I gripped Emily’s tighter, hearing that change in her voice. Moans slowly turning into squeaks, shorter and coming out with difficulty, as if my tongue was stealing the breath from her lungs. Those beautiful noises coming from my girlfriend surging my efforts, knowing she was close, knowing I had been told to make her cum. Knowing how desperate I was to do as I was told.
It had been six months Since Goddess Zara entered both of our lives, the woman currently standing behind me, her hand running through my hair, keeping my head pushed into Emily’s pussy. Six months of turning our sex life on its head, introducing us both to a world we never knew existed. A world of servitude, denial, pain, and pleasures that generally shocked and surprised both of us.
Don’t get me wrong, sex before Goddess Zara was great. But it was…the same. We both knew what would happen. Emily came most times, me every time selfishly, just going through the motions of being a couple in love. Zara didn’t go through motions. She made them. Smashed through them. Burned them to the ground, rebuilding and shaping them however she saw fit in that moment. She was a force of nature, one who had swept my girlfriend and I along for the ride.
It took one night for Emily and I to be utterly devoted to her.
Emily met her through a friend, yoga I believe, and she quickly pried out close to Every secret she owned. I didn’t blow her, the same was done to me, those piercing eyes demanded honesty, devotion, you simply didn’t have any other option. Zara arranged a meeting with both of us a few days later, staring at us from across a tiny table at one of our favourite coffee shops, watching as we both squirmed, spilling secret after secret, some we hadn’t even had the courage to share with one Another.
Two nights later and we both knelt at her feet in our living room, matching cuffs around our wrists and ankles. She teach us about limits, safewords, servitude, ownership, so many new facets of bdsm to explore. We took to each one with a fury, side-by-side with the woman I loved at the feet of Goddess Zara, immediately hooked by her control.
She let me know immediately that I would never fuck her, would barely be allowed to touch her for that matter, and not a single part of me cared. Easily one of the hottest fucking women I had ever laid my eyes on, and the only thought surging Through my head was pleasing her, serving her, hearing the wordsgood boy leave those beautiful lips. Emily loved my reaction to our new dynamic immediately, neither of us having to deal with any shred of jealousy.
I watched that first night, hogtied on our coffee table, as she had Emily between her legs, licking pussy for the first time in her life. I watched as she pulled Emily into her lap, listening as she whimpered and came louder than I had ever witnessed before, her face in such a beautifully euphoric state. My cock pulsed, aching for something it didn’t understand, yet I just smiled.
As she left, informing me that she was now my Goddess, and Emily’s Mistress, I was given permission to fuck my own girlfriend for the first time. The days of freely having sex were over, the notion that I now needed my Goddess to allow it fueled some of the most intense feelings of desire I had to that beautiful woman I shared a life I had ever dealt with.
After that first night, screaming into the air as I came inside her, we both cried in each other’s arms, forever changed from the experience. I accepted whatever control Goddess Zara requested, wanting to see that blush, that smile, that glowing happiness she brought Emily, as well as the warmth I felt in that position. Emily too eagerly listened as Zara laid out some rules to follow, right beside me in her devotion to this mysterious, powerful woman.
Six incredible, wonderful months later, I found myself kneeing on the floor, my cock locked in the familiar cage I had grown accustomed to,licking Emily’s pussy exactly how I had been taught, listening to her ride my tongue to a fourth orgasm of the evening, my own denied to me for an entire week. I gently and slowly licked, knowing she’d be too sensitive for anything else, waiting for my Goddess to pull me away.
Zara did indeed, the grip in my hair tightening to lift my gaze to hers, a proud look on her face as she stared down at me, her sub. “Good boy.” The words coursed through me, having such control and power over my emotions, immediately blushing deeply in her arms. My cock throbbed against the cage, constantly ready to release, especially after several days.
“Are you excited to cum tonight, my pet?” My blush deepened as I nodded, never taking my eyes off my beautiful Goddess.
“Yes Goddess.” I said, her touch soothing me as I feel her other hand on my chest, holding me in place. Emily smiled from the bed, always enjoying the effects Zara had over me.
“Was it on your mind all day, hmmmm?” Again I blushed, softly moaning as she pulled me closer to lean against her powerful legs.
“Always Goddess.” I said honestly. “Every moment since you’ve come into our lives it’s been at the forefront of my mind, sharing the space of my desire for you both.”
