing well. Come.”

As she left she turned back to the beaten slave girls.

“I hope this will teach you both some lessons. As slaves you must be totally subservient and obedient at all times. Have I made myself clear?”

The whimpering slaves croaked an affordable as they slumped on their chains, beaten and bloody. Please and sexually aroused Arsinoe led Josephine by the elbow and steered her past a scene of gross depravity. It was something the young wide eyed girl from Gaul would not forget. A slave girl had been hung up in the air by ropes with her head down and ass up. Her legs were tightly pulled open at right angles to her body and then bent up at the knees. A large naked man was fucking her with exaggerated lungs so that every thrust up shifted the poor female by inches. Arsinoe stopped and watched with a keen interest as the mans thick cock ground up the woman deeper and deeper. Then he cried out and his lower body bucked as he sprayed his cum into the scReaming female. Her cunt streamed semen as he withdraw and Arsinoe applauded enhusiastically.

“By Isis, That puts me in a rather inflamed mood.”

Indeed the air in the chamber was heavy with the smell of incense, sex and also…blood. Arsinoe stopped by the largest of the beds and positioned herself on her back. She spread her long legs open and fingered her moistened sex. A handmaiden was already in attendance and offered her Queen an alabaster cup of red wine. Arsinoe drank with audible slurps, spilling some of the drink down her ample cleavage before tossing it away.

“How tiredesome. Josephine, be a dear and clean me up. With your tongue.”

Josephine froze momentarily but had quickly sized up the situation. To refuse would mean a terrible beating for certain. In a flash she slowly slipped The straps of her white gown off of her shoulders and her flimsy attire slipped effortlessly to the stone floor. As she stood there stark naked Arsinoe nodded in approval at her perky, well shaped tits and plump pussy.

“VERY good girl. I think you are quite a smart young thing.”

Josephine felt her face blush and her heart hammer in her chest as she crawled up between the open legs of her mistress. On her knees she made for the rounded belly and flattened her tongue with which she painted a wide stripe of saliva up in a straight line to Arsinoe’s heavy breasts. Careful to avoid contact with the dark that of Arsinoe’s snatch and thereby teasing her mistress Josephine sucked on the left globe greedily. Arsinoe witnessed as her nipple was nibbled and flicked at as the other was pinched in Josephine’s fingers.

“Nice touch.”

Once the spilled wine was dealt with Josephine began to retreat and kissed the soft swell of belly lightly. Josephine made a humming noise with her lips as they finally made contact with Arsinoe’s shaft and the pleasant vibrations sent glorious sensings through the Egyptian Queen. Her legs widened further as the youngslave girl her dozens of light butterfly kisses all around the plump pussy and Arsinoe leaked juices profusely down the crack of her ass.

“Lick my cunt.”

Josephine made a point of her tongue and ran it up and down the vertical slit with a nodding head. Gradually she poked inside the wet inner folders, one stall here and then two which became a veritable onslaught. Arsinoe grabbed the girl by the hair and thrust her face into her cunt and arched her back at the same time. And when her clip received some undue attention Arsinoe shrieked with glee.

“By the gods!”

As her heart beat like mad Arsinoe felt the tongue delve inside her very wet hole followed by a slender finger which slipped in with ease. Josephine was surprised at the smell of a woman and now eagerly licked up from the bottom to the top of the oozing cunt. Arsinoe gripped Josephine by her shoulders, unable to restrain herself and came with howls and much panting.

“I am ready for a mans touch.” She said as she slowly recovered. “You there! Yes you!”

A tall and very naked man with a mass of ginger curls stepped forward from the shadows where he had witnessed the erotic lesbian tryst just moments ago. His cock was as stiff as a rod as he stood by the bed in a somewhat nervous state.

“Ah yes. The new Briton.”

She eyed his erection with a degree of smugness as she turned over onto her front.

“I take it you regard me as attractive?” She referred to his boss that stood out at a jaunty angle.

