The Other Boy Ch. 01

I was somehow surprised with the news. Surprised and helped excited with the thought of having to share my Mistress with another guy. He would be also her slave… so, not too bad! I’ve always dreamed of being part of a male harem… She gave me the news at a wonderful Italian restaurant: I was quite intrigued by her evening choice. She knew my Italian blood craved now and then for pasta and bringing the alpha male, that I am, to Fabrizio, elegantly dressed, had something hidden for sure.

She looked, as always, gorgeous. She was tall and not exactly on the thin side, but her beauty, her natural power, her outfit choice, those high heels, those dresses that stigmatized her full feminine forms, the general make-up, just an inch before the too much, made every men, each and every one, collapse before the magic force of nature, of strong and devastating beauty. No one could remain independent before her.

The antipasti came and, with it, the chosen Chianti. I did all thechoosing: when I am out with Mistress on alpha male mode, I am, in fact, the alpha male. She likes it too. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be her slave if I wasn’t first class: success, looks, body, mind, all come to thoughtful consideration by Mistress before picking her boys. In fact, the distribution between woman and male in this lifestyle allows women to be so demanding. Being who she was though, should the ratio drop and she would still be able to choose among the best. Let me make her justice.

With the first glass of wine came the disclosing of the news. You know I am a demanding woman, don’t you, she said. I know you are, Rachel (obviously, as an alpha male I had the right to call her by her name), a wonderful and demanding woman. I stood mind like water waiting for her to keep going. And you are Very… metro sexual, aren’t you, she continued. Yes… I replied, now thinking the worst. Well… you metro guys are always a bit gay, aren’t you? Not exactly, Mistress, saidthe slave (the alpha male was gone). Don’t tell me you found a lover? I said in a low tone, picking the glass of wine and drinking it as if I just crossed Sahara. She laughed loudly, turning room’s attention to us. No, you silly! I want to know how you feel about sharing your Mistress with another slave! I just found another wonderful, 28 years old, bright, beautiful, very submissive and also metro boy: he is just like you, raffy! And you know I love you so… I want two of you! She laughed again and my heart beat came back to normal values.

I said yes. I find it hard to resist both Mistress and Ego, so I had to say yes. When will join us, I asked. She grabbed my hand, caressed it and said in a low tone: it is a surprise. In fact, I Know you will find it a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t that convinced myself, but, I was starting to enjoy the idea. I knew all about her imagination so I had nothing to fear, or better still, I had everything to fear. She ordered me back to alpha mode and so we finished dinner as a romantic couple in love.

We left the restaurant hand in hand, towards the car. She stopped and with both her hands, held my head, turned it to her and kissed me with such password and lust that I could not help my masculinity from rising as if that woman was the first one I kissed. We reached the car, I sat on driver’s seat after opening her door, and she turned to me, unzipping my pants and, in that parking lot, she gave me a fantastic blowjob! She was tremendously excited, her full lips left some of their redness in my cock, and her throat managed its tip, now in, now out, making the full trip with an excellent pace. She knew how to do it and did it very well that evening. I was debased and came with the force of a gun after an embarrassing short period of time. That was too much for me to handle: two, three, Maybe more, people passed by us… She didn’t leave a drop out. She was playing with her pussy while doing the job and keep doing so after myfinish, standing straight in the seat and swallowing and licking my cum. One of her breasts was out of the dress and I dared to suck the nipple and biting it a little, leading her to a nice orgasm screaming: bite your Mistress tits! I know my Mistress well and knew also that a twist on our roles at the finish line would bring her to climax. It is always like that. Afterwards we shared a kiss with her two moist fingers and I got to taste both her and myself. Home, she said, after fixing her make-up and clothing, and off we went.

While I was driving, I was thinking: why did she do this? It was the second time in almost a year that she did such a treatment to me. It is Friday night… she always has me excited and unreleased at Friday nights. Guessing my thoughts she said: did you like it? Yes, I answered. See, here is Another good point in sharing your Mistress, she added. Those words puzzled me for a while, but, as soon as we got home, the puzzle got solved.

I opened the door, leting Mistress in, and after closing it behind me, and preparing to undress, I saw it: kneeing on the floor, hopelessly bound, with a huge dildo on his ass and another one strapped in his mouth, there he was. His cock was held in a CB3000 device: my CB3000 device! He was blindfolded, and, since Mistress doesn’t allow me to talk in the house without her permission, he didn’t notice me. I finished my striping While Mistress released the dildo from his ass. I knelt on the floor, in waiting position, and got really scarred when Mistress came to me with that dildo in her hand. I was well trained and, as she showed me three fingers, I assumed the “disposable” position and let Mistress plug the dildo up my ass… She saw my disgusted face and whispered in my ear: do you want it in your mouth instead? I nodded no, saying please with my eyes, and while feeling the thing in my ass, got another incredible hard on…


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