“Awwwwwwwww!” Emily squeaked, moving to the edge of the bed to get closer, her head in her hands as she stared at me. Goddess Zara just smiled.
“Smooth, my pet. Quite smooth.” I smiled, never looking away through that intense stare, piercing through my soul as she held me there.
“I suppose,” Goddess continued, “that you have earned it.” She looked across at Emily, her eyes slightly tired, showing the effect of so many orgasms in one night. “Right, my dear?”
Emily giggled. “Yes Mistress! His tongue is incredible since you trained him.” She blushed, staring up at Zara. “Can you do it like last time? I really liked that…”
Goddess Zara laughed, her gaze returning to me as she ran a hand along the side of my face. “Yes, I think that is a great idea for my talented little pet.” She leaned down to whisper in my ear, an act that always immediately forced my cock to ache in its prison.
“I have a new way for you to earn the right to fuck your girlfriend from now on…so tonight will just be a milking.” I gulped, internally slightly disappointed that I wouldn’t get to fuck Emily, being given permission to slam my cock into her after so long often fueled my imagination through tough days. But I nodded, thanking my Goddess for the chance to cum, to be free from my tiny cage that stayed with me so often now.
Excitedly, Emily bounced off the bed, helping Goddess set up the stand that she often used to tease or milk me. Everything about my servitude to Zara seemed to bring a smile to her face, giggling as she rubbed my cage each night, listening to me groan. Her favourite was looking across the room at me, bound in place, my gagged stifling the moans I couldn’t control, watching as Goddess Zara gave her the fucking that was denied to me, her strap-on forcing Emily to cum, scream, giggle, and moan as she watched me in my angonising denial.
Goddess took my hand, leading me to the position she requested, soon finding my wrists and ankles clipped into place. I felt the wooden board I was bent over, knowing soon my cock would be strapped to it, nowhere to go as fingers, tongues, and vibrators were slowly used to drive me insane. Whether it would be a full-mind bending orgasm, or a frustrating ruin, locked up with no relief to the need that surged through my body, was something Goddess Zara kept to herself.
I was a passenger in her imagination, her control over me and my girlfriend. Although the hardships that came with being in that role, the frustrations, the intensity emotions, the inner turmoil of not being the ‘man’ in a relationship…I never hesitated to knee at her feet. It felt right, like I had finally found my place in the world.
It felt like home.
I groaned in appreciation as my cage was removed, Goddess carefully slipping off the ring from my balls.
“Mmmmmmmmm, always so eager, aren’t we pet?” I whimpered, my cock instantly growing against the wooden board, trapped to throb against it. A thin but strong strap went across near the head of my cock, firmly trapping it in place for her amusement. Completely exposed, at her mercy, I shook with excitement as she ran hands over my ass and thighs.
Emily continued to giggle next to my Goddess. “I love how it twitches, Mistress!” Eyes wide, she knelt down at her feet, grinning as Zara smiled.
“Would you like to tease him for a bit, my dear? While I get something ready?”
Emily grinned all the more. “Yes please, Mistress Zara.” A hand gently patted her head, followed by a deep kiss on her lips. With permission, Emily scooted closer, her tongue now running up and down the shake of my cock, lingering to flick against my sensitive head.
My entire body Shook, feeling as if I’d instantly cum, terrified I’d do so without the permission of my Goddess. I wasn’t the only one who had been trained these past six months though, Emily knowing every one of my tells, able to keep me on edge for hours at the request of her Mistress. A task she was far too eager to do, listening to me whimper in agoy, left tantalisingly close to my orgasm, yet unable to experience it.
Goddess smiled at Emily, knowing how much she enjoyed teasing me. I moaned as she slip a gag into my mouth, instantly muffling my desperate noises. A blindfold came next, tightly wrapping the fabric around my eyes, leaving me trapped in my own mind, senses now focused solely on my cock, and what was being done to it. I while with need, but that teasing tongue never ceased.
“Shhhhhh, there there my pet.” Goddess Zara’s voice soothed me, her hands returning to comfort my frustrations, running through my hair with ease. “I want you to just relax, feel every part of what isat I have planned for you, and think of the delicious surprise that is in store at the end of it all.” I whimpered softly, feeling her lips gently kiss my forehead, before leaving me to the darkness.