“Very much so, my Lady. I hope I show no offence.”

“On the contrary. I am most flattered. Of course coming from Briton there is not much competition. I believe the women there resemble men they are so ugly. Any way, bring the new dark one. Immediately.”

“At once.”

Barely two minutes later the Briton returned with a huge and hulking specimen of manhood. The dark man must have been six feet and then some. Totally hairless his sculpted body was almost a work of art. Black as night was he with astonishing torso and abs. He looked straight ahead, his eyes peering out of a low browser that gave him an aloof expression. His legs never seemed to end as Arsinoe widened her eyes as she scrutinised his flaccid member. Even in its dormant state it was bigger than most men and was a sight to behold. The African had his skin oiled liberally and he glinted under the lamps with a pleasant warm copper tone.

“Ah yes, another acquisition from the West coast. I have been looking forward to this.”

She turned to Josephine and pointed to the mans groin.

“Be a dear and get him hard, would you?”

Josephine gulped as she looked at the well endowed black man. Never had she seen such a thing, let alone touch one. She took a couple of deep breaths and nodded. Without hesitation she approached the patient giant and he quickly stiffened as his balls and dick were stroked in small hands. Josephine moistened her lips and took his knob into her mOut with eyes closed. She paused with it in and then let him out with a snort.

“Continue, ’tis most fascinating.”

She obeyed and as she stroked the pulsing hot meat her left cheek bulged as she jammed him inside her filled mouth. The man showed signs of animation as his hips rocked to and fro. Both women were in disbelief at the massive cock that now stood straight up with a bloated head and burly Shaft. Josephine’s saliva ran down the underside and pooled between his big purple plums.

“By the goddess Isis, I’m so wet for this huge cock.”

As the young Gaul gobbled him up Arsinoe sat back on the bed and played with her dripping pussy. Josephine gagged and had to release the big hose just as her mistress pushed her away and laid flat on her back.

“To me, man of Africa.”

The African snorted and slipped his huge cock up into the wet cunt of Arsinoe and his thick girl stretched her to her limits. Arsinoe cried out and throw her head back in ecstasy as he fucked her with forceful strokes. His taut buttocks clnched in concentration as he humped up and down on her lithe frame, and her hands smoothed out on his large biceps.

“So big!”

The black cock filled her so much it was hitting spots that no man had ever managed to reach. She bucked up which made him drive up inside her even further, so desperate was she to be fucked. On and on he thrust into her keeping up a Steady tempo as he moved back and forth. His thick thighs met hers and her eyes rolled back into her head as her cunt creamed on his prick.


He grunted and sweat poured from his body onto hers as he stepped up the pace. She thrashed her head from side to side and her hips came up from the bed as strong arms lifted her. Not surprisingly Josephine slide her hand between her thighs and pressed down hard on her stiff cliporis. The nipples on her breasts stood out as she played with herself beside the rutting couple. Arsinoe seemed dwarfed by the mans muscular frame and his well oiled flesh spread lotion all over the woman’s breasts.


Angain he groaned as long nails raked his broad back and drew blood where they dug in hard.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh!”

“You’re going to shoot, aren’t you. Continue and I shall catch it.”

Josephine had become mesmerised by the thick black length of turgid flesh that disappeared inside her mistress and then reappeared slick and shiny. She saw his toes dig in the bed and his calves tighten as he pulled out and moved up Arsinoe’s body. All nine inches of his price were massaged by her hand as she brought the man to climax. He began to spurt and she did her very best to catch his cum on her tongue as she pumped his cock with both hands. There was so much cum that Josephine expected the Queen to drop as she drank down all of his white sauce.


Arsinoe rolled over and voted the semen from her gullet just as quickly as she had sucked it all down.

“It is rancid! I am most upset! What does this wretch eat? Shit?”

She continued to choke and spit and the whole chamber became hushed. Most of the men drew nearer and the one Briton caught the eye of the furious woman and recognized his path to glory.


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