I heard Emily whine as Zara shooed her away, sitting on her heels and pouting, her fun of edging and torqueing me now over. Goddess wrapped a band around my balls, tightening them and pulled up from my cock, Almost hovering mid-air and perfectly presented. She offered me a few taps with her hand, listening with a smile as I protected, unable to mount any form of defense. Helpless and exposed, I simply let myself fall under the control of my Goddess, submitting to whatever was in store for me.
“Poor Rory,” Goddess Zara said, rubbing a crop against my balls, watching as I shivered from the familiar leather feeling. “Always such a good pet, yet always ends up in the same, precarious position.” She looked down to Emily, winding as she raised the crop. “Shall we make him dance?”
The crop answered for her, coming down on my tied up and exposed balls, forcing a slight scream from my gag. A finger rubbed against the head of my cock, feeling it pulse, trapped in place, while the crop flicked back down on its target. The sharp pain rushed through me, making my entire body shake with each whack, unable to know when each one was coming. Over and over, tears in my eyes I cried, my cock throbbing to cum, balls beginning to redden for the amusement of my Goddess.
As always was the case, Goddess stopped just before I used my safeword, seeming to read my mind every time she pushed me. I cried into the blindfold, wetting the fabric as she calmed me, hands running over my ass and cock. I felt Emily’s lips on my face, kissing all over trying to soothe the pain that I felt radiating from my balls, her soft giggles from seeing me so not helping in the slightest.
I groaned, shivering as I felt fingers disappear into my ass, immediately my mind being torn away from the aching pain in my balls. Goddess ran her fingers in circles around my g-spot, pushing in and out as I whimpered into the gag, my cock throbbing against the binds that held it. When I came close to my orgasm, tip toeing close to the edge, Zara held her fingers completely still, her other hand rubbing my cockhead slowly, small tiny circles slowly driving me insane.
Expertly, she pushed me back and forth between the Two different, equally powerful stimulations. Pulled from edge to edge so perfectly, I once again assumed she could read my mind. The first time she did this exercise on me Goddess explained that she was reading my body, how it twitched, reacted, my moans, the quivering in my legs. Yet, each time she stopped at the exact moment, before one more touch would cause me to exploit, thrusting over the edge into that orgasm I so desperately craved…
Yup, mind reader. Definitely.
Given a nod by Goddess Zara, Emily relieved me of the gag, moaning and stretching my jaw after it was freed. She giggled, biting my ear as she whispered into it, a string of devilishly naughty thoughts poured directly into my imagination, unable to respond from what was being done to my cock and asshole. As she gripped my face with both hands, I kissed her eagerly when her lips found mine, moaning against the love of my life’s face as I was tormented.
I heard Goddess let out a happy sigh, her fingers disappearing from my body. The glove that I assumed had been in my ass discarded, she returned to rubbing my cheeks, gripping and toying with them as I whimpered under her control.
“Well, you’ve been such a good boy tonight, Rory. The perfect little pet for me.” I moaned, those words bringing a proud blush to my face.
“Thank you, my Goddess.” Emily giggled once More, hearing the verbalisation of my devotion to her Mistress.
“I suppose it’s time to show you the first part of your surprise tonight.” Beckoning Emily to her side, I nearly screamedWhen I felt the vibrator slowly running up and down my cock, a low hum against the shake, stopping short of my cock head. An encouraged hand rubbed my ass as the vibrator coursed through my body, that ache to cum instantly returned from being edged so thoroughly before.
Goddess offered my ass a few light taps, saying a phrase that I didn’t often hear, yet one that was constantly at the forefront of my mind.
“You may cum for me, pet.” So simple, elegant, the vibrator slipping down to press against the head of my cock, as if hearing those beautiful words from my Goddess weren’t encouragement enough. I gasped, barely able to breathe as I felt my cock harden against the bind, pulsing jets of cum beneath me as my orgasm slammed into me, the surge of cum leaving my body nearly leaving me unconscious.
Finding my breath, I screamed as I felt the orgasm ripped out of me, legs barely supporting my body as they quivered, shaking uncontrollably in my binds. Emily squealed with dlight, my Goddess just her signature chuckle, picturing that knowing smile on her face. The vibrator slowly moved up and down my head, forcing every single drip of cum out of my cock, unable to escape as it throbbed.
“Oh fuck, Goddess. Thank you thank you thank you thank you.” Over and over I said it, unable to fully express my gratitude any more significantly.
“You’re welcome, my pet,” she said, patting my ass with her free hand, vibrator never leaving my cock. “But we are far from finished.” My cock now sensitive, squirmed to escape the vibrator to no avail, whimpering as I felt it being tightly pressed against me, the power slowly increasing. Held in place, I assumed by rope or tape, my poor cock was trapped between wood and agonising viruses, getting far more than it bargained for.
“Come,” Goddess Zara said to Emily, hearing her pull my girlfriend to the bed, “he’s not going anywhere.” Soon the sounds of her moans filled the room, Emily’s tongue not only trained to edge my poor cock, now demanding my entire attention, soon feeling another orgasm surging through my body.
I whimpered and shook through each of my orgasms, slowly going insane from the over stimulation. Hearing my Goddess moan along with me, Emily all too happy to serve her, only fueled my imagination even further, helping the cum out of my body. Once more I cried, tears filling my eyes, this time for a Very, very, very different reason.
After a time I felt the vibrator slowed and stopped, taken away from my now twitching cock. Goddess smiled as I was taken off the stand, unable to walk without both of their help. She rested my head in her lap, allowing me to recover as I closed my eyes, feeling her fingers running through my hair. Emily rested on her thighs alongside me, playingfully poking at my nose while I gently swatted her away.
Slowly, Goddess cupped my chin, forcing me to look up into those beautifully intense eyes. “Are you all right now, my pet?” I sighed, smiling as I nodded, the intensity emotions in my body finally subsiding. Zara leaned down to kiss my and Emily’s foreheads, patting both of our cheeses.
“Good pets.” With a firm gesture, I went off the bathroom to get cleaned up, returning to help tidy up all the toys from our little night of fun. Goddess held up my cage, quickly kneeing in front of her so it could be locked around my cock, temporary freedom finally revoked. The internal lock slide into place, the key disappearing into her bag as she smiled, playingfully tapping on my sore balls with her foot.
“Now,” she said, pulling my head back to stare up at her, that dominating presence suddenly filling the room. “Are you ready for the second part of your surprise, my pet?” I gulped, a soft moan escaping my lips as I nodded, terrified by the intensity in Her eyes. Rarely did that equal to a good thing for me.
Goddess Zara smiled, bringing up a collar in her hands to clip around my neck. Followed by the click of her leash, I slowly fell down to my hands, crawling behind her as I was led to the spot beside the bed I knew all too well. A little metal loop that I had installed months ago, hidden beneath the comforter, now keep me tightly in place on my knees, my eyes now fixed on the bed, Emily currently lying down, a curious and eager look in her eyes.
I feel my hands cuffed behind me, kneeing in place just how I had been taught. Goddess Zara slowly sat down on the bed, Emily now peeking over her shoulder, staring at her phone. She fiddled with her screen for a few moments before smiling, satisfied with what she wished to accomplish.
“There,” she said, turning her phone around to show me a timer. I was no stranger to them, Goddess had used them many times in the past to determine my lockups, often giving control to strangers, friends, even the internet. So far three weeks had been my longest time caged, taken out for edges and cleanings, yet my balls had never been fuller. It was agony, somehow the worst and best feeling in the world.
However, my eyes were immediately drawn to a button I didn’t recognize. A new button. And if it worked as I assumed…a terrifying button.
“Oh, fuck.”
“What, what, lemme see!” Emily squirmed, looking at the timer as Goddess Zara turned the phone to show her. Her eyes lit up, a hand raised to cover her mouth. “Wow…” Our owner smiled, seeing the expected reactions from her subs.
“Yes, I was quite proud after coming up with this idea.” She turned the phone back around, letting my eyes linger on the screen, my cock throbbing in fear in its cage.
“As you have no doubt investigated, Rory, this is a one week timer for your lock-up period.” I whimpered, my body shaking as I listened to my Goddess. “However, this fun little button here, when pressed, adds twelve whole hours to your time.” I gulped, slowly raising my eyes to stare into hers, seeing the fire behind them.
“A button that will be pressed every time your wonderful little Emily here…cums.” Goddess Zara leaned in, whispering softly in my ear. “Every. Single. Time.” She gripped my hair, both hands holding my head as she stared down at me. I while, my body shaking, knowing that from now on every time I made my love cum it would extend my own denial.